Hmmm. hell, why not?
6 foot 1, kind of a big all round guy (broad shoulders and all that).
Currently in last part of my first year at university. I am gunning for a mechanical engineering degree specializing in mechatronics, yeah, a mouthful but that's the actual name. Fun story: During this first year my workshop and lab partner (which is as dumb as they come) almost, talking about no more than three inches, nailed my hand into a table with a 12d nail (about 3 inches and a bit more in length) shot from a nail gun. Another time he actually blow torched a glass bottle to try and change its shape, didn't work. It exploded and sent shards everywhere, he got cut and went to the infirmary and guess who had to clean all that mess up.
Also working part-time at a decent local restaurant as some form of number crunching monkey that says if the day's quota has been made and if any inventory is uncounted for. Hooray for minimal wage, not that i'm complaining.
Hobbies... hobbies, hobbies, hobbies... I don't think I do have any, I regularly visit the gym and that's about it. The time consumed by uni and work doesn't leave me with much free time. Found this place about a year ago, not much I know, and it kind of has become a place where everything happens, ranging from ideas or concepts to roleplay and all the awesome projects here. So the small hour window I have in my day normally ends up here lurking, reading plenty but posting scarcely.
Questions? ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ