New texas Bad

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Savin: My kink is the playerbase ignoring controversial subjects. I'm fucking triggered now because of you. I had a "just the tip" joke here for you too but forgot it.

@JohanLitvisk: Yeah.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Well, now I'm not going to share any of my Treated Jill fanart with you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Tbh I call the whole I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN thing is a joke. It's not even supposed to be insulting because it's that weak of an insult. I swear FenCo games are the only things that get me emotionally invested in a fucking text-based porn game. The fuck is wrong with me?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nah, I'm don't care. I'm just going make an unreasonable complaint thread begging for your entire life to get nuked.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
This makes me want to die. You make me want to stop living, noobie. For shame.

I worry about you.

Also it was actually Savin's idea. But don't worry, Jill has a huge mind control submission fetish.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
FenGames have decent writing and characters buried underneath their many layers of absurdity, grimdark shit, and porn.

If my many hours of interneting have taught me anything, it's that nothing gets people more intensely invested than their RPGs and their porn.

FenCo games are porn RPGs. We dug our own graves on that one.

Also it was actually Savin's idea. But don't worry, Jill has a huge mind control submission fetish.

Do... do you actually have Treated Jill art?

Noobie pls. Pls gib.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
To throw in my Two Cents, I personally find the Treatment to be one of the most polarizing transformatives. On the one hand, I love the physical effects and perks. On the other, I hate the mental changes. And this feeds into the atmosphere of New Texas itself. I think it was said best earlier in the thread, very Crapsaccharine. Though, that said, I personally like all the NPC's, and the planet itself is pretty laid back. Plus, varmints. Now my Mercenary can have a companion!

Plus, why would there be a nuke on New Texas? Like, unless Savin ever finishes the Under Big T Manor dungeon, and you trigger the old colony ship's engines, I don't see how you would wipe out the ranch...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Why do we even need to resort to killing anyone in the first place? I get you don't like but stop being a murderous fuckhead. Killing can't be the best the solution all the time, It kills boners people!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Noobie pls. Pls gib.

Well well well, looks like the shoe is on the other foot now.

Not my Jill, thank God.

Also if Treated Jill is actually going to be a thing, sign me up for AS3 lessons. Because I need to learn how to... bugfix. :smugdog:  

Consent is important and makes it a-okay.

I'll give you lessons in exchange for smut.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I can´t keep up with all this shitposting kinkshaming...

I wouldn't put it past our dear cousin to be into that shit. She needs to get laid fam.

One day. One day.

Not my Jill, thank God.

Also if Treated Jill is actually going to be a thing, sign me up for AS3 lessons. Because I need to learn how to... bugfix. :smugdog:  

She´ll get the amazon treatment ending up with a huge fetish for dominating her stupid cousin who she totally doesn´t have feelings for...absolutely not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Why do we even need to resort to killing anyone in the first place? I get you don't like but stop being a murderous fuckhead. Killing can't be the best the solution all the time, It kills boners people!

Agreed. If you don´t like a manly domme centaur, just turn him into a female mare.

If alternative options are given to me, murdering is never an option. Unfortunately we had that fuck up score in CoC...I know demons are supposed to be bad but...

60% of it is just me.

@shadefalcon: Implying submissive tsundere fit futa aren't a thing.

Sub or domme, Jillcest is wincest.

I´d totally dig a subby fit futa Jill.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh he seems to not be cut down a lil bit lately it seems.

I heard soneone (jk I know it was Savin) want more threads. Feed the troll are you trying Savin? You know it never ends well, right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Treated characters aren't interesting. They're all the same flat archetype and it's really boring, all other shit notwithstanding. I think Treated Jill would be a massive waste of potential. "Oh look, another cock-dependent cowgirl. This was such a good decision."

It´s not a serious idea, more like a fun what if scenario. Like you said she´s way too narcissistic to take something like that. I´m pretty sure she´s gonna stay vanilla human for the rest of the game...Would be interesting to see her talk about it to a tf-ed Steele, going on about how she was perfect from the very beginning...

As for treated characters, to each their own I guess. I agree with you that we don´t need several major characters taking...oh god, that´s not Saendra´s bad decision is it @Savin?

I  do however have optimistic hopes that treated Reaha content will be good, and not just another stereotypical cowmazon.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
terrible fucking taste

We just like it during the duration of and within the context of getting off.

Also Savin has top tier taste. Except his anti-pregnancy stance; what a weirdo am I right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson You know for shadow to exist there is needed light. So since we got Treatment it's needed part of the game even if you are in camp of those that wish to blow it up on the orbit. So better look on brighter sides of TiTS than it shadows, ok? :D Be Hippy Don't Worry ^^


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Why do we even need to resort to killing anyone in the first place? I get you don't like but stop being a murderous fuckhead. Killing can't be the best the solution all the time, It kills boners people!

Because im a renegade for life motherfucker! Also it was just a tiny suggestion. I can do with non-lethal or anything. I just want so do something about the treatment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Because im a renegade for life motherfucker! Also it was just a tiny suggestion. I can do with non-lethal or anything. I just want so do something about the treatment.

Well Treatment isn't just thing that is spread on NT only. It actualy spread in some way over huge part of TiTSverse. So blowing place where it had highest concentration won't solve issues from game perspective. There will be still some places there that would still produce this stuff and well blowing NT may only lead that after some time something like NT will be created somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Well Treatment isn't just thing that is spread on NT only. It actualy spread in some way over huge part of TiTSverse. So blowing place where it had highest concentration won't solve issues from game perspective. There will be still some places there that would still produce this stuff and well blowing NT may only lead that after some time something like NT will be created somewhere else.

If it appears again I will destroy it again if I go to them. Simple as that! Not to hard because im going around stopping pirates and stopping wars and such.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Didn't know that "renegade" translates to "edge lord", these days...  :smugdog:

It does not. You just dont know what en edge lord is because if you did you would not have made this post. How many times do I have to say the nuke thing was just something I came up with on the top of my head? seeing as you can nuke other planets. I thought it would be the same here. My mistake but believe me im no edge lord. Just thought this game was going for a mass effect type deal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If it appears again I will destroy it again if I go to them. Simple as that! Not to hard because im going around stopping pirates and stopping wars and such.

Well not gonna stop you. Thou this reestabilishing next one NT would probably be outside scope of game length. Many years till next planet would became siilar to NT so not much for PC to make action again. And with NT gone it may be as well meaning that till game ends Treatment could be really on fringe of action.

Pregnancy is a Grade A fetish...

... as long as it's in the proper context. Which is kind of narrow. Any other time, it very easily becomes horrifying. >_>

Sometimes I thinking that some writers actualy trying to use pregnancy fetish in a way to throw away people from it. This approach I not much fond of.

I should really take this advice. It's just hard for guilt-ridden people to enjoy positive things when they're aware of negative things. And I am a guilt-ridden sadsack a lot.

Staying in negative zone isn't good in long run. So what you getting from trying stay in that zone? Isn;t it sometimes as good as been i friend zone? xD

You not look like a guilt-ridden sadsac to me at all. I not sure where you get this weird ideas :/
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It does not. You just dont know what en edge lord is because if you did you would not have made this post. How many times do I have to say the nuke thing was just something I came up with on the top of my head? seeing as you can nuke other planets. I thought it would be the same here. My mistake but believe me im no edge lord. Just thought this game was going for a mass effect type deal.

Sure thing, mister Edge Lord~  :smugdog:


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I agree with you that we don´t need several major characters taking...oh god, that´s not Saendra´s bad decision is it @Savin?

I  do however have optimistic hopes that treated Reaha content will be good, and not just another stereotypical cowmazon.

No. We have Cass for the "Strong independent spacer gal takes the Treatment" storyline already.

Also we have all of one Cowmazon that you can really interact with AFAIK. Not like the game's overflowing with 'em like normal cows.

As long as Treated Jill wouldn't be her only route, I wouldn't actually be that upset. Also as long as the PC never has the option to force it on her. Because then happy cowgirls stop being cute and always have that terribly sinister air of "who was she before, and does she really want to be who she is now?"

Of course it wouldn't be her only route. But it is one we've discussed before. I'm not touching it, though; will be on Fen if he wants to.

That said, I don't understand the logic behind that second statement.... like, don't they already? That's Reaha's entire backstory right there.

On a related note, I'm actually really uncomfortable about how the male zil vaginal loss scene is going to take on a completely different air when he can actually get the PC pregnant. When he's just talking dirty about knocking you up, whatever, but when he's actually going to be able to do it... That doesn't sit well with me. Steele is going to end up being responsible for 2 zil children she didn't plan for and didn't really have any say in the creation of. It's why I've been putting off the male zil pregnancy expansion...

Combat loss is, you know, still rape, Misty. That's the point.

Also pls no devolving into the same pregnancy discussion again aaahhhhh.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I don't want to turn people away from pregnancy content, but I also don't want to write about reckless/thoughtless impregnation or pregnancies. Because it's very personally meaningful to me, and I know just how terrible the lives of children who weren't expected or... wanted can end up being. 

It's a sensitive topic at best, and, to me, there's no such thing as a "casual" pregnancy. It's a huge deal. Treating it as anything less sucks all the sexiness out of it real quick. A happy, healthy, and well-managed pregnancy can be super hot. Even if it was initially unexpected, having both parents embrace the "happy accident" and not face hardship because of the new life they created is an important part of what I consider to be preg content's appeal. The level of intimacy between an expecting father and an expecting mother has the potential to be unparalleled. 

On a related note, I'm actually really uncomfortable about how the male zil vaginal loss scene is going to take on a completely different air when he can actually get the PC pregnant. When he's just talking dirty about knocking you up, whatever, but when he's actually going to be able to do it... That doesn't sit well with me. Steele is going to end up being responsible for 2 zil children she didn't plan for and didn't really have any say in the creation of. It's why I've been putting off the male zil pregnancy expansion...

To be fair, I agree with you. TiTs doesn't work like CoC did, so super accelerated pregnancy isn't as common. That said, pregnancy is a fetish people enjoy, and it can also serve as progression in a relationship for some characters. its why Syri refuses to have vaginal sex with the PC until you reach a certain level of affection with her, even if you win your bet.

In regards to lost battle pregnancy... uh... good thing there's a nursery? For real, though, some way to speed up pregnancy time might be good, or female PC's will need to remember to take sterilex.