Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"The problem I see here is what if they were taken to the fort." Remembering Nova Larek shrugged off his last comment. "Ok then lets go. We may find other slaves there too." Silently he started following the rest of the party after telling Uta to stay here for safety and that they will be back when they find the rest of the kidnapped tanuki.
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Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Leaving Nova to her fate, bold move. Gotta say didn't see that from Larek]

[Sounds like Tori is trying to hunt and track, roll it, Also if this is a team effort the rest of you can roll to undertake a perilous journey (its covered under basic moves)]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
{Hunt and track 8]

With nothing left to decide, Tori struck out leading her team through the woods after their assailants. The gnolls may have had a couple of hours lead on them, but tracking such a large group dragging unwilling prisoners with them proved to be child's play.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Tracking the large war party over land wasn't difficult, after dealing with a few ambushes and traps left behind to slow them down, they had found their way to the main Gnoll camp by nightfall.

The compound had a low wall made of timber surrounding it on all sides, nothing too difficult to climb over, but a heavy rotation of guards would make doing so undetected difficult.

Further reconnaissance would reveal it seemed the prisoners were being held in the lower sections of one of the main bunk houses under light guard, not far from another area were they seemed to have a lot of caged cock snakes.

Wagons were being loaded an prepared near the south gate for what could only be the next stage of the slave's journey.

[What do each of you do?, and is Larek with the group? or have we still not resolved that?]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[What are the cages the cock snakes are in made of, and how well are they constructed?]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Lets say a bamboo like material, not flimsey enough to be sundered with a simple projectile, but not so rugged that they could stand up to an axe swing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tori turned to Kae. "Tell me, just how small a creature can you turn into?" she asked.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The elf considered the question for a moment before answering. "Extremes are dangerous but I can turn into a mouse without much effort but that will also mean I'm giving up any offensive capability. I could carry a message to the captives or... maybe I could find a way to gnaw the seams of that cage and set the snakes lose... possibly.  But if they catch me I'll need help."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"We may try something like that later. For now, though, do you think you could turn into something inconspicuous and try to get a headcount of how many gnolls we're dealing with?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"That's a great deal easier." The elf knelt on the floor and within an instant her shape began to collapse on itself until a small mongoose was all that was left. It made a low chirp noise before it went to venture the enemy camp. The small animal kept to the shadows as it took count of the enemies and looked for further details that could be helpful to the party.

[I'd like to roll for discern realities as well, 8. What should I be on the lookout for?]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
As well as the prisoners being under heavy guard, their seems to be a rough looking female squad commander talking to a robed figure with a reptilian like appearance, they take their conversation indoors into one of the taller guard houses.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Once Kaelys returned with her information, Tori turned to her companions. "Well, what are our options here. We could try to sneak in and take out the leaders."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
After watching everything from behind, Larek finally stepped up. He wasn't very happy because they had to leave the keep. Thinking that if they could get this over with swiftly. He could return faster, Larek propoused a plan. "Well the best idea is to release all the cocksnakes and have them cause problems. Meanwhile we resuce the hostages."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"The scaley is probably a mage or a cleric so we have to take him out as quickly as we can if we are to minimize the chances of a surprise fireball or any nasty mass buffs. I'm thinking I could go unleash some havok with the snakes while you guys use the confusion to take care of the boss and the caster." She looked to the others waiting for approval. "Sounds good?"

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Lol, in character game speak? Really? I can't even...  but yes good plan, that would just require a roll to defy danger from you to release plenty of snakes while also keeping yourself out of their reach, and from larek or tori to sneak past the distracted gaurds.]
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
[ It's not game speak! It's proper magical terminology! ;_; I'll roll once they agree to it =3]


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kae nodded silently before letting her form shift back to a mongoose. This was one of her favorite shapes, it made her feel like her mind and body kicked in overdrive with how much energy was contained in that agile little body of hers. She deftly dove between the posts of the makeshift wall of the gnoll encampment and made her way to the snake's cage. Once the small critter arrived at her target, her second thoughts started to act up. What would happen if she got bitten by one of the snakes? She knew what their venom did to males but she never inquired what would happen if they bit a shapeshifted female elven druid... it was too late to worry, she would have trust on her body's agility and in her instincts.

The druid started to gnaw on the cords that held the cage together, it was not a fast process but it was quite easy to do so and in a few minutes she was all done. She made a little distance before she sprinted towards the cage and rammed it with her whole body shocking the door open wide enough for the snakes to escape. There were way more vipers inside then she expected... [10 for dex defy danger] ... but her body felt as light as a feather and her instincts took over guiding each and every jump and roll and dodge she had to make to escape from the crawlers rushing out of their prison. The elf managed to climb over a few wooden boxes as she watched the snakes rushing to meet their new gnoll targets.

[I almost wish one of the snakes had managed to bite me just so I know what would happen]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[if a fight breaks out you may yet get your almost wish]

After a few minutes of waiting that seemed much longer, Larek and Tori heard the tell tale sound of an alarmed commotion that erupted in the camp.
they moved in swiftly looking for their opening.

[one of you give me a roll to defy danger from being noticed, as well as if you try to do anything while sneaking through to increase the chaos or make your escape easier]
[I'm also curious to know what Dan and Sophie are doing all of this, unless you left your hirelings behind and I forgot to take notice.]
[Kay feel free to declare further actions for the scene]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Looking out amongst the growing chaos of the gnoll camp, Tori was glad she had left Dan and Sophie back at the village. She didn't even want to think about what would happen if on of those snakes managed to get a hold of them, given how much cum they already produced. [Defy danger 8] With the distraction under way, she made her way through the camp with Larek in tow, sticking to the shadows as best she could. Once they were at the foot of tower they had seen the commander enter, she readied her bow and nodded to Larek to take point.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Cool, you don't get spotted, but you also don't get any chances to trigger any other scene hazards for the gnolls]
[The squad commander is at the balcony of the 3 story building barking orders at the other gnolls trying to get them less panicked and scattered]
[Next move Larek?]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Tori and Larek made their way stealthily up the tower, she paused just shy of rounding the corner to face the gnoll commander, drew her sword, and peeked into the window of the topmost room, trying to locate the man in robes. The last thing she wanted was a mage or something making a surprise entrance in a fight.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kae sneaked around the bunk house where the captives were being held prisoners. The couple of gnolls that were still guarding the place were not paying attention to the shadows due to the cock snakes attack so she managed to get inside without problems, she were aware she might have to fight on her way out but she hoped Tori and Larek would already be done with the leaders by then. A couple flights of stairs down she found the captives. "Is everyone alright?" She asked them as soon as she saw the tenukis.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Tori you spy the Acolyte lounging in a large soft chair in the middle of some kind of office/drawing room with a bored look on their face. They appear as a creature not quite mammal, not quite reptile. They have a masculine appearance]

[Kae you see most of the captured villagers save for Whitney and Raiya, they are all shackled together at the ankles and knees, most of them are either too exhausted or distressed to notice your entry, but a few, including Rocky sporting a fresh new black eye perk up at your arrival]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Knowing where the acolyte was and where he was likely to come from, Tori charged around the corner of the building, with sword and horns lowered, and plowed into the gnoll commander's back. [9 damage. I love getting the drop on enemies.]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[It's one of my favorite things about dungeon world, ever since my 3.0 D&D rogue almost got thwamped to death for missing an unaware bugbear's armor class I always hated unnecessary attack rolls, that dungeon-world explicitly says just skip to rolling damage when an opponent isn't prepared to fight back is just good fucking design]

Tori Bull-rushed the Gnoll commander right through the flimsy guard rail of the overlook and sent them tumbling down 3 stories into a swath of cock snakes, [Gotta love the forceful tag on those horns], for her part the commander manged to stand on her rolled ankle and grab an oncoming snake by the neck before hurling it up at Tori like some kind of bizarre improvised biologic weapon, before readying her bow for a follow-up volley. [Roll to defy danger]

Larek for his part dove straight in through the window hollering an all too hilarious though no less intimidating OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!!!! taking a mighty swing that very nearly took the acolyte's head off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The elf scanned the villagers carefully, she had hopped to free them and lead them to either freedom or battle immediately but it was now clear that would not be possible as they were either too hurt or too tired for either fight or flight. She cursed the gnolls in her elvish tongue but she could not let her distress show to the prisoners, they needed a morale boost, they needed to believe things would be alright. "Rocky, I'll need a favor. Gather up whoever you think is in shape to help the others move. Your girl is up there giving the gnolls a beating and raising some chaos so I'll need you guys ready to move out once I clear a route. Can you do that for me?" After the young tenuki nodded an affirmative, the druid let go of her original shape taking once again the form of an enormous grizzly. [Shapeshift 7, 2 holds]

The now furry elf let her paw rip open the cage doors and break most of the chains and shackles before she head up the stairs to clear the way for the soon to be escapees. As soon as she came up to the ground level, she slowed down and approached the two armed gnolls that stood guard... how chaotic things might be outside that they did not notice such a huge animal coming up from behind. She let her large claw fly against the head of one of the beast in a surprise move. [5 damage]