Puppet masters (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


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Jun 30, 2016
The heavy droid would turn straight towards him twitching and jerking. It claws would open once again as it wailed "KILLLLLL! KILLLL! KILLLLL!", in voice a filled with manic rage. Then two gouts of flame would launch forth from the mech aimed for the first thing it saw and it was Nemo. Shady cried out in fear she didn't want Nemo to burn. the bots mind was seering with pain it could not adequately comprehend.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo couldn't catch the wide breadth of a flame thrower attack at this range on his warden shield, not fully, and he still didn't have full mobility after trying to combat the hive mind directly with his abilities. He'd struck quite a blow, but it'd left him mentally 'winded'. He couldn't even roll out of the way of the attack. He raised his shield and funneled power into it, to widen it a further foot, and it crackled under the might of the flamethrowers, but still flames leaked around it, and he groaned in pain as he burned, the shield threatening to give out as the seconds dragged on.
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Jun 30, 2016
Chameleon couldn't let this go on, seeing Nemo burning around the edges filled her with fear. She had to do something now, She quickly took her prototype shock-shotgun and leveled it at the droids legs and squeeze the trigger. Her gun flashed blue as her electrified buck-shot hit it right in the left leg causing it to seize up and spark with a CRACK! It then stumbled backwards and began fall right onto the car Chameleon was hiding under, she sprang out from under it like a leaping lizard then rolled to break her fall. "Nemo! You ok!?", she shouted as the droid crushed the car under it weight and thrashing.

Meanwhile, shady jumped up level her gun again and take aim the clawed droid. "Shady! Won't let friends be hurt!", she shouted.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was just gaining his mobility, in spite of the pain, when Chameleon reached his side. "Leave the core intact!" He yelled, as Shady leveled her shot. He could help this one, but only if it survived, and it could help them in turn, perhaps. He gained his feet, and drew his ankle biter, looking for weak spots and taking to the air. He knew they likely didn't have much time, unless he'd done more damage to the collective's ability to organize than he thought. He targeted joints, seeking to leave the bot unable to move or resist... then he'd look to extract its mind, and shuffle them all out of there. "Prepare to withdraw! We don't have much time!" He was already starting to bark orders as his adrenaline shot up, pain galvanizing his will rather than distracting him, though he was rushing.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Are you crazy?!", was all chameleon had time to shout after him once he took flight. In her mind they didn't have time for this, the needed to kill that bot and leave ASAP. it was now known as an R-class droid, Heavy flamer variant, witch was what Nemo's hud had classified the bot as, perhaps gleaming some information from the short time he was in its mind, the R Standing for Reaver. It was still watching him, fixated on him. It's mind in chaos and seeing him as the cause. It was still crying, "KILLLL KILLLL KILLLL!", as it got to its feet again. Shady then took her shot, It was rather loud due her not having a suppressor on her sniper. The plasma shot hit it right in the shoulder taking some armor with it but unfortunately not hitting the joint beneath. However surprised shady was to see Nemo suddenly fly she was still a combat droid and could focus when she needed to, her programming aiding her. "Shady made a hole!", she called to Nemo.

The R-class barely seemed to notice so focused on Nemo as it was. It then opened its claws and the flames lit again..... surly it couldn't flame all the way up there. But the hope was quickly dashed when it would suddenly launch a pair a fire balls at him!


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo smiled when it launched the balls. Speed was on his side, and the broad reaching flames would have been more burdensome to what he was about to do. The balls singed him as he dove, but barely. He charged directly at the R-class droid, feinting three separate times in the dive. He was made for speed oriented dueling, a predicted tactic of his taking on strong bots and taking their cores in order to communicate with and perhaps gain aid from them later. He'd pull schematics for the bot while he dove, looking for the core and how to extract.

Upon reaching it, assuming it wasn't terribly clever and able to ward him off, he'd stagger it with a rush of his shield, twisting around it with the extra momentum, to thrust his hawk blade's plasma cutting power into that joint, his tail thrashing, and seeking entry once more... not to connect, but simply to paralyze this time.
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Jun 30, 2016
The data that was hastily copied whilst in the droids cpu was pulled up for him shown to be in the dead center of the Reaver. It would hard to extract with brute force.... Maya could have possibly done it but alas she wasn't there. The weak points it did have were mostly in the joints where one would expect them. the R-class could track him rather well with its eye, the only problem being its body being too large to move very quickly. It would try to snap at him with is large claws, his feints making it go for him everytime, it was filled with far too much rage and pain to think clearly.... not that it could have anyway cut off from the hivemind like it was. However, this mind had a far different demeanor to the sad lonely feeling of the "little one", this thing was instead filled with boundless rage.

It again tried to clamp down on him but he was too fast for it, not to mention that Chameleon took a few shots right to it's back when it made them attempt. She seemed to follow his thoughts rather naturally his still relatively new teammate gelling with him quite well. Regaless With the rush of his shield And the stab for this blade he hit home on the droids shoulder joint. Another metallic screech rang out from the machine As it flaied about in an attempt to shake him off. The bots body was still very much intact so he tail had a hard time finding a place to pierce into. However just as one of the droids claw grabbed his leg his tail struck into its elbow joint!
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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo wasn't going anywhere, now. Once that claw clamped down on his leg, he was glad he'd gotten his tail into position quickly enough. He kept telling himself it'd be worth the risk. He flipped the plasma hawk knife in his hand, as his tail paralyzed the bot, and the blade flashed with precision, using multiple cuts to carve through the armor. "Chameleon, take Shady and get out of here! I'll catch up!" He was quick enough, he thought, but he wasn't leaving this one behind. Not with the pain he'd inflicted. He worked furiously, layering the schematics over the actual chassis, carving out that core. Even after he was done, he'd have to slice the grip off of his leg, before he could flee, but as long as he made it in time, he was far, far faster than Shady or Chameleon.

The metal armoring was tough, especially since he had to all but peel it out of the way, but it melted from the plasma cuts. Faster, faster, he told himself. No time. Faster.
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Jun 30, 2016
"N-No! Shady doesn't wanna leave!", she said shaking her head quickly. Chameleon came out of cloak to grab her by the hand. "Come on! We have to go, he'll be fine!", Chameleon shouted as she began to pull the "young girl". away with her. Shady would struggle a bit but she couldn't escape a marionettes grip. It was was even stranger than hers! Reluctantly Shady let Chameleon lead her away and get as much distance as they could from the old dealership.

Cutting through the bot was hard work, its frame and internals were all reinforced. but an energy blade is an energy blade, not metal can resist hot plasma from long, merely resist it. this droid was made specifically to kill humans it's data said as much.... after all humans would burn a lot better than robots, its choice in weapons making a lot more sense now. Anyway, he was able to get deep into the droid before he could hear the sounds of metal feet heading his way. His drones marked out several G-class (the gorilla shaped ones) and a lot of the small spider bots, now identified as S-class droids, scout variant. With one more hack for his blade he could see the same sort of black box inside, the main CPU. Several laser shots wizzed past him just then. His time was up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo would not leave him here, not like this, not now. The core was at more than a disadvantage, like this... if he didn't take it with him, it was helpless, and doomed. Nemo didn't even try to shield himself, he only focused, breath caught in his throat, until he'd ripped that core free, whole, come what damage he may have to take. Then, it was time to flee. He'd take to the air, his eyes a glowing and fearsome red, as emotionless as any machina bearing down on its prey. His mind was utterly dedicated to the escape now, the core held close. The stealth drones had scouted him a path, and his missile drones gave him cover fire, for what it was worth in the situation.

He didn't go through the same escape the others did. He shot up through the once parking deck, scrambled behind cover and kept moving, going up the ramps from level to level and eventually shooting out through one of the levels like a bullet shot from a gun, diving and using the speed to rocket himself away from the area. Speed was his strength, and he'd allow nothing to keep up. He shot away from his destination, not allowing them to follow them nor to predict his destination. He'd alter his course when he was in the clear, and make his way home... assuming everything went well.
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Jun 30, 2016
The "black box" was finally free and the bot went totally limp after that, falling to the ground with a crash. A few shots nicked Nemo's side making a few painful burns, but the core was now free! His speed was unmatched once he took flight, the collective cased him ruthlessly however the swarm intelligence doing all it could to try and trap him. The drones hail of missiles drew some of their attention, but they were single minded in their attempts to destroy him. They tried to block his exits with volleys of fire strung together in a way only a hive mind could, she he was hit several times in the lower body ripping up his pants and burning him painfully (thankfully his "junk" wasn't hit). But after that the small army just couldn't keep up with him and he was in the clear.

It wasn't too long after that that Chameleons voice came in through the comms. "Nemo! You ok?! Nemo come in!"


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo landed behind a car, far away. He breathed heavily, strapping on the black box so it wouldn't fall and would leave his hands free, and making a thorough system's check. Chameleon called, and he replied. "Chameleon. Give me a minute... I'm fine, but I'm checking myself for bugs. They hit me a few times, I've got to make sure I wasn't tagged. Can't lead them back to base, aye? I'll be there shortly."

He'd continue diagnostics, and take time to also scan the box, making sure it wasn't going to be a beacon for the enemy either. He knew what risks he took, and he took them as carefully as he dared. He was already healing, though very slowly. It would take all night for this to heal... his burn wounds had been grazed a few times, layering the damage, but he felt it would end up being worth it.
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Jun 30, 2016
His systems gave him the all clear, all he was hit with was "simple" plasma shots. Thankfully his skin while not as tough as Maya's, could handle burns rather well, the slightly metallic nature of absorbing the heat. His body could heal from puncture and slash wounds a lot quicker, as in those instances it was a simple matter of stitching things back together for the nanobots. burns on the other hand had to be re-consumed by the body and made fresh taking more stored material and time.

"Ok...", Chameleon said sounding relieved. "Shady and I are heading to base. Although maybe she shouldn't come in with me with out us telling that others that we.... picked up a friend.", she said hesitantly. "Nemo is ok! Yay! Shady was soooo worried...", he heard in the background of Chameleons comm.

As for the little box it was surgically cut from the hivemind for fear of infection so it seemed safe enough. However there was still tons of activity going on internally, it smoldered like ember he could almost feel the anger still radiating out from it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo whistled, while inspecting the black box. That was one angry box. Once he had the all clear, he'd rise, and take a slower, stealthier approach to getting back to base... doing his best to ignore a pronounced limp and the smoke still rising from some of his synthetic flesh. He was so very glad pain wasn't a major part of his life experience, these days.

After he showed up, meeting Chameleon and Shady once more, he would take a seat before they went in to meet with Torch and Eagle. "Ok. That went rather well. Y'all might not be aware of what happened, so here's the short and sweet of it... I hacked the bot, and saw the collective. The part of it that's within the deadzone, at least. I launched a corruption code, and it cut it, along with a lot of its own machina, to keep it from spreading." He licked his lips. Now the big part. "I also launched a message of hope to the bots under the collective's thumb, many as they are, who do not wish to be slaves. It launched far ahead of the corruption code. I'd wager, Shady... that your brother knows we're coming, now." He tapped on that box. "And this little fella might help us immensely with the coming assault. It'll be an all nighter trying to communicate with him, probably. So, Chameleon, would you like to report to Torch? I can take Shady back to meet Maya in the meantime, until Torch is ready to talk with her and I."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Shady listened closely while Shady did the same. Once he mentioned the message Shady said softly, "Yes.... Tinn will know we'll come for him... miss him so much...". "Crazy....", Chameleon said at first as she got her thoughts together. "Ok I can talk to them. Thankfully They don't really see the old machines as a real threat. Torch might be a bit cotious about this whole thing but she was never one to dislike machina on the whole.... just the collective. Anyway, I'm sure she'd let Shady in on all this as long as she gets checked for bugs before going in.", she said pounderusly. "as for that thing.", she said making it no secret that she didn't like it. "If you do get any use out of that crazy A.I. you tell me... but i won't hold my breath." Shady then spoke up, "Maya? Oh you said something about a Maya. Is she.... a pretty girl.... Shady wants to meet pretty girls...", she said sounding a little excited.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo nodded to Chameleon's words. "Have some faith... I'm a technomancer." And if it became necessary, there were always far more heavy handed methods of data extraction, for a technomancer. He preferred not to employ torture, though... or 'mind reading', if he could help it. He turned to Shady. "She's... my partner. She's very big, and very pretty. She's also very kind, and I think you'll like her very much." He turned back to Chameleon, opened his mouth, shut it. Opened it, shut it again, gaping like a fish. "Also, Chameleon... with the shared invisibility sight, I'm not sure why, but I'm able to see you naked. Ok, got to go now."

He grabbed Shady's hand and fled for dear life, fully prepared to barricade himself in his room with Maya.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Wait... You can what?!", he heard her shout after him. Her face was now glowing red with blush then she she was fuming with anger at him for not telling her this sooner! She tried to run after him but gave up half way when she got comm from Torch asking for her full report. She stood there for a moment still fuming before turning on her heal and heading to the main hall, her face still burning with blush. "D-Dumbass!", he heard her shout after him. Shady sort of made a squeak when she was pulled so quickly away to Maya and Nemo's room.

Just before Nemo came in Maya and Reginald were playing a game of holo chess, made possible by Reginald's mini projector. When the door swung open quickly and the twosome came in Maya gasped in surprise and stood up quickly from the seat. Unknowingly making her "belt skirt" ride up have her pussy peek out a little. Why Reginald fumbled in the air for a moment saying, "Good heavens! Master Nemo?! Are you alright?". then both their gazes when to Shady who was staring at Maya like she was hypnotized. "Uh..... N-Nemo.... who is that.....?", Maya asked shakily.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nemo saw pussy, as soon as he walked in. Wounds forgotten, he undid his belt, angry box and pants falling down with it, as he ignored Shady's question and literally leaped on Maya, cock out swinging. He fondled her, kissed her breasts, and had penetrated her before she could finish staggering under the weight of his sudden sexual assault. He told her in tears that he'd spent all day able to see Chameleon naked, and his hormones had been so out of control, he almost couldn't help himself, and seeing her looking like that, he had lost all semblance of self control immediately. It was honestly kind of sad... but he wasn't kidding when he'd said they'd pumped his hormones up to 11, and he started dicking her down hard, without a care for who watched. In fact, he kind of liked fucking Maya in front of others, no matter how she dwarfed him.
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Jun 30, 2016
Before Maya knew what was happening Nemo had pounced onto her and had somehow stuck his dick right into her! She cried out in surprise as pleasure quickly radiated out from her pussy to the rest of her body. the kisses he was giving her breasts only compounded the feelings making her fall on her big butt as she yelped. " Aaaaah! N-Nemo?! Ah~! W-Wait! W-Waaaaait!", she squealed out at him as he began to fuck her with abandon. She could only just barely understand him as he explained about Chameleon and how he could see her naked all day and how much it turned him on. Maya struggled to get her mind back on track as he fucked her, her pussy already soaking the floor and his cock in her lady juice.

Shady was awestruck, she'd never seen "Human mating" in person before but the... extra parts of her... the ones she replaced herself were getting hot just looking at this. "Sh-Shady.... is looking at.... at human..... sex.", she said feeling her systems heating up a little. "Goodness gracious! Master Nemo! Isn't this very inappropriate?! he then got in the way of Shady's view to try and block her sight. "I'm sorry.... miss? But I must ask you to give the master and Mistress some privacy!", he said his arms out to his sides. "No.... Shady.... Shady wants to see....", she said as she tried to look over the overprotective butler bot.

"Ne-Nemo! Ah~! Nemo! S-Slow down! Oh g-g-god!", Maya squeaked trying to gently get a hold on Nemo, as she moaned and gasped.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was lost. He was furiously pumping into Maya, his absurdly huge dick shlicking wetly into her as his hips slapped hers with desperate strength, and flashed Shady a smile. He liked having her watch. Infact...

Though Maya was far, far stronger than him, during sex, he found he was able to push her around, to an extent. He forced her onto her hands and knees, facing Shady, and started fucking her from behind, like a dog... even pulling her hair so that she'd have to look at Shady and show her her blissed out face while Nemo was fucking her. It was a little bit cruel, in a teasing way, but Nemo found it to be... thoroughly enjoyable. "Shady... this is, in fact, human sex. Maya is the woman I love, with all my heart. That said... I'm treating her like a mere object for my own pleasure! And she loves it!" He assumed. Of course, this might cost him greatly later, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. "Tell me, Shady... how does her expression look to you? Describe it to me." He fondled her hefty breasts, as he mercilessly jackhammered his swollen cock into her, over and over.
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Jun 30, 2016
Indeed Maya found it quite hard to resist him when his sizeable pole pleasuring her. All it really took was a constant flow of mind numbing pleasure and a firm hand to move her, she might squirm and squeak in the cutest ways but she was putty in his hands... or on his dick. Anyway, Maya was blushing furiously once she saw Shady looking right at her being fucked in such a lewd position. It only made her leak more, her femme juice coming out in long shiny strings. It felt a bit degrading and very embarrassing but it also filled her with more pleasure to have the girl bot looking at her like that. even in her makeshift bra of ballistic fiber her massive bust would jiggle and sway all over the place as wet slaps made her butt do the same. "N-No..... D-Don't look.....", Maya mewled with moan as Shady stared at her.

"Sh-Shady is afraid she doesn't know enough words.... mister Nemo....", shady said as her thighs began to rub together. It was a great opportunity for her though, she was always looking to test her language skills, so she tried her best. "Maya is.... very pretty to Shady f-fist of all.... she makes Shady feel a bit jealous, in a good way. Her big lips are open and she makes very pleased sounds... uh, um.... eyes are losing focus on Shady while tongue hangs out? Shady thinks the word is.... is uh... um... Lewd! Yes! Is very lewd! Like in sexy books that Shady hides from leader..... Shady thinks she like it.", Shady said gaining confidence with each word. "N-No i don't! Ah~!", Maya said feelbly trying to deny her pleasure.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was grinning from ear to ear. "Lewd, yes. That's the word. Shady, I recently learned that Maya has a very, very big, repressed fetish for exhibition. She's sort of a... social masochist. With all these hormones driving me crazy, I can't stop thinking about making her do more and more lewd things in front of others. In front of the other marionettes, in front of any machina that knows what sex is..." He raised a hand, then slapped Maya's butt, hard, deriving a satisfying sound from that heavenly booty.

He grabbed her hips, and thrust deep, staying there, as he pumped thick ropes of semen into her, shuddering into the climax. He was still grinning ear to ear. "With a few mods, maybe Shady could have fun like this, too." If they could find the facilities to make it happen, especially since it seemed she had the programming of a 'service' droid within her. She was showing a very powerful sexual appetite, and he'd love to see her able to indulge it. "Shady, do you wish you could get fucked silly like Maya? Fucked until all you think about is how good it feels?"
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya would yelp as her spacious butt was spanked, her body trembling in pleasure. Her insides would grip and stroke him tightly with each pump of his hips, her pussy literally made for his pleasure. once he hilted and blew his load she'd follow in turn, her own orgasm a bit more of a spectacle. She cried out and splashed her somewhat sliverly gush onto his legs and balls, shuddering and trying to look away from Shady as she did. No, she couldn't enjoy being watched this much could she? Her face was just shining with blush as several aftershocks of pleasure made her moan and squeak in the adorable way she could.

Shady found this all so very interesting. So being watched made it feel even better for Maya, despite whatever she said. "Shady.... Shady would.... like that.... She would.....", she said softly as she shifted on the spot. Meanwhile redge was in the other side of the room mending Nemo's pants to bust himself and not think about was going on nearby. Maya would twitch as she tried to catch her breath. She cast him a rather pouty look over her shoulder as she panted.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo fell back, panting, as Maya pouted at him over her shoulder. He gave a weak laugh, and scratched the back of his head. "S-sorry, Maya. I was, uh... a bit pent up from today. I'm not sure why Chameleon's invisibility view share let me see her naked, but it was driving me crazy trying to ignore it." He hugged her. "Please don't be mad? I, uh.... gotta interrogate this black box. It's a reaper core, and might give us some insight into this isolated fragment of the collective's tactics." He was almost utterly ignoring his many plasma burn wounds at this point, but that was fine, as they were healing well.

Nemo still found it infinitely entertaining that Shady was programmed with a proclivity towards the carnal. He didn't think her chassis was graded for any kind of intercourse, which seemed like such a shame. Maybe she could get a marionette like body, somehow.
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Jun 30, 2016
Maya gave him a long pouty look then sighed, she couldn't be mad at that boyish face of his.... not for long anyway. she got up and hugged him blushing at the fact that she could feel his seed leaking down her leg. "Next time you bring some company... can we atleast get to know them first?", she said as she pinched his butt frimly, she had to give him a little punishment for that.

"Uh..... now can Shady meet Maya?", she asked her handed raised like a kid in elementary school.
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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo squeaked at the butt squeeze, and tried to recover, blushing. "Ah, uh, yes. This is Shady. The collective took her brother, and she has joined us because she hopes to rescue him. She's a sniper who'll be invaluable to our efforts, and we will be invaluable to hers... I've already most likely let her brother know that help is on its way, which should, hopefully, fortify his will. If we're lucky, we might be able to make an insurrection within the collective should our fight come to a head. Hopefully it won't, though... we got the batteries we needed, after all."

He looked to Shady, then. "And this is Maya. We... two hundred years ago... were humans living together. She attended a police academy, and I... lived in the basement. In front of a computer. Most of my life, really." He glanced sideways, trying to ignore what he'd just said. The little closet neet turned into a robot warrior. Huh.
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Jun 30, 2016
Shady nodded, "Yeah shady is helpful. she can shoot real good! Nice to meet you!", she said briskly. Maya then put Nemo down adjusted her belt skirt as best she could to cover her wet seed leaking pussy. they then shook hands as Maya said, "uh... yeah n-nice to meet you too.... uh, so you are a robot huh...?". "Yeah, but Shady is a nice girl, Nemo said that you are all friendly.... Shady wanted more friends.", she said sounding a bit lonely. "Oh well.... I'm sure we'll get along just fine, Shady.", Maya said still feeling quite embarrassed and awkward. "You're so pretty! And BIG! Wowie! and just look at those!", Shady said pointing at Maya chest. This of course made maya blush and feel self conscious, adjusting her bra while biting her lip. "Uh um.... th-thanks...?", Maya said trying to be nice. "Anyway!", Reginald cutting into the conversation. "And I am their personal manticance bot Reginald. I do so hope we'll get along.... I'd also like to ask that you please try to keep the uh....comments... about Mistress Maya's unfortunate state of undress to a minimum please.", he said bowing slightly, if he could give her a hard look he would.

"state of undress? Shady doesn't know what this means....", she said tilting her head innocently.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo looked at Shady. "Well, a large part of the reason for clothing is to cover the factors of the body most commonly attributed sexual attraction, the genitals and in females, the breasts especially. Maya's clothes were... missing when we awoke, and this was a stopgap measure Reginald came up with for us."

Nemo had his fingers steepled. "Which reminds me, that I just told Chameleon that I was able to see her naked the entire journey. I believe she might be... slightly upset about this development." He chewed his lip, more than a little concerned about what may happen to that. "Maya, there are temptations everywhere suddenly, and my faithfulness is being put to the test." He was all but crying about it, but truly, no matter how absurdly, inhumanly horny he got... he couldn't do something that he thought might hurt Maya.
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Jun 30, 2016
"OooooOOoooh Shady knows about nakedness stuff....", she said rocking back and forth on her heels. Bringing that up again got more blush out of Maya. this was just a never ending thing with her now wasn't it!? She gave another sigh and nervously adjusted her scant clothing. Then Nemo brought up the whole Chameleon problem.... oh yeah, he had mentioned that hadn't he? Now that she actually had time to think she could weigh in on the issue. This was a bit beyond her.... she didn't know much about relationships, real ones anyway. Sure she'd seen plenty of romance in the many anime and Manga she liked... and in those the girls would get really mad at the boys when they would talk to and do stuff with other girls. To her this all seemed a bit silly and didn't make a lot of sense to her. But she understood what he was trying to say.

"Gosh I.... I've never thought about this kind of stuff much.... You mean like... cheating? and uh.... stuff?", Maya said as she thought about Nemo possibly doing stuff with Chameleon. it did make her feel more possessive of Nemo but.... the world was in shambles was there even any reason to think that way? This was all hard for her to think about. "Maybe... I should go with you next time....", she said softly.


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Aug 20, 2017
Nemo was blushing now, since Maya was making it rather clear... in his mind, at least... that she didn't see him screwing other girls as a betrayal. Which was good... because in truth, no one had any hope of ever taking his heart from Maya, no matter what way his loins pointed. He wondered what Chameleon might make of this news... "I would prefer to have you by my side whenever possible, Maya. In this case, it was good to go with just scouts, but when we fought that reaper..." He shook his head. "If there'd had been more than one of those, I would have sorely regretted not taking you along. Also, uh... in case Chameleon is really, really angry with me..." He sort of hid behind Maya while he thought about that. Scary stuff.

While he was behind her, of course, one hand roamed her butt, enjoying its plump plushness. He really couldn't help himself.
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