Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Jul 9, 2016
It has a "durability" as in how hard it is to be removed. However, it's not like it's being tracked in game.

Clothing and items in this game are basically immutable singleton objects that get referenced. Right now there isn't a system tracking anything for a single piece of clothing.

It's possible to add in, but like dndw says, it might not be entirely trivial.

That said, I do feel like there's a problem mid game where clothing are barely relevant at all. The bonuses you get for being naked a lot of times outweighs having them on. Especially wearing bulky clothing often times is way worse than wearing skimpy outfits or just outright wearing nothing. On one hand this kind of makes sense in a sex fight, but on the other hand, it sort of makes an entire mechanic moot. I tried assigning some bonuses to some clothing, and adding a sexiness factor to a lot of outfits. But generally the AI just strips them anyways, and there's barely any point.

Ah, I misunderstood what that value was in reference to then.

I agree; as is, the mechanics basically punish players that rely on clothing, due to how easily the AI destroys it, and due to there being no real reason to keep clothing on.

• In terms of gain, at most it's a 1 or 2 point skill difference, which might be necessary to access a skill early, but is moot once you gain more points.
• The other issue is that AI often will have very high levels of mojo even at the beginning of a battle, or gain it really quickly. That means to respond as quickly, a player has to rely on either Arcane's Mana Absorb for the starting boost, or Strip Tease which means all clothing is removed on the first turn.
• And then of course with the clothing destruction skills, your clothing's not going to last long to begin with anyway.

Making some clothing resilient to certain types of destructive skills would probably help with that last point. Something resilient to tearing, maybe Science doesn't work so well against [certain material], that sort of thing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think some of the clothing has the indestructible flag which makes them unable to be destroyed... But they can still be stripped or "nudified" which I think naked bloom counts as. Maybe defabricator as well?

Either ways, if clothing is to become more important, those skills would need to be nerfed. Also, making clothing much harder to strip would nerf the sex based fighters like Angel and Reyka. ...maybe that's not a bad thing though.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I think some of the clothing has the indestructible flag which makes them unable to be destroyed... But they can still be stripped or "nudified" which I think naked bloom counts as. Maybe defabricator as well?

The only item of clothing with the indestructible trait is the Chastity Belt, which does not actually appear in the game. It was added for the unimplemented Fuck The Carrier match type. Indestructible makes it completely immune to clothing-destroying effects like Naked Bloom.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Bringing up the clothing health idea again, you could use the current naked abilities as alternative ways of damaging, but not instantly destroying, the clothes instead.  This would mean that they're still useful powers, but they don't render the clothing a complete non-factor once you get to the later parts of the game.  Different abilities could also serve different functions and provide different advantages.  There could also be clothing that's resistant or immune to specific powers.  For example, Slight of Hand could be changed to a once per battle ability that automatically strips a single upper and lower layer of clothing.  Defabricator might be unable to affect leather or latex clothing.  Naked bloom might only work on undergarments.  Etc.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
It has a "durability" as in how hard it is to be removed. However, it's not like it's being tracked in game.

Clothing and items in this game are basically immutable singleton objects that get referenced. Right now there isn't a system tracking anything for a single piece of clothing.

It's possible to add in, but like dndw says, it might not be entirely trivial.

That said, I do feel like there's a problem mid game where clothing are barely relevant at all. The bonuses you get for being naked a lot of times outweighs having them on. Especially wearing bulky clothing often times is way worse than wearing skimpy outfits or just outright wearing nothing. On one hand this kind of makes sense in a sex fight, but on the other hand, it sort of makes an entire mechanic moot. I tried assigning some bonuses to some clothing, and adding a sexiness factor to a lot of outfits. But generally the AI just strips them anyways, and there's barely any point.

Why not make it possible to put clothing back on? The Strapon already does this, so there should be more clothes to put on.


Jul 9, 2016
Why not make it possible to put clothing back on? The Strapon already does this, so there should be more clothes to put on.

You do, provided the clothing was not destroyed, but after combat as opposed to during it. I think the thematic reasoning behind that is you don't want to have your focus diverted between trying to make sure you're putting a garment on properly while also in combat. Not to say it can't be done, but if it can be done easily, then it makes the early game a matter of 'take off/put on' repetition, which should be avoided.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
You do, provided the clothing was not destroyed, but after combat as opposed to during it. I think the thematic reasoning behind that is you don't want to have your focus diverted between trying to make sure you're putting a garment on properly while also in combat. Not to say it can't be done, but if it can be done easily, then it makes the early game a matter of 'take off/put on' repetition, which should be avoided.

If handling clothes in combat is such a hassle, I'd suggest just reducing the scope of clothes and their effects. No point in trying to make every mechanic complicated and in-depth if it gets obsoleted so quickly. I never found out what the stats on clothes did and tbqh never bothered to buy them.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
can someone PM me and give me a hand? trust me i feel like a real idiot.  I use winrar or 7zip an it just keeps bringing me to me folders. I cant find the actual game file to launch the game. :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
can someone PM me and give me a hand? trust me i feel like a real idiot.  I use winrar or 7zip an it just keeps bringing me to me folders. I cant find the actual game file to launch the game. :(

Sounds like you're trying to open the .jar file with 7zip. You should run it with Java instead.

If you are not sure whether you have Java installed, go to for the latest version. (Always make sure you update it whenever possible.)

If the .jar's icon does not change to a stylized coffee cup, go to open with and either select Java Platform SE Binary (or something similar) if it appears, or use Browse to find java.exe in C:\Program Files\Java\<version>\bin

If the icon does change upon installing Java, you can just left-click it to start.

(This is assuming you use Windows. If you're on a Mac, you'll have to use Google for a bit. Try "How to run a Jar on Mac")
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
Sounds like you're trying to open the .jar file with 7zip. You should run it with Java instead.

If you are not sure whether you have Java installed, go to for the latest version. (Always make sure you update it whenever possible.)

If the .jar's icon does not change to a stylized coffee cup, go to open with and either select Java Platform SE Binary (or something similar) if it appears, or use Browse to find java.exe in C:\Program Files\Java\<version>\bin

If the icon does change upon installing Java, you can just left-click it to start.

(This is assuming you use Windows. If you're on a Mac, you'll have to use Google for a bit. Try "How to run a Jar on Mac")

The Java worked great. Now I cant get past the character creation page! Ha! I guess this just wasnt meant to be. :*{


Jul 1, 2016
Regarding the Jewel addiction, I think maybe something like this instead:  Time spent controlled by her (pinned, bound, pegged, etc) would build up a submissiveness towards her which could add a percentage fail to escape attempts against her (and maybe also a general vulnerability to pins/bondage with a smaller fail percentage in general).  That would also fit better with her "let's see how many times in a row you can come" than a willpower drain which would more lead to a one-and-done win by her. 

Mitigation during the day might be some sort of session with her where where she strongly reminds the player that she doesn't like weaklings and you better give her your best. 


May 17, 2016
The Java worked great. Now I cant get past the character creation page! Ha! I guess this just wasnt meant to be. :*{

You need extract everything to same folder and make sure that you launch jar with that folder as current dir.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I like Dolarnor's idea - to discuss it, I'd say following all other addictions, the fact that the player is used to Jewel's stronger-than-normal holds would actually either make holds and pins from the others easy to break through, or make the player's holds stronger, since he/she learns from Jewel. During withdrawal, perhaps a stamina-damaging over time whilst the player is bound, and at higher levels, arousal-inducing too. Or just stronger stamina-damage, enough to counteract normal recovery + perhaps half of recover granted by Boundless Energy trait.

However, unfortunately, this is Jewel we're talking about - you could probably beat her with 80% of her levels from mid-game, just because she's...well....useless? Now let's face it - willpower damage is OP af - any significant willpower damage provides a substantial detriment to the player's lasting potential - soulsucker trait and Cassie comes to mind. Oh, and Angel riding faces.But, since we're talking about Jewel, willpower damage does become a necessity. To rationalise it, you might call her willpower damage, fatiguing a person's core strength. In the end, she still has to make you orgasm - that in itself is already a challenge.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I like Dolarnor's idea - to discuss it, I'd say following all other addictions, the fact that the player is used to Jewel's stronger-than-normal holds would actually either make holds and pins from the others easy to break through, or make the player's holds stronger, since he/she learns from Jewel. During withdrawal, perhaps a stamina-damaging over time whilst the player is bound, and at higher levels, arousal-inducing too. Or just stronger stamina-damage, enough to counteract normal recovery + perhaps half of recover granted by Boundless Energy trait.

However, unfortunately, this is Jewel we're talking about - you could probably beat her with 80% of her levels from mid-game, just because she's...well....useless? Now let's face it - willpower damage is OP af - any significant willpower damage provides a substantial detriment to the player's lasting potential - soulsucker trait and Cassie comes to mind. Oh, and Angel riding faces.But, since we're talking about Jewel, willpower damage does become a necessity. To rationalise it, you might call her willpower damage, fatiguing a person's core strength. In the end, she still has to make you orgasm - that in itself is already a challenge.

I'll play around with it, see how it goes.

For now, however, I'm working on merging in the updates from the base game. It's been quite a while since that's been done, so it's a lot of work. Because of that, those of you who are interested are hereby cordially invited to help me test it: I'm mostly worried about the foreplay/finisher mechanism; I expanded on it a bit and feel like I've gone completely overboard. For reference, skills in italics are foreplay, bold ones are finishers. Then there's the ninja stuff. If anything can sneak bugs in, it's ninja stuff. I'm not going to put out a compiled version yet; it would be too troublesome to keep up-to-date. The invitation, then, applies only to people who can compile the code themselves. Once more of it's done, I might make a 'release candidate', but maybe I'll just skip that if things go well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
Alright, started testing... I see my previous changes were merged into the addictions tree but not this one, I guess that's fine, but it makes finding the important bugs a bit harder. Also, the constant willpower drain is annoying.

Double strip of top can lead to nullpointerexception: 

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at nightgames.skills.StripTop.receive(
at nightgames.skills.StripTop.resolve(
at nightgames.characters.NPC.lambda$1(

Don't know root cause yet.


BuildActivities is not retriggered, so I can't see Yui on the same day I get her 3rd event. Have to wait yet another night. Seems weird.


NinjaStash prints wrong.

"You've arranged for a hidden stash to be placed in the nightgames.areas.Area@4f6c295."

Using a smoke bomb has typos.

you drop a smoke bomb and disappear. (Missing capital)
You dash away and escape into the Quad (missing period)


Bunshin Service uses the wrong body parts?

Airi's Fused Gloves was pleasured by Airi's ass for 22 base:24,0 (24,0) x multiplier: 0,90 (1 + sen:-0,3 + ple:0,2 + per:0,0 + stage:0,00)

Also, typos.

return String.format("Your shaddow clone fingers and caresses %s's pussy lips",;

shaddow -> shadow, missing period

Also missing period for the "A clone pinches and teases %s's nipples" (the bottom case).


If you are wearing an open bra, then steal a cloak, then steal a shirt, you're topless. (Steal twice from cassie)


Somewhere, you can advance to rank 4. Which is great, but it causes array index out of bounds exception upon level up.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4
at nightgames.characters.Player.ding(
at nightgames.characters.Character.levelUpIfPossible(
at nightgames.combat.Combat.end(

Recommend you revert this commit:

As the higher ranks aren't even in use yet.


"she does not seem particularly passionate yet." Stage text not always capitalized.


Well, that's it for my testing. I dunno about the foreplay thing, as the save I used was pretty much in a dominant position already. Would have to test longer to see if there's any significant differences.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I got a few bugs recently relating to Reyka's corruption. The option to further your corruption is broken, and does a few things varied on what kind of dick it feels like being. The most often one is where it just boots me back to the screen where I choose what to do, and having time passed. However, the game also gives me the status report of not having done anything with Reyka that day, with the punishment.

A second one, the oddest one, is where I click the activity button and it pushes me towards the CTF game mode. Immediately to the mode, and it treats it like I decided to wait so it randomly pickes the flag carrier.

The last one is where it just doesn't work at all


Jul 1, 2016
Just a couple observations while playing 2.06.

- Jewel doesn't overuse Spiral anymore, but does use Determination probably a lot more than she should.  Used correctly it's a very powerful ability which could help make her more competitive.  Like with Spiral, should usually be used high Mojo and shouldn't be used without either or both high Arousal and low Willpower.

- Cassie now seems to inflict her addiction without actually having the player Nurse and I haven't been using Suckle or Lick Nipples on her either.  Maybe I missed something.  In any case, her addiction seems like it might actually be the worst to have of the bunch as it basically means any orgasm against any opponent is likely a loss.  Is it really supposed to make WP bounce around a lot and be at 1-2 most of the time?   Also, it seems to run out but still leave me with low WP (2 in this case).

Most effective strategies for me seem to be either Manuever/Counter/Eyes, Sleight of Hand, Binding/Tentacles/Bind, Heel Grind or Oral Pin then slap a blindfold on myself.
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New Member
Jul 27, 2016
would there be any way to customise your opponents during game start? i'd like to do the drain challenge but with female opponents who have grown dicks rather than been turned male. if anything just to avoid all the times "mark uses her...". it's also because with magic cock growth occasionally being permanent it is possible to make females grow dicks, but i don't believe there is any "grow vagina" with the same permanence.

great work though, love everything you're doing


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
would there be any way to customise your opponents during game start? i'd like to do the drain challenge but with female opponents who have grown dicks rather than been turned male. if anything just to avoid all the times "mark uses her...". it's also because with magic cock growth occasionally being permanent it is possible to make females grow dicks, but i don't believe there is any "grow vagina" with the same permanence.

great work though, love everything you're doing

Sure, this is exactly what the custom start system is for.

You can open the DrainChallenge.json file (in the 'starts' folder) with any text editor, but I recommend Notepad++ (regular notepad/wordpad might screw up line endings, making things illegible).

These files were designed to have many options, most of which can be hidden by using defaults. As a result, there are no explicit mentions over what fun parts each character has; the females just use their defaults and the ones which have been repurposed as males default to the standard male body. To change this, you can change the characters' gender to 'herm'. (For the females, you'll have to add the gender tag; female is the implied default. It's there already for the males.) You might also want to give them breasts by specifying a cup size rather than 'flat', or just by removing the breasts line (hermaphrodites have a b-cup by default if unspecified). If you want them to have upgraded organs (like cybernetic, demonic, etc.), you can specify an archetype in the body. Possible archetype values, and all other options, are listed in Start Config Description.txt. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After a lot of merging and with valuable help in testing, the new update is ready. I'm not going to copy all changes from The Silver Bard's changelogs, you can look them up on if you are interested. For that matter, if you think you might be interested in the other things he's up to, you should check that site as well.

Anyway, here's the link:!NM5WGaaa!j4J3KySenOspfMz7YcM9XjXXTAiFxh0IqG34sL4tvCk

And the small changelog:

-Merged everything (relevant) up to Not Quite Mara Time from the base game, including the Ninjutsu and Temporal skillsets.
-Expanded on The Silver Bard's Foreplay/Finisher system. Foreplay skills are listed in italics, Finishers in bold. Foreplay is more effective at low arousal/willpower, Finishers at high values.

Now on to (FINALLY) implementing Jewel's addiction, and maybe Eve's while I'm at it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Just a heads up - your posted version contains...I believe, Jewel's addiction too (?). To reduce spoilers to a minimum, Dominance -..> shiver


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Cool stuff. It seems like a lot of work to keep the mod going and updated, so I want to throw it out that I really appreciate the effort. Thanks for sharing your skills with us.

That being said, I played a little bit with an old save from 2.0.6 so some of this might not be a problem anymore, but here is my log in case you want to take a look. An immediate oddity is that my save file was wearing a blouse, lacy bra, garter + stockings, and thigh-high boots in 2.0.6, but they changed to the clothing mentioned in the log in 2.1.0. As well, I kept getting into situations where my only options were odd groups like Pounce, Shredding Palm, and Place Blindfold. Because of the clusterfuck nature of level 60~ characters and all their perks and addictions and whatnot, I wasn't able to tell what caused these situations.

If you don't mind me asking, do you already have an idea for Eve's addiction?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just a heads up - your posted version contains...I believe, Jewel's addiction too (?). To reduce spoilers to a minimum, Dominance -..> shiver

As you may have noticed, the name is pretty much all there is at this point. After writing this post I'll start filling things in.

Cool stuff. It seems like a lot of work to keep the mod going and updated, so I want to throw it out that I really appreciate the effort. Thanks for sharing your skills with us.

That being said, I played a little bit with an old save from 2.0.6 so some of this might not be a problem anymore, but here is my log in case you want to take a look. An immediate oddity is that my save file was wearing a blouse, lacy bra, garter + stockings, and thigh-high boots in 2.0.6, but they changed to the clothing mentioned in the log in 2.1.0. As well, I kept getting into situations where my only options were odd groups like Pounce, Shredding Palm, and Place Blindfold. Because of the clusterfuck nature of level 60~ characters and all their perks and addictions and whatnot, I wasn't able to tell what caused these situations.

If you don't mind me asking, do you already have an idea for Eve's addiction?

There are three bugs in there; two which were caused by an assumption that an orgasm is always directly caused by an opponent, which isn't the case, and the third that the nurse's gloves are assigned to the arms slot, but the game tries to remove them from the hands slot when they wear out. These have been fixed. The clothing changing is very strange. Ryplinn overhauled the JSON infrastructure, but that seems to work fine. Intriguing.

For Eve's addiction, I'm thinking of using the fact that she is based on fetishes and have her give the player a kind of 'Eve fetish'. What form that will take and what effects it will have is to be determined. It might involve her more easily fucking the player's ass, since that is her favorite pastime. The daytime scene(s) might turn out a little sadistic, in a tough love sort of way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So the update seems to have borked the game. I've been having several issues, and this is all after I started a new save. I can't quite recall all of them, but the prominent ones are:

-Game stealing all of my inventory including clothes, only to give it back at some obscure time and location

-Willpower bleeding quickly making me loose when I should be winning

-All the affection the other fighters have for my character being reset, making me have to start over to get any daytime scenes

-Buttons having to be hit multiple times to continue, if it works at all.

Here's the log if it help

View attachment nightgames_log.txt
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So the update seems to have borked the game. I've been having several issues, and this is all after I started a new save. I can't quite recall all of them, but the prominent ones are:

-Game stealing all of my inventory including clothes, only to give it back at some obscure time and location

-Willpower bleeding quickly making me loose when I should be winning

-All the affection the other fighters have for my character being reset, making me have to start over to get any daytime scenes

-Buttons having to be hit multiple times to continue, if it works at all.

Here's the log if it help

View attachment 4350

-Fixed it, there was a problem with modifiers affecting the player's inventory. Automated bugfixing is great, unless it causes more subtle bugs.

-The only reason I can think of is that you are winning even though you are in a submissive position. This is not a bug per se, you shouldn't want to be in a submissive position even if you are winning. (Unless you have the Submissive trait, perhaps. Accommodations may be made there.)

-Not in my saves. I've tried both old and new saves and affections are unaffected. Do your saves list zeros?

-This would normally be a result of bugs elsewhere, but the one with the inventory is the only thing in your log. Maybe it's the AI taking longer than usual. Is this happening in combat, while moving around, or during the day?


Hotfix, since the inventory disappearing is quite annoying (other links have been updated as well):!NM5WGaaa!j4J3KySenOspfMz7YcM9XjXXTAiFxh0IqG34sL4tvCk
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Apr 14, 2016
Keep getting an error message when i try to open 2_1_0_1 that says

"A Java exception has occurred"?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Keep getting an error message when i try to open 2_1_0_1 that says

"A Java exception has occurred"?

A bit of carelessness on my part, trying to get another fix in quickly. I've put back the old one for now, I will correct it later. Done.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
What's the current branch for development? Addictions or master?


EDIT: I am assuming it's master, because that's the latest (I cannot load saves on addictions branch due to missing my earlier committed fix on another branch).

Anyway, committed and added a pull request for fixing the use of "Use Aphrodisiac" by Reyka when she's under your control.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
-All the affection the other fighters have for my character being reset, making me have to start over to get any daytime scenes

This is caused by the player object's hash changing between loads, which is the fault of a bad hash function I wrote. I have a fix for it, but forgot to send a pull request. (Notes on this bug on my branch.)