Rise of the mutants RP


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016

Group A

Bones looks to finish what she started and tries to bull rush the crab, it ties to go for a final gambit to snap at Bone's face, (lacking the foresight to try and dodge.)

Bones STR:18+5=25

Giant crab mutant STR:12+5=17

Success! Bones nails the crab and cracks it shell wide open! revealing its soft inner membrane! its stunned buy this and in allot of pain, so Cedric and Jena's attacks are able to land with no real resistance!

Group B

Kajinn tries to get under the crab so he can set up his next move the crab while it ties to snap him up in its claws.

Kajinn AGI:9+1=10

Giant crab mutant AGI:7+2=9

Minimum success. Kajinn manages to slip under the crab but it grazes him with its claw leaving a small cut on his chest. he is none the less in great position his next attack will land for sure!

Victoria tries to slice the tentacles on the crabs back, the tentacles try to hold her down so they can grope her more.

Vitoria STR:7+6=13

Giant crab mutant STR:12+4=16

Failure! Victroa tries to go for the tentacles but she is held back by them and the tie her up more!

The crab is too busy with the other to to really do anything with to stop her so her electric attack surges through the crab's legs

Group C

Slutty darts in for attack while trying to avoid the claw. the again tries to snag her in its grasp.

Slutty AGI: 8+5=12

Giant crab mutant AGI:7+3=10

Success! She manages to hit the crabs big claw and weaken it further by sliceing into its shell more. (adding from the last attack)

Kala in a fit of panic goes for the legs of the crab and claws at it, the crab tries to kick her away.

Kala STR:4+5=9

Giant crab mutant STR:12 (roll is unnecessary as her strength cannot compete with the monster crabs at all. No matter what she would roll she could never win this kind of engagement. at least now with something this strong.)

Failure! Kala just gets kicked away.... thankfully she isn't hurt much by it.

Coye tries to crush one of the joints of the crabs legs, it actually cracks under his attack! it was unable to stop him with how distracted it was was fighting slutty so it didn't realize what was happening until it was to late.

GM post: one down!

Group A

As Bones and the huge mutant crab clash one more time they all hear a nasty snap! as the shell is cracked open! As nasty mess can be see as the soft under layer bled green blood from the opening on the crabs body.


Jena had to cover her ears as Bones cracked the nasty crabs shell wide open. it was very load to her then again it all was she had to fight hard the hole time to stop herself from just screaming from all the noise hitting her ears. But then, she saw it, the opening she and Cedric was waiting for! Despite how this all gave her one hell of a headache, she cried "Now! Lets finish this!" and to gether they lept into the air and down they flew, hitting the crabs soft exposed area. Jena slashing it with her clawed feet, and Cedric hitting it with broad string kangaroo feet. with shrill cry the giant crab fell to the ground as green blood drained from its wound, its threat ended by the threes quick teamwork. their feet were quite messy after that but for the most part everyone was ok. and after a second or two of silence Jena raised her wings and excalmed. "YAY! WE DID IT! YOU GUYS ROCK!" she then threw her wings around Cedric and hugged him. After feeling his cock brush against her leg and her breasts push against his body she let go with a huge blush on her face. "Oh -oh god sorry!"

Group B

As Kajinn dives under the crab, he for the mist part, did make it but as he slid bit of the crabs claw manages to cut him and he soon has slash on his chest, it sting quite a bit but it wasn't a very deep cut so he was mostly ok. He was now in a very favorable position, no doubt he could do some real damage down there. At the same time Victoria was now thoroughly tided up in the tentacles on the crabs back despite her attempts to claw them off. they bound her arms and legs tightly so she couldnt move, all the while others played at her pussy and nipples trying to turn her on even during all of this combat. but just them a large shot through the menacing crustacean courtesy of Tina had sent the shock through the crabs legs. Unfortunately for Victoria, some of the voltage ran through the tentacles giving her a bit of a zap! Thankfully however, the shock also made it let go so victoria so she fell out of its grasp and onto the floor. the Crabs whole body then sized up! it was now wide open to attack!

Group c

With "Su" free form the The crabs clutches she again attacks the Crabs claw trying to further damage its main weapon. With her mantis like claws she is able it further increase the damage of her previous escape. the crab makes a shrill cry of pain as cracks appear in the clith on it's big claw. then Kala paniced and tried to claw the monstrous thing herself..... with less then favorable results. she is swiftly kicked away by one of the big crabs legs thankfully her new mutant body is tougher then her old body despite what else was given to her via the virus. Then just as the crab was about to make anothe move a snap in one of its legs alerted it to Coye. It was too late to stop him as he had alread broken one of the joints on the crabs six legs making it cry and opain once more and slowing it down over all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Group C

With me released from the Crabs clutches i again attack the Crab´s claw trying to further damage its main weapon. With my mantis like claws i am able it further increase the damage of my previous escape. The crab makes a shrill cry of pain as cracks appear in the clith on it's big claw and it´s a magical sound to my hole´s ears. Then Kala panicked and tried to claw the monstrous thing herself... with less then favorable results. Kala is swiftly kicked away by one of the big crabs legs thankfully her new mutant body is tougher then her old body despite what else was given to her via the virus. Then just as the crab was about to make anothe move a snap in one of its legs alerted it to Coye. It was too late to stop him as he had alread broken one of the joints on the crabs six legs making it cry and opain once more and slowing it down over all.

I concentrate all my attacks in the cracks that appeared in the clutch of the big crab´s claw, trying to break it hitting with my mantis like claws constantly, while Kala and Coye continue their attacks to the Crab that is starting to suffer, and that suffer is the element that i like and love in others... .


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn puts his fingers together so the talons are facing outwards, then stabs it into the crab's soft underbelly like a knife as hard as he can. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones snorted and kicked the dead crab across the floor "Hmph! Do not throw lunch at me expecting to win!" She turns to the other two and smiles "Well done! You may be small... but you can at least take an opportunity when you see one!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric lifted one foot off the ground and stared in disgust at the green goo. His eyes followed the trail of blood to the crab, just as Jena shot into his field of vision and threw her wings around him. He tensed slightly as his cock grazed her leg, but hugged her back out of convenience, albeit weakly, until she pulled away in embarrassment. The feelings were mutual as a shade of crimson crept into his cheeks as well, and he was ready to curse his own dick for putting him in this position. "It's... fine. Nice job, everyone." He tried in an attempt to brush off the incident, staring adamantly at his feet. However, as his gaze rose high to meet with Bones, it became clear that her smile was contagious, and Cedric couldn't help but grin just a little bit as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Clawing at the tentacles, Victoria couldn't seem to do any damage to them, the tentacles she hit just moving with her blows, and those that she wasn't attacking teasing her, distracting her from the real threat. With unexpected speed, the tentacles behind her shot around her arms and legs, pulling her down onto her knees and leaning her back, giving the rest of the tentacles free access to her exposed body. Realizing her plight, Victoria called out "Hey, a little help", barely able to finish her sentence before a tentacle wrapped around her neck, cutting off her ability to speak. Restrained as she was, she couldn't do anything to stop the tentacles teasing her, wrapping around her breasts, flicking her nipples, and sliding back and forth across her recently used entrance. Despite her not wanting to admit it, the tentacles were doing their job extremely well, arousing Victoria with their teasing, causing her nethers to drip. Sensing her arousal, the tentacles teasing her nethers slid inside, eliciting a stifled moan from Victoria.

     Her pleasure was quickly brought to an end though, as a sudden shock was delivered, coursing directly through her most sensitive parts, breaking her out of the binding tentacles as the crab was subject to the same shock, tossing Victoria forward in front of the beast. Stunned from the shock, Victoria landed face first on the ground, lying there on display for all as she shook her head clear. Getting back on her feet, she made a wobbly charge, lunging at the crabs eyes in a hope to blind the creature.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She grunts as she is kicked away by the crab ,it was clear that she was useless in a fight she couldn't possibly hurt it and if she tried to approach it again she may just end up getting in the way of the others or becoming a target for the crab . She didn't like it but the best thing for her to do right now was to stay away and hope the others beat the crab without her .


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"One down, 5 to go" Coye muttered giddily as he uncoiled himself from the crab's damaged leg. "Let's go again, shall we?" he cried out, lunging for another one of the crab's legs, in an attempt to coil around it and slow the crab further.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tina couldn't stop herself as the smell of roasting meat filled the room. She pressed her advantage on the monstrous crab, increasing the voltage and aiming to stop the things heart.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016


The crab is stunned! it can't counter attack!

Kajinn slashes at the crabs underbelly with his claws

Victora attacks its eyes with her claws.

Tina shocks it more with her tentacles.

All of these attacks land due to the crabs stunned status.

Group C

Coye tries to crunch another leg with his tail. The crab mutant tries to throw him off.

Coye STR:7+2=9

Giant crab mutant STR:12+2=14 STR reduced due leg loss by 2=12

Failure! the crab manages to toss him away this time, knocking him a few feet away.

"Su" targest the cracks on the crab mutants big claw with her mantis claws.

Slutty AGI: 8+3=11

Giant crab AGI:7+1=8

success! Su lands more hits on the cracks on the crabs claw! it cracks open under the strain and its now bleeding out in to differnta loctaions one more big attack should end it.

GM POST: One more down.

Group B

with the giant crab stunned like it was, it unable to stop the three pronged attack from Tina, Victoria, and Kajinn. Kajinn sharp claws found their mark in the softer parts of the shell and made deep cut into the crabs shell causing green blood to leak out and onto kajinns face as the creature cried in pain. Then Victoria went for its eyes and nailed its left eye her hand digging into the soft part with a sickening squishing sound as green blood spattered onto her as well. Then finally Tina gave the nasty creature a final high voltage shock! its whole body shuddered and shook as the electricity ran through its body. with one final cry the gaint crab crunpled right on top of Kajinn as its body sizzled.

Group C

when coye made another attempt at the crabs legs it seemed to be fed up with his shenanigans and promptly tossed him off with forceful jerk of his leg throwing him to the side. but right afterwards "Su" went for another attack with her own claws this time using her speed to strike at the crabs big claw again. With the cracks of her previous attack weakening the big claw it made it easier for her to slice it open! It made a shrill cry as it bagan to bleed for its cracked-open claw.


Jena was happy that fight was over she didn't like fighting... she was lady of music and the arts. She much preferred to talk things out, but creature like that just couldnt have been reasoned with unfortunately. She then deiced to take a seat and breathe. Jena found that her wings were atleast useful for giving her some way to cover her naked body. Jena then tried to break the ice with bones as there was one question she did want to ask... "So um, Bones... thats a pretty.... unique.... name. why did you parents call you something like that?"
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oof!" Kajinn grunts as the crab suddenly falls on him, with his hand still buried inside it. "Fuuuuuuck! Why the fuck did I decide it was a good idea to slide under a giant fucking craaaab!?" He yells, trying to roll the thing off him. Unconsciously, his rough tongue licks some of the blood off his face...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"They didn't, I called myself that! Bones are the support structure to the human body! The very basis to what we build ourselves upon! ... it also sounds much more interesting than real name. Before you ask, no, I will not tell you real name. I will tell you last name, McLooflin! Is good name, I am proud of that one."


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Group C

Finally, between we three, or better we two Coye and me, we fight against the crab and after our attacks, the crab tries to run far of us, but i try to cut off its escape, attacking it again with my own mantis claws, in another places of its exoskeleton...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Bone's explanation struck a cord with Cedric. After all, it made sense. He didn't like his first name either, and he wasn't going to put up with hearing it every and any time someone wanted to call him out. His lightened spirits distracted him from the surreal drudgery of their situation. Well, up until the green goo that clung to his sopping feet became all the more noticeable again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bone's looks over to Cedric. "So... you are tiny kangaroo man now yes? What was life like before all of these changes for you?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
With the crab down, Tina cut the flow of electricity instinctually. She quickly looked around the room, trying to find the cameras that were no doubt watching them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Not having expected the eye to spray her with blood, Victoria stumbled back, bringing her hands up to cover her face. With the beast dealt with, she let out a sigh of relief, adding "Well I'm glad we're done with that." Looking down at the sizzling crab, she saw Kajinn stuck underneath starting to push the crab off from on top of him, and moved to help, asking to her cellmates "What do you think is next?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
With a grunt, Kajinn rolls the crab off of himself and stands, putting his hand on Victoria's shoulder. "My guess? Another test these creepy bastards want to throw at us." He growls.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Me? Oh," Cedric realized quickly that Bones was definitely talking to him, and no other rogue kangaroo man that he hadn't noticed walk in. "I loaded and unloaded cargo onto shipping boats on a coast by the sea. I wasn't really good at or for much else, but at least it kept me busy." He nodded to himself once, as if he wasn't initially sure of his answer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones smiles at his answer and pats his shoulder with a heavy hand. "That is good! Honest work with your body, I can appreciate that! I was body builder and weight lifter. I set my signts to new horizons, to push the limits of physical human capabilities. Clean and jerk, and the dead lift... I wanted to conquer them both in my name...."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"They have to be watching us from somewhere, see if you can find a camera, or something," said Tina.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016

Jena the "bat cat" listened to her cellmates finding a little comfort in getting to know them better. "So Cedric worked with cargo by the sea.... and bones was a body builder." Jena thought as her ears stayed trained on them. her hearing made it so she could pick up every sound they made, even their heart beat. it would sometimes give her a headache she wanted to cover her ears sometimes but that didn't seem to help ether she still hear.... everything! but she tried not to think about it to much lest she really start to worry.... her two new "friends" seemed to be quite a bit more physically inclined then her, at least in raw strength. She hoped that she could be helpful to them... on the other hand she wasn't sure if being helpful in combat was something she wanted... she just didn't know what to think. "So if we're doing introductions i might as well say a little something. I'm Jena just in case I didn't mention that before.... and well, I'm a musician. I'm skilled in playing the piano and i do have some formal voice training. And if i can be frank.... I'm fucking terrified of this whole thing...."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones looks over to Jena before kneeling down and smiling at her. "Do not be scared... fear is what these sick bastards want. Do not give them the satisfaction of seeing your emotions. Show then nothing but contempt and disobedience!" She says with a curt nod.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She remains out of battle "Coye ,Su ,i think it is weakening ... just a bit more "


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Looking around the room, Victoria followed Tina's advice and kept an eye out for cameras. "Yeah, you guys are probably right, they will have more in store for us and will want to observe." blushing a little as she realized that if there were cameras they had seen her and Kajinn. Trying to take her mind off of that, she walked to the wall and started checking cameras or a way out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric liked Bones's short speech of contempt and disobedience. Rebellion and anarchy had always struck him as a wild time, though as the bruise that had surely begun to form on his side felt all the more sore, the taste on his tongue, as well as his mood, turned sour. Sure enough, he managed to keep quiet. Unruliness was the noble thing here, true, but it was a dangerous thing too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
GM Post mini

looking around their current holdings Tina and Victoria did indeed find cameras looking down at them from high above them. they were situated on the trap door that flung them down there in the first place. they very small almost unnoticeable if you weren't looking for them.


Jena was unsure if she could manage to hide her emotions, she by nature, was a very emotional person. but she none the less thought it was good advice. She really tried avoiding looking at herself, afraid of seeing what it all might mean for her, afraid of the fact that her dreams or even her life in general could now be ruined.... ruined beyond all hope. she decided to ask another question, despite its rather personal nature, it was quite hard to ignore. Bones had a rather large set of balls with a long penis to go with it.... but bones herself looked more female then male. "Bones.... I hope I'm not offending you by asking but... about your.... lower equipment, were you born that way?" She then looked away blushing, "You don't have to answer that if you don't want too...."
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yep... Cameras alright..." Kajinn mutters. "Oh. That means- they saw-" He glances at Victoria. "Us going at it. Awkward." Then, he shrugs. "Oh well. We probably gave them something to remember, eh?" He says, grinning and spanking her ass with his tail.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tina walked over to the wall directly under one of the cameras, and began stretching one of her tentacles up towards it. To her surprise, the appendage could stretch quite far, reaching almost twenty feet up the side of the wall when it was fully extended. However, she was still a good five feet shy of reaching the camera. Turning to look at Kajinn, she said "Hey, bug guy, mind giving me a lift."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm? Sure." He says, walking over and kneeling so she can get onto his shoulders. "In my opinion, frying those cameras could probably lead to some dangerous consequences... Or not." He says.