[Patreon] Lewd maze (Isometric dungeon crawler / RPG)


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Hey guys, new 0.7.183a version is out for patrons~
Changelog so far:

-Added town event CG for tavern Hostess, check her at daytime weekend (same day as Smith tavern)
-Added escape CG event for Kaeryn quest. Run away from main 4mob fight and lewd things happen~
-Added accessory mechanics, jewelry and crafting recipes for rings and amulets. Yay more items with good stats!
Still need to balance crafting recipes thou~
-Added weregirl animation for her howl skill / summon.
-Added debuff visuals in player menu, now you can actually check if you're debuffed or not. Fixed stats change, apparently debuffs didn't really work previously?

We finally got lineart for Elf x Weregirl by the way~
It was delayed due to artist health, but now its here and we can focus on doing that ASAP.
Also finished our first scene for 2nd stage mercenary, upper tier can spoil themselves.
People wanted dullahan like years ago, well here she goes :)
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Hey guys, new Demo 0.7.186a update is out for Patrons! Sorry was a bit delayed.
Changelog so far

-Added extra town event CGs for Smith in tavern Hostess, check her at night on usual day off weekend.
Event will activate IF you have lingering debuffs from dungeon, and it has variation for both types.

-Added weregirl battle H animation, need to adjust speed a bit, i think? Its pretty cool so far, but we'll still add some extra (like facial camera cut-in)

-Added engine feature for battle effects, now we should be able to do cool spell effects and other VFX stuff.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Hey guys, new 189a version is out for Patrons~
Also 179a is now Public!

Changelog so far
-Added work / quest for Catgirl in tavern. You can now work as maid for small amount of gold and free rest.
It will waste whole day so care~
Ofc if you work under debuff, you will also have extra H-event with cool CGs :p

-Improved weregirl x Elf battle H animation, added facial cut-in. Added WIP cum animation, well i quess i will spoil it for everyone, since we were waiting for it so long~

-Added some voice for weregirl x elf. Not completely adjusted yet, but i will fix timings after we finish cum version in pixel.

-Fixed wolf girl howl skill. Derp, it was non-shaded for 2 months, my bad.
Now its shaded and has some VFX so it looks much nicer.

-Completely reworked autosave feature. Sorry guys, no more saving after each fight, or after every screen change. Game will now autosave ONLY after resting in tavern. In other cases for manual save - dont exit game by just closing window, exit game properly.
Its not very convenient, but it will serve as basis for new type of dungeon objects and events - we plan to add more Imp Trader action and functions.
She will run specific object in dungeon for saving your items and other stuff progress - with her own events and scenes.

Again, please note game in current demo will only autosave you in tavern or on manual exit~
Be careful not to lose your progress accidentally. I also kinda wanted to add Brothel event if you work debuffed, but it bugged animations for some reason. I will fix it asap and we'll add that sweet lil scene with extra CGs.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
New demo 0.7.192a is out for Patrons~

Notable changes so far:

-Added Elf x Weregirl finish animation. Its now complete, needs just minor things like face cut-in, i quess? Lemme know if sound mismatch a bit, i will fix it~

-Reworked brothel and added event CG scenes, you can select them as Catgirl - if you work debuffed. Also reworked dialogue system a bit, now it can have animations inserted properly. Sooo we'll be able to add talking to some animations, maybe? Its not super important, but its cool feature, especially if one day we'll get a good writer :p
I think it has some minor bugs but we'll fix them soon~

-Added Warden girl to dungeon selection. Currently no scenes but she will be mercenary for 2nd stage, so she will have a looot~ Need to choose her a good name, so feel free to throw me suggestions.

-Added new type of test dungeon generator. Its using different worldgen type and will be used for stages like 2-2 / 2-3 for that "ant nest" feeling. Its still test version so feel free to add your comments on how it feels overall.

Next month aside of adding lewds, we should add good amount of crafting and new items, i think.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.195a is out for Patrons~
ChangeLog so far:

-Finished Elf x Weregirl face cut-in and couple minor details, now its done, finally~

-Added Imp merchant tent in normal dungeon, instead of recovery fountain. Tent allows you to Save your dungeon progress like items collected, exp and other things, so you wont lose stuff if you lose fight.
Later on she will also have extra cool scenes.

-Added 2nd rankup quest, Weregirl capture. You need to be Adventurer and have 200+ guild points to take it. This quest has currently only 1 awesome threesome CG scene, but we'll add couple variations soon.
Had to slightly balance Weregirl parameters, since she was too OP. Now this fight is actually winnable, but you need good equip.

-Added a bit more items to craft, yay. Now you have more options to spend items dropped from succubi.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Second Patreon release this month is out~

Changelog so far:
-Added Kaeryn NPC for town and added secondary meeting scene with CGs in tavern.
You need to be Rank2 adventurer and meet her in dungeon/do her quest first. This event will be prerequisite to wrapping final boss in 1-3 dungeon.

-Added health and mana potion crafting for player mansion and a bit of extra highlights for crafting process.

-Edited couple town events and quests to cleanup some bugs.

Still working on battle part for Minotaur and Kaeryn. Some stuff not in demo but added to gallery rewards for upper tiers, like finished Kaeryn x Mino animation or some dullahan WIPs~
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.199a is OUT for Patrons~
Changelog for current demo so far.

-Finally added consumable with working skills and spells attached. Now you can craft some cool scrolls - for healing, buffing / debuffing, some damage.
And ofc, now you can craft working self-debuff potions to grab dem sweet lewds 24/7.
No more waiting for enemy to randomly fire debuff spell, just chug some potions down and get all the loving you want.

-Added lvls and lvl restrictions to skills, now we should be able to make proper progress with characters leveling up and opening more skills for player.
Still, need to think carefully about corrent lvl route to open them, because this stuff can throw last bits of class balance away.

-Added some minor tweaks and details to VN part in town, like for example in latest Kaeryn male NPC now has shadow shape and even his own gestures.

For other progress, still working on battle sprites, mino needs mage class attack and KO frame etc.
But we're also doing like 3-4 lewds at same time, like Brothel stuff for Kaeryn and Smith, and lewds for dullahan merc. A bit slow since we're trying to do everything at once, i quess.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.202a is Out for Patrons!

Changelog so far:

-Added feature to invite friends (mercs with completed quests) to brothel, and added Smith brothel animation main loop with futa / male partners

-Added couple traps to 2 stage with animations, no specific stage gameover yet

-Added few new objects and loot to 2nd stage, not completed yet, but should give you an idea of how it will go.
Needs balancing and separating loot for mobs, currently only objects and chests drop new crafting mats.

-Added few more crafting recipes, make sure you have highest adventurer rank. Note currently only cat barbarian and elf priest have new weapons. New stuff like berry jelly consumables added, recovers in percentage. It may need additional balancing as it feels too OP, i think?
Also optimized ingame compression a bit. Not too much, but it should save us some Mb in memory and game package sizes. Probably will do miniupdate in few days with item balancing and mroe items/crafting edits. Mino with 1-3 stage should be out next month, her main animation finally closing and we only need Mino x Catgirl lewd to be shaded. She will be out as "batch" with all animations and gameover.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Hey guys, new demo for Patrons is finally out.
Changelog so far:

-Added 1-3 Substage and minotaur boss fight.
Find suspicios chalice in one of rooms, it should start fight with minotaur mage.

-Added lewds for mino mage, and gameover CG, and some moans for X elf scene.
Still needs a lot of balance and may be buggy. You may notice Kaeryn in group gameover, thats because she is supposed to join you for this fight as merc, we'll add her next update.

-Added new timer mechanics to game, one of chalice objects in 1-3 should trigger countdown during mino fight.
Its currently just a test, but it should be implemented for some quests and fights soon.

-Added no-money rest scene for Imp merchant tent. Someone has to move in with her, for start it should be elf~
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Its automatic save on town rest or Imp merchant tent rest.
For 2 extra spots its merc system.
In current demo, dwarf Smith is avaliable for hire if you complete her quest line. She will go only for 1-1 thou, for now.
Dark elf / Kaeryn coming next, she will be more of "big bosses help" type of merc as she will appear for 1-3 2-3 and 3-3 bosses.
Dullahan is coming next as merc for 2nd stage.
She already has some very nice lewds WIPs avaliable for upper tiers patron~
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
She is somewhat "beast" race rather than cat race so i was hesistating between wolf tail and cat tail, and in the end we decided no tail :D
At least, for now.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
New version is out for Patrons~

Changelog so far

-Added Smith brothel cum animation for both version. So far looks really nice, need some sounds later on.

-Added Kaeryn merc and battle sprites to optional Mino fight, now you can properly defeat that cow.
Find Kaeryn in grail room and talk to her. She has her own equip, skillset and overall pretty strong.

-Added Kaeryn lewd animation with Mino, cum version included.

-Couple smaller fixes, like added Mino lacking KO and mino mage version lacking attack animation.
Should note currently Mino fight lacks quest and proper pretext, but we'll add that soon~

Gallery updates should come out tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Btw, new demo 0.7.210a is out for Patrons~
Changelog so far:

-Added Elf and Smith scenes to Imp tent. Smith scene only available on level you hire her, ofc. Also added option to refuse paying money for Imp tent, so you could get a scene regardless.
I think its not really rewarding because everyone will choose that option, so maybe i will revert it back.

-Added Cat x Mino cum version included to fight, still a bit WIP - not shaded, but decided to spoil everyone regardless.

-Couple minor bugfixed.

Meanwhile, working on various stuff, tons of it. Working on Talk button (finally?), working on player storage in Mansion, working on Dullahan Merc~
I think we should have good amount of Quality-of-Life stuff this month, i guess~
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.212a is out for Patrons~ sorry for delay.
Its a bit short, but oh well.

-Added more traps animations to 2nd stage

-Added gameover CG for 2nd stage traps

-Added shaded and polished version for mino x cat finish, now its done

This update was a bit messy, had to skip a lot of stuff we were working on like Talk button and store.
Kinda had to move away from frontline, i live in Ukraine and it was pretty damn loud past few days.
Had to settle in new place. Well, at least both me and programmer safe - for now.
Will try to update gallery rewards soon~


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.214a is OUT For Patrons~
Hey guys, sorry for delay. Not the biggest update, but here we go:

-Added player storage in mansion. Yay, quality of life content. Now you can store all your juicy loot, sort it and stuff.
Double-click to move things. Currently a bit beta, so please let me know if somethign is broken, or maybe about features you would love to see here.

-Added new trap type (Wall traps) and added one trap + animations to 2nd stage. Watch out for weird wall fruits growing in one of rooms, they're not torches~
Let me know if this type of traps is actually good, because i'm kiiinda unsure player move around walls much?

-Fixed couple minor bugs like removing Kaeryn mercenary from team after Mino 1-3 fight.
Previously you could stack Kaeryn's in team , so hopefully istuff like that is fixed

About current plans and current situation. I'm living atm in somewhat safe city without ground troops fighting, but we have missiles from time to time.
And its like air alarm - go hide into basement 3-4 times per day.
Sometimes important things are going down like electricity or water supply, but its getting fixed pretty fast.
Not very comfortable, but at least its safer than other regions.
Programmer located in same city so we'll continue working, maybe not as fast as we did previously, but we aim for do more QoL updates like Talk buttons, aside of workin on dullahan lewds.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.215a is out for patrons

QoL update.
Changelog so far:

-Added more features to storage. Now sort button works for both inventories, you can double-click for stack size selection and so on. Small but important.

-Added Talk button functionality, yay. Chat is currently not working, but you can either Taunt or Seduce enemy.

Note, currently both have 100% work chance and Seduce debuffing enemy attacks/defence a bit.
This is obviously too OP, in future you will get CHANCE to debuff enemy with Seduce, and Taunt will add randomly selected amount of provocation points.
So failed Taunt may not work at all, and failed Seduce will lead to enemy gangbang with full power :)

-Added extra sound functionality to Talk button. Now all choices can have some voices included for participants.
Currently using couple cute sounds for Taunt and Seduce, let me know if we should add some more of that.
Its not really a proper dialogue sounds ofc, more like extra pepper for "talking" feature.

-Couple minor bugfixes, now its possible to have multiple Charmed targets on field - enemy will choose randomly who to bang next.

Still working on Dullahan Merc. She got half of scenes done, i think?
Next we plan to make another QoL update next week.
It should have that Chat working, aaand i will add more items and stuff.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.216a is out for Patrons.

Hey guys, sorry for delay.
Changelog so far:
QoL update

-Added chat function and small amount of dialogues for mobs Currently its mostly short jokes or tiny bits of useful info, we'll expand it later on~
In fact, open for suggestions for idle chat in battle!

-Finished Perlin type dungeon generation and added 2-2 substage with stronger mobs.
Search ladder on 2-1 substage to get on new map. Its currently a bit overloaded with stuff and a bit too large, but it makes good demonstration.
Will reduce size and play around with decor / new objects later on.

-A bit of new items for mansion crafting, slight optimization in auto-pathing delay.

-Removed couple weird crashes in older dungeon gen and other stuff like crash from dungeon selection room.
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Reactions: Lone Wolf115


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.220a is OUT for Patrons!
Hey guys, sorry for delay. Its finally out~
Please let me know if i messed up something.

Changelog so far

Content update
-Added option to hire dullahan warden lady.
Note, currently you can only hire Melee class so make sure you have an empty spot (or use separate save to test things).
Her Ranged class is Whip user and its slight pain to animate, still WIP~

-Added Dullahan vs Slug animation loop and finish, completed
-Added Dullahan vs Yellwocap animation loop and finish, flat colored (wip)
-Added Dullahan vs Leeches animation loop flat colored (wip)

-Added Dullahan vs Ant scout gameover scene, completed
-Added Dullahan vs Yellowcap gameover scene, completed
-Added Dullahan vs Redcap gameover scene, completed
-Added Dullahan and Party group gameover Trap scene, completed
-Added couple new passive skills around

Dullahan still needs her ranged class, new skill and finishing about half of her lewds, minor stuff like class picture and so on. She also would need quest sequence for hire option - currently she is avaliable for free as test material.
Her quest probably will have another GC scene?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
Demo 0.7.222a is OUT for Patrons!
Hey guys, sorry for delay.
Had yet another hectic month~

Changelog so far:

-Finished Dullahan x Yellowcap main loop, shaded and colored, done. Still needs finish loop for that scene
-Added Dullahan x Ant main loop flat colored, wip. Needs shading and finish.
-Added few minor edits and tweaks to Dullahan (Her Portrait, KO picture, missing frames and some stats changes etc).

Working on more Dullahan lewds, after that we'll add her ranged class, add her hire questline and call it done for 2nd stage merc~
Will update gallery rewards within 24 hours, upper tiers will get some really nice scenes for town / mansion (spoiler: Imp maid yay!).


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2022
This game looks rather interesting, but I am definitely a try-before-you-buy kinda person. I would love to play the public version to see if it's my thing or not, but I cannot find a link to it anywhere.

Also, what version is the public one at? I think the initial post on this thread is waay out of date.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
New demo is out for Patrons!

Changelog so far:

-Added dullahan x Yellowcap full animation, finish included, shaded and colored.
Yay, one of longest scenes is finally completed.

-Added Maid in player mansion and events for her (spoiler - she has scene for each character and each debuff, and likes shiny things like diamonds. I think i made drop chance reaaaally rare so use save included with gems prepared, i will update drop chance in few days with more content)

-Fixed couple minor bugs like issue with bone armor crafting, should be working now

Couldn't reproduce bug with mana potions, if anyone gets that again, please provide step by step and save file.
Still working on Dullahan ranged class (Whip), halfway done. Should be out in September.
Will update gallery rewards tomorrow, should have a bit of WIPs and stuff~
Had to change my location one more time, twice this year already, its getting annoying but at least now its not loud outside -_-