Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I mean, if I didn't want to take over for him, I wouldn't have offered, haha. I'm not certain what the scope is going to be, but I was hoping to give him something of a dom/sub meter, similar to what I'm doing for Nikol. I know people really want to turn him into their personal buttslut, so that was hopefully going to be a thing.
Doesn't Berwyn already have that sort of thing? Like, he's been listed in the wiki of having a dominance scale from 0 to 100. It's less of a dom/sub meter and just a dom meter, and according to the wiki it only affects three scenes (Going over to him in the Frosthound/camp, asking for sex, and asking for kids) and also it can't decrease below certain thresholds once they're reached, but it does technically exist.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Doesn't Berwyn already have that sort of thing? Like, he's been listed in the wiki of having a dominance scale from 0 to 100. It's less of a dom/sub meter and just a dom meter, and according to the wiki it only affects three scenes (Going over to him in the Frosthound/camp, asking for sex, and asking for kids) and also it can't decrease below certain thresholds once they're reached, but it does technically exist.
I mean, sure, he technically has a dom meter, but there's currently no way to turn him into a submissive buttslut and there's no way to switch between the two personalities. What he has right now is more like... a gas pedal than a scale.

Updated Nikol with 4,100 words! This finishes the scene where you top him with your [pc.vagOrAss] and it gets some headway into the scene where you bottom for his 2-foot dick. I meant to update yesterday but by the time I finished, I was too tired.
Eventually, you hit a hard limit. On one particular squat, you learn that you can take no more of Nikol’s dick inside of you – because there’s no more dick for you to take. With that last press, you feel the heat of his oversized balls against your [pc.ass] and the sound of your hips wetly clapping against his echo off the walls of the small room you’re in. You’ve managed to take every last inch of his two-foot monster into yourself somehow – and, honestly? You feel like you could take more.

The sex changes noticeably once you both realize you’ve bottomed out – it gets a bit more frenetic, a bit more loud and intense, and, overall, it gets <b>better.</b> Despite your fullness at having an entire two-foot dick inside your body, you’ve never felt more energetic, and it manifests as you pounding your hips onto Nikols and pushing him into the mattress beneath you two.
The question echoed in your head for a while – longer than you had realized. You knew exactly what you wanted Nikol to do with that giant, throbbing dick of his. You want him to bend you over, to lift your ass and spread your cheeks, and to fuck you until you pass out from screaming his name. You want him to impale you so thoroughly, so <b>completely,</b> on his dick that he could walk out of the room with you hanging on his shaft like a cozy. You want him to cum so much inside your {vag: pussy that you’ll have his quadruplets}{ass:butt that you’ll be tasting it when you leave}.

Although you don’t say as much, the expression you’re giving Nikol – or, rather, the expression you’re giving his cock – is enough for him to accurately guess what it is you want. You feel a rough shove on your shoulders, and suddenly, you’re on the bad, on your stomach, facing the wall. And then he lifts your hips, bringing your ass into the air towards him, just like you had fantasized.
It’s easy to get into old habits with Nikol, particularly with the posture he’s taking right now – on his knees between your legs, having already had a taste of you and begging you for more. It’d be easy for you to say that you want him to go down on you, and he’d do it without another word.

But being a good dom for your subs means giving them rewards every now and again for good behavior. And Nikol is very much a good boy.

Nikol’s eyes grow wide as you lift one leg over his head and turn your body around so that you’re facing the wall. You lift your hips and spread your [pc.ass], showing off your {vag:dripping wet pussy}{ass:winking asshole}; your musk wafts from between your thighs towards him, and he can’t help but take a shuddering breath through his nose.

With one wiggle of your hips, you tell Nikol that he’s been good, and that you’d like to reward him by letting him plow you. You have a {peach}{butt} that’s in need of some attention that only a cock as big and fat as his could provide.

Nikol is on you in a <b>second</b>. He shoots to his feet and his hands go to the fat of your ass, playing with your body for a moment. He’s so excited that his fingers keep clenching and his hands are shaking. Honestly, it’s sort of flattering.
“Beg,” he whispers.

“What?” you ask. Your legs are already shaking beneath you in anticipation. He does not repeat himself.

You remind him that you’re already on your hands and knees, with your ass up and ready for him – what more could he <b>possibly</b> want?

“For you to ask nicely,” he says.

Your jaw feels stiff in your mouth. You can’t tell if you don’t enjoy this attitude – or if it’s only making you that much hornier.

“Please,” you say back to him. “Fuck me, Nikol. Split me in half. I can’t take the waiting – I need you to fuck me, please!”

That’s good enough for him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2021
everyone play zo

It is kind of funny, both of your previous injured girls with disabilities took years to write based on what I have read, but Zo didn't take nearly that long. She just spent almost a year waiting to be coded :p


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Brooke wasn't that difficult at all; I remember pounding her out in the space of a month or so during the summer of 2013. Back then, parsers were very basic and most of the time, you just wrote simple instructions and left the rest to the coder (i.e. Fenoxo) to figure out.

Paige took less than a year to write, but her sex was, and is, so ridiculously massive in scope and so committal that it was honestly some of the worst months of writing of my life. I burned out several times. I would not recommend doing what I did to anyone, which is why I didn't do it again for Zo.

By the time I started writing Zo, I was pretty comfortable with writing for these games and I was familiar with the workflow, so she was fairly easy to get done, even compared to Brooke.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Paige took less than a year to write, but her sex was, and is, so ridiculously massive in scope and so committal that it was honestly some of the worst months of writing of my life. I burned out several times. I would not recommend doing what I did to anyone, which is why I didn't do it again for Zo.
I'm glad to hear you were able to get past it so quickly, and even write another Brooke with no bad feelings carried over from the burnout. It's always best when your only baggage from a bad thing is the constructive lesson you learned.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Nikol with 3,300 words! This completes the scene where you bottom for that big, fat dick of his - and it completes his document! Nikol is now finished!
“You have an incredible ass,” he tells you, just before his right hand rears back and gives your right ass cheek a hard slap. You can feel the impact reverberate against his own dick inside you. “Better than any of the cows here in Khor’Minos. You should let me fuck it more often.”

You’re pretty sure he’s only saying that you make you feel singled out. You turn your head slightly and ask him if he’d charge you less for it.

“Bitch, you’d pay me <b>more</b> for the privilege. Don’t deny it.”

You try to, but, with another thrust of his hips, you find that you couldn’t.
“[],” he whispers to himself. The way your name flutters on his tongue and the way his fingers tremble on your ass, it was almost like a prayer – like your ass is an altar that he’s been given permission to worship at. “This… you’re ass… I could have a hundred-thousand clients after you, and none of them could <b>ever</b> have an ass like yours.”

You’d laugh, but most of your energy is going into keeping yourself upright and from not losing yourself to the feel of getting ripped apart by his fucking monster cock. You turn your head slightly and ask him if he’d like to stay with you and be your live-in cum pump. All of the [pc.race] ass he could ask for, just like that.

His fingers rake against your [pc.skinFurScalesNoun] and his cock lurches inside of you as he considers it. “But… the brothel… the marm….”

You buck back against him and tell him to consider it.
When he’s finally done, he takes a moment to catch his breath before pulling out ever-so-slowly. You feel inch after inch of his still-throbbing cock extricate itself from your [pc.vagOrAss]; it’s hard to believe that you had so much cock inside yourself at all. You flinch when you feel his medial ring catch on the inside of your body and he has to yank it to pull free, and you openly wince when he has to do the same with his flared tip.

[nikol.dsn|But he isn’t quite finished. He stands over you, his cock still so hard and so long that it casts a shadow over your prone, ass-up-and-gaping body. “I got one more in me,” he grunts, more to himself than to you.

You hear, and you see the shadow of, his hands rapidly masturbating his cock, trying to force out one last rope for you. He doesn’t have to work too hard: he’s overstimulated from the vigorous sex and, in just a few more seconds, you feel one, final splatter of hot minotaur jizz rain down across your back, marking you from your spine to the crest of your ass with his seed.
Before you leave, Nikol pulls you towards himself, causing you to spin to face him. [nikol.dsn|He has a lewd, wry smirk on his face, with his eyes narrowed like he knows he’s got you good and ensnared in whatever trap he’s set.

“Don’t take too long to come back,” he whispers, his tongue licking his lips. Despite having been tapped out not so long ago, you can see his cock beginning to tent his skirt once more. “My not-so-little friend and I will be waiting for another round with you.”

Once you step out of the brothel, you can’t help but feel… empty. And horny.|His eyes curl into warm crescents underneath a smile that’s bright enough to chase away the clouds on a rainy day. Both of his hands go to one of yours, clasping it between them and squeezing you gently.

“I’ll miss you,” he says sweetly. “Come back soon, alright? I enjoy our times together.”

Your mind goes over everything that he’s said to you since you started once you leave the brothel. You can’t help but how many of his words were genuine – particularly the part about missing you.|He has a warm, comforting, toothless smile, with his eyes turned to gentle semicircles underneath his rising cheeks. He reaches for your left hand, and he brings it to his mouth, giving it a gentle kiss on your knuckles.

“I’ll be here waiting for you,” he says with a wink, before letting you go and turning to head back into the brothel.

Once you step out of the brothel, you’re already wondering about the next time you’ll get to be with Nikol. After all… he certainly knows how to do his job.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
God I am so excited for KM there looks like there's going to be so much good stuff for it. Grats on another finished character B. Can't wait to see him in game


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Honestly Nikol looks great. Something new to look forward to one Minoville opens ~<3

Still, between this, Berwyn, your TiTs stuff and your own game project... how do you still have time for your actual job and private life?

Edit: Or maybe your To-Do list is outdated and needs a bit of pruning to remove outdated/dead ideas? Either way, looks like a lot of work.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Meanwhile, being new to the forums, I sit here and wonder just what the B stands for...


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Meanwhile, being new to the forums, I sit here and wonder just what the B stands for...

Plan A was to not have cute minotaur bois in this game. Coincidentally no one ever heard of that guy again after he voiced that errant thought.

So now we have Plan B.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Still, between this, Berwyn, your TiTs stuff and your own game project... how do you still have time for your actual job and private life?

Edit: Or maybe your To-Do list is outdated and needs a bit of pruning to remove outdated/dead ideas? Either way, looks like a lot of work.
It's true that I certainly don't keep up with my thread's OP like I should :confused:
Writing for these games is my job, so, that makes things a bit easier. My private life is pretty barren already and the pandemic hasn't made things livelier.
Meanwhile, being new to the forums, I sit here and wonder just what the B stands for...
It doesn't stand for anything - when I first started writing for these games back in 2016, I wanted to have a pseudonym that was 1) distinct, so when someone says "oh, B wrote that scene," everyone would know exactly who they were talking about, and 2) impossible to Google, so my personal life and my erotica life would be kept as separate as I could.

On a different topic: I am ready to unveil my next project!

Introducing: Berry Quest 2: Matiha's Revenge!

In this quest, Matiha's tower is located in the one place it shouldn't be: wedged deep within the Ways Between, normally only accessible with a Waystone Charm. Matiha's attained so much power that she can somehow teleport the entire fortress into a place in between spaces - a place that exists between dimensions. A rugged, downtrodden, defeated salamander from the Order Astrida approaches you in the Frost Hound Tavern and shows you a piece of paper with Berwyn's name on it, asking you if you recognize the name. What happens next is up to you....
The figure approaches you. Their dark cloak hides much of their upper body, but what you can see, from the navel down, is thick with elaborate leather plating: the figure’s breastplate is deep enough that you’re certain it’s made of more than just one layer, and they wear a kilt with crisscrossing plaid patterns overtop another, thick, heavyset pair of pants. Each footfall they make is heavy enough to rattle the bottles on the racks, and judging from the size of their boots, reaching nearly up to their knees and thick enough that they could damn-near walk through fire, you wouldn’t be surprised if most of that weight came from them alone.

The figure stands next to your stool, standing what you’d ballpark to be eight feet tall and absolutely wrapped, top to bottom, in wayfarer armor that could withstand even the harshest of climates. Adorning their chest and waist is a number of circlets, and now that they’re standing so close, you can make out the etchings of enchantments carved directly into the armor that they’re wearing. A <b>magician</b> wayfarer, it seems.

[pc.dcb|You ignore them. You just want a mead.|You turn on the stool to look toward their direction, but not <b>at</b> them. You let them know that you acknowledge them, but you don’t greet them, and you wait for them to say what they want.|Honestly, while all of that gear <b>is</b> kind of intimidating, that’s only your third thought. The <b>first</b> thought you had is what sort of body must be strong enough to carry all of that heavy gear. And the <b>second</b> is what that sort of body must taste like.]

The figure reaches into its dark cloak with a thick, gloved hand, digging for a hidden pocket inside the cloak’s folds. From it, they withdraw a torn piece of paper – despite the tear, it’s kept meticulously unfolded and straight.

“Do you recognize this name?”

The voice is strong, deep and gruff, forged from a lifetime working in the field – but also feminine.

[pc.isDK|You figure that they’ll leave you alone sooner if you humor them. ]You take the piece of paper from their hand and inspect it.

There, in clear, concise, meticulous handwriting, is one name:

You two come up to Berwyn’s room. The doorframe has been dressed with a number of different parchments, each of them bearing their own markings and enchantments – Berwyn was very meticulous about them. You knock twice, then wait.

“Yeah, just a second!” you hear him yell from inside the room. He sounds a bit out-of-sorts, like he had just come in from some exercise. It takes a few seconds longer before you hear any sort of motion at all, and when you do, his footsteps are wide and gentle. Two locks slide out of place on the inside of the door, and then it slides open – until a third lock, a ball-and-chain, snaps into place, keeping you from seeing into his room.

Berwyn stands sideways and he leans backward, hiding his body behind the door. When he realizes it’s you, he breaks into a more comfortable smile.

“Oh, [],” he says, his body language deflating enough that he steps backward – showing you that he’s totally naked. He turns his body towards the door, and you hear a loud ‘<i>knock!</i>’ on the other side. Sweat drips off his brow and neck, and the rank smell of masculine musk wafts from the door into the hallway. That sound that you just heard was probably his enormous lupine cock whacking against the door. “[berwyn.isDom|Here for some more?” he snickers, his tongue lapping at his bottom lip.|I’m, uh, kind of busy… unless you’re here to help?” he asks, his eyes trailing from yours to down your body.]

[pc.isBimbo|As soon as the smell of Berwyn’s musk hits your nose, your mind temporarily blanks out, and all you can think of is ‘<i>yes, Berwyn, I’m here to help you unload your cum wherever you want it.’ It isn’t until you hear Astraea shift beside you that you remember why you’re here.

]You tell Berwyn that you brought company. Someone from downstairs needs to talk to him.

“Wha–” he asks, his eyes widening. As soon as he leans back in, he catches sight of Astraea beside you, and he immediately slams the door. “Nareva!” he curses – and you hear the sound of what might be books hitting the floor, probably knocked loose from the slam.

“I’ll, uh,” Berwyn stutters once the noise settles, “be a minute, [].”
Her fingers tap at the hem of her cloak as she studies her own map. “The area around each location the tower had been found had turned to ash by the time it disappeared again,” she continues. “But not from fire – there are no reports of a fire ever taking place near the tower. Grass turns to dust; trees turn to charcoal, still standing in place; and water evaporates and turns acrid, leaving empty pits where ponds used to be. Just as wood can be used as fuel for a fire, it’s as if they had been used as fuel for… something else. We aren’t certain of what.”

Astraea walks towards one corner of the map – far north of Hawkethorne, where the frozen Glacial Rift is drawn in white, outlined in blue, and marked with squiggles that remind you of wind gusts. “The tower’s second-last location was spotted here,” she says, the toe of her boot pointed towards a massive mountain on the edge of the rift. “Underneath a mountain where a settlement of kobolds had taken root. The kobolds reported a sharp drop in temperature of their volcanic undermountain while the tower remained.”

Sure enough, there’s a circle on the map near the mountain she had described. But… you ask her to repeat what she said. That was the <b>second</b>-last sighting?

“Correct,” Astraea responds as her hands reach for her waist. Her gloved fingers work to undo a strap that had been pulled taut around the thick of her hips. “The <b>last</b> sighting was here.”

She undoes its knot, and she throws the strap onto the map. It, and the object it’s tied to, hits the floor with a loud ‘clack!’

A faded blue gem, just like you've seen in every Waystone idol across the Marches. It's a Waystone Charm.
You can find the public version of this document here:
This public document has the first 11 pages of the quest: everything from Astraea's introduction to you accepting the quest from her.

All future updates will be on my Patreon! You can find my Patreon here: The Patreon document already has another update, putting it up to 7,000 words, focusing entirely on Astraea.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
It's true that I certainly don't keep up with my thread's OP like I should :confused:
Writing for these games is my job, so, that makes things a bit easier. My private life is pretty barren already and the pandemic hasn't made things livelier.

It doesn't stand for anything - when I first started writing for these games back in 2016, I wanted to have a pseudonym that was 1) distinct, so when someone says "oh, B wrote that scene," everyone would know exactly who they were talking about, and 2) impossible to Google, so my personal life and my erotica life would be kept as separate as I could.

On a different topic: I am ready to unveil my next project!

Introducing: Berry Quest 2: Matiha's Revenge!

In this quest, Matiha's tower is located in the one place it shouldn't be: wedged deep within the Ways Between, normally only accessible with a Waystone Charm. Matiha's attained so much power that she can somehow teleport the entire fortress into a place in between spaces - a place that exists between dimensions. A rugged, downtrodden, defeated salamander from the Order Astrida approaches you in the Frost Hound Tavern and shows you a piece of paper with Berwyn's name on it, asking you if you recognize the name. What happens next is up to you....

You can find the public version of this document here:
This public document has the first 11 pages of the quest: everything from Astraea's introduction to you accepting the quest from her.

All future updates will be on my Patreon! You can find my Patreon here: The Patreon document already has another update, putting it up to 7,000 words, focusing entirely on Astraea.
Is it bad that I’m imagining a bad end where your turned into Berwyn’s breeding bitch as he’s force into huge rut, another where your turned into a big cocked femboy like Berwyn or straight up brain washed into her apprentice


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
It doesn't stand for anything - when I first started writing for these games back in 2016, I wanted to have a pseudonym that was 1) distinct, so when someone says "oh, B wrote that scene," everyone would know exactly who they were talking about, and 2) impossible to Google, so my personal life and my erotica life would be kept as separate as I could.
I see, I see - and as for the points, very understandable considering these days when people judge you irl entirely on what you do and not your personality.
But I still think that it stands for something-
Introducing: Berry Quest 2: Matiha's Revenge!
I GOT IT! The B is for Berwyn, your pet project!
(Please don't hurt me, I'm joking.)


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Introducing: Berry Quest 2: Matiha's Revenge!

In this quest, Matiha's tower is located in the one place it shouldn't be: wedged deep within the Ways Between, normally only accessible with a Waystone Charm. Matiha's attained so much power that she can somehow teleport the entire fortress into a place in between spaces - a place that exists between dimensions. A rugged, downtrodden, defeated salamander from the Order Astrida approaches you in the Frost Hound Tavern and shows you a piece of paper with Berwyn's name on it, asking you if you recognize the name. What happens next is up to you....

Yesssss, finally. Berwyn has suffered from content drought long enough. We'll get Berwyn Quest 2: Electric Boogaloo. Now with +100% more bullied femboys, considering how rarely I have him on my team.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I see, I see - and as for the points, very understandable considering these days when people judge you irl entirely on what you do and not your personality.
But I still think that it stands for something-

I GOT IT! The B is for Berwyn, your pet project!
(Please don't hurt me, I'm joking.)

I had a similiar idea. When Berwyn was orphaned, Savin decided to go with Plan B for him.
(I also want to apologize for the horrid pun.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Mmmmm, delicious Berry expansion and hints at where you're planning to take him in the future? Sign me up!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Looking forward to more Berwyn, more quests, and also more Matiha. That goth witch has got it goin' on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2021
Berry Quest 2: Matiha's Revenge!

I'm not a huge Berwynn fan, but I am really excited to see more Matiha content! You always do a great job and I'm excited to see how it turns out :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated BerryQuest with 3k words! This finishes all of Astraea's talking topics and it dips its toes into actually beginning the quest to stop Matiha. Also, you can hug Astraea!
That makes sense to you. How does one join the Order?

“They don’t,” she answers plainly. “Nor is anyone ‘invited,’ not since the end of the Godswar. Each member of the Order is hand-crafted by Nareva while they’re still in the womb.”

Okay… in that case, how is the mother selected? The possibility that the Order is even more ‘insular’ than that, to the point that new ‘recruits’ are inbred, occurs to you, but you don’t want to suggest it yourself. That’d be rude.

“The mother is, invariably, the high-priestess of the Order. The one closest to Nareva herself. Once a year, she engages in a tantric ritual with the finest scholars, mages, and bards, that lasts a week. And from their combined offerings, Nareva sculpts a new life, born into the Order to service her.” Astraea flexes the fingers in her glove. “That’s how I was born, and that’s why my skills with polymorphization are as adept as they are. I have the blood of the Order’s high priestess; the lineage of some of the most skilled and powerful magicians in Savarra; and the gift of our goddess Nareva, all within me.”

[pc.dcb|So, wait, back up. The high priestess of the Order Astrida is commanded, by a goddess, to leave the Order; find the most accomplished [silly|nerds|scholars] in the world; and then have a week-long orgy with them?

“No,” she answers. “The [silly|nerds|scholars] are invited back to the Order. The high priestess does not leave.”

Right, your mistake.|So… you’re a bit caught up on what she said earlier. About a ‘tantric ritual’ that lasts seven days. Does that mean what you think it means?

“If you think it means a week-long orgy with some of the most accomplished scholars in the world, then yes,” she answers.

Right, as long as you’re clear.|So… back up a second. She said something about a ‘tantric ritual’ that lasted seven days. You’re not so good with unique words like ‘tantric;’ what does that mean?

“It means the high priestess has a week-long orgy with the world’s smartest, most accomplished witches, warlocks, sorcerers and scholars,” she answers simply.


… Only a week? You could go for way longer than that.]
You suppose you’ll have to see for yourself how the fortress has changed. What about Matiha, the witch herself? From what you remember, she just seemed like an ordinary witch – perhaps with some <b>exaggerated</b> assets, but a normal woman with magic all the same.

“Hmm,” Astraea hums[atFH|. She thumbs the rim of her glass as she recalls meeting her]. “Can you describe her in more detail for me? As you remember her from your previous encounter?”

That she answered your question with a question caught you a bit off-guard, but you acquiesce: you remember her being tall – or maybe her massive hat just made her <b>look</b> taller – with pale skin all over. She had short brown her and her outfit was awfully revealing on the thighs, and she wore high-rise stockings that certainly added to the picture. And she had… well, there’s no real way to mince it: she had <b>massive</b> breasts. She usually had to keep them propped up with one hand, probably to give her poor back a break.

[pc.dcb|Frankly, it’s a shame she turned out to be a bitch.|It’s unfortunate that she became so… <b>disagreeable.</b> She was really quite beautiful, even if her assets were a little excessive.|You wipe the bottom of your mouth with the back of your hand. It’s hard to think about Matiha without getting a little randy.]

“Her skin is no longer pale,” Astraea answers. “It’s more… reminiscent of my own. Or, rather, a mix of how I used to look, and what I look like now. Dark grey skin, with bluish-green-colored veins arcing all throughout her body. Her hair is longer, and it’s still brown, but the tips have been frosted and sharpened into teal-colored spikes.” She pauses[atFH|, taking another drink of her ale]. And her eyes… I remember her eyes being… something else. Like I was staring into something… ancient? Or maybe it was staring at me. I had a hard time believing that I was in an encounter with a human being once I got a good look at her eyes.”

You both pause. “And her breasts are still just as large.”
You’re ready.

Astraea continues to stare at you, her eyes burning through you, trying to get you to flinch. Your resolve doesn’t crack, and, eventually, [atFH|she lifts her glass and chugs the remainder of her drink, downing it all in one breath. Once it’s gone, she slams the glass back down and wipes her mouth with the back of her arm. “Retrieve Berwyn,” she instructs. “I’ll meet you at the Waystone.”|she pulls herself to her feet, dusting off her pants. “Retrieve Berwyn,” she instructs. “I’ll wait for you here.”]

You do as she says[atFH| and you make your way upstairs while she leaves the tavern, heading towards the Waystone on the street| and make your way to the Frost Hound, leaving her by the Waystone on the street]. Upstairs and down the hall, to the last door in the hallway. You knock twice and call out Berwyn’s name.

After a moment, you hear the locks of the door slide out of place, and the door opens – and there is Berwyn, fully dressed, but with his eyebrows raised and his eyes watery and arched. His teeth bite gently into his lower lip, quivering as he nibbles into them.

“I’m not ready,” he admits.
Following my schedule, I should be returning to BerryQuest on the 17th!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2016
Not gonna lie, I keep cracking up at how Matiha's cup size is becoming a running joke, because for real, I pity her back, oof.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Can't wait for some Mathia bad end where she dommes us till the end of time...

(Yes I'm shamelessly asking for a Mathia bad end with femdom... plz)

Shadow Dancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
So i checked the Berwyn document and it says we can have Berwyn with no dick at all, so I'm assuming we are going to be able to give him a pussy, or is Berwyn gonna be walking around with no genitalia?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
So i checked the Berwyn document and it says we can have Berwyn with no dick at all, so I'm assuming we are going to be able to give him a pussy, or is Berwyn gonna be walking around with no genitalia?
The game's first cuntboy?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
In order to minimize logistic headaches (and to not give myself a fucking mountain of work to do), Berwyn will always have at least one set of genitals. You cannot turn him into a Ken doll.

Keep in mind, the more variables there are, the harder it's going to be to write and the longer it's going to take. I've already committed to a shitload of possibilities - even just one change, like, "does Berwyn have boobs," immediately doubles the workload, especially if I write a scene of him titfucking you or something - and I'm still weighing the possibility of allowing a Berwyn with a flat chest and a vagina (and then, that wouldn't be a cuntboy, that'd just be a girl with a flat chest, wouldn't it? Berwyn has a very feminine form already) but that's primarily a cost-versus-payoff issue.