Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Let's hope, for Taki's sake, that he's got more below than his height suggests." She smiles, nuzzling into her bosom as she entangles their smooth, bare legs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"With Taki, it shouldn't matter. That girl always preferred it in the back door," she said, giving Elliana's tush a playful pat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I so wish I had a dick... it sounds so fun." She murmurs, her hands groping at the kitsune's breasts as she rests her head against them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"That can be arranged, honey. There's more than one way to get one," Ritsuko offered.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Ritsuko began rattling off a list of possibilities, most of which Elliana had already heard, everything from incubus draft and sleeping with anemones, to some strange esoteric spells and curses. In short order she found herself being lolled to sleep by the soft voice of the woman she was wrapped up between the sheets with.

The next morning, the companions awoke to Nami's voice rousing each of them in turn, and informing them that breakfast was ready. As they made their way groggily down the stairs, they found a table piled with toast, eggs, fruit, and ham waiting for them. They also found themselves invited for another dip in the hot spring behind the house. In answer to uncertain stares, Nami explained that kitsune preferred to bath twice daily. However, where the evening bath was a more sensuous affair, the morning bath was more about waking up to get ready for the day.

Meanwhile, back on the farm, Castella was getting a wakeup call of her own in the form of a slew of delicious smells wafting up from Whitney's kitchen. Making her way downstairs, she found the table set with biscuits, eggs, gravy, and to her great delight, that most tempting of all breakfast foods, bacon. Whitney stood at the stove preparing the last of the meal. She hadn't gotten dressed yet, instead wearing only an oversized white shirt that let her tail, as well as most of her ass, peek out from under it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana just eats a hearty meal and washes up before getting ready to head out with the party, once again. (Good place to wait, I feel.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a happy smile on her face she walks over to Whitney and slowly wraps her arms around her stomach and pulls her into a gentle hug. "Good morning Whitney. Last night was magical in it's own way. I hope I scratched that itch for you." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Seeing Mia still snoring heartily, Derek quietly leaves and closes the door shut, coming out from the room. Quickly getting his fill he goes to freshen up, not wanting to slug around.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"Urghh...." Mia wakes up slowly, after a good stretch she puts her armour on and heads downstairs to eat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yeah, I needed that," replied Whitney, leaning into the hug. "Come on now, breakfast is ready." The two sat down to the second hearty meal that Castella had enjoyed since coming to this strange new world. Whitney was the first to finish and went upstairs to change, wagging her tail the whole way. By the time she came back down, Castella had just finished her meal, and Whitney lead her out to the barn once they had cleared the table. Inside Castella found an old toboggan sled loaded with half a dozen sacks that were tied down with and ready for transport. "Well, here ya are, hun, one shipment of food for one dhole gone. Sorry I couldn't find anything else to put it on for you. Anyway, you got corn, carrots, potatoes, turnips, parsnips, and a few peppers for seasoning," she said with a proud smile.

Back at the kitsune mansion, breakfast was delicious and filling. Once everyone had eaten their fill, Ritsuko brought three sacks out into the living room and offered them to the group. Inside each of the sacks was a smoked ham and wheel of cheese, along with a bundle of biscuits, and several small jars of seasoning, all wrapped in wax paper. "You folks said you were looking for provisions for a trip, hopefully this will last you at least a little while." As she spoke, she made her way over to Elliana, and offered her a small scroll. "Here, it concerns the topic we were talking about last night before you fell asleep. If you ever decide to take the last step, just let your mage friend over there take a look at it, he should be able to help you with it," she said, with a smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gasps when she sees the wagon loaded up so heavily and quickly throws her arms back around Whitney in a big hug. "Oh thank you Whitney! This is exactly what we needed! You have done me a grand favor!" She lets go and has a sudden idea. Reaching into her bag she pulls out the equinum and bovinium. "Before I go, can you tell me anything about these? I know one is horse juice and the other is cow potion... but could tell me any specifics?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, aside from giving you the features of the animals they're named after, the equinum will make you big and strong, and the labova will do much the same, as well as make your sweater puppies start pumping out milk," she explained.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Any notable down sides to them or... just more animal like?" She asks while putting them back into her bag. "Also, if you need anything else before I go, please just speak up, I would be happy to help!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I've heard tell of people loosing their minds from drinking too much of the stuff too fast, so I wouldn't try to live off the stuff if I were you, but other than that, haven't really heard anyone complain." Whitney stepped forward and stood on her tip toes to press her lips against Castella's. wrapping her arms around the bigger woman, the innocent kiss quickly became more intense as the tip of her tongue slipped past Castella's lips, and her hands wondered down her back to give each of her back cheeks a firm squeeze. Pulling away, she smiled before saying, "Just keep me in mind if you're ever out this way again, sweetie."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gasped but soon returned the kiss by pushes her tongue back against Whitney's while her cock poked her in the thigh. She breaks off the same time as Whitney and nods her head. "Of course Whitney... if I am ever in the area again, this will be my first stop. If not, I will make time to come out and visit you. Stay safe." With a final wave she grabbed the toboggan and pulled it along behind her as she made her way back to the path to camp. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Whitney waved goodbye after walking  Castella to the edge of her land. Pulling the sled behind her, Castella guessed that it carried about a hundred pounds of food; enough to keep the entire group going for at least a week. She wondered if the others had been as successful in their mission. Hopefully, she would meet them back at camp. Speaking of camp there it was, just ahead of her... wait.

[Okay, I'm going to do something that I've been completely spacing on for a while now. Everyone gets three experience points, which unless I've miscounted should put you all at the eight you need to level up. Also, I've been a total fanny this entire game, because I completely forgot one of the most basic rules of dungeon world; Every time a player gets a six or lower on a move roll, they get a point of experience. Feel free to point and laugh, I certainly deserve it, but in the mean time once you guys finish leveling, Elliana gets three XP, Mia gets four, Derek gets six, and Castella gets a whopping eight, for all the times you guys have gotten low rolls so far. If you all have any questions about leveling please ask on the OOC forum. Sorry for this rather large blunder of mine.]   


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Castella stopped in her tracks and looked horribly confused. "Wait... this was a two day journey. how am I here already?!" She turned around to see if the farm was still right behind her.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Looking behind herself, Castella found only the faint trail that she and Carla had started off on two days earlier. No sign of the farm, and no sign of any tracks that she had left, only the beach that she suddenly found herself standing on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Now Castella was straight up boggled. She moved over to the camp site and placed the toboggan down safely in it's area before stepping away. "I thought about camp... and suddenly I am at camp. I don't think i can teleport unless...hmmm." 

[Discern reality 4+2+2=8 What just happened?]
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Judging from what just happened, it seemed that having a clear vision of a destination in her head had allowed Castella to travel to it almost instantaneously.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
After only a few minutes of travel, Castella found herself back among the outer crops of Whitney's farm.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A smile grows across her face and her excitement grows. Thinking back to camp she fast travels back to it and moves back to guard the new supplies. "This is fantastic! I simply must tell the others about this." She sat down and stared and relaxed while day dreaming back to her time spent with Whitney, both the good and the bad. Her smile came back as she thought about making her new friend with benefits, even if it gave her yet another boner.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
A sudden movement in the water drew Castella's attention as the familiar form of Carla stepped out onto the beach. "Hey there you are," she said walking over to the fire. "When nobody came back last night I started to get worried." Carla had a pair of fish tied at the end of a rope in her hand. "Do you mind if I use your fire pit? You're welcome to one if you like," she said, offering one of the fish.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Oh, thank you so much, girls." She goes around giving each of the Kitsune a hug, and plants a kiss on Ritsuko's cheek. "If it works out, I'll make sure to come back." She whispers.

She then turns to the party. "Has everyone done what they needed to do? Anything we're missing, before we leave?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She flinches at Carla's sudden arrival but smiles when she recognizes her. "Ah, sorry Carla, things got a bit intimate with Whitney last night. you are welcome to use the fire pit and I will pass on the fish right now, I had a large breakfast and apparently gained the ability to teleport simply by walking and thinking about my destination!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, everyone can do that," replied Carla. "That's just how Mareth works. The only problem is that you can't take people with you, that's why I walked with you all the way to the farm the other day."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That... is very convenient all the same. Thank you for walking with me the other day, I would have felt very alone were it not for your presence." She sits back and lets the shark girl use the fire pit. "I wonder if that means the others will just magically show up once they are done with their business. Either way, I am glad getting back to camp will be easy." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'm sure they'll come over the hill as soon as they finish whatever it is that they're doing," said Carla. With that, she went about getting the fire going and hung he fish on a makeshift spit. As the two made small talk, Castella found that the topless shark-girl was not making it easy for her boner to go down. Nor was the fact that Carla's wet skirt was clinging to her well-toned legs, as well as her massive male endowment, like a second skin.