Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Dec 11, 2016
It might be nice to have a layer below underwear for 'internal clothing', but that would require modifying all existing clothes because you'd have to shift all layers up a number. Not difficult, but certainly annoying. For now, perhaps you could work with a status instead?

I think I'm going to have to edit every skill for my other changes, so maybe I'll look into the whole status thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wouldn't actually be too opposed to moving the layers up one level. or better yet making them enums instead of integers so we can add more layers later if necessary...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With nothing else to do for a bit and no access to a computer to work on Mara, I worked out a plan for Reyka's focuses:
10: Disabling
- lactation + new, strong sex hold using wings.
- Pacification: milk/cum causes Charmed.
- Demon's Embrace: Replaces Submissive Hold with a version using wings.
- Insidious Membranes: Contact with wings drains Power.

10: Seduction
- Melodious Inflection: Tempt and Taunt have a chance to cause Charmed.
- Come Hither: Can pull a Charmed opponent on top of her.
- Tender Kisses: Kiss lengthens existing Charmed status.
- Pink Haze: Attraction is heavily boosted for Charmed opponents.

20: Corruption
- Corrupting: Unlocks addiction.
- Infernal Allegiance: Withdrawal has a chance to cause training collar effects.
- Lasting Corruption: Partially Corrupted fades more slowly.
+Disabling: Total Subjugation: Orgasm in the new hold strongly corrupts.
+Seduction: Corruption is stronger when Charmed.

20: Draining
- Greedy: Attribute draining effects last 50% longer.
- Raptor Mentis: Attribute draining effects also drain 1 willpower.
- Bottomless Pit: Succubus pussy now drains on orgasm as well, incubus cock now drains continuously.
+Disabling: Attribute draining effects also drain mojo
+Seduction: Draining is twice as strong against Charmed opponents.
Opinions? And yes, I am working on finishing Mara. On the home stretch. Get off my case already.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I like it so far :D

A couple thing: you might want to rethink some of the corrupting traits to add NPC specific effects, or she'll be much worse vs other NPCs compared to when she's fighting the player.

Some of the disabling traits are very specific like the wings one. There are probably two skills that use wings total, and she may not prioritize it in fights. Maybe have it also do a per turn effect when in the new stances?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I like it so far :D

A couple thing: you might want to rethink some of the corrupting traits to add NPC specific effects, or she'll be much worse vs other NPCs compared to when she's fighting the player.

Some of the disabling traits are very specific like the wings one. There are probably two skills that use wings total, and she may not prioritize it in fights. Maybe have it also do a per turn effect when in the new stances?
Adding anti-NPC stuff makes sense, let's see what I can come up with.
I was always planning on having the wing draining trigger in the new holds, as well as the Flying variations. It's still a bit specific, but I will try to balance that by making it quite powerful. Where the Seduction focus aims to inflict and exploit Charmed, the Disabling focus (which will need a new name) will try to get the opponent into the new position and then keep them there. It should be pretty difficult to escape - more so than a regular Cowgirl. I'll probably make Demon's Embrace also upgrade Behind to make it a bit more commonly seen. And that will also trigger the Power draining, of course. (Insidious Membranes also needs rebranding - I've been overusing the word 'insidious' lately...)


New Member
Sep 5, 2016
Infernal Allegiance: Withdrawal has a chance to cause training collar effects.

What exactly does this mean?


Dec 11, 2016
I was looking into if it would be "simple" to allow clothing that only covers your dick/ass/pussy, I was thinking by splitting crotchAvailable into individual parts, but how the skills determine what's available seems inconsistent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Infernal Allegiance: Withdrawal has a chance to cause training collar effects.

What exactly does this mean?
Ah, sorry about that. I initially wrote that description as a sketch, purely for myself. Later, I decided to put it up here anyway, but I missed this bit.
In Mara's General Tech focus*, she gets a Training Collar which she can put around the neck of a disabled opponent. The collar will punish 'bad behavior', such as causing Mara pain, being in a dominant position, or using Struggle/Escape.
The idea for Reyka's new trait was that if you try to fight the corruption, similar effects will occur.

*Mara's focuses are technically finished. All that's needed now is some playtesting. No time for that today, however.
The level 20 choice scene includes comic book references. I have never read a comic book in my life, and so I may have bungled them. Forgive me if that is indeed the case.

Edit: Anyone have any suggestions for where I might find suitable images for Reyka's new position(s)?
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New Member
Feb 4, 2016
I've been working on a little idea for a new start, and I'd like to hear if anyone has any suggestions. It's called Reverse Drain Challenge, and that should be plenty evocative.

Looking forward to this! It sounds great.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Disabling: I don't know what kind of hold it is, but you can probably find whatever pictures you're after on some booru ( or one of the megathreads from Shanachan (where I go whenever I need oddly specific anime porn). I assume it's a position that involves both intercourse and forced breastfeeding; is it going to step on Cassie's toes, what with her magic milk addiction? Between her attribute absorption, regular Submissive Holds and the vaginal tongue, Reyka is already very difficult to pull out of, so this will be a pretty strong focus. It's appropriate enough if you don't want anyone to get away from a succubus, but it may also be redundant. "Enervating" is probably the word you were grasping for with the draining wings trait.

Seduction: Great synergy. I like this one because I find the best way to deal with Reyka is to beat and/or dominate her instead of trying to pleasure her, so she covers her weakness nicely here. Melodious Inflection lets her inflict Charm from any position, so stance-based domination is less threatening to her. Perhaps gags would be a good addition to help players fend this off if they're prepared. Come Hither doesn't sound amazing because Invitation exists, but it depends on the exact workings. Pink Haze is probably quite strong, since she's already considered very attractive.

Corruption: Are Infernal Allegiance and Lasting Corruption going to be impactful enough if the PC uses the quick and dirty addiction removal method? It's only five grand and you don't suffer much more the following night if the addiction was going to screw you over anyway.

Draining: I'm concerned about how Raptor Mentis, Bottomless Pit, and Carnal Virtuoso interact with each other, especially if RM is 1:1 for each point drained. If they proc together I could see Reyka completely emptying out a fresh Willpower bar in one bout of orgasms. I'd be ok with "You went into a succubus' pussy, so you're fucked now" were it not for Invitation having no counterplay; you can get pulled into intercourse pretty much anytime, and then you're doomed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thanks for the input. Yes, I intend for the new position to be Reyka straddling her opponent, who is sitting up, holding them with her wings, and pressing their head into her breasts. I don't think this makes Cassie any less relevant, why should only one character have something like this? It might indeed quickly become overpowered, I'll have to be careful in balancing it. Maybe just the additional effects from the other traits will make the hold plenty powerful, without any 'artificial' boost.

You mentioned Reyka already being very attractive. I just encountered her with 16.1 attraction, dealing 300+ temptation with Strip Tease. There is a problem in there, somewhere.

You make a valid point about the corruption; I will need to reconsider it. One trait exploiting existing corruption would be fine, but more than one risks making the focus too narrow. Then again, the player should have a fair chance to avoid corruption, so just buffing it won't do much good...

I hadn't considered how Carnal Virtuoso would come into play here, but I don't think it would be game-breakingly bad. What I might do is nerf every other aspect of Reyka (or the more important ones, anyway). That way, Reyka should be pretty easy to beat unless you fuck her. Should you do so, yes, you'd pretty much be doomed. I think that would be appropriate considering her succubus nature. I find myself greatly enjoying this type of intentional imbalance in my testing of the upcoming Reverse Drain Challenge, so perhaps others will, too. And we really need to do something about Invitation, as well. Setting it up as a counter would be a good start, and then lowering the success rates for both it and Sex Counter would do the rest, I think. A higher mojo cost might work as well, but meh.


Dec 11, 2016

As the first week of January has arrived, I'm ready to setup that server if you're still interested. If so, I have a few questions first:

1. Do you have an existing domain that you'd like to use, or should I register a new one? If the latter, do you have any name preferences?

2. Did you want to setup a forum as well, or just a wiki?

3. What permissions would you like on the wiki? Some of the common choices are: Read/Write to all. Read by all, Write by registered. Read/Write only by registered.

Also, I apologize if I'm excluding anyone from this conversation that should be involved. I'm not familiar with the separation between the actual dev team and contributors in this project. I'm just going by the git repo owner, but everyone is welcome to provide their input.


Active Member
May 27, 2016
For clarity's sake, I have a question about #3: does it specifically say she uses tail fuck or tail peg?

The reason I ask is that I'm pretty sure there is a difference. I know on my old succubus playthrough I only ever had the option for tail fuck when facing a female or herm NPC and tail peg in any case assuming all other conditions allowed it. When both are available, tail fuck targets the NPC's vagina and tail peg targets the NPC's anus. So assuming I'm not making the wrong assumptions, the action itself seems to be working as intended, but for some reason she's getting the ability to use an action she shouldn't have access to against male opponents.

The situation was, my character is male and Reyka attacked him with tail fuck, not tail peg. I believe the system messages did say that my characters anus was targeted, but the description said pussy. I hope this doesn't sound too confusing.

By the way, when does Maya appear? In all the games I've played, I only saw her twice. If it is meant to be a secret/figure it out on your own character, that's fine, but there are no in-game hints. I found her by accident while looking at the pictures in the assets folder.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
All of Reyka's tail-related moves appear to be in working order for me. The only oddity I noticed is that it says she hugs you from behind when she uses Tail Peg while sitting on your face. Perhaps you grew a temporary pussy and didn't notice; that would also explain your troubles with pronouns. Sometimes it says simply "you have a normal " instead of "you have a normal pussy", so it's easy to overlook.

Maya appears once every thirty days.

EDIT: Technically it never says you have a normal pussy. You can have normal skin and normal ears, but a pussy is just a pussy unless it's on fire, robotic, evil, etc. The text omission glitch can still apply to it though.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Hey, thanks for doing this again. I think a wiki is fine to start off with, since that's probably the main thing missing right now. I don't have any domains or names in mind, so anything works really (suggestions from anyone?). As for permissions, registered write seems probably best, as I'm not sure how much drive-by vandalism happens with these things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I guess Mara's focuses are as ready as they are ever going to be.
Here's an overview of how everything ended up:
Level 10: General Tech
10: Bomber: Unlocks Pheromone Bombs. These are nifty little devices which stick to the opponent's chest and, if not removed in four turns, will release a very potent batch of pheromones right into their face. It causes serious temptation damage if allowed to detonate. Of course, while sticking them on incapacitated opponents may be a little bit unfair, it's perfectly possible.
19: MagLocks: Gets MagLocks to place on opponents. One MagLock does nothing, two act as a strong binding (like handcuffs), three completely immobilize the opponent. Having two or more MagLocks active drains batteries from Mara, and when she runs out they will fall off. This is the only way to get out of a three-MagLock bind.
26: Training Collar: When the opponent is incapacitated, Mara can place a Training Collar on them. This device will cause pain and possibly interrupt actions which are deemed 'bad'. This includes aggressive (red) skills, not being in a submissive position, or trying to remove a Pheromone Bomb.
37: Roboweb: Lets Mara set up a brand new trap which will immobilize the victim and arouse them for several turns. This persists if the victim is discovered, which makes it quite unlikely that it will be much of a fight.

Level 10: Harpoon Toy
10: Harpoon: Unlocks the Harpoon Toy. This is a harpoon-like sex toy which can mold itself to fit whatever genitals the opponent has available. If it hits, it will act as a piece of hard-to-remove clothing and arouse the opponent every turn.
19: Yank: A new skill which lets Mara pull an opponent 'wearing' the harpoon to the ground, with a chance of accidentally removing the harpoon.
26: Conducive Toy: Makes Stun Blast much better in every way if the opponent is wearing the harpoon.
37: Intense Suction: Gives a (1 in 3) chance to cause the opponent to cum twice, Carnal Virtuoso-style, while wearing the harpoon. This stacks with Carnal Virtuoso, should Mara get that somehow.
In addition to the traits, each upgrade also makes the Harpoon do more damage and harder to remove.

Level 20: Mind Control
20: Mind Controller: Unlocks the Mind Control addiction. Mara no longer gets this addiction unless this focus is chosen.
29: Infrasound: Mara gets a necklace which will cause slight addiction gain while she has it equipped.
40: Controlled Release: Unlocks Demand Arousal, which causes very heavy damage, but reduces addiction.
53 + General Tech: Remote Control: Another new trap. This one forces the victim to masturbate for ten turns, or until they orgasm. The masturbation will not cause an orgasm. The ten turns do not stop if the victim gets into a fight.
53 + Harpoon Toy: Eye Opener: An intense blast of harpoon goodness causes more Mind Control gain on orgasm, if such gain is triggered.

Level 20: Doctor Octopus
20: Octo: Unlocks the new RoboArm mechanism, which gives Mara (initially) 2 robotic arms which can have several different things mounted on them. These arms will act automatically, but not on every turn. They are not pets, mainly because they don't have bodies.
This is actually the only trait Mara gains in this focus, but she will unlock more arm types and two additional arms to use at once. We could do with some more arm types and skills at some point.

And another look at the new advanced start:

The player (who must be male) starts at level 7, with improved attributes an a couple of good traits. (Limb Training 1, Tongue Training 1, Sex Training 1)All NPC's start at level 1, but get the following additional traits:
  • Level Drainer. This has been refurbished a bit. When their opponent cums inside of them (anally or vaginally), they will drain all the experience the opponent has stored up since their last level-up, plus one. This means the opponent will lose a level, but only be one point shy of levelling up again. Level Drainers cannot gain experience through regular means, only by stealing them in this manner. They can only drain one level per fight.
  • Strong Hold. This is a new one. It improves the strength of Submissive Hold (which displays as Hand Lock or Leg Lock depending on the position)
  • Tight. Nothing changed here. Boosts pleasure inflicted when being fucked, also unlocks Tighten and may block Pull Out from succeeding.
  • Hole Control. Unchanged as well. Further boosts fucking pleasure.
  • Unsatisfied. This is the kicker. Once they reach 50% arousal, the pleasure and temptation they receive is drastically lowered unless it's caused by fucking. This makes it nearly impossible to make them cum without fucking them.
The gist of it is: Fucking them is a really bad idea, but you have no other choice.
Finally, the player starts without clothes. There's nothing stopping you from buying clothes after the first match, but if you want the 'authentic experience', don't.

This start is pretty challenging, but just in case you're either very confident in your ability or simply love being overpowered, there is also the Reverse Drain Challenge [Hard Mode]:
  • The 1 drain per fight restriction is lifted. They can now drain you as often as you can cum.
  • Instead of just getting the XP they steal, they get a free level-up PLUS whatever they steal.
  • Level Draining also drains a lot of Stamina.
  • All the girls start with a succubus pussy.
  • In addition to the traits they get from the non-Hard Mode variant, they also get Rut. This causes them to randomly become Frenzied whenever they are at or above 50% arousal. Most significantly, this allows them to use Pounce (which is just another name for Tackle), which will very likely lead to Cowgirl on the next turn. It should go without saying, but being in a submissive sex position is a really bad thing in this start.
This variant is really hard. You can make it a bit easier on yourself by choosing Exhibitionist as your starting strength. If you want a 'legendary' difficulty, pick Pussy Whipped as your starting weakness.

(Edit: I realize now I haven't fully tested this, but you should run the Hard Mode with the actual Hard Mode flag enabled. It should do so automatically, but I haven't checked if that works. In other words, you need to play with NPC Bonuses enabled)

I added some more ridiculous things to hard mode in a private branch, making it even harder. If you are interested, send me a PM and I'll send you a build.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nice work @dndw

I merged it into the master and added some more bits to make it a bit more interesting. Mostly I added some lines for NPC doing level draining, and I made it so if you lose the match without getting level drained, they'll do it anyways (mostly because I found you could get away from fights by just spamming surrender, and since level drainers don't receive exp, they'll be forever a low level).

I also removed the male gender restriction. It seems to work fairly well with trib now too.

I did something funky though, so I'm not sure how it'll go.
There is a LEVEL_DRAIN phase of combat, where if there has been a loss, it'll make the drainer automatically mount and fuck the opponent for a maximum of 10 times. If the opponent still hasn't cum at this point in time, they automatically have an

I'm pretty sure there'll be something weird that can happen with this, but so far it works out pretty well.

Anyways, I'll hopefully be back home by this weekend and I can spin a new build up. It'll be a pretty big update since there has been a lot of random stuff piling up over the holidays.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

The tweaks you made look great. Except for the fact that the post-fight draining seems to trigger even when the player wins. Also, it would be nice to see some description of what's happening if the combatants were already having sex.

Also, I forgot to mention this before, but observing a fight between level drainers is not likely to work very well. They'll try to trib each other, but they aren't very good at it so the fight can take a long time.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@dndw i couldn't attach the log through pm for some reason so here is the log from my feedback


  • nightgames_log.txt
    511.5 KB · Views: 2


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I thought you'd only need the two files I sent you, but I forgot about the new clothing. That is causing some of the issues. You can grab the correct file from here: This applies to the other people I sent a build as well, of course. There's also a problem with Thrust, but that is a symptom of a larger problem with skills executing even if they have become invalid after the other character's turn. This is something that really needs investigation right about now.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Hey, do you happen to have the NPC version of the drain messages? I think just reversing the pronouns would feel kind of odd there

This post?

I see what you mean - It might be awkward to just change the pronouns, but it works in many cases.
I'll get on an "someone else" version and post that up, although it might be very similar to just changing order of what's said and from who. Enters->Leaves and vice versa.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
I can't figure out how to use the character creator to make scenes specific to certain genders. Like a separate loss scene vs. female and vs. male PC


Dec 11, 2016
Hey, thanks for doing this again. I think a wiki is fine to start off with, since that's probably the main thing missing right now. I don't have any domains or names in mind, so anything works really (suggestions from anyone?). As for permissions, registered write seems probably best, as I'm not sure how much drive-by vandalism happens with these things.

That sounds good to me. I haven't heard anyone suggest a domain, so I checked the availability of NightGamesMod.{com,net,org} and all three are available. If you'd like to use one of those, let me know which one you'd prefer.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
@dndw i have another crash for your private build log attached (i also grabbed that file you mentioned let me know if i grabbed the right one never really used github b4) the crash consitnetly happens when summoning a male fairy
here i had to go do stuff b4 i finished uploading the log so here it is now


  • nightgames_log.txt
    783.3 KB · Views: 1
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Sep 4, 2016
Hey guys, just wanted to pop on to say finally going to have some free time to start working on the character portraits. I might go for a slightly more realistic look overall but here's a 15min sketch of confident Angel.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
awesome :eek:

Guess .com should be fine, since it's probably the most popular. Thanks!

So today spent some more time coding up imposter Airi. It's... actually pretty cool :D


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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I can't figure out how to use the character creator to make scenes specific to certain genders. Like a separate loss scene vs. female and vs. male PC

'Male' and 'female' are somewhat troublesome concepts here. You can do two things:
  1. Use body part requirements to look for specific anatomy. The downside is that you need to check for each variation independently, so it's a little ugly. I'm sure we can do something about this.
  2. Use the {other:if-male:<text>} and {other:if-female:<text>} tags. There are two downsides here: you need to put both scenes in the same place and, more importantly, you can't use tags in the gender-specific sections (no nested tags). These tags work the same as deciding whether to use male or female pronouns, and are also affected by the 'Always Female' option.