So, who are you guys irl?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
6' Male whos hobby is gaming. Namely JRPGS or Harvest Moon. Or Civ 5 or Gmod...or SC2...Yeah...I play ALOT of games.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Male. Currently studying to become a machine engineer with a bachelor degree, I have like one and a half year left. I have no idea what I´m gonna do after this. Hopefully I´ll get some inspiration when we start with more practical work.

I´m quite the dreamer always fantasizing, I would love to try writing down some of my ideas, but I currently lack confidence...and drive force...too much anime...

But my goal for now, besides finishing my bachelor degree, is getting to actually sit down and write something.

My hobbies are anime, manga, gaming, fantasizing.

...and hentai, eroges and smut...("Me, you, the human race, we´re all huge porn lovers")

My favorite game series is Kingdom Hearts :D  


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I'm a 5'5'' male, average weight, tri-lingual (English, Spanish, Italian), and uh pretty normal over all I suppose. 

I'm currently in my 4th year of Uni working on my History Degree, planning on being a college professor eventually and teach the stuff. Got into history thanks to my love of trivia and games/shows/movies that referenced history. Would love to just be done with the damn classes already, way too much paper writing and reading in history, which I've come to regret especially this semester since I got 4 history classes. Never ever do that unless you wanna drown in reading boring texts on stuff you don't care about! I love history, but the sort of stuff that you're required to take classes for is boring as shit, never anything cool like forgotten Empires or political intrigue.

Which reminds me, I should probably stop procrastinating and write that paper I got due soon.... 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Shit, I might have to become one then if other trades don't work out. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015

English bloke, turning 21 in February, passed my A-Levels a couple of years back, currently working on the shop floor at a window factory due to laziness/not having a fucking clue what I want to do with my life. About 6' 4", average build- not scrawny, but not Tubs McGee either. Hobbies include vidya, lewds, reading and music (the latter only really became a hobby recently, haven't worked out what I'm into yet). Interested in writing, but interest and motivation are two very different things. Don't really have any IRL friends, partly due to shyness and partly due to me having all the in-person social charisma of a fucking brick.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015


7'11 feet tall pretty bulky in 2nd year college trying to get into law enforcement want to become a swat officer (pays 97,000 bucks a year pretty sweet) currently living off of 2 jobs as a gun range instructor and a private tutor (no i dont do cheeky stuff with my students) i want to murder my father hes a serious fucking disgrace of a human being mother is sweet but is insanely religous to the point where she yells at random kiddos on the street for being the devil on halloween all siblings dead i have about 3 in person friends and holy shit this has gone way to far into my life, hobbies are:boxing,gaming,swearing,drinking,reading,attempting suicide 4 times a year and thats it. (and i still suck with puncuation and capalization got dyslexia takes me hours to write stuff)
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Sep 4, 2015
7'11 feet tall pretty bulky in 2nd year college trying to get into law enforcement want to become a swat officer (pays 97,000 bucks a year pretty sweet) currently living off of 2 jobs as a gun range instructor and a private tutor (no i dont do cheeky stuff with my students) i want to murder my father hes a serious fucking disgrace of a human being mother is sweet but is insanely religous to the point where she yells at random kiddos on the street for being the devil on halloween all siblings dead i have about 3 in person friends and holy shit this has gone way to far into my life, hobbies are:boxing,gaming,swearing,drinking,reading,attempting suicide 4 times a year and thats it. (and i still suck with puncuation and capalization got dyslexia takes me hours to write stuff)

*Wipes sweat off my forehead* Well things have certainly taken a darker turn. I hope you get that position on the swat team and that things work out nicely with you in the future.

Me, I'm an ABC (Australian Born Chinese), and can speak both English and Cantonese. I can't write in Cantonese though. I'm 171cm tall (I have no clue what that is in feet). I'm turning 23 in a week and a bit and am finishing my double major in Games Technology and Computer Science. Actually I'm going to finish my last exam in two days (what am I doing here?). I hope to find a job in my passion for games! (Please! I'll do anything! Please hire me?)

Hobbies include: gaming, casual sports, martial arts, gyming, anime/manga, reading, and failing to write my own stories (plz halp).


New Member
Nov 7, 2015
5'11", 21 y/o, 4th Year Business/CIS student at Uni in the United States, with very few hobbies outside of technology. I've been getting more into game design recently, and trying to rally my ragtag group of friends to help produce a Visual Novel, RPG, or anything 'adult-themed' to contribute to the community that has given so much fap material over the years, haha. I'd like to graduate and become a Server Admin or a Security Specialist, but we will see how the dice roll there. Hobbies are reading, playing/losing in the stock market, and anime. I'm currently loving the Visual Novel 'Fruit of Grisaia', and if finals don't kill me this coming week I plan to be much more active. 

Pleasure to meet all of you!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
 (and i still suck with puncuation and capalization got dyslexia takes me hours to write stuff)

You think that's hard try having dyslexia and having to translate every word into another language just to try and figure out others are saying.

Me, I'm an ABC (Australian Born Chinese)

Hobbies include: gaming, casual sports, martial arts, gyming, anime/manga, reading, and failing to write my own stories (plz halp).

The ABC thing made me laugh.

What kind of stories are you trying to write?


Sep 4, 2015
The ABC thing made me laugh.

What kind of stories are you trying to write?

Well, right now I'm writing a fanfic as practice. So it's horribly boring and drones on forever. It's a RWBY fanfic. It's alright though, I have a friend helping me already and helping me understand where I went wrong. The "plz halp" is more of a self-deprecating joke than an actual cry for help. :negative:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Female, average height, fairly plump.

I'm a college student in France (studying English as a foreign language and North American culture), but don't really know what I'm gonna do in the future. Last year I was studying biology, but turns out working in labs is really not my thing. Aside from close family, most of my social interactions happen on the internet (that should probably bother me more than it actually does, but meh). I also happen to be very introverted, so that suits me just fine.

My hobbies include : reading, drawing doodles on my notes, lamenting over TV shows that got cancelled after 3 seasons (Star Trek TOS, Hannibal), pining after TV shows that air 3 episodes every 2 years (Sherlock), reading fanfics, reading meta-analyses on tumblr and youtubing.

Still amazed how open-minded you guys are on this forum. Keep it up please !


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Still amazed how open-minded you guys are on this forum. Keep it up please !

We've spent years talking about our fetishes, sexual habits, and physical limitations.  We simply know too much about each other for anything else.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

I actually expect this sort of open-mindedness here. I mean have you played Fen's games?

Guess I got too used to fandoms, where any opinion or taste you have can escalate into full-blown bullying campaigns. And of course I played them. (#^w^#)~~~ They are actually almost tame compared to some weird fanfictions I read though, TiTS especially.


Aug 28, 2015
Hmmm. hell, why not?

6 foot 1, kind of a big all round guy (broad shoulders and all that). 

Currently in last part of my first year at university. I am gunning for a mechanical engineering degree specializing in mechatronics, yeah, a mouthful but that's the actual name. Fun story: During this first year my workshop and lab partner (which is as dumb as they come) almost, talking about no more than three inches, nailed my hand into a table with a 12d nail (about 3 inches and a bit more in length) shot from a nail gun. Another time he actually blow torched a glass bottle to try and change its shape, didn't work. It exploded and sent shards everywhere, he got cut and went to the infirmary and guess who had to clean all that mess up.  

Also working part-time at a decent local restaurant as some form of number crunching monkey that says if the day's quota has been made and if any inventory is uncounted for. Hooray for minimal wage, not that i'm complaining. 

Hobbies... hobbies, hobbies, hobbies... I don't think I do have any, I regularly visit the gym and that's about it. The time consumed by uni and work doesn't leave me with much free time.  Found this place about a year ago, not much I know, and it kind of has become a place where everything happens, ranging from ideas or concepts to roleplay and all the awesome projects here. So the small hour window I have in my day normally ends up here lurking, reading plenty but posting scarcely. 

Questions? ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
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Nov 19, 2015
Although this is my first year on these forums, I hope that this may help others get a good grasp at what kinda person I am (cause I can right xD ).

170cm, Asian, Male, Canadian, Socially inept (or so I kinda believe), though pretty normal on Asian standard (though I suppose as a Korean, probably less that standard in body and height TT~TT).

Lived in lots of places. Travel like every year (if not once at least cause of family). Currently living in North Korea, and finally headed to university there (note: takes a while to get acceptance more or less). Aspiring job atm... I suppose teaching English to foreigners or something on those lines... Yeah... Cause I suck at anything in regards to math (beside finance cause you gotta love dat cold cash xD ).

Living with family (on my own volition -cause no chores till dorm life right? - ), and being as anime obsessed as ever. And I probably don't need to explain my hobbies right? Cause they are pretty self explanatory. I mean its obviously sports right? xD  
Though seriously I enjoy sports with a passion (any kinds just excluding anything with the word extreme in front xD ). That being said though, anime, and games my true escape routes from reality. 

Anything else I am missing? Hmmm... Love Tits? Well that is true. Love TITS? Well there is definitely that too. Oh right. I am forgetful at times... That's pretty much it. Not much else about me I think I could possibly muster up at the moment. Well if you've got questions feel free to ask (just refrain from asking me how I am still alive over here at the moment cause you don't know how many times I've heard that kinda talk over the years of my travel).  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm a musician! Currently studying sound engineering on the side but most of my money comes from playing bass for my band and doing some freelance bass-ing every once in a while. Life's good when you are a ninja block. 

What else is there to say? I'm male, Portuguese, really into anime. Not much else really! Just a dude who likes music, cute girls, and video games. 


Nov 19, 2015
Well, I'm currently stuck running a cash register at a grocery store ... though I have an AS in Programming & System Analysis. Hope to get a proper Comp Sci degree eventually, buuuut ... there isn't a real program for it in my area.

Aside from "creative adult fantasy games" I'm also into RPing, programming, Linux, creative writing, old DOS games and Space Trade/Combat sims.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm 5 foot 1 and I clean ovens for a living...I feel boring after going through this thread.

I spend my days watching people's TVs while making sure their dogs don't shit on the floor.  I doubt you're actually boring.


Aug 29, 2015
Tempted to insert "Charles Manson's Epic Answer"...

Male, 6 feet, scrawny looking person. -.-; OP immediately made me examine myself in a dim light as I'm just a lowly cashier for two chains, but, I'm thankful for work ^.=.^ 

I've wanted to be a lot of things, never too serious in pursuing them 'scept for a career in nursing. But even that seems like a distant aspiration. After 3 years of retail, I've discovered that I really don't like people. Like, at all. And thus as a result, I wouldn't trust myself with others well being who's health I have to play a responsibility in.

Video games make up 40% of me. I like watching anime, youtubers, not so much TV anymore. Like to sleep even when I don't need to. I love to draw. Even though I don't possess any natural talent I've still done it for as long as I can remember. The rest I kinda relinquish to porn.