Observation post of the Observer.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Choosing to portray the new character with the Otõmo/Twelve Divine Clans trademark white hair is rather telling though, it looks like the Colony already had a Princess, albeit one that's probably been disowned and exiled already.

The Igarashi name is not one of the twelve, or even an established clan of the sort that has an esteemed history of centuries. Which raises questions as to how a physical quirk that is almost always restricted to the head and branch families of the twelve emerges and produces someone has not just white hair and fur, but the whole gamut of facial markings as well. Rindo(u)'s physical appearance is as close as it gets to the foxen ideal of pure divine blood -- radiant white hair and fur, red eyes, facial markings.

Infidelity is but only one explanation for such an anomaly. Multiple political problems may present themselves. Personal problems are even more abundant. Usually, the approved process of dealing with such anomalies is to marry into one of the twelve, but having half your body burned away kind of poses a problem to that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
who is she?
As mentioned just a few posts above yours, she's a new character designed to make use of a concept originally intended for Asagiri but which was nixed. Right now all we know is that and what The Observer just said in the post before mine.

Oh, and that she's named after a particular type of flower (the Japanese Gentian) which she's holding in the second picture. And which was part of the Minamoto clan's crest. This concludes today's Random Trivia Hour.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
The Igarashi name is not one of the twelve, or even an established clan of the sort that has an esteemed history of centuries. Which raises questions as to how a physical quirk that is almost always restricted to the head and branch families of the twelve emerges and produces someone has not just white hair and fur, but the whole gamut of facial markings as well. Rindo(u)'s physical appearance is as close as it gets to the foxen ideal of pure divine blood -- radiant white hair and fur, red eyes, facial markings.

Infidelity is but only one explanation for such an anomaly. Multiple political problems may present themselves. Personal problems are even more abundant. Usually, the approved process of dealing with such anomalies is to marry into one of the twelve, but having half your body burned away kind of poses a problem to that.

It's actually a question that's been on my mind since the first time I cleared the Convocation of Mirrors.
Keros as the Kitsune know him today is not the same Keros that they worshipped at the inception of the Kerosite faith, that Keros may well never have existed. Merely a product of over-active primitive imaginations as much as the Christian God. Which makes me wonder... could the foxen ideal of divine blood be no more than an elaborate hoax? A genetic quirk common in, but not exclusive to the Divine Clans, given contextual meaning that empowers those Clans over the masses of Kitsune? I know, I know... :iiam: but one that bears pondering, I think.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
As mentioned just a few posts above yours, she's a new character designed to make use of a concept originally intended for Asagiri but which was nixed. Right now all we know is that and what The Observer just said in the post before mine.

Oh, and that she's named after a particular type of flower (the Japanese Gentian) which she's holding in the second picture. And which was part of the Minamoto clan's crest. This concludes today's Random Trivia Hour.

oh ok, I thought that she’s a new character that he’s working on

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
But on the plus side, it's nice that instead we get to have someone so badly disfigured as someone we can romantically love, and that's so important to represent. Thanks for not dropping the idea of a burn victim completely and even improving on it by making said victim someone who will show up regularly (as opposed to Asagiri kinda falling back to the background in addition to being our daughter).

Rindo was born out of the wreckage of the vetoing of Asagiri — since it's been ruled that none of the champion's children can be permanently scarred, we gave her a few years and made her a waifu instead. Damaged girls are a pretty broad character concept with good appeal, and it's very easy to fall into the trap of using their disability as a crutch to let unappealing aspects of their character skate by given how the audience is predisposed to be sympathetic to them. I'd like to think that I'm a good enough writer to be able to avoid that kind of trap, but pride comes before a fall and all that. Of course, that doesn't preclude a few cheap tricks in order to produce some tear-jerkers, but I'll do my best to keep everything under control and not dunk all that salt onto my head.

What I want to do during the exploration of this character's story is the examination of kintsugi/kinsukuroi as it applies to people — the understanding that suffering and struggle are necessary for human development and meaning, and the long-suffering and fatalistic spirit of the Kitsune people when it comes to cruel twists of fate that are the Trickster's other face.

This flies in the face of common modern thought, where all kinds of adversity are to be avoided and hedonism is a goal to be pursued. And while it's easy and trite to dismiss the philosophies of those who came before us as "primitive" and "outdated", more often than not when looking back I end up considering that people in the past were far smarter and more grounded than we are. Maybe it's because the constant nipping of adversity at one's heels quickly culls the delusional.

But I've digressed enough. I think that given expectations of popular damaged girls in the genre like Hanako and Shima, I want to approach things from the other end — someone who has more or less accepted the nature of her scarring, is able to smile despite it, and able to lead a fairly normal life in the colonies with the understanding that almost everyone around her is damaged in some way as well instead of having to pretend that one's perfect. Having half your body burnt up and your left eye blinded gets put into perspective when the imperial governor is directly and personally cursed by the patron deity of their own people.

It's not that Rindo pretends her scars don't exist — they feel stiff when she tries to move or stretch, they ache from time to time, and the reality of their existence is unavoidable just by looking in a mirror. She knows that she's not beautiful and that she never will be again, and that's fine. The stoic, fatalistic acceptance of even the greatest cosmic injustice, especially by the lower to middle-lower social classes, of the Old Country races and the foxen in particular is legendary; a major earthquake will kill thousands, and as they're picking up the pieces morosely they'll just say to each other 「仕方がない」, and shrug. One supposes that it must be extremely infuriating for a Marcher to be confronted with such an attitude, but they seem happy in their personal lives without needing to get aggravated…

Basically I want Rindo to play into some damaged girls tropes and avoid others. The whole tsun "don't you pity me!" schtick that Hanako and Shima had going on is extremely unappealing and frankly childish to me; this goes doubly so because of the theme of kintsugi. In the nature of what was supposed to have happened to Asagiri, I want her to have grown as a result of her experience, not the other way around. I understand that helping another out of that emotional hole is part of the appeal of damaged girls, but on the other hand it's already been done before, there's ample space for emotional support without being unappealing, and I don't feel like writing something that's an open boner-killer for me.

I want Rindo to be able to smile, laugh, and live in the face of immense cosmic injustice, be nice and understand that people just mean well when they ask about her. She understands that she's broken, that she can't be like other people any more, and while it's a little sad at some point you just have to move on or else the biggest obstacle in your way is yourself. I think it'll be a nice and refreshing change from the mopey, schizophrenic, attention-seeking bitches that the damaged girls genre tend to fall into. Most VNs and so forth end at the acceptance phase — I want to explore what comes after the acceptance phase of things.

Oh, and that she's named after a particular type of flower (the Japanese Gentian) which she's holding in the second picture. And which was part of the Minamoto clan's crest. This concludes today's Random Trivia Hour.

Given that she's implied to be someone's by-blow, and that the Fujiwara are already represented in the game, I may as well consider pulling in more Heian period influences.
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Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Speaking as one of the "broken" this philosophy applies to, we're usually pretty fine with who and what we are. But there are times when you reach for something you know you can't have, or try to do something that everyone else seems to find easy... and it gets infuriating.

Just having someone you can reach out to in those moments can make one hell of a difference.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Will Rindo be joining us in Kiyoko's home or will she be in Kimori's den?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Why would she not? Is she not concubine material?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
She could be, if Tobs wants her to be, but the Otomo home is the Otomo home you know? I think it's just for your family with Kiyoko. Also the place was built especifically for your family with her. In addition, Rindo is most likely from Komari's den, or another isolated kitsune settlement, I don't think there's a point for her to move to another den.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I just like having my Waifu's all in one place mostly, I don't really care where she's placed (beyond poersonal preference) I was just curious as to where she would be placed in the end.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I love what you have in mind so far, Tobs! It is definitely true we don't see enough "damaged girls" (or "damaged people" period) who handle their scars with grace as opposed to being prickly and stand-offish about them.

I mean, obviously things will never really be all hunky dory when half your skin is permanently melted and you're blinded in one eye. But eventually people come to develop a sort of new normalcy as they adapt to their scars. IRL, even people with the worst disfigurements (and I'm talking shit like having their WHOLE face melted by acid and rendered unrecognizable as more than a flesh stretched on bone) can still find happiness and peace in life depending on attitude and their support network.

Judging from her white fur, is it safe to assume that Rindo came from a noble upbringing or is she just a commoner who incidentally has white fur?

I'm very curious regardless of her background and how she recovered from the burns (and definitely how she burned in the first place). And of course, it would be very interesting to see the kind of person she is and how she acts when we meet her.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I find it so insane how much of a good read the kitsune are. Sure, their all the time politeness and etiquette bugs me a bit (especially Kinu I miss her more laidback behaviour), but they're so graceful, and have such interesting development, i can't not love them honestly. been a long time since i've seen good, complex characters like these in a game. And this is a porn game btw, which makes it even crazier. I respect the fuck out of Tobs, he is so good. I'm really curious and excited on how Rindo is going to turn out.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
ニックネーム: ベーコン

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Gentle rain on fire
Where once a forest stood
And now stands stronger

(I'd like to think my bad poetry is slightly better than Nakano's.)


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Probably a bit late to the party, but I just had to express my excitement for the extra-crispy addition to the waifu pipeline. Looking forward to that a lot, gotta admit.
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New Member
May 22, 2019
I love the kitsune tf but and this may have been answered somewhere but can you gain more tails? Do you get them from level ups or milestones in game? not that big a deal but i like the ideal of being a ninetail archmage better than a puny four tailed archmage lol
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
I love the kitsune tf but and this may have been answered somewhere but can you gain more tails? Do you get them from level ups or milestones in game? not that big a deal but i like the ideal of being a ninetail archmage better than a puny four tailed archmage lol
The number of tails is determined by subtracting one from your level, with a minimum of two tails.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Speaking of being a kitsune, does anybody know if giving your female kitsune a dick is one of the tfs thats blocked by becoming a kitsune?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Speaking of being a kitsune, does anybody know if giving your female kitsune a dick is one of the tfs thats blocked by becoming a kitsune?
Pretty sure it's MAJOR TFs like body stuff you can't change, not super minor stuff like sex changes.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Pretty sure it's MAJOR TFs like body stuff you can't change, not super minor stuff like sex changes.

oh ok, thanks for the heads up before I invest hours of gameplay in getting to the point of being able to change into a kitsune


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
oh ok, thanks for the heads up before I invest hours of gameplay in getting to the point of being able to change into a kitsune
It'd be a pretty bad idea to lock someone into a certain sex permanently like that just for a few extra tails.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
It'd be a pretty bad idea to lock someone into a certain sex permanently like that just for a few extra tails.

full body fts make sense, now I can’t wait for the observer to add that the kitsunes and kiyoko react to you being a kitsune