Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Aug 30, 2015
Am running the latest version of the game v2.0.6 and java. I got zero experience with coding but i ran all the character json files through an online JSON validator and they all check out apart from the summer.json which keeps bringing up the error

Error: Parse error on line 240:
... }, "text" : "Your conciousness i
Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '[', got 'undefined'



New Member
Oct 23, 2015
Am running the latest version of the game v2.0.6 and java. I got zero experience with coding but i ran all the character json files through an online JSON validator and they all check out apart from the summer.json which keeps bringing up the error

Error: Parse error on line 240:
... }, "text" : "Your conciousness i
Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '[', got 'undefined'


v2.1.0.2 is the newest version


Active Member
Aug 14, 2016
Am running the latest version of the game v2.0.6 and java. I got zero experience with coding but i ran all the character json files through an online JSON validator and they all check out apart from the summer.json which keeps bringing up the error

Error: Parse error on line 240:
... }, "text" : "Your conciousness i
Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '[', got 'undefined'


Okay, that's the first victory scene for Summer that isn't being parsed correctly. 2.0.6 is not the newest version available, there have been a few bug fixes since then you can check on page 26 for this version:!lI5UzDKI!L-BqLlxVdmLoDayj9phnIxHscgWbB_8O_CIIlV2joQU

Other people are apparently playing with the character, so maybe you should try re-downloading both the character and this version. I also used the first .JSON validation app that pops-up on google and got this error, but I can still play with her.


Aug 30, 2015
Aah, sorry about that. I figured the latest would be posted on the 1st page. It loads up great now, thanks for taking the time to write the character, she looks great. :)


Active Member
Aug 14, 2016
Aah, sorry about that. I figured the latest would be posted on the 1st page. It loads up great now, thanks for taking the time to write the character, she looks great. :)

Hey, just glad we're getting this troubleshooting out of the way, if you're having trouble, so will other people. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aah, sorry about that. I figured the latest would be posted on the 1st page. It loads up great now, thanks for taking the time to write the character, she looks great. :)

It is; the second link in the first post goes to this post:

That's where I maintain the latest link, since I'm neither nergantre nor an admin and therefore cannot edit his post.

So, how about a character creation guide or something? The syntax is a pain in the ass for me.

Someone made an offer to make editors, but I haven't heard from him since. I'll reach out, and if I don't hear back I'll whip up a guide.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
That guide is kinda helpful but doing all this syntax crap is killing me. I took like 2 or 3 weeks just to do the custom start right and an editor would be much much appreciated then I can spend more time on design and writing and less on counting punctuation and making sure not to have typos to crash everything.

I'd love to create a set of male characters with their own scenes for a female protagonist if possible, but I feel this is beyond the scope of a simple custom character.


Sep 4, 2016
Hey guys, I don't actually post much in these forums but this NightGames mod has come to be something I enjoy quite a bit. I'm actually thinking about contributing some art if that's cool with you. (you can see my stuff at I'd be cool to talk to somebody about what kinda stuff might be cool to create and add.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
@Dogen I'm not a dev on the project and have no authority to say anything meaningful here, but I took a look at your gallery, and I think your work looks great. I personally wouldn't mind you jumping on board. It does look a bit odd that currently only a handful of skills and most stances have images.

@nergantre and/or @dndw

In light of all this customization talk, I find myself curious about the custom skills, status effects, and traits mentioned in the second post of this topic. They were said to be included in the upcoming version at the time, but that was thirteen months ago. Was their implementation deemed infeasible or were they just forgotten?
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The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
@nergantre and/or @dndw

In light of all this customization talk, I find myself curious about the custom skills, status effects, and traits mentioned in the second post of this topic. They were said to be included in the upcoming version at the time, but that was thirteen months ago. Was their implementation deemed infeasible or were they just forgotten?

I'm not sure what exactly they were planning, but as the one who wrote the engine, I think there's too much logic in the skills to convert them to customizable jsons. You could probably do Status Effects without too much trouble, but you wouldn't be able to do anything interesting with them, beyond the existing ones. Traits are the least likely, because their logic isn't even contained in a single location. Some of them are checked in the character, some in the skills, some even in the combat engine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That guide is kinda helpful but doing all this syntax crap is killing me. I took like 2 or 3 weeks just to do the custom start right and an editor would be much much appreciated then I can spend more time on design and writing and less on counting punctuation and making sure not to have typos to crash everything.

I'd love to create a set of male characters with their own scenes for a female protagonist if possible, but I feel this is beyond the scope of a simple custom character.

Editors are on the way. I've no idea how long they'll take since I'm not the one making them. I have been building a tool for writing scenes and adding requirements to them, which I'll release with the next update (soon™).

Hey guys, I don't actually post much in these forums but this NightGames mod has come to be something I enjoy quite a bit. I'm actually thinking about contributing some art if that's cool with you. (you can see my stuff at I'd be cool to talk to somebody about what kinda stuff might be cool to create and add.

That sounds really cool, and your work looks great. If you want to contribute, I'll leave what you want to do to you. That said, I think it would be best to do stuff that could be used in both versions of the game (unless The Silver Bard doesn't want images for some reason). That would mean focusing on the four base characters and the positions which are present in both versions. What would you like to draw? I could imagine a sort of character viewer, new/better images for stances and skills, and maybe status effects, but if you have other ideas I'd be happy to hear.

@nergantre and/or @dndw

In light of all this customization talk, I find myself curious about the custom skills, status effects, and traits mentioned in the second post of this topic. They were said to be included in the upcoming version at the time, but that was thirteen months ago. Was their implementation deemed infeasible or were they just forgotten?

nergantre has been working on a framework for custom skills a while back. I've looked through the code a bit, but haven't really studied or tested it so I don't know how far along it is. Like The Silver Bard said, checks and effects for the more complex skills are somewhat scattered, but nergantre's system works with a sort of building blocks that you could stack together to create effects. Examples are causing arousal, building mojo, etc. There should really be some more such blocks before it's viable, but that could certainly be done.

Custom status effects would be similar. That means no fancy things like Parasited, or things which hook into skills or other aspects of the game like DivineCharge or FiredUp. Simpler effects composed of things like causing damage or blocking some skills would be feasible.

Custom traits may be possible, but I'm not sure how much effect these could have. Of all the parts of the game, traits are the most disorganized and scattered. They could probably be used in custom skills for toggling things.


Sep 4, 2016
That sounds really cool, and your work looks great. If you want to contribute, I'll leave what you want to do to you. That said, I think it would be best to do stuff that could be used in both versions of the game (unless The Silver Bard doesn't want images for some reason). That would mean focusing on the four base characters and the positions which are present in both versions. What would you like to draw? I could imagine a sort of character viewer, new/better images for stances and skills, and maybe status effects, but if you have other ideas I'd be happy to hear.

That sounds like a good place to start let me sit down later and figure some stuff out. This is also in part my lack of knowledge as to the mod vs the base game but I'm assuming the four base characters are Mara, Jewel, Angel and Cassie?

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
That sounds like a good place to start let me sit down later and figure some stuff out. This is also in part my lack of knowledge as to the mod vs the base game but I'm assuming the four base characters are Mara, Jewel, Angel and Cassie?

Yes, though Reyka, Samantha, and Kat could probably all be considered fair game. They are unlockable, but I wouldn't consider their existence to be spoilery. I would recommend against using Eve simply because futas turn some people off.

In the past, I've attached images to specific skills. The mod includes images attached to positions, which would be pretty simple to add to the base game. It would also be possible to attach images to a scene if you wanted to illustrate a specific sex scene. If you just wanted to do a single character bust or full-body image, it could probably be shown on the screen before the start of a fight.

One last note. As far as image size goes, wider is better than taller. Screen real-estate is pretty constrained in height, but not width. I know it can be an awkward aspect ratio to work with, but a wider image won't need to be scaled down as much as a tall one. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
That sounds like a good place to start let me sit down later and figure some stuff out. This is also in part my lack of knowledge as to the mod vs the base game but I'm assuming the four base characters are Mara, Jewel, Angel and Cassie?

Yes, though Reyka, Samantha, and Kat could probably all be considered fair game. They are unlockable, but I wouldn't consider their existence to be spoilery. I would recommend against using Eve simply because futas turn some people off.

In the past, I've attached images to specific skills. The mod includes images attached to positions, which would be pretty simple to add to the base game. It would also be possible to attach images to a scene if you wanted to illustrate a specific sex scene. If you just wanted to do a single character bust or full-body image, it could probably be shown on the screen before the start of a fight.

One last note. As far as image size goes, wider is better than taller. Screen real-estate is pretty constrained in height, but not width. I know it can be an awkward aspect ratio to work with, but a wider image won't need to be scaled down as much as a tall one. 

Airi, Rosea and Maya are also available however it'd be up to you as the former 2 are mod-only afaik and Maya is only very rarely encountered. As a counterpoint to what Silver Bard said, unless I'm mistaken, Eve is the only character who doesn't have Face Graphics. So I'd really appreciated to see that hole patched up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Finally. Done. With. Jewel.

That took shamefully long, but 2.2.0 is ready and available for download:!wQA1SJbR!XsN4vmw3obs7iRUdt9KOzn8blDY9iCGVLnF8_xQIAVY

This includes the previously previewed Spectator Mode, Jewel's addiction, generalr's generous contributions, and the new Scene Creator. Enough to justify the version number bump, I think. I'll let the changelog handle the details:

10/09/16 - 2.2.0
-Added Spectator mode
    -When encountering two opponents and you are offered the opportunity to intervene, you can now also choose to watch.

-Added Jewel's addiction: Dominance
    -Makes escape from submissive positions much more difficult. (Similar magnitude to being bound at high levels of addiction.)
    -Increases pleasure received while in a submissive position.
    -At high levels, blocks mojo gain while in a submissive position.
    (-So as you've figured by now, this makes submissive positions pretty bad to be in.)
    -In withdrawal, limits max stamina and causes permanent Masochistic (which makes pain cause pleasure).
    -Will be inflicted and worsened when Jewel empties your stamina.
-Added the Scene Creator as an external application. This tool lets you more easily write scenes for custom characters.
    -The Text tab lets you write a scene, with two characters, and displays the formatted text to the right.
    -The Help item in the menu bar has a list of available formatting tags.
    -The Requirements tab lets you set the requirements for your scene. Right-click an item to add a subrequirement, keeping the following in mind:
        -"The following are all true:" and "At least one of the following is true:" must have at least one subrequirement, and may have more. (Having just one doesn't really make sense, but it's legal.)
        -The top-level requirement is an exception to the above. It may be empty, in which case the scene will always trigger.
        -"The following is NOT true:" must have exactly one subrequirement.
        -All other requirements are not allowed to have subrequirements.
        -Every requirement which has fields, like "has this item:" and ".. this position:", must have all options filled.
        -No two subrequirements of the same requirement may be of the same type or refer to the "other character". (You can have two of the same type if one refers to the other character)    
        -Click "Validate" at the bottom of the screen to check for mistakes.
        -When writing multiple alternative scenes, these will be evaluated top-down and the first scenes of which the requirements match will trigger, so order is important.
        -Always make sure that a scene always triggers, typically by including a requirement-less scene as the last entry.
    -In the File menu item, click "Display JSON" to get the properly-formatted JSON text, which you can copy-paste into your character file.

-Added a new custom character: Summer, made by generalr.
-Added generalr's character creation guide, pending full editors.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
i just noticed that it seems that if your dominant while fucking the npcs willpower very slowly drops

(also i used the futa start if that factors in somehow)

Example: i was fighting Mara i had knocked her over and i used reverse fuck and then grind for 3 turns and without having an orgasm her willpower was slowly droping each turn
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There's a consistent crash that occurs when starting a fight with Jewel while having a higher level of her addiction inflicted on you.

Fix is on the way. Done:!wUh2XShS!3AtjZpKLXgB3_ttP2Ff4JaWyvhjXED-aZLrL-pZiu0M

I forgot some trivial code which takes seconds to write but does break things when it's not there. Oops.

i just noticed that it seems that if your dominant while fucking the npcs willpower very slowly drops

(also i used the futa start if that factors in somehow)

Example: i was fighting Mara i had knocked her over and i used reverse fuck and then grind for 3 turns and without having an orgasm her willpower was slowly droping each turn

This is intentional. For a few versions now, being in a submissive position has a small willpower penalty per turn. The intent is to make Power-based builds more powerful, since they will find it easier to lock their opponents in such a position while escaping more easily from them. The same rules apply to the player.
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Active Member
Jan 22, 2016
Yay, I learned how to take screenshots!

Also this problem. It seemed to have happened shortly after enabling the ability to choose your opponent's skills in debug mode.


Did I mention that I was a fiend with cheating? Also The Ninjitsu thing seems to repeat forever, I got the text with her and the dude multiple times.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
 Also The Ninjitsu thing seems to repeat forever, I got the text with her and the dude multiple times.

yea same here and i used ninjutsu alot in the previous build but now i cant even unlock yui due to this repeating scene bug


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
It might be because I use old saves and carry them over, but...

I inserted the skill for Jewel's addiction, and it works fine. Just wondering if it's just me, or my save is really completely gone, but:

  • I can't Browse Porn, button doesn't work
  • After getting Jewel's addiction, it looks like my max willpower changes lower and lower as I stay within a submissive position.

If no one gets this, then I guess it's time to do a new game...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yay, I learned how to take screenshots!

Also this problem. It seemed to have happened shortly after enabling the ability to choose your opponent's skills in debug mode.

View attachment 4902

Did I mention that I was a fiend with cheating? Also The Ninjitsu thing seems to repeat forever, I got the text with her and the dude multiple times.

I don't see the GUI bug, but I'll keep looking. It's really strange. Are you on Windows?

The ninjitsu stuff wasn't actually repeating; Jewel's special exercise scene overflowed into Yui's first one. But that one was there all along. I just tried accessing Yui's content from scratch and it worked fine. Something may have gone wrong with the new saving mechanism, but I can't see how. Anyway, until I upload the fix, there's two things you can do:

    - Add the "YuiLoyalty" flag at the bottom of your save; this will unlock Yui during the day.

    - Remove all flags mentioning Yui; this will allow you to restart her 'story line' from the beginning. (This might not work very well before the fix)

It might be because I use old saves and carry them over, but...

I inserted the skill for Jewel's addiction, and it works fine. Just wondering if it's just me, or my save is really completely gone, but:

  • I can't Browse Porn, button doesn't work
  • After getting Jewel's addiction, it looks like my max willpower changes lower and lower as I stay within a submissive position.

If no one gets this, then I guess it's time to do a new game...

Browse Porn is working fine for me (this is getting seriously annoying...), is there anything of note in your log files?

There where some problems with temporary willpower limits, which I've fixed, but I haven't found why it was being reduced so dramatically. (I did actually see it happen this time, so it's definitely there, but it does seem to be rare).

I have no time to dig any deeper now, but I will try to get a fix out later today. Otherwise, it'll be tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
The editor is cool but still kinda barebones and I hope it gets expanded over time. Right now it only helps a little bit, but at least it is very helpful with the tags.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The editor is cool but still kinda barebones and I hope it gets expanded over time. Right now it only helps a little bit, but at least it is very helpful with the tags.

Someone else (I don't think they'd have a problem with me naming them, but until I know for sure, I won't) is working on more extensive editors. As I understood it, this would be the only thing missing from those, so I filled that gap before it came to be. The scene creator is not intended as a full character editor, but if you have ideas I could add in, do tell.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I don't see the GUI bug, but I'll keep looking. It's really strange. Are you on Windows?

The ninjitsu stuff wasn't actually repeating; Jewel's special exercise scene overflowed into Yui's first one. But that one was there all along. I just tried accessing Yui's content from scratch and it worked fine. Something may have gone wrong with the new saving mechanism, but I can't see how. Anyway, until I upload the fix, there's two things you can do:

    - Add the "YuiLoyalty" flag at the bottom of your save; this will unlock Yui during the day.

    - Remove all flags mentioning Yui; this will allow you to restart her 'story line' from the beginning. (This might not work very well before the fix)

Browse Porn is working fine for me (this is getting seriously annoying...), is there anything of note in your log files?

There where some problems with temporary willpower limits, which I've fixed, but I haven't found why it was being reduced so dramatically. (I did actually see it happen this time, so it's definitely there, but it does seem to be rare).

I have no time to dig any deeper now, but I will try to get a fix out later today. Otherwise, it'll be tomorrow.

Well, I just assume it's something to do with my saves. It doesn't help that the saves seem to have lost its clarity (each object separated by spaces rather than shifted to the next line) but I've noticed that if you've inputted the traits incorrectly, the button doesn't work, as was the case when I browsed for porn and the button doesn't work (in older versions I think the thing just crashes). So I believe it might be to do with my saves, since this save was way back, before even 2.1. Nothing pops up for the log files. I've tried creating a new game and gave everyone 45k xp (994 points to distribute, thank god for number inputs, why did I even try...) and tried browsing for porn - that works just fine. And it's not connected with Expert Googler - already checked that. So probably with the carried-over save.


With the log files, I've started the save I've got and tried to play. Nothing popped up until I played against Jewel - until then, all played as normal. Then, these numbers came up:


I am guessing that this might be a build up of addiction? I looked at the time when I was fucking Jewel from a submissive position, and I was losing stamina due to her specialities. After I came for the first time, after every turn, a new number came up, and my maxiumum willpower was halving. Then I lost the fight because I was over-aroused with 1 max willpower. I even remember a session during the Forest whilst playing this version as well - after cuming, I lost 2 willpower out of 8. Granted, I was feral, but it was weird to look at. After this fight, I fought with others, but even whilst walking around/fighting, the maximum willpower would usually just keep dropping.

The whole thing reminds me of Cassie's addiction with limited willpower.


I like what you did with Jewel's addiction, though. Getting stuck underneath and not being able to grind for mojo did hurt. At this point in the game, however, would just like to point out that taking the Trait "Personal Inertia" is now officially the so-hard-for-the-times-you-think-you're-some-hot-shit-until-you-get-permablocked mode. Not that I ever tried to take it during this version, but maybe that trait needs a little....buff. Maybe just make the negative effects last twice as long and watch as you stop being cynical in the middle of being entranced/charmed/winded/godcan-only-tell-you-when-to-stop-masturbating. For funsies.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, I just assume it's something to do with my saves. It doesn't help that the saves seem to have lost its clarity (each object separated by spaces rather than shifted to the next line) but I've noticed that if you've inputted the traits incorrectly, the button doesn't work, as was the case when I browsed for porn and the button doesn't work (in older versions I think the thing just crashes). So I believe it might be to do with my saves, since this save was way back, before even 2.1. Nothing pops up for the log files. I've tried creating a new game and gave everyone 45k xp (994 points to distribute, thank god for number inputs, why did I even try...) and tried browsing for porn - that works just fine. And it's not connected with Expert Googler - already checked that. So probably with the carried-over save.


With the log files, I've started the save I've got and tried to play. Nothing popped up until I played against Jewel - until then, all played as normal. Then, these numbers came up:


I am guessing that this might be a build up of addiction? I looked at the time when I was fucking Jewel from a submissive position, and I was losing stamina due to her specialities. After I came for the first time, after every turn, a new number came up, and my maxiumum willpower was halving. Then I lost the fight because I was over-aroused with 1 max willpower. I even remember a session during the Forest whilst playing this version as well - after cuming, I lost 2 willpower out of 8. Granted, I was feral, but it was weird to look at. After this fight, I fought with others, but even whilst walking around/fighting, the maximum willpower would usually just keep dropping.

The whole thing reminds me of Cassie's addiction with limited willpower.


I like what you did with Jewel's addiction, though. Getting stuck underneath and not being able to grind for mojo did hurt. At this point in the game, however, would just like to point out that taking the Trait "Personal Inertia" is now officially the so-hard-for-the-times-you-think-you're-some-hot-shit-until-you-get-permablocked mode. Not that I ever tried to take it during this version, but maybe that trait needs a little....buff. Maybe just make the negative effects last twice as long and watch as you stop being cynical in the middle of being entranced/charmed/winded/godcan-only-tell-you-when-to-stop-masturbating. For funsies.

I don't see how the saves could affect the GUI, but we'll go with that. If only debug mode is affected anyway, it doesn't really matter.

By the way, if you open the saves in Notepad++ or any other editor which supports linux-style line endings, they will appear properly formatted.

I don't know exactly what those numbers are, but the willpower halving is wrong and fixed in the version below. (Turns out it was sometimes applying the willpower malus every turn. Then compound interest strikes. Cassie may have the same problem, I'll check later.) The mojo block is intentional.

So here's that fix I was talking about:!Rc40GBpb!W5AptfSpWCoVf_KbOdX5BglrAmkighbqHIbuOiQiV3k

On the PersonalInertia stuff, I've never actually used it myself, but I'll see whether it can use some balancing.
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Active Member
Jan 22, 2016
I don't see the GUI bug, but I'll keep looking. It's really strange. Are you on Windows?

Windows 7 starter pack 1 bullshit that's a hundred years old. But yeah, I notice that it only really happens after activating the 'choose everyone's skills' debug mode. Also while its a pretty good step. The 'Watch match' is just them taking turns targeting me and my junk and not each other and it was really strange.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Someone else (I don't think they'd have a problem with me naming them, but until I know for sure, I won't) is working on more extensive editors. As I understood it, this would be the only thing missing from those, so I filled that gap before it came to be. The scene creator is not intended as a full character editor, but if you have ideas I could add in, do tell.

Oh okay. Looking forward to that full editor. As for the scene editor, only thing I'm wondering is when these scenes would show up and which scenes are even available. (Can I write daytime scenes? What kind of fight endings can I even write? etc.)