Observation post of the Observer.


Feb 9, 2019
Tch, oh well, it is what it is, no doubt you'll surprise me and everyone else with something even more imaginative.

im a simple minded guy so form my point of view she just happy to be out of her cage and spend the rest of life with you and keros is just letting it happen because of the fact of how many kits you can have before she leves the astrel plain and she reminds him of one of his wives
form long ago

im possibly half wrong and half right

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015



Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
Keros, probably. He has the shiny robes which is what I usually remember about him from his appearances.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
If that's Keros, I'd hit that. (Though if it IS, itd like be more that He'd hit ME. As I'm not sure any god would be on bottom to the Champion)

Also, the spoiler text

translated directly (through google) it says "Amenominakanushi". If the google definition is correct, it basically is the name of the Original God. The being that "created itself" when nothing existed.


Keros is hunky as fuck.

You go throw in a CG of him extending his hand towards us and I'd be "yes, please have my soul. And give me your babies. What, I'm not your type? What is your type, I'm an amazing alchemist and dear You I want your babies.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
If that's Keros, I'd hit that. (Though if it IS, itd like be more that He'd hit ME. As I'm not sure any god would be on bottom to the Champion)

Also, the spoiler text

translated directly (through google) it says "Amenominakanushi". If the google definition is correct, it basically is the name of the Original God. The being that "created itself" when nothing existed.


Keros is hunky as fuck.

You go throw in a CG of him extending his hand towards us and I'd be "yes, please have my soul. And give me your babies. What, I'm not your type? What is your type, I'm an amazing alchemist and dear You I want your babies.



Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Fuck, she sure looks and talks like Miyuki.
This actually gives me an opportunity to ask @The Observer a question I've been wondering about for a while, because I've been curious if Miko and Mai's accent is an intentional attempt to convey the Savarran equivalent of a Kansai regional accent into Belharan aka English. I checked and sure enough, that's what the translator of that manga did (it's a pretty common way to call attention to the use of the accent) and suspect something similar might be at work with the pair.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2020
Is there plans for different Hatsumomo interactions if you become Keros's champion? So far she's the only kitsune I've encountered whose dialogue doesn't change when you become a kitsune

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Well, he might not have noticed.
I mean, we know he's not actually a god, so maybe a minor blip like a living being in his dream realm didn't register.

Or maybe he couldn't do anything without the orb. I dunno.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
View attachment 12825

See, i'd buy that, except for leaving Kiyoko imprisoned. That's pretty damn cruel and she didn't deserve it.

Considering the fact you literally need to have AT LEAST one kid (i.e. Kinu) with her, I’m pretty sure it was an issue of “could not” rather than “would not”. Even if he did pull the orb out himself and shit (from the docs, he’d actually hint at the orb’s existence to the Champion if you didn’t pick it up before Floofhaus), he still can’t give her a body from literally nothing. Kiyoko needs to absorb some life essence from someone still alive in order for Keros to transition her back to the physical plane.

Kinu and any possible siblings are naturally created from a combination of astral and physical energies so that’s why they can come along for the ride. Basically, the life essence is built into them from the beginning so they were actually alive, as opposed to Kiyoko being a literal ghost trapped on the Astral Plane much like the Salamander Siblings.

Of course that leaves the question if why he did not at least let people know of the orb being intact, but perhaps it’s related to fate or something? Komari searched high and low for the amulet, but couldn’t find it. Meanwhile, a random dumbass adventurer (i.e. us) just stumbles upon it lying around in a corner. It’s possible over the previous 200 years, the natural ebb and flow of the land might have jostled it out of whatever crevice it was caught in to land in a conveniently visible spot.

But anyways, it seems likely to me that Keros thought it best that Kiyoko be found at the right time by someone who will be good to her. He definitely wanted her to be saved based on what happens if you do Floofhaus without picking up the Amulet and meeting Kiyoko first.

And as Tristan said, it could be related to the fact Keros and the other members of the Seven are actually wraiths that developed a conscience and became like gods from protecting mortals, and in doing so earning their reverence.

Which ties back to the fact he legit can’t do anything without Kiyoko getting knocked up, and honestly, would it be any better to shove her in an arranged marriage with some rando that would inevitably happen if she was brought back to her homeland? And then make her deal with all the political games and backstabbery? I think ultimately while both Kiyoko and Komari suffered to get here, it was probably for the best they did in the end because we have a place for the misfits of Kitsune society to belong. We gained all the adorably quirky residents of the Den like Hitoshi and Nakano, Mai and Miko, etc etc because of Komari living so long. And while her punishment was cruel, it was meant to prepare for her to eventually meet with Kiyoko again.

As noted by both Kiyoko and Kinu, Komari is her own worst tormentor. She suffered extreme guilt over failing Kiyoko during the Godswar and wanted to die. And while the amulet being hidden in some weird crevice was not her fault.....it seems she still admitted defeat too soon. She prematurely believed she deserved punishment, and punishment is what she would have gotten with or without Keros’ influence. But while making her a yasha may seem excessively cruel, it is what gave Komari closure and Kiyoko comfort in seeing her best friend again. And it ensures Kiyoko would not only survive, but also THRIVE in this strange land.

So I think in the end, Keros simply allowed things to take their natural course rather than interfere and potentially cause even more misery from interfering.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
One thing to add to the above and the idea that Keros might have known the 'right' time comes up in another context and that's the backstory that placed the Kervus in the Frost Marches at the precise itme of the games. Lumia has some means of granting prophetic visions. Given the nature of the vision we know about and how it ties in with ongoing events, it's not impossible that Keros acted on similar information (either because he has some foresight of his own or via Lumia) and concluded that the world, the kitsune, the Champion or what have you needed Kiyoko to be around at a precise moment, so he chose to wait even if he could have nudged events towards that end at any time.

The same idea would also work pretty well to explain why he pulled the whole timeskip stunt when bringing her out; if that vision of the future hinted that Kiyoko and the Champion's daughter was important and was meant to be a certain age, then voila, let's make sure she's whatever age fate has in store!

Whether this is anywhere near on-track, I'm sure Keros himself would get a good chuckle out of the idea of people attempting to work out why the self-admitted trickster god does anything. :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I buy Wolfram's explanation more than Shura's, no offence, my original position relies on a lack of prescience but it's actually doubtful that's the case given what Wolfy said.

None taken, but I'm confused because nothing Wolf said contradicts what I did. He even said he was adding to what I said. X'D

He even said his post was in adding onto mine, lol.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
I figured it was because the orb was broken and thus was cut off. It's like a shard of glass and it's missing. It's still of the Realm but it's been snapped off and exists as a separate piece.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
I dunno, I think you're probably assuming too much about what the Gods can actually do or can know, it's more like we know there are things that they can't do, so what's wrong with assuming it might extend to this? Besides, it's far easier to believe a bunch of "gods" have limits to their power than believing they're some all powerful, all knowing beings.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
[pc.ra kitsune

|Here and now, it's impossible to think of anything else, your thoughts inundated in the sheer desire of having your heat quenched like this — the idea of a <i>god</i> who could fill you with his children arousing you and stirring up your hormones in the most crudest, rawest way imaginable. Debasing yourself before the deity you sold your soul to just feels so <i>right</i> — his hips slamming repeatedly into your own, his meaty balls slapping into your netherlips and clit until you lose what little sense of propriety you ever had and fill the shrine with your screams.

Aa-hh, what a <i>wonderful</i> feeling. The August Master at the Center of Heaven — no, the <i>full and proper</i> translation would be the Heavenly Ancestral God of the Originating Heart of the Universe — took the time to create this absolutely <i>perfect</i> new body for you, and now he's even going to all the trouble of personally demonstrating its capabilities just for your pleasure…

"Khaha. I <b>made</b> you, my dear champion. Did you think I wouldn't know all of your weak spots?" He gives a particularly powerful thrust that has you rolling your tongue out of your mouth in the sluttiest and most primal way your instincts can think up. "True, it was in return for your soul and service… but the time for transactions is over. It's but a shaping of the flesh and a change in one's nature, but I merely hope you will consider it as the first of many gifts to you."

The throbbing red rocket stuck inside of you twitches, and a hand closes about your [pc.kitsuneTails] tails and pulls. Laid out on the offerings altar, your body melts into a prurient puddle, your heat and desire washing out all but one thought from the fore of your mind:

O-of course! His loyal champion swears [pc.hisHer] body and sou… uh… spirit to serving him!

"Indeed, inside and out, you truly have become without compare, my dear champion. Now, let's make <b>you</b> cum as well, so you can <b>truly</b> enjoy the depths of pleasure you sold your very soul for!"


I keep on reading all of his dialogue in Sephiroth's voice, and can't stop laughing. That, or Seymour Guado works as well.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
It sounds rather... grim... Also, why is the word 'august' in his fancy title? Does he ever bang Mikoto and Miyuki?

I know. That's why I can't stop laughing.

adjective: august
respected and impressive.
"she was in august company"

"August Master at the Center of Heaven" is the quick and dirty translation. The proper and full one would be "Heavenly Ancestral God of the Originating Heart of the Universe".:ghost:

Miko/Mai threesome is on the todo list depending on who is on duty.

Also, does this scene include comments regarding the CoM event?

Not that I consciously put there.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I think even if the Champion has played and won CoM I'd prefer if they don't give a shit and behave this exact same way, mostly because it drives home exactly how steep the price this bargain asks of you really is, and what it really means to surrender one's soul and being to another, especially a creature such as this.