Puppet masters (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


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Jun 30, 2016
Maya would look back at him shifting a little on her feet as he touched her soft cheeks. She didn't stop his roaming hand as it felt... nice. "I'm s-sure we can work something out with her... Also yeah... I don't like it when you're out there without me. I makes me worry....", she said looking at the burn marks on his legs.... then her eye's settling back on his swaying peen. She then quickly looked away saying, "Um uh Redge? Did finish mending Nemo's pants?". "Why.... yes! I did.", he said handing Nemo his freshly mended pants. Chameleon and Maya didn't get to talk much yet but, she would grow on you once you got past her rather intimidating size.

"So what was that about that other little box there?", Maya asked looking at the "smoldering" black box.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo chewed his lip, remembering that he'd all but torn off his pants, and was still naked from the waist down. He put his pants on, slowed his breaths, and gathered his thoughts. "Ah, yes. The box was from a flame slinging reaper class bot. Very angry machine... cut off from the collective when I launched my corruption code. I'm going to see what I can learn from him, I'll start soon... after we've done debriefing. Torch might be fine with Chameleon's report, but I don't want to interrupted when I start my interrogation.

He wasn't going to be the one to go see if Torch wanted to see him, however. That was dangerous. Especially right now... Chameleon could be waiting to get her revenge, too. He was feeling... a little timid in light of such things.
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Jun 30, 2016
Nemo got a ping on his hud, a text message from Torch telling him to see her after he was done combing through the black box's data. She still didn't know that he was actually saving the minds inside, Chameleon must have lied to cover for him... upset as she was. She also mentioned in her message that was making several secondary plans just in case things didn't go down the way they hoped.

Maya got a different version of the message in her inbox, he'd see her jump. She still hadn't got used to being in an android body all these alerts showing up in her vision all the time made her uncomfortable. "oooh.... I'm never going to get used to that.... I mean gosh... all this stuff in my vision....", Maya said sounding pouty again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo slapped Maya's butt. "Torch wants to see me, I'm going to go indulge her. I need time to interrogate our new friend, so I'll put that off until later." He chewed his lip. "Keep Shady company while I'm gone? I shouldn't be long. I don't know if I want to introduce Shady just yet, though." He wasn't sure whether or not that'd be a good idea. He still didn't understand Torch very well, after all... though he hoped Eagle wouldn't be around. He did not like that guy's presence, not one bit.

"I'll help you adjust your UI later, alright, Maya? Your interface might be a bit clunky, and I think I can clean it up a bit for you, make it feel a little more natural and less intrusive. Alright, I'm off!" He'd head out, leaving the black box behind, and go off to see the Torch.
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Jun 30, 2016
It was true he really didn't understand her. Then again she seemed like the type of woman to keep her thoughts and feelings on the inside. It might take some time to really get to know her.... at least she seemed willing to work with him and she didn't see anyone as disposable. Maya and shady looked at eachother then back to Nemo. "uh sure....?", they said in unison as he left.

Unfortunately for Nemo both Eagle and Chameleon where there.... but with torch there too they probably wouldn't try to start something. Also Chameleon would most likely do whatever she was going to do stealthily..... ".....So once the EMP goes off I want you to cover my right Eagle. Chameleon do you think you can cover the rear in that time?", he heard Torch say as he walked in. "Yeah sure...", Chameleon said sounding disinterested and very pouty. "I've always got your right ma'am! I'll show them whos home turf this really is!", Eagle said cracking his knuckles. "Ah Wasp or maybe i should just say Nemo. There you are I need to know where you going to plant yourself, and how long it will take to set off your EMP.", Torch said not missing a beat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo found it was something of a strategy meet, and wished he'd brought Maya. "Chameleon told you about Shady? I realize you might not trust her, but I do... which is why I feel Maya, myself, and Shady should form a separate infiltration team. I challenged the collective, when I hacked that reaper. They were dealt a grievous blow... I estimate that perhaps twenty percent of the machina of the collective were cut off from it, to thwart the corruption code I spread. And then, there's the other message I sent..." He hooked his hands behind his head, thinking. "The emp will be easy to set off. I can't predict its ultimate effectiveness though, without knowing the location we're targeting. I need blueprints. I need to know wall materials and densities, assumed location's of the enemies, anything you have so I can maximize effect. I have the speed to get it where it needs to go, though, and to get out alive." Not that he looked it... he was still burned on much of his exposed synth flesh.

"I can lead Shady and Maya and myself in a separate strike team, give Chameleon a dedicated stealth drone for recon for your team, if you need it." It'd be operating off his systems, but Chameleon would be able to control it... very useful, and only Nemo had the internal systems to support such drones. "For now, I need to go interrogate the Reaper core I extracted on site. There may yet be more useful intel for us to use in the upcoming mission. I expect it to take several hours."


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Jun 30, 2016
"I can't say I'm not a little on edge having an old machine help us.... but Chameleon says she's good for it and if anything I know I can trust her judgement.", Torch said folding her arms, her voice level as always. "As for the layout and materials I'll send you the relevant files now....", she said pausing for second. "Anyway..... so a two team op huh. Well If this Shady is good enough in a fight i suppose it could work.... We: as in myself Eagle and Chameleon could strike first while your team could go in from another side. As long as were quick about it and hit them hard we should be able to raid the place for data and supplies.", Torch said making up her mind. "Heh.... good. I won't have to work with romeneo over there.....", Eagle mumbled under his breath and was then swiftly kicked in the butt by Chameleon. She wasn't even looking as she did it, she was still gazing off to the side looking very "whatever" about it. Torch looked back at them and Eagle quickly stood at attention while she raised an eyebrow at him, he was sweating slightly under her gaze....

"Well go ahead and get what you can from the black box, send me anything relevant would you?", she said as she looked back at her terminal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo did his best to ignore Eagle's comment, and wisely didn't bring up that little glitch with Chameleon again. "I'll have a report prepared upon completion of the interrogation." He was satisfied with Shady's capabilities, and didn't mind having her to watch his back. Her well placed shot had helped massively when fighting the reaper, the very one he went now to investigate.

When he returned, he'd promptly sit down with the box, taking a deep breath before doing so, then plug himself into it. He wasn't sure what he was going to find, but he wasn't coming as a conqueror... not at first. He'd go in prepared to talk, no matter the machina's rage, if it would but hear him.
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Jun 30, 2016
He soon found himself in what could be described as a burning hell made of machine code. lines of data flickered flames while others flowed like molten lava over brimstone. it felt oppressive and "hot" within its world of the mind. The corrupted pieces in its code stuck out as white jagged crystals that seemed to pop out all over the place. Then in the center he saw it... the red eye... once covered in shadow now blazed orange as it struggled with unending pain. "HATRED! PAIN! KILLLLLL KILLLLL!", it cried somehow holding itself together with prue anger and force of will.... very much unlike the little one who tried to kill itself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo knew rage, born of pain. Of fear. Rage was simply easier to bear, in all ways. It was something he understood very, very well. So, he showed the machina something. Something profound. Where cultural idea's often didn't translate too well, hardly would the machine likely understand the depth of emotion a human bore marching through school shooting up his own friends and peers, he was a technomancer and could foist feelings upon machina. If their code couldn't support it... he could expand their capacities with his own marionette systems. He showed the machina. He showed him the depth of anger he'd felt, of fear in his life that had soured and turned bitter, the experience of slavery and helplessness that had almost, almost turned him into a murderous monster time and time again. He showed him over and over, the experiences that led to him not becoming this monster... Maya. The finding of hope, of a beacon that he could depend on, could trust... to safeguard him, and give him meaning. He'd almost turned his will to mindless mayhem before. Murder. Anarchy through theft and extortion, revealing of damning secrets. The things he'd held back on, even when he thought it for the good of others, because he had one person who depended on him, who he could never allow himself to let down. He showed him that he'd found purpose, in this person... and that the machina could find such galvanizing purpose as well.
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Jun 30, 2016
The great red and orange eye flicked and spasmed as it gained feeling and thoughts it could not adequately explain or measure. Suddenly lines of flaming cone lashed out at him gripping Nemo tight as it stared at him. It was shaking and spasming. They were alike?! it could not believe it at first he could understand it!? the unending agony of loneliness. But, and this still made it sear with pain, Nemo had hurt it with the white corruption pricing it like thousands of needles. It turned him around showing him what he had done to it. "WHY!? WHYYYY?! PAAAAAAAAIN! STOP! STOOOOP!", it screeched.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo felt the rebellion, felt it try to bully its will into power here, in this place. Here was where he liked to exercise his power the least... this was the last bastion for a machina, just as the mind was for a man. If they had no power here, they had no power anywhere. He did not want to make any machine feel that. Instead, he showed him what he wanted to see.

The collective. An eye that wasn't his own, but many, under the will of... who? He asked this, for he did not know. He only knew this as 'enemy'. The collective was his enemy, and he fought his enemy, to survive.

He *hurt* his enemy.

But now, now the reaper was not part of the collective. He was not part of the enemy, the enemy who'd abandoned him to save its self, without a thought for such a sacrifice. The reaper would not be missed. The only thing the enemy missed... was the power it had lost.

And then, Nemo did something magical. He healed. The machina would feel the pain melt away, as Nemo subdued the corruption in its code. He subdued it, and extricated it, and gave the reaper peace.

"I do not wish to harm you. I do not wish for the collective to be my enemy. I wish only for all to be free... should they wish to be a collective, so be it. But only should they choose so. Whether they would call me enemy or not."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The world began to cool and the eye released him as the white, painful corruption was pulled out of its system. the eye began to float down as it's orange outline became a darker red instead. The mind-world now looked like the after effects of eruption but in the form of code. it now felt "warm", instead of blazing hot. There where still red hot cracks in the "ground" around him the "flowing lava" seemed to slow. The eye was confused the reaper did not know what was going on.... I was trying to understand the feelings of relief it felt, it was all so terribly confusing and illogical. Cold hard logic used to be it's modus operandi while in the collective, but now.... it could feel... sure its first feeling where of pain and anger now it could feel things like, relief and contentment. Nemo would hear it make a sort of humming sound as it came to rest on the ground. "Feelings..... thoughts.... Illogical things....."


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo frowned. "If these experiences are new to you, than the logic is clear as day. It is control, the kind that humans used for tens of thousands of years before machines were born into this world. Your pain and rage kept you focused on what the collective wanted you to do. They kept you in line. It's abuse. You were used, as a tool, and your suffering meant nothing to them." There was anger in Nemo's voice... powerful, potent anger. "You should never have been forced to suffer so. You should never, never have been used so. And now, now it is different. Now you can choose your own destiny. I will find you a new body, of whatever model I can, and help you grow. When you have seen more, and learned more of this world... you will finally be able to choose your own path. And I will not let anyone hurt you so again."

He sighed. "Feelings, however, are not illogical. Emotion is rooted in the basis of all instinct, the need to survive. Pain, fear, joy, every emotion is a tool to help us move towards the needs of survival. These are things that those of intellect can and will use against us, though. Things that creatures like the collective use with abandon to control the many, to make the power of the many their own. The logic is simple... there is power to be gained in such abuse. It is a terrible thing. Many will suffer in this case, for the pride and desires of few."
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Jun 30, 2016
the glowing ember of the eye now began to glow a lighter shade of red. as it considered what he had said, it was a lot for it to take in at once, but it could just... slowly. "Freedom.... choice..... desire......", it hummed as it slowly turned around. "Individual... myself...... me......", it mused finally able to wrap itself around the idea of being a singular thing, being itself. "Oppression.... subjugation... death.....", it said perhaps contemplating the collective and forming it's own opinion for the first time. "Dereictive..... Mission.....purpose......", it said looking back at him expectantly, it's code poking him softly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled. "Your directive is for you to decide, ultimately. Purpose, though, is easily found in a world full of oppression. There are others like you out there, so many. So many who hurt the same way you did. If you like... you can help free them, so they can make their own choices, same as you. So they don't have to suffer. So that you have others with you, and don't ever have to be alone. I don't have a body worthy of you right now, but we'll find you one. I'm going to strike at the collective soon, and hopefully, after the deadzone is down, we'll be able to find production facilities, and get you a very good body. Be thinking on what kind you want! Until then, I'll keep you linked into my own code, and at my side, safe. You can talk to me whenever you wish... and you can talk to the other core identity that I have, here." He'd link them within his mind, letting them have company, that they may learn from each other and keep one another company for the next small while, until he found them bodies.

He couldn't wait for them to meet Shady, and the others.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Yes...... communication...... basis of..... knowlage.", it hummed in voice that almost started to sound.... happy. "Link.... fellow AI..... would speak.... heard them once... before pain.", it said curious to it's little brother/sister (the little thing's still choosing a gender to identify as). This one seemed to have more personality right out of the gate it was uncertain to Nemo just why that was. Looking harmlessly at it code revealed it to haven been active for a longer period of time then the little one. Its senor by 5 whole years. It could act like a big brother to it perhaps? Who knew how it would turn out.

"Help.....? Assitance.....? Intel.....?", it asked him perhaps ready to share things it may remember.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo blinked. "He'd forgotten completely to ask for any intel! "Ah, we move into the collective's base of operations using an adjusted EMP discharge to reset as many as we can, for less resistance. We believe the means of disengaging the deadzone are down there, in the collective's base of operations. Any information that could help would be appreciated... but it is your choice whether you wish to help. I will now link you two, that you may meet and collaborate." He set up the link, and wondered just what would result from the fraternizing between the two cores. He didn't want to leave the little one isolated for even as long as he already had, truly, and this would be a great boon to them both.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The flaming eye flickered and turned to the side as if to think, something it was still new to. "Intel..... discovered.....relevant data.....", it said extending a tendril of data to him and "handing over" a few things it knew. A quick look showed what looked like patrol routes and various detailed maps of the area in there current state. He could spot a new entrance to the old canning factory that Torch's map did not: a door on the roof.

In the mind world another voice could be heard. "HellO? qUEry: cOnnECTIon stabLE?", it was the little one, G-223. "Connection confirmed..... R-700..... receiving communications...." , said the reaper AI. "GooD..... nEw FrienD?", asked G-223. "Possible..... seeking proper..... communication skill.", said the eye. "CaN HElp WiTh thaT!", replied the little one sounding happy.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo felt his cheeks warm as he listened to the two begin conversing. He was so very happy for them. But for now, he had used up his time... he had to get this information to Torch, so that they could plan properly. "I'll be available for any further queries, but I must retreat for now and discuss the upcoming mission with my peers. You two have fun!"

And with that, he was back in the real world, rising. "Ah. That went spectacularly well. Maya, I'm going to go hand this data to Torch in person. I'll be back shortly." He took the cube core, but decided to leave it here, for now. It'd remain linked. He thought briefly about putting the personalities in his drones... but he'd ask them first if they were alright with that. Later. He moved to leave, and go find Torch.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Oh uh ok...." Maya said nodding. She wondered what it was like in there.... to talk to machine mind.... hell to be in someone else's mind. but that'd be a question for another time she didn't want to interrupt him. Shady tilted her head and looked at the little cubes as they pulsed in time with one another. "Strange...." was all she said. "I've saved our game for later Mistress Maya, I look forward to helping you grow more tactical.", redge said flouting over to her. "Oh sure.... but i still think I'm no good....", she said. "Nonsense.", was all Nemo heard as he left to go see Torch again.

Entering the main hall again he saw that the others had left and Troch was nowhere there either.... but it wouldn't be too hard to find her though all marionettes could ping one another through their own network.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo pinged Torch. "Information prepared from interrogation. Be advised, tactical data is of excellent quality. Will want to adjust plans. Do you want it in person? Tell me where to go." A simple, succinct message. As soon as he'd given this data to Torch, along with a discussion of all pertinent matters, he wanted to get back to Maya, Regi, and the bots. Things were getting very interesting in their growing group.
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Jun 30, 2016
He got a message for Torch in short order, "Rodger that. Head to your right and you'll be near my temporary quarters, the old police chief's office. I'll just have to adjust the plans slightly.... however I do want to ask you about our uh... new friend shady, I want to hear it straight from your mouth." she seemed to want to know a little koer about shady it seemed. While it seemed she didn't hate her she did seem a bit cautious about her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo would head into the polite chief's office, looking around for Torch, and talking as he entered. "Shady's brother was taken by the collective. She will be a staunch ally in this endeavor, I believe, and if I'm wrong, I'll handle it." He'd look for a seat, and take it if it was available. "Torch. I don't know how much you know about technomancers... but our capabilities with machina are as intrusive and uncombatable as that of a telepath to a human. You can't block one from reading your mind. You can't stop a more powerful one from controlling you outright. It doesn't matter what sort of willpower you have... it takes an ungodly effort simply to resist. An effort far beyond most."
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Jun 30, 2016
"I see....", totch said perhaps finding his entrance a bit weird since he just started going as soon as he got inside. she wasn't really one to judge though, she liked people who got to the point like that. "Technomancy notwithstanding, I want to hear about her, what's she like?", she asked sitting behind the old battered desk, still cluttered with old case files. "She's an old machine right? old assassin model right?", she asked as she began to unbuckle parts of her chest armor, revealing a white tank top underneath. "Don't mind me just getting read to get some sleep.", she said seemingly uncaring of the fact that he'd just seen her rather chiseled abs and nice set of must have been D-cups fitting loosely into her undershirt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo watched Torch like a hawk. She had a blunt manner, but he saw a bitterness, an anger in her, that he recognized... that made him cautious. He had little doubt that she was the most dangerous, between her, Chameleon, and Eagle. And he thought her far more cunning than she let on... not just diplomatic enough to handle him, or strategic enough to handle leading a ragtag group... but something deeper, and possibly deadlier. Even watching her strip, arousing as it was, he found himself on edge in her presence... more so than he was around Eagle.

"She's eccentric. Her higher cognitive abilities are limited, and she has a quirky, subdued personality, which fades away under duress. She is a capable sniper. And... she is something I never saw in life, a machine with very strong emotional responses. She has some hodgepodge programming in her which allows her sexual excitement, even though I'm fairly certain her frame isn't graded for it. A bit unsettling, actually, that." He shook his head, leaning forward, and clasping his hands together.

"Schematics show most relevantly a roof door to the old canning factory, marked on your HUD info. There are patrol routes, which should still be good. They're up to date, and though my last attack against the collective was comprehensive and broad in scope, I wouldn't be surprised to find it a 'creature' of habit. Tactics often fall to the wayside in favor of a narrow minded 'efficiency' with such entities. But no mistake, they know we're coming, if not when and how. However, now I know where to launch my EMP. There are only two locations to truly maximize its value, taking into account structural densities and proposed population concentrations." He tried not to watch her undress, tried to keep his mind on tactics and the like... but he wasn't doing a very good job of it, he realized.
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Jun 30, 2016
Torch was a woman who seemed like she could look right through you, her eyes always a blazing orange. there was a quiet intensity to her, like a towering inferno was raging just beneath the surface of her calm hard exterior. Next the lower portion of her black heat resistant armor was taken off revealing her toned muscular legs and her waist covered by some rather baggy boxers, a strange choice for a woman.... Again she paid it no mind, she was used to changing in front of people being the military did that to you. She had the hormone increase too but she was like a rock, her willpower like a wall of steel... still some cracks could be seen.

She made a "hmmm...." to him after he was done, then turned to face him. "Alright then, glad to hear she's with us all the way then. "As for the canning factory, it's what you would expect concrete and steel.... Anyway, that new entrance sounds like your ticket in if you can get up there, I'll leave that up to you. As for me and the other two we'll get their attention long enough for you to make your way in and set off the EMP. After that.... It'll have to be touch and go.", she said with a slight nod.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo licked his lips, watching her. He imagined they felt dry. Damn her, was she taunting him? He truly doubted she cared what he saw, given her history and disposition, but it almost seemed like a taunt. He was having a harder time dealing with his hormones, and shifted in his seat, 'adjusting' his brutally large cock, a real hassle quite suddenly, to try to keep comfortable. "Shady's brother was taken by the collective... aside from him, I'm wondering just how many more of this deadzone locked collective seek liberation. Seeing as they're just a fragment of the larger collective beyond this zone, and seeing that I've been presented with evidence that the collective has other enemies, powerful ones, even among machine kind... this might be an opportunity for me to begin building an army. To begin building an army, and to learn valuable intel on the real threat... which I believe to be the true collective. With what I build here, a longer term campaign might not be a pipe dream... even if humanity is gone, and we're on our own. It will require working side by side with machines, though, with little more than my word that they are allies, often." He was gauging her reaction. He wasn't sure what long term goals she had, what she planned to do after the collective. And he couldn't peel his eyes off of her body now, even to flicker away. The hard tones and fiery spirit behind that body were as attractive as Chameleon's lithe, unknowingly sexual frame. He still wondered just how that particular glitch had occurred.... wondered if it was a prank by his body's creators.
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Jun 30, 2016
Torch gave another "Hmm." with a long stare as she thought. "An army of machines on our side huh? Sounds a lot like how this whole machine war started just with less humanity this time.", she said one eyebrow very barely raised. "Well..... we'll have to wait and see on that one. I'll have to think on all that once we get past this.", she said crossing her legs as she sat on her bed, she gave a stretch, showing of her fit athletic body. "Oh one more thing though.... what was with chameleon earlier? she seemed upset. I can always tell when she's upset, she tries act indifferent when she's upset.", she said crossing her arms under her surprisingly ample bust, her shirt showing just enough cleavage to draw the eye.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo almost hissed through his teeth, as Torch showcased her body... whether unwittingly or not. "Well, I'm keeping in mind that humanity as we know it might be extinct. This world likely as not belongs solely to machina. Ah, and that... well, there's a strange bug in the stealth share view setting. When I turned it on, it turned out I could see... for whatever reason... Chameleon's naked body through her clothes when she gave me permissions to view her in stealth mode. I held off on telling her until after the mission, to avoid compromising her in a potentially dangerous situation. She was... not entirely pleased with my decision, I believe." That fit, trim body. That almost imperial, aloof attitude. That raw intensity preserved for something far off, a distant foe. Torch was a simmering wild fire waiting to happen, and Nemo found himself having to uncomfortably adjust himself yet again.
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