Rise of the mutants RP


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
GM POST: The end of normal

At first all is white and you find yourself staring at a bright yellow light. the air around you smells stale and stuffy. Your head throbs with pain as you feel generally very groggy and tired. you see plain gray walls on the room around you, reddish stains of god know what had splattered them sometime ago. you try to move and you find you are stuck! you look down to see that you are strapped to a cold metal table. the straps are too strong! you can't move! One of the walls open and a glass window is reviled behind it. you can see many pairs of eyes watching you through the glass, "proceed with the experiment of new O virus strain, activate the arm.", a voice said, seemingly from everywhere, It is then that you realize your stark naked! not a singe stitch of clothing adorns you body you are completely exposed! Then a robot arm snakes it way over to you from the ceiling. It hovers over you for a second, then  you hear, "start the injection.",  and then a needle sprang forth from the arm and it plunged the needled into the side of your neck! you feel pain shoot through you as something is pushed into your bloodstream.


When Jena first woke up she thought that maybe she was dreaming, this all looked so weird that there was no way it was real. but once the fog and pain in her head went away she was acutely aware that this was reality. She panicked when she found that she was nude and strapped to a table. She screamed and struggled violently but, to no avail, she wasn't going to break those bonds. "HELP! SOMEONE! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!", she cried but they was no answer. then the a voice said something about and experiment and an arm. "What?! Experiment?! Y-You cant! I have rights! what are you going to to do?!", Jena cried, but she got no reply. she also was acutely aware that the people in the window that she could only barely see, could see all of her lady bits, her nice c-cup breasts and pink little pussy on her decently wide hips. she was scared, ashamed and very confused. Then the arm came, she tried to move, but again it was useless and it soon plunged the needle into her neck. She cried out in pain and terror as she felt something now burning through her vanes. Then.... it happened..... her body began to morph and change as the virus in her system rewrote her DNA! She began to grow taller and her and fur began to grow on her knees and down the rest of her legs. "Gah! what's happening! Noooo!", she cried in terror. Then her breasts began to swell with made her nipples pop up immediately, soon they grew one whole cup size bigger! next her skin turned darker and her black hair became a dark brown, the same color as the fur on her lower legs. then her hands and feet began to reshape painfully and she cried out! Her feet grew claws and her toes became more like hands. then she felt her fingers stretch and elongate as fleshy webs grew between them giving her bat wings were her hand once were. her eye morphed and grew out until they were large bat like ears that painfully began picking up all kinds of sounds. finally her waist widened and her ass filled out more as a cat like tail sprouted from her tail bone and grew soft fur on it. then it finally stopped. Jena laid there breathing heavily as she felt exhausted from the change.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones blinked her eyes open and winced as her head throbbed with pain and the lights certainly were not helping in that regard. When the ache faded away and she took in the room, her face fell into a frown as she tested her binds. Her  mighty muscles strained against the binds but simply could not break free, drugged as she was. "What is this? What is going on? Who do you all think you are?!" She shouts at them as she hears their words about arms and injections. "What do you mean virus?! Stop this now!" She barks at them, but to no avail. She only noticed her nudity the moment before the needle plunged into her neck. With grit teeth and spittle flying from her lips she groaned into the air above. Her body pulsated and strained against the straps again as she began to change. Her skin thickened and became a pale green color, before half of her limbs thickened even more into dark blue chitin like substance. The same chitin grows over her back before wings burst from her flesh along with a beetle like covering for each one. Her normal 6 inch cock swells and grows into foot long monster 3 inches in width along with her balls growing to the size of oranges! D cup breasts grow and grow until they stop at truly massive F cups! Her entire body gets longer and her muscles gain more tone until she is a massive 8 feet tall. Finally her forehead expands up and widens out into a sheild like growth, with three horns growing out of it, making a natural battering ram.

With a feral roar she flexes her arm and snaps the right binding, the left following shortly after it! She jumps from the table and charges the wall, using her knew horns to try and crash through it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn groggily opens his eyes against the bright light. He is suddenly alert, looking around the room, although every movement sent spikes of pain through his groggy mind. It wasn't his bedroom, that much was immediately obvious. He tries to sit up, only to find that he's restrained. "Fuck! What-!?" He growls, then he hears something that sounds suspiciously like the word "experiment". "What!? Fuck you! What the fuck are you doing, you bastards!?" He yells, struggling futilely against the bonds as the needle hovers over him. It immediately plunges into his neck, and he screams in pain. For a few seconds, nothing happens. Then, the changes hit. His skin is suddenly beset by an intense itching sensation that made him want to scratch it for the rest of his life. He feels his hair thickening, turning into black fur, before the hair on his upper arms falls off, leaving roughened, hairless skin behind. With a cracking, tearing noise, large bat wings sprout out of his back, making him scream in pain again as his bones restructure themselves. Another scream of pain follows right on the heels of the first one as his teeth fall out. He turns his head to the side and frantically spits, trying to get his fallen teeth out before he ended up choking on them. With a fresh stab of pain, new, sharp teeth spring out where his old ones used to be. Before his eyes, his fingernails and toenails rot and fall off, only to be replaced with talons. He suddenly can't hear anything, and he looks around in panic, but he doesn't have to fear long, as large, round bat ears suddenly grow where his old ones used to be, suddenly picking up many more sounds than his old ears did. His eyes suddenly go dark, and he thrashes around for a bit before his sight reappears, but it hardly seems different from his old sight, save for the fact that he can see darker shapes more easily. There is another tearing of skin as triangular fins grow from the sides of his head, as well as another from his back, between his wings. With more loud cracking, his spine extends, and his skin tears and shifts to form a new shark tail that hung above his rump. The next thing is his neck, which suddenly starts burning and itching, before his skin splits to form gills. His previously five inch cock suddenly becomes painfully hard, and starts growing, stretching tighter and tighter as it grows to a new length of ten inches, filling out to a girth of two and a half inches. His balls suddenly feel painfully swollen as each testicle grows to four inches in diameter. His muscles clench and surge as they adjust to the changes, his lungs forcing him to take deep, spasming breaths as they readjust their oxygen carrying capacity to allow him to breathe underwater. He feels a lot stronger and faster, and he takes this opportunity to try and break free of his bonds. He growls and strains at his bonds, causing them to bend, but ultimately, not break. He finally collapses onto the table with a weak groan, panting in pain and exhaustion.  
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Feeling a sudden sharp pain in her neck, Victoria awoke with a start, frantically looking around at the unfamiliar room. Her fear of being in an unknown environment quickly became panic as she realized the sharp pain in her neck was from a syringe of some sort, which appeared to now be empty. Before she had a chance to speak, Victoria cried out as whatever had been in the syringe coursed through her, flowing through her veins like liquid fire. As the pain subsided and she managed to catch her breath, she felt an itching sensation all over her body. Looking down, she saw black fur erupting from her skin, starting at her extremities and making its way up her limbs. She was unable to see where it stopped though, as she threw her head back in agony from the bones in her legs fracturing and moving around into a more animal like structure and her spine extended into a fur covered tail, unable to hear herself scream as her ears shifted. As her feet fixed into their new positions, Victoria could feel other changes, with a pressure in her mouth as some of her teeth were pushed out by new replacements, and small, sharp pains as the tips of her fingers and toes split open to reveal claws.

     Catching her breath, Victoria looked down at her body, seeing for the first time that she was not only nude, but restrained and on display for anyone to see. Vainly struggling against her restrains, she gave up when they didn't budge at all against her struggles. Looking around, she spotted a window with what looked like people behind it, and cried out, "What haff you dune tho mwe?" her words slurred as she was not used to her new teeth yet. Realizing that she was entirely at the mercy of her captors, Victoria laid her head back and waited for whatever was next.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Coye wearily opened his eyes, wincing at the bright light. He looks about the room dazedly before pain radiates through him. He becomes aware of a pressure across his arms, legs and chest, craning his neck, he sees he strapped naked to a table. "Alright who's having a laugh?!" he shouts before turning his head towards the sound of one of the room's walls descending. A word sounding suspiciously like "experiment" manages to reach his ears. "E-Experiment...? What are you gits gonna do?!" he bellows. He thrashes about in his bonds as the needle hovers above him, hissing in agony as it plunges into his neck. For a scant few seconds all that can be heard are his pained breaths whistling through his teeth. Then a stunning pain races up his legs and spine as flesh and bone twist and merge together, skin becoming smooth and scaled, causing him to writhe and thrash in agony. The skin on his arms and neck itches at the sensation of countless pinpricks as the hairs covering them sprout out further branching apart as they turn into feathers. Further patches of skin running across his cheekbones dry and crack, forming more scales. The room suddenly becomes dim before light flares again as his eyes change, the pupils thinning and elongating to appear like a snakes. He gags and chokes as his tongue becomes elongated, spilling out over his lips as the transformation robs him of his control, splitting down the middle to form a fork. An intense pain comes from his 4 inch cock as it swells to double it's length before retreating into a genital slit, a warmth coming from within enlarges further as he feels a splitting sensation come from his,now hidden cock. Finally a flurry of sharp pin pricks makes itself known above his pale rump, the pain turning to a tickling feeling as his tail-feathers complete their growth. With a final heaving cough, he feels something change in his throat, though he hasn't an idea as to what has changed. Drenched in a cold sweat, gasping at the pain of the transformation he hisses "You haven't heard the last of me yet, you bastards!"   before slumping back, unconscious.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The arch of Cedric's back straightened against the cold metal as his eyes shot open, the bright light blinding him when he tried but failed to turn onto his side. He assumed the talk of "experiments and O virus" to be the immediate aftermath of a bad dream after waking up, but the chill that shot up his spine and the strain of the binds begged to differ. Though he was awake, the nightmare wasn't over, and he shouted at the scientists in growing panic as he spotted the needle. "H-Hey fuck off! What is this?! Get this off of-" The dryness in his throat made his stutter, and his eyes widened as he felt his flaccid cock flop to the side. Mercilessly exposed, he began thrashing against the table as he futilely attempted to swat at the approaching arm. Before he can really and truly realize that his hands aren't going to budge, the syringe slips into his neck, and for just a moment, he stills. The room feels silent, with his senses blurred as he contemplates in horror just what the hell they injected into him. Seconds later, a burning pain blossoms up in his chest, as the searing sensation sets his veins alight like a wildfire. Cedric bites his lip til it bleeds, uttering groaning cries as his body seems to tighten up. The pain subsides to a dull ache, as silvery grey fur begins to grow from nowhere, coating the entirety of his body. The shock almost distracted him from the pain as his bones began to shift, growing outwards to form a pointed snout and long three-toed feet, as two fluffy kangaroo ears sprouted up atop his head. His chestnut hair fell across his forehead in wisps, Cedric panting and shrieking swears as his tail thumps against the table. Wait, he didn't have a tail? Sure enough, the thick, cone-shaped tail was connected to him from just above his squeezable rump, covered with coarser fur, and fading to black at the tip. His blue eyes quivered in fear and exhaustion as his body continued to shape itself. His muscles ripple and surge with new strength, and his bony hips widen substantially. For a while, His new and powerful legs kick at nothing, before falling slack, fatigue from the change forcing him to lay limp.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tina was momentarily blinded as her eyes adjusted to the glairing lights. Trying to bring her hand up to cover them revealed that her arm was restrained. Snapping out of her sleep induced daze, she looked down to find herself naked and strapped to an observation table, as several figures watched her from behind a glass wall. "What's going on here?" was all she managed to say before something poked her in the neck. Looking over to see an empty syringe at the end of a long robotic arm, she was about to scream her protests when the room suddenly started spinning. Tina had never been so dizzy in all her life, as if the entire room as rolling end over end. To make matters worse, her entire body felt... weird, as if her insides her moving around under her skin. To top it all off, she felt like something was slipping out of her, like she was leaking or something.

The people in the observation booth could more easily see the changes overtaking Tina. The pigment seemed to drain from her body, until her skin and hair were as white as snow before streaks of crimson began snaking their way across her body forming vivid stripes. At the same time, six long thick tentacles began creeping out from underneath her to spill over the sides of the table onto the floor. To their surprise, she didn't scream like the others did, but then again her changes were less drastic then the others.

The sudden beeping of an alarm caught one of the watcher's attention. According to the sensors in the floor, a powerful electrical current was building in the room. Six-hundred volts. Nine-hundred volts. Twelve-hundred volts! More alarms began to sound as sparks began to flash in the air around Tina. Several of the computers in the observation room began to short out as the electricity made its way through the floor and into them. Just as the lead observer was about to order a complete system shutdown, the electricity suddenly faded to nothing. Looking out through the glass they could see that Tina had stopped moving, the transformation having been completed, she lay upon the table apparently asleep, or unconscious.  


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Forgotten human name (Slutty)

When the female unknown woke up she thought that maybe she was dreaming a strange dream, this all looked so very weird that there was no way it was real. but once first the light with pain and the classical fog of "what happened" in her head went away she was very awaken that this was her reality. She panicked and hyperventilated when she found that she was nude and strapped to a metal table. Her first reaction is to scream and try to struggle violently but, to no avail, she didn´t break those bonds. "HELP! SOMEONE! ANYONE THAT´S HEARING ME?!", she cried and cried but there was no answer. Then the voice said something about an experiment and an arm. "What?! Experiment?! Y-You can't! You can´t!", the woman cried, she got no reply. She also was sure 100% that the people in the window that she could only barely see her process, could see all of her lady bits, her nice c-cup breasts and pink little pussy on her decently wide hips. She was scared naturally, ashamed and very confused. Then the arm came, she tried to move far of that metal arm, but again it was useless and it soon plunged the needle into her neck. She cried out in pain and terror as she felt something now burning through her veins. Then.... it happened..... her body began to put more hot but she can´t penetrate herself, followed this hot by the drastically morph and change as the virus in her system rewrote her own DNA! She began to grow taller and her skin changes into a dark green exoskeleton with some flesh parts that also are dark green began to grow on her knees and down the rest of her legs. "Gah! Noooo!", she cried in terror mixed with little of pleasure. Then her breasts began to swell with made her nipples pop up immediately growing to JJJ Cup, soon they grew more than one whole cup size bigger! next her skin in other parts of her body turned darker and her black hair became a dark red, the same color as the talons on her lower legs and hands. Then in her forehead it grows two flesh dark green antennas that move around with the noises, get fulling her mind of sounds and lights that she sees around her, also her hands and feet began to reshape painfully with talons pointing and she cried out of ¿pleasure? Her feet grew claws and her toes became more like claws. Then she felt her fingers changes and elongate disappearing all semblance as human converting in razor sharp and deadly blades also with the dark green exoskeleton, between them giving her insects wings were her back once were. Her eyes morphed and grew out until they were large multifaceted eyes that painfully began picking up all kinds of sounds and movements. Finally her waist widened and her ass filled out more as a slug like tail sprouted from her tail bone and grew soft flesh on it. Then ¿it finally stopped?. Nooooo, because from her pussy, or above her pussy it grows a very looooong insect green hard cock that immediately cums all her naked body, and hides in her downside belly, waiting to the action. A word appears in the mind of the ¿insect-alien? "¿Slutty?", she laid there breathing heavily as she felt exhausted from the change. And Slutty had reborn of the dead body of the unknown woman
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She didn't know for how long she was sleeping ,a day ? maybe even a week but she was finally regaining conscious to the sound of whispers around her,she felt weak and vulnerável as her eyes slowly  opened she understood why... she was in a small room made of black glass ,laying on top of a table while completely naked a spotlight right on top of her made it impossible to hide anything ,her eyes widen and her face turns red from embarrassment , she try to cover herself but was tied tightly to the table unable to move ,she heard more whispers and replied "please ,just let me go ,what is going on?"
 She didn't get and answer in it's place she got stabbed by two needles from under the table ,at first she felt nothing then a tingling sensation "w-what was that?"still no answer. The tingling sensation turned into a sudden  pain as if someone just broke her legs ,she cries as the pain only got worse she felt her entire body changing she screamed like never before while begging for this to stop.First hair starts covering her body and changing from it's original brown color to a pure white,her entire body structure changing  her legs turning into one like a dog or a cat ,her ears shifted to be above her head and getting incredibly bigger ,her face formed a muzzled like that one of a cat ,her hands turned into paws,her entire body shrank ,after what felt like an hour of pain it finally stop ,panting she look around the room one last time before falling unconscious once more.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
GM POST: Locked up.

Bone's rampage was short lived. though she may have gotten free of her restraints the entire floor seemed to flow with electricity. she was promptly shocked until she was knocked out! In all of the rest of the rooms anyone that was still awake after their transformation was shocked until they to were left unconscious. in the main room a cruel smile ran across one of the scientist, "what an interesting set of subject we have in this batch, put them away for now....", he said.

They were all then moved into another section of the facility. they were put into three separate large holding cells with three of them in each. The cells were all pale grey in color and little more then medium sized boxes of rooms with think and wide bars keeping them in. they were grouped in like this:

cell1: Jena, Cedric, Bones.

cell2: Kajinn, Victoria, Tina.

cell3: Slutty, Kala, coye.


Jena snapped awake and looked around the room she was now in. she was laid against the cold walls of the cell and her whole body ached. She shook her head to try and clear her vision and wake up. "was that dream..?" she said softly. But then she looked down and saw what she had become she screamed in terror it wasn't a dream! It really happened! Her "hands" (more like her wings now) darted about her body, feeling all of her changed body and she very nearly hyper ventilated right there on the spot. tears began to flow down her face when she realized what this might mean... was she a freak now? was her dream of becoming a great musician over for ever now because of this?! "no...... Why?!" she said as she balled up on the floor and began to cry, but she noticed two other in the cell with her.. a kangaroo like preson and some kind large hulking beetle and dinosaur person. She gasped and back away into the corner and balled up again this time more afraid then sad. "p-p-please don't hurt me!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn groans as he wakes up, his head pounding. He warily opens one eye and looks around the cell. He jerks a little in surprise as he sees the two... Females, is what he was going to call them, as they weren't humans anymore. Him either, he realises with bitterness. He looks over their passed out forms for a few seconds before he slowly crawls over and tries to shake them awake. "Hey. Wake up. You guys alive?" He whispers, his voice still hoarse from the screaming. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones snaps awake with a snort, her eyes opening quickly as she jumps to her feet with a loud thud as her colossal body shakes the floor slightly. She speaks up with a lower voice than she is used to "Where am I?! What have you done to me you bastards!?" She looks at her new body and runs her hands along the horns on her elongated head. "What..... what is all of this?" She looks around before noticing Jena in the corner. "You! What is going on? Why are we in tiny box!?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
cell3: Slutty, Kala, coye.


Slutty snapped awake and looked around the room she was now. She lays against the cold walls of the cell and her whole body ached. She shook her head to try and clear her vision and wake up. "Was it a dream..?" she said in a murmur. But then she looks down and see what she has become, her body is a mixed of a slug and an insect, more specifically a mantis, she screamed mixed in terror and pleasure, she sees that it wasn't a dream! It really happened! Her "hands" (more like her fatals blades now) darted about her body and inserts in my private holes, feeling all of her new and changed body and she breaths a little more of exciting right there on the spot, doing that her cock extends all quickly. Tears of pleasure began to flow down her face when she realized what this might mean... but it is very real, she thinks as she balled up on the floor and began to masturbate of pleasure in her new body, doing that her own cock inserts in her new pussy and cums inside it, but she notices vaguely between her pleasure two other in the cell with her.. a bird? like preson and some kind large hulking bunny and a cat and it or she is very cute in that body. She gasped and moves a little in the direction of the two persons like her and balled up again this time more afraid then says to them "What happened before?, and why are we changed?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Jena's screeches woke Cedric right up, and he started upright with a jolt, legs kicking anything in reach as he scrambled back into a corner. "What the fuck... what are you?" He demanded of both, raising his fists in defense. When he saw the fur that ran along his arms, he remembered the needle and the transformation, and turned his quavering hands over in shock as he fell further back against the wall. "And me, what the hell happened to me?!" Evidently, the crying batgirl and the dinosaur lady were no better off than him, but that didn't stop him from snapping at them both. "Stop crying, just... just stop!" He demanded of Jena, just as he began to cry himself. "How did- how did this happen? What are we?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jena looked at both of them with an extremely fearful expression, her large bat ears drooping. everything they said was so... load! it hurt! "Ah! S-s-s-stop! your all too load! it hurts!", she cried as she covered her ears. "I-I-I-I.... dont know..... where we are, why we are her and, what even happened to us! Please don't hurt me i don't know anything!", she cried in fear and confusion. She then put her "hands" over her face witch in turn covered her whole body with her wings.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones just growled as the other two proved not to know anything at all. "Fine then... you two don't know anything about this... I suppose that only makes sense as you are in this box along side me." She moves over to the bars that hold them inside. "Hmm. Some sort of prison maybe? But that doesn't explain why I am beetle creature!" She tries to look down the hall left or right. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric, too, looked through the bars from the inside. He kept silent, hearing the batgirl's plea, and kept a wary eye on the hulking beetle woman. She couldn't be real, she just couldn't, and Cedric feared what it all might mean for him and the rest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Waking up when she was shaken, Victoria groaned as she came to. Pushing herself partway up, she looked around and, upon seeing who had woken her up, jerked onto her side away from the large creature. "Who are you" she asked, looking him over she realized that it was a he, and very naked. Looking down at herself she covered her own naked form as much as she could, her tail wrapping up between her legs. Turning back, she asked, "Where are we? What did they do to us?" assuming that her fellow cellmate was another victim. Hearing others, Victoria turned her head, keeping her cellmate in view at all times, and saw other people in cages like the one she was in, wondering just how many people there were.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Kajinn, and I woke up on an examination table, after which they injected me with some sort of drug, and then..." He motions to his body. "This. As for where we are, a cell is the obvious answer. As for why... We're part of some kind of sick experiment. That's all I could gather." He says. "I kinda wish I had an ice cream sandwich right now..." He mutters out of the blue. "Chocolate and vanilla. With a little chocolate sauce... Maybe a banana..." He says before moving over to the other woman and trying to wake her up. Despite his good intentions, his dick has other ideas, and starts to stiffen at the sight of their naked bodies. He was a man, in a room, with two naked ladies, one of whom was passed out... He shakes the thoughts out of his head. "So what's your name?" He asks the furry lady. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     "I'm Victoria, and nice to meet you I guess." Standing up, Victoria looked herself over, taking in what the experiment had done to her, stretching around to see all of herself since Kajinn was interested in the other person in the cell. "So what now, do we just wait for whoever put us here? And how can you think of ice cream at a time like this?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn gives up trying to poke the other woman awake, and sits back against the cell wall, sighing as he rubs his hands over his face, feeling the rough skin scrape at his fingers. "I suppose we do... As for the ice cream... Er... Well... Sometimes I just get totally random thoughts in all the wrong situations." He says, grinning a little, before his smile turns into a frown. "I... Had heard rumours, when I was in the army, about some secret experiments going on to make some sort of a perfect soldier or some bullshit..." He shakes his head. "I never believed them, and figured it was just people trying to scare a few others, but... Not so fake now, is it?" He says, looking forlornly at the bars of the cell. He can't help running his eyes appreciatively over Victoria's body as she stretches to see herself. "I wonder what they turned us into. I seem to be some sort of hybrid of shark and bat. What about you? Can you figure it out?" He says, looking at his hands before he looks at her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones grunts as she can't see much of anything with her big head getting in the way. Instead she examines the bars and grabs hold of them, trying to bend them or break them so she can get out. "Come one! Stupid bars getting in my way!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric took to following her lead. Despite the grim situation, he embraced the new sense of balance in his stance for just a moment, before kicking at the bars nearest Bones with his new feet. Each time he bounced off, the determination to break out masked the sting of collision, and he kept at it up until he was ready to fall over with exhaustion. "These damn things! Let em' have it!" He panted, not fully realizing how silly he must've looked.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
GM POST: mini

As they looked out through the bars the could see the other holding cells but they were empty. As Bones and Cedric went for the bars they found that they just wouldn't budge at all, no matter how much they went at them.


Jean still was sitting in the corner trying to not cry herself silly. she was morphed and naked sitting in a cell with other people who were now.. something else.. like her. She wish this was all just some bad dream but all the feeling in her body told her other wise. she lowered her wings to peek at her cells other occupants and thought that maybe there weren't going to hurt her. her eyes shifted around as she tried to work up the nerve to speak again... thye were both going at the bar with what they had but they weren't getting anywhere. "Maybe... you should do that...? I don't think that's gong to work....", she said meekly still intimidated by the large Dino beetle that was now bones. "please don't hurt yourselves...." she said more worried for Cedric then anything else. she thought that maybe introducing herself might help clam them down a little. "so, I'm Jena who are you two?" she asked still covering herself with her wings.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones gave the bars one final punch before backing off with a grunt. "not normal bars.... must be made of something special for Iron and steel I have bent before." She turns and sits on the floor "You are tiny Jena? you call me Bones, that is what everyone else did." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I know... it's not gonna... work!" Cedric seethed, kicking the bars a few final times before acknowledging defeat and falling to the floor. He listened to Jena and Bones as they announced their names, but managed to miss the cue to introduce himself, and slumped against the wall instead. His breathing was ragged with exertion as the blunt trauma of his feet finally made itself known. With a wince, he massaged them with his hands, still in disbelief that these were really his feet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tina finally opened her eyes as a groan escaped her mouth. Pushing herself up, she recoiled a bit from the sight of her white and red striped skin, and even more from the six long tentacles that now sprouted from her back. She also took note of the two other... things in the room with her. Despite the strange circumstances, she found that she wasn't as terrified as she thought she should be; almost as if her emotions had been bulled. So, she simply began with a wary, "Who are you?"   


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn looks over at her. "Kajinn. That's Victoria." He tilts his head to Victoria. "And you are?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jena looked at bones and nodded, she looked at Cedric but she got no reply. She didn't want to bother him so she left it alone for now. "So this is all real isn't it.... we're all changed.", she thought with sad look on her face. She caught sight of bones large penis and gasped and looked away embarrassed. then she noticed something.. she when she looked down at her own crotch she saw her had also changed! it now stuck out about an inch from her pussy at all times even if she wasn't aroused. She gasped and covered herself with her wings again. feeling oh so ashamed, and exposed. She could hear the voices of other with her enhanced hearing. "there are.. others? nearby..... maybe next this room?" she said with still blushing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones looks down at her crotch and smiles. "Well! At least there is some positive change to this! Hahahaha!" She gets up, her cock and balls wobbling about as she moves over and pounds on the wall. "hello? Someone on this side!?"