New texas Bad


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Well, I thank you, but that is still not super descriptive. :p Does it just change the lactation blurbs surrounding genital masturbation? I'm pretty sure milky characters already let out some milk when masturbating normally... 

(To this day I wonder why sometimes I get notifications that I've been quoted, while other times dead silence...)

I believe it's something akin to the mega milk perk. At least when I tested out the cum cow build, without having the mega milk perk, she was always able to lactate, whether or not she was empty. If there's anything more to it, I don't know about it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
The game is called "TiTS," noobie. We can literally never have too many milk perks. I'm not even a fan of hyper fluids and I still snatch them up like they're fuckin' pokemon. :p  

ROFLMAO TITS the new collectible game. Small tits, big tits, lactating tits..... Try to collect them all. ))))

Judge Worm

Sep 11, 2016
I actually have a cumcow save that I just use because I like its autofellatio scene, and I can't quite figure out what Milk Fountain does either. I think it might just add blurbs to masturbation scenes, but I'd have to check. The perk text isn't especially enlightening in that regard, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
... No? I mean, I get that the term "utopia" can be pretty subjective, but still...

If systemically enforced chemical brainwashing is part of your vision of a "utopia," I'd hate to see what you think a dystopia is...

Well their name is "hell lover"...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Holy shit this thread is still alive. Well shit, I guess I can't blow it off. I suggest we be careful around here. We share the same hate of NT as planet Misty but don't start kink shaming people for thinking it's a utopia. People really like their cow grils around here. I still promote the whole if you don't like it, don't go there option. I mean not everyone is a super stat grinder like most of our vocal members, so using the the gym as an excuse to say NT content is unavoidable is just reaching (imo). It's not like we run into any treated cucks outside of NT and you don't have to get all buddy-buddy with Kaede. There are other duster like items in the game fam, and to be frank, I don't really find that much use in them.

I'm sure there's content in TITS that we all hate and shit, but again, we don't necessarily get shoehorned into it most of the time. NT is a sick and fucked up place on meta sense, but nothing is gonna change on that hell hole for the foreseeable future. Just deal with it either ignore it or drown it, depending on how you personally feel about the planet.
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hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
The thing that makes it a Utopia is that both their economy and the people's health are doing well, there is hardly anything that can be called an real enemy on the planet. And the people's happiness is very high. There is also no low birth rate and there isn't anyone on the planet doing anything that can be called dangerous. That´s why i'm saying it´s the closest thing to an Utopia, not that it's my type of Utopia. I can completely Understand that people don´t agree what's happening on the planet but to be honest i find what's happening to the people there kinda low on the list on the bad things that are happening in the world of TITS but i also don´t view any of it with any disdain cause i see it as pure fiction and thus not that important to care about when not playing the game.

Also the reason why i called my account, Hell Lover is because Demonic and Monster Transformations are my favorite.

I guess you can say i'm just a Devil's advocate.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
... It's not like we run into any treated cucks outside of NT...

There actually is one...

She lives on Uveto...

...and her name is Nerrasa and she is a treated Ausar (formerly a huskar)  :smugdog:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
But the Huskar TF has nothing to do with NT. Unless Nerrasa took the actual treatment and got the amazon variant.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
...I'm getting played aren't I? Whatever fam. We gotta wait for Uveto get fleshed out to make sense.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Drug-induced super-happiness is a terrible measure of societal perfection, especially when dealing with the level of pure space magic bullshit that's in TiTS.


"Hi, I'm Generic Space Dictator. I made Fucking Abhorrent Brainwashing Tool #2. Instead of making everyone exceedingly happy when they have sex like the Treatment, it makes everyone exceedingly happy when they obey commands from their designated superiorThey get a huge pleasure spike from doing whatever they're told to do! It's a planet of energetic menial slaves with perpetual smiles! Everyone is always happy and busy! Our economy is absurd! We're a superpower! We're a utopia!!"

Do you see the problem here? The Treatment's existence prevents meaningful analysis of the quality of life enjoyed by New Texans because it sets the mental state of the entire population to one consistent level regardless of individual circumstances. If they can get fucked, they're happy. Blissfully so, to the point where their judgment and perception are very likely compromised. That's the whole point of the Treatment. Even "dissenters" like Zephyr have an overpowering need to fuck shit, and when that's indulged, she's as mindlessly satisfied as anyone else on the planet.

Before you say my example is a false dichotomy, realize that the citizens of both NT and that hypothetical load of shit would say the same thing about their planet: "We love it here!"

...ever heard about "We happy few"?, cause it sure sounds like you´ve heard of "We happy few".

...I just realized New Texas sounds a lot like Wellington.
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hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Like i said it's counts as an Utopia because when an Utopia is clarified there is never mentioned an specific way to make the people happy and so while it might be a debatable way to it. it does still fit. 

Also the Treatment isn't an enemy since it does not kill or force anyone to sacrifice their life to an another.

We happy few count´s as a Dystopia cause there is no law or control, Health and happiness is as low as it can get. And the death count is through the roof. Also the happiness in that can´t be said to be high cause the game shows that the people are split into three groups. The drug filled happy's, The Grievers and the ones in a stable mind. all three groups hate and try to kill each other.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
We Tvtropers would call New Texas a  Crapsaccharine World.

That's the point of the whole damn planet. The treatment and the way it's handled puts a bad taste in the mouths of many people, or at least its seems like they have the most vocal outcry. What people need to realize is that any talk of New Texas outside of new content on the planet has the inherent danger of bating a massive fuckfest in the thread. It's always happened, even now. The only reason the NT appreciation thread isn't fucked right know is because the OP asked people not bring their hatred into it. Again, this shit is gonna happen for the foreseeable future because nothing is going to happen that deals with the Treatment for a long time people. We'll just keep beating the same dead horse over and over again for while.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
No, I haven't. Is that the plot of... whatever that is?

Because, if it is, it's super cliche. :p  

It´s pretty close. British dystopia of a town where everybody takes a pill called joy to be happy, ignoring or act aggressive at stuff that doesn´t make them happy. If you don´t take the pills you´re a downer, and get beaten up. Probably forced to take the pill too.

hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Meh i think the whole New Texas hate is unnecessary cause most people think about it in the way their societies view it and thing about it in a black and white viewpoint, which is understandable since there really isn't anything that counters there point about what they don´t like about the Planet.

Me, well i prefer looking at it from the viewpoint of the people from the planet and with and Orange and blue viewpoint and so while i think that brainwashing can be bad, i still see it as one of the less harmful things in the world.

But yeah i guess i have to agree with calling it an  Crapsaccharine World..

But in the end i think that the brainwashing at New Texas is alot better then the one from i guess the Dazun (not sure it's the right name but it's the Race that has the overly addictive semen.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
No. Nerassa is a Treated Ausar (with the "Hellhound" variant), like he said.

What? I never heard of such a thing, I guess I have to read the Treatment docs again. I'm assuming that the Hellhound variant is basically the Amazon variant but for Ausars.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
What? I never heard of such a thing, I guess I have to read the Treatment docs again. I'm assuming that the Hellhound variant is basically the Amazon variant but for Ausars.

Yeah. It's mentioned specifically in the Treatment's Codex entry.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@JohanLitvisk: Yeah.

@Savin: Finish Nerassa and I will give you One Million Dollars buy you a beer?

@IVIysteriousPerson: Milk Fountain lets you perform a milk squirt, as well as never run out of milk.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well shit, I have to take that back now. I guess you do have to deal with the treatment bullshit outside of NT. You do need those heat belts after all.

hell lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Well shit, I have to take that back now. I guess you do have to deal with the treatment bullshit outside of NT. You do need those heat belts after all.

Don´t worry she has no scenes written for her yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That is true. I get where you're coming from but every NT rant thread I see usually spirals out of control once people start getting real heated. It gets kind of tiring for me personally to see another NT thread which I automatically assume is going to degenerate into a fuckfest real quick. The only reason I even got involved in this one is all the talk of nuking shit.

Seriously, we need to stop making "nuke the fucking planet" an option. I get people should read when the game is entirely text based but damn, that feels kinda scummy to me, especially when it basically locks out a portion of content. I feel this is why people think the hard personality is going full sociopath.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Tbh, this nuke new NT thing kinda reminds me of all the equally sociopathic fucks that wanted to have the option to kill Doc Badger and Kelt back in the day. All three are equally shitty in their own right, but killing (nuking, in NT's case) is fucking stupid. Then the pc would really be a fucking sociopath and probably Most Wanted criminal in U.G.C. But as I said before, just let the planet be until we get an actual resolution for it. I mean we can only keep ranting about NT for so long before everyone gets tired of it and moves on.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Now tell [me] I'm taking everything too seriously so I can feel bad about myself and reflexively give a meaningless apology to no one.

Stop taking everything so seriously and go get laid or something. Also apologize to me because reasons.

Oh, but don't feel bad though.

@Savin: I'm going to tip the shit out of you.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I get where you're coming from but every NT rant thread I see usually spirals out of control once people start getting real heated.

But then the dev team wouldn't get the perverse enjoyment of watching a vocal minority of the playerbase screaming at each other. Same goes for Myrellion. It's how I get my rocks off.

Stop kinkshaming me, bro.

Maybe we should have dedicated threads for gen.disc. about every planet, like we do Myrellion?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So I guess most people really like NT and the rest of us are a bunch dissatisfied cucks then? Oh well. I think having dedicated gen.disc threads for every planet would probably clean this shit up nicely.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So I guess most people really like NT then and the rest of us are a bunch dissatisfied cucks then? Oh well. I think having dedicated gen.disc threads for every planet would probably clean this shit up nicely.

I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN is the most flaccid fucking insult, I swear. Stop that.

Also: Anybody who takes the time to register on the forum and engage in actual reasoned discussion of a porn game is in the vast minority. Like, single-digits percentile of the playerbase. Regardless of your opinions.