Observation post of the Observer.


New Member
Dec 16, 2019
Hi, I have a question when it comes to raising Kinu
I am creating pure and corrupt characters to see all possible routes I have a doubt
in wikipedia I don't know if it's well written

Kinu's choices are based on whether she'll live independently from her family name and make her own decisions (positive score) or to follow her mother's footsteps and continue her tradition as a den mother (negative score). The positive and negative scoring is arbitrary; it's not to denote that one choice is "right" and the other is "wrong". There's no pure/corrupt path to be chosen here.

You wouldn't want to corrupt your daughteru anyways, would you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Hi, I have a question when it comes to raising Kinu
I am creating pure and corrupt characters to see all possible routes I have a doubt
in wikipedia I don't know if it's well written

Positive score: Young Inari country girl
resentment with his mother

negative score:
Kitsune Hime Is the devourer's personality of men not?
and second in kind of decisions as an example, Kinu's choice to forgive or not to forgive Kiyoko makes her hate her mother independently if she becomes Young Inari or Kitsune Hime

As Ghost mentioned, there is no "pure/corrupt" path with Kinu and frankly if you wish to peek at the docs, the "maneater" persona of Kitsune Hime is more for show than anything. Ironically, she's actually more innocent than Young Inari in that respect.

Which is amusing to me since you'd think Inari is the innocent sweet girl because conservatively dressed farmgirl, but it's been empathized that's mostly a front, lol! Meanwhile, Hime actually sticks to traditional Absolutely-Not-Asian norms and is very uptight about being prim and proper.

Both of them willingly chose their paths, whether from PC influence or their own choices (that you choose when playing AS Child Kinu), though if you look closely, Kinu choices weigh more heavily than PC choices. The only real difference between the personalities is that Inari is very independent and self-assured but stubborn to the point she is constantly at odds with most people (especially her mother) and has very little empathy because she is unwilling to consider other people's opinions. She lives a pretty lonely life for the most part except for Hitoshi. Hime on the other hand is very empathetic and gregarious because she loves her people and would do anything for them. And she isn't too proud to ask for help when she needs it. But because she wants to please everyone, she's a bit of a doormat and she leans heavily on her mother and Komari for decision making.

Neither of these are the end of the story either since Adult Kinu has a full story arc for both routes. Corruption level has absolutely zero role and Kinu is completely independent of whatever alignment PC is. In fact, we'll actually have an entire quest we play as Kinu in a similar vein to UrtaQuest in CoC1, but that will be much later and more towards endgame, iirc. ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Your mind slips into idle thought as you try relax and it hits you; next week is christmas.

The fox patch will come no sooner than two weeks from now... I'd post a scrooge meme but i dont have one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Can we become kitsunes already or not?
Not yet, but apparently it's planned. Not sure if it's in the works yet, but I'm certainly looking forward to it. [EDIT]: Sorry, you probably already knew that.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Since people have been asking, I've updated the OP with some basic thoughts and simple questions you should ask yourself if you want to actually write a fluff.

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Hm. Are there any iron veins near Floofhaus? Who do they talk to when they're sick or injured?

Just thinking that there's room in the sink for a miner and/or a doctor, after seeing what's been thrown in already.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Mai is extremely skilled in the art and science of seifukujutsu, mostly driven by her constant need and desire to self-medicate.

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
I suppose it'll suffice, considering how little is known of medicine as we know it. Still wondering if a kitsune mining camp should exist somewhere in the Frostwood, though. Part of the reason for colonizing was to claim untapped resources, after all...

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
December round-up:

Not bad at all. I've been taking this time to get some work in, which proved to be surprisingly easy once I finally sat down and got to it. Despite everything, updating Kiyoko was surprisingly easy. Several things had to be done:

-Scan all her dialogue for mentions of being in the Astral Plane and rework those.
-Rework some parsed scenes since Kinu is a guarantee.
-Edit all of Kinu's dialogue in all scenes and split it between her personalities.
-Add new talk topics for various subjects such as other kitsune, the situation, and your other companions.
-Rewrite several scenes, like birthing, to account for her being in various places and trigger conditions.
-Rewrite things like approach and some dialogue for if she's in your party. Ex: she won't greet you at the door if you step up with her in tow, won't mention you being visiting if you're with her, etc.
-Reworked all exit blurbs: instead of leaving the Astral Plane, you'll snuggle up with your fox-wife and her tails after a fun activity or sex.
-Make all her lines more affectionate towards the player.

There's a bunch more stuff and some that I probably missed, but that's why we have players. Anyways, now to wait for someone to get to this pile:


Other things that were done: Salwah Amin was finished in 17 days at 52k words. I'm okay with how she turned out -- it's not my amazing best effort, but I feel satisfied with the result. All her scenes and interactions have variants for having Cait around. Also, numerous Dune references, including more substance abuseof the spice, which flows. She's not likely to get in any time soon, mostly because Catte Dad needs to get in first, as well as the framework for companion sets that is needed to support both her content and that of Catte Dad.

I have no regrets for my work this year. Well, except maybe one. I never managed to write a hanami festival like I wanted, and it's unlikely that all the pieces will be in place for one to be out by April. Maybe 2021. I don't know. Maybe I COULD rush one out and it'd get improvemented upon in 2021, but... eh. I kind of liked the thing that we once had going on in FoE with regards to Halloween. I'd really like a hanami festival, but I don't know if the effort involved in rushing one out would be worth it.

Next on the list to get done is Rags' repeatable sex. I'm aiming for about 5 scenes. I'm not sure if I want to let the player knock her up yet, but the scenes will certainly have variants if she's been knocked up.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Things have been going reasonably smoothly since the start of the year. I should be done with Ragnild by the end of the week, then move onto other projects.

All the pieces are in place; you will be able to free Kiyoko next patch (hopefully), however, the content for what comes after is not in place yet. Still, you can do it and walk around her empty home, for what it's worth. It has only been a year in the making.

Now then:



Dec 31, 2015
What did you decide on for the player being able to knock up Rags or not? In regards to post freedom Kiyoko content, the rest can come later, this is a start.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Things have been going reasonably smoothly since the start of the year. I should be done with Ragnild by the end of the week, then move onto other projects.

All the pieces are in place; you will be able to free Kiyoko next patch (hopefully), however, the content for what comes after is not in place yet. Still, you can do it and walk around her empty home, for what it's worth. It has only been a year in the making.

Now then:


Loving the new Inari Kinu art here! Is that going to be a new bust or just something for us to adore? :p

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Keros walks in, sexually harrasses his priestesses, snacks on the sacrifices laid at his altar, then leaves without paying attention to anything said or done by his petitioners.

Sorry, I just found that part rather amusing.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Keros walks in, sexually harrasses his priestesses, snacks on the sacrifices laid at his altar, then leaves without paying attention to anything said or done by his petitioners.

Sorry, I just found that part rather amusing.

I have always portrayed him as a somewhat more benevolent Tzeentch.

Although with Miko, is it really sexual harassment?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
'cause he's a bit of a high strung jerkass with a slight death wish. Kinda.

Also really bad poetry.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Nakano's only redeeming quality is being a hopeless classy romantic and he better not break my little princess's heart or no amount of "death frenzy" is going to stop me from turning him into a rug.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the lines I saw from Hime Kinu on a certain major event will be indicating Nakano will be finding something else to live and die for in her.

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
'cause he's a bit of a high strung jerkass with a slight death wish. Kinda.

Also really bad poetry.
I don't know about that. Maybe I'm a bit more laid back, but the way he interacted with the pc wasn't really that offensive to me. And while he might have a slight death wish, I don't really consider that a bad thing depending on the scenarios. I personally wouldn't mind dying chasing after glory or honor, but I guess it depends on what you consider a good death. I also respect his discipline. Not many people are capable of sticking to a regiment or a schedule, and the fact that he can is pretty impressive.

Also, poetry is subjective.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Small update on future trajectory:

My ready to code queue is pretty full. For this week, hopefully we'll be able to get Adult Kinu out in time. Then over the subsequent two weeks, most of that effort will be dedicated to converting and porting over Kiyoko's Astral Plane content so that it makes sense in the context of her home.

Ragnild's repeatable sex and pregnancy expack has been completed, adding roughly 40,000 words to her and more than doubling her content. This mostly adds on to content that becomes accessible after taking her on the date.

In the future, I will be working on the Ruins of Xadaron, a dungeon which was concepted in the design document as elven druids who were infected by futa fungus; think The Last of Us, only sexy. After some discussion with the boss, it will tie in with Cait's temple aspirations, and you'll get Salwah to join you as a guest for the dungeon. However, this content is dependent on Catte Dad, and since the rest of the team is working on the Winter City until the end of winter, I'm in no particular rush to get it done. Given my track record in getting GarthQuest and CloisterQuest written, I believe I can get the ruins done in a reasonable timeframe before the prerequisites are fully implemented.

For now, there are a few things I will be working on in the short-term:

-The first is adult Kinu vignettes. I already have five of them, and would like to have at least twelve total. Vignettes may be for both personalities, inari-only, or hime-only. If there are topics you would like to see me explore, please leave a note here and I'll consider it.

-The second is promoting the Tanuki Witch to a full NPC, thanks to a mistakenly-drawn half-body bust. I'm going to start work on Myra Evergreen tomorrow; once you complete the kitsune den Evergreen will call her off from harassing you as a token of gratitude for your fine work. You'll be able to have sex with her, as well as finely control your cock and ball size as services. Myra's the cheeky sister as opposed to the romantic Senja; you may be able to pay her in sex instead of coin for what she can do for you.

-The third is Kiyoko companion. This will be a bit slower, because I want her to have her three sets out of the gate. Since Catte Dad is not likely to get in anytime soon, this will probably mean that companion sets will be implemented at the end of winter and the Winter City with Ryn's sets instead. I hence see no rush to get it done, really. This bundle will probably include camp interactions, sets, that kind of thing.

Anyways, I'll see you lot around.
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