I don't know how but it's happened to me too on occasion. I end up just deleting everything and trying again to clear it.
This xD it just keeps on happening x(
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I don't know how but it's happened to me too on occasion. I end up just deleting everything and trying again to clear it.
I have a topic related question...who here actually got Dane and Jack/Jill out of the cage in the fight with Tavria?
I did the first time, but when I learned that it cuts you off from the subjugate option, I didn't bother doing it at all.
I have a topic related question...who here actually got Dane and Jack/Jill out of the cage in the fight with Tavria?
I didn't do it the first time because I didn't need it, and after that I never saw any point in it cause I knew I could win easily.
Jack/Jill just can't get a break huh?...oh well.
Well if they want once I win the race I can make them a replica of said cage as a consolation prize!
I wanted to be her waifu so I sided with Taivra
For Christ's sake, why are so many fucking plonkers on here borderline psychopaths? Jesus, Mary and Joseph, put some fucking thought behind your violent fantasies. You're on an intergalactic treasure hunt opposite your rival, not participating in fucking bloodsport. Do you want to rip the head of Gary Motherfucking Oak, too, you mental cases?
Dr. Badger Bimbo Ray Gun
That is all.
Honestly I think that there would need to be an epilogue location for the game at Steele tech, office or penthouse, where you and your chew can live it up.
Take her onto your crew and feed her transformatives as you like. I mean as the PC you had to chug down Narleen Nibs, Raskvel and horse pills to get all your stats up to become the ultimate life form to muscle your way though the cosmos. why not her/him.
Honestly I get more a Terry from FOE vibe from catching your cousin. I.E Keep them on a leach as a plaything
but really i don't think defeating your cousin should'nt be the full end of the game. maybe the end of the last 3/4th and everyone comes together to punch one large galactic threat in the face. or up the butt.
Just get a lifetime membership at the gym on new texas, works just as well to get your stats up.
Money's tight for your Galactic Do Gooder. Gotta buy a lady out of postulation, give an ant back her arm, pay for a Simon's transgender transformations. a lady's Ship repairs. The list goes on. were is a person suppost to get 10k![]()
Money's tight for your Galactic Do Gooder. Gotta buy a lady out of postulation, give an ant back her arm, pay for a Simon's transgender transformations. a lady's Ship repairs. The list goes on. were is a person suppost to get 10k![]()
Beat Doctor Lash you'll never be in need cash!
I perform an RKO outta of nowhere and then let him go on his way or be a partner with steele
gay pornpro wrestling move
Oh okay then xD thank you JDeko.