Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shifted about and crossed her legs, trying to keep her boner from pitching a tent in her robe. Her eyes keep darting to her exposed chest, toned legs and above all else, that huge endowment she must have. "So... umm, Carla, if you don't mind me asking... are you normal size for your species or are you on the big side?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She coughs and clears her throat. "I... uh, I was talking more about down below. Your clothes are wet and giving me a pretty good look at your bulge..." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Carla cocked and eyebrow, and a wry smile crept onto her face as she spread her legs a little more, letting her dick stand out even better against the wet fabric. "Actually, I'm a little on the small side, most sharks sport an easy eighteen inches when hard. I cap out at fifteen, but I like to make up for it with enthusiasm." As Castella watched, Carla's penis swelled a little as their conversation took a sexual turn. "How about you, what are you packing?" she asked, excitement growing in her voice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Fifteen inches....." She said in amazement. "The average is 18 inches long?! That.. how could that possibly fit into anyone or anything short of a horse?! I... I only have 6 inches which is average for a human male." Her eyes are glued to the swelling member between Carla's legs, her curiousity growing along with it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, I wouldn't just shove it in," said Carla, defensively. "I'm not a savage. I mean, first I'd eat my partner out for a while, you know, get her juices flowing, make her nice and sloppy," she began, letting her inches long tongue lol out of her mouth as she licked her lips. "Then, once yo- they were good and ready, I'd start with the tip, just probing a little bit, before working the first inch or two in." As Carla spoke, her cock continued to grow until the head peeked out from under the hem of her skirt, which had been hiked up in her crouching position. "Then I'd let it sink in nice and slow until I bottomed out, and we'd just lay there for a while so she could get used to it, before the real fun started." Carla's smile grew along with her dick, and she made no effort to hide the fact that she was trying to look up Castella's skirt.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A shudder went down her form at the explicit description of how Carla would roll. Her coll is throbbing and her legs have spread out again, letting Carla see right up her skirt with ease. "I... would you now? That sounds... very kind of you to... consider your partners needs first." Her breathing was heavy at this point. " ...Ok... I don't care any more." She quickly flung off her robe so only her bra remained since the imps destroyed her under clothes. She spreads her legs and lifts her balls out of the way "Come here and prove your words right." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Whoa, whoa, whoa there. I don't play the beta, sweetie." Carla stood and walked over to Castella until she was standing with her crotch mere inches from her face. Grabbing the knot that secured her skirt at her hip the gave it a quick tug and the garment fell away, pooling at her feet. Hanging inches from Castella's face was the largest penis she had ever seen, and it wasn't even erect yet. It hung down a full twelve inches almost to Carla's knees, a drop of pre dangling from the tip of the thick foreskin that covered the head. She had no balls that Castella could see, her manhood sprouting from just above her womanhood. "If you want some lovin' then you need to be a good beta and show me a little first."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I... wow... I will try" She sat up straight and lifted the huge member with both her hands. With a firm grip she she started to stroke it down and up. Her face loomed ever closer to it until her nose was just inches from the tip and she took a deep sniff of Carla's musky scent before her tongue come out and dragged a lick over her urethra, tasting her  pre cum.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unsurprisingly, the dollop of pre was salty, made even worse by the salt water that still covered Carla from the wet skirt she had been wearing. "Come on, beta, don't be shy. just start by peeling that foreskin back and giving it a kiss," Carla urged.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Castella nods up to her and slowly peels back the foreskin to her cock, revealing the entire head to the world. Once there, she leans forward and plants a kiss on the tip, slowly getting used to the salty flavor of it all. Gathering her wits she opens up and takes three inches into her mouth, licking at it with her tongue. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"No need to be dainty with me. Keep in mind that this, and whatever you manage to produce downstairs, is all the lube you're going to get," she said, a hint of warning creeping into her voice, and letting Castella know that she meant business.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nods, already feeling nervous, and takes a deep breath before pushing forward on Carla's cock, trying to take as much of it in as possible, her throat bulging as the massive cock slides down.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Now you're getting it," said Carla, grabbing the back of Castella's head and pushing her down as far as she could go before letting her slide back up, leaving a thick coating of spit on the first eight inches of her cock. "That'll do, now why don't you lay back and spread those pretty legs of yours, so I can get that little pussy ready?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Castella pulls off and coughs as her throat was quickly fucked like it has never been before. Nodding to Carla's words, she lays down on her back and spreads her legs to reveal her pussy. "Like this?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
In an instant, Carla was on the ground in front of her, her hands on Castella's inner thighs forcing them even further apart as she stared at her genitals with a massive toothy grin. "By the gods, your dick is adorable, I've never seen one so tiny," she squealed. Leaning in, she pressed the tip of her snout to the shaft and took a long deep breath. "Mmm, you were with someone recently. I can still smell them on you," she moaned as she took in the intoxicating scent of fresh sex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gasped at the sudden rough treatment and blushed when her dick was called tiny. "I.. I was. The farmer back there was lonely so... I went several rounds with her. I have not had the chance to really wash up yet..." She pauses. "It isn't that tiny is it? Saying so is embarrassing." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Sorry, beta, but it is mighty small for a shark. I mean just look at this." Carla wrapped her lips around the head of Castella's cock, giving it a hard suck before working her way down to the base with one easy motion. Her dick wasn't even in Carla's throat, but just sat on her enormous tongue. Said tongue then slithered out under Castella's dick to lap at her balls a few times before wrapping under them and drawing them into Carla's waiting maw as well. She sat there casually sucking on the entirety of Castella's maleness as if it was nothing more than a pacifier, as she looked up at Castella with a smile, he tongue swirling around her entire shaft as she sucked away.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Castella let out a wail of bliss as her entire male side was sucked into the shark girls welcoming maw. Her hips lifted up off the floor and her back arced as she cried out to the moon above. "Aaaah! Carla! That... that feels incredible! Your tongue! Oh moon above your tongue is so amazing!" Her cock throbbed inside of Carla's mouth, pre cum already dripping from the tip as the new found sensations flooded her mind and body. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Carla chuckled to herself as she ministered to Castella's member. Pulling back, she let the cock and balls pop from her mouth. "You like that, huh? Well, how about this?" Taking Castella's dick in her hand, she began to slowly stroke up and down while dipping her head lower to get at her real target. Castella could feel the hot breath upon her feminine folds as Carla took another deep breath before drawing her long thick tongue up her slit, and across her clit, before plunging in a full three inches to taste her insides. A new surge of pleasure struck Castella as Carla's tongue swam inside her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She cried out in bliss as her pussy was stuffed full of shark tongue and her cock was stroked at the same time. The double pleasures being thrust onto her body was sending her to the very heights of her pleasure that she has never felt before. "Oh moon! Carla, that feels incredible as well! Everything you do just feels so good! Please, touch and lick me more! Not even Whitney was this good!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The pleasure was building fast, as Carla went to work even harder, stroking and licking with gusto. Casrella's back arched even higher as her pleasure centers were pushed to the very limit of climax, when suddenly everything stopped. Carla withdrew her tongue, and released her dick, and Castella's orgasm quickly petered out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
she mewled sadly and bucked her hips at something that simply wasn't there any more. "Heeeey. Why did you stop? It was feeling so goood! please keep going! I need more!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, you're about to get more alright," said Carla, hefting her now fully erect cock into view. The massive member was even bigger than Castella had imagined, and seemed to pulse slightly along with Carla's heartbeat. "Betas only get to cum when their alphas say they can, and I want you to cum from this." She scooted forward, bringing the head of her cock mere inches from Castella's womanhood. "Now be a good girl and spread those puffy lips for me, so we can get down to business," she said, licking her lips.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
a tinge of fear sunk into Castella's mind as she looked at the huge member... but that only seemed to excite her more. She slowly reached down and spread her pussy wide open for Carla to see. "Please... stick that huge cock into my pussy!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Carla moved in, pressing the tip of her dick to Castella's opening and giving it a little push. The priestess gasped as the huge head prodded at her folds, and for just a moment considered backing out, before Carla leaned forward just a bit more. With an audible pop the head of Carla's dick breached Castilla's opening, The air escaped her lungs as just the head of the massive dick felt like it was stretching her to her limits, and she had to struggle for breath as Carla slowly worked two more inches in after it. "By the gods, are you sure you're not a virgin?" she moaned, as Castella's pussy was stretched tight around her cock.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She was gasping for air and struggling to keep any kind of pace with the huge cock being pushed into her. "I... ow... not a virgin... you are just... WAY bigger than anything back at my home... i'm... not sure I will be able to... take you in Carla. you are already... stretching me wide as is!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
With a sigh of defeat, Carla pulled her cock out of Castella. "Alright, alright, wait just a second." Picking up her skirt, she rummaged through the folds until she pulled out a tiny vial of clear liquid. "Don't go telling your friends I did this," she warned, as she popped the cork and dribbled the liquid over her penis and rubbed it in. Before Castella's eyes, Carla's dick began to shrink, loosing several inches of length and a considerable amount of girth, it stopped when it was about a foot in length. "Better?" Carla asked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stared in awe as Carla changed herself just to have sex with her. "Wha... but... why?! Why would you shrink down just to have sex with me? Isn't that permanent?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Shrivel oil isn't permanent, but only beta's are supposed to use it," said Carla tossing the tiny vial aside. She let herself fall forward, her hands landing on either side of Castella's head as she gazed deep into her eyes. "Usually, it's the beta's job to please the alpha, it's not really our concern weather or not it's comfortable for you. But, you're lucky I'm such a softy. Now, hurry up and guide me into you, before that stuff wears off," she commanded.