Let's Talk About Lust Combat

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
It's precisely because the game is about TFs that their being purely cosmetic is important.

Honestly I cant argue with that, I may sound like I just did  backflip of opinion but in my ealyer post I was a bit sleep deprived so im blameing that.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
tl;dr: "I wanna be the best snowflake but I wanna be a special snowflake that looks the way I want it to and it's unfair if an ability I want is tied to a part I don't want so no parts should get abilities" -1/2 of the player base
        "I want every part to have abilities (so long as the parts I want happen to have the best abilities)" -other 1/2 of the player base
        "I sincerely don't care" -a few players who aren't the main demographic for these games

More like 5%, 5%, and 90% respectively. Silent (Vast) Majority probably don't know or care.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
More like 5%, 5%, and 90% respectively. Silent (Vast) Majority probably don't know or care.

True, I only considered posters and didn't take into account the silent mass. My numbers make the vocal minority sound less whiny concerned though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Still can't help but feel that it's a massive waste: to have so many weird sexy things performed by various aliens that authors has already thought out and described, often in detail, and to not use them for spicing up PC's lust arsenal


Active Member
Feb 11, 2016
Lust kind of snowballs. Your power with lust attack increases when you can afford Sexiness gear, increase your tease skills, and if you choose to use Lust weapons. The problem though is that the capacity for things being defeated by Lust remains constant with only a few cases of enemies 'healing' their lust damage.

The sense function feels useless after a while. Once you have one of your tease skills high enough it  seem to matter what you use it on and it's always effective especially when you start get Sexiness gear. I think enemies interest in your type of tease should matter a lot more for resisting it. It might also add a little more interesting if enemies become more resistant to your lust attack if you tease with the same type each time?

It's weird that you have body armor on yet something like a bra still effects how sexy you are in combat without removing the armor first. Most armors should probably penalize Sexiness gains from undergarments unless you strip mid combat or something. Having Sexiness penalties on some armors themselves could also be an option for the sake of keeping things simple.

Maybe lust weapons can be another type of attack you can use rather than replacing your physical weapons. Though, if that happened their stats would definitely need a reduction. One of the problems with Lust s that there are enemy types that are completely immune to lust damage so in that case you're potentially doomed to lose at the start of the battle.

Lust based abilities would be cool. Maybe ones you have to learn somehow rather than starting with?

Maybe the Willpower stat could increase lust 'HP' or to lust attacks?

Libido could also be related to increasing lust damage rather than just simply grinding out tease skills. It doesn't do a whole lot in the game. There's only a few functions you can perform by having high Libido like public masturbation and longer sex scenes.

More enemies focused on teasing you to death? All enemies do physical and lust damage but it might be nice if some enemies didn't do any physical damage and just resorted to lust damage. If they were more dangerous in that way getting lust resist would matter more especially since a player can't be immune to lust attacks.

Tease attacks seem to ignore blind. If an enemy is blinded sexual displays should probably be less effective as they can't really be seen too well. You could say it should effect the users as well. If someone is teasing you but looking off in some random direction it probably wouldn't be quite as hot as looking you in the eye.

Lust damage affecting physical is possibly another place it could touch. For example, when your lust starts to get high it could affect your chance to hit or evade.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Really combat as a whole needs to be reworked. Merc and Smuggler don't really feel too different and Tech is only special by virtue of drone which isn't even mandatory. I'm tempted to say that introducing a 4th class based on lust might be a good idea along with making the original 3 a bit more best at their own thing, whilst being able to do some of the stuff that the others do.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2016
Brainwave: Have another variety of TFs which give abilities without affecting cosmetics (too much). Maybe limit the amount a character can have at one time for some semblance of balance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Brainwave: Have another variety of TFs which give abilities without affecting cosmetics (too much). Maybe limit the amount a character can have at one time for some semblance of balance.

Someone once had the idea of slottable racials that could be acquired via quests that do not change your appearance. I think that would have been a good middle ground.