Update 21.11.14
- After finishing all previous events with Mike for the rebellion in Dorgania, or Sinrul to help the government, you can now trigger a new event with rebels when you enter Minsk Harbour from the worldmap.
The event will advance the story about the rebellion, and give you a quest at the end, which can't be finished yet.
- After the events with the rebels at Minsk Harbour, if you've advanced the main story far enough, you can find Negi near the entrance of Minsk Harbour. He'll start events about Lucilla, with an optional CG scene.
- New anubis character sprite images
- [After her class change to Berserker, Vampire can now use whip class weapons.]
- Added the notes [Good path] and [Evil path] to the choices for Irinlia after her events at Millwater, to make it clearer, which choice gets you on which path.
- Updated the skilltree background images for Ryen, Trey, and Brad, so that they show the full body CGs now instead of the face images of the characters.
- Added Honey as possible drops from hornet monsters. [I know that it would make more sense with Bees, but I only have hornet monsters at the moment.]
- Added the item Mead, which can be crafted with Red Wine and Honey when you have the Green Cooking Book.
- Added the item "Hellhound dungeon map" to the area in front of the hellhound village, to make finding the entrance/exit easier.
- The menu isn't disabled anymore when you enter the dungeon before the hellhound village.
- The chief of Ebron will now auto trigger his events about showing you the way to Ebron when you enter the blacksmith in Aldlyn with Mirel in your group. He'll also bring you directly to Ebron, without waiting for you in the corner of Aldlyn first.
The fourth poll for the new baker girl is also available now: https://strawpoll.com/q43ykoh56
Result of the previous polls: She'll be a normal girl of average height with big breasts.
MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/CpQXwBDS#wwZlWRrPWoGzZX5h0-MlRQ
Hi-Drive: https://www.hidrive.strato.com/share/ijp41t-our