Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Where was that even mentioned?

KaraQuest 2. You find a bunch of Red POW's in a cell opposite the server room, high on eachother's venom and Khan's obedience collars.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
I always did like how some of the Reds you meet around Red-Town will say "Yeah, the venom stuff we do to are prisoners? It's not great man." and that really sells me on this whole grey-quagmire that is Ant-planet.

I kinda wish there were some golds like that, calling out how not-great of a faction they are sometimes. It makes the Golds seem much more blacker-grey at the current moment compared to the Red's straight grey. 


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I was kind of on the fence with the whole Red vs Gold thing, but KaraQuest2 changed my mind. The promise of offworld technologies is understandably extremely tempting when you'd basically be losing the war if not for the sword of damocles looming perilously in the upper atmosphere, but even in war there are some things you just don't do. Shipping off your POW's (and a number of your own scientists I should add) and chemical weapons to a shady fourth party you know nothing about is one of them. 

Now I'm firmly rooted in the red camp, not like the venom thing offends me anyway, I actually find it kinda hot. (But then, I also like Lane and Doctor Badger.)


Aug 26, 2015
The difference is, interestingly, that while the writers are divided on who writes for which side... the audience seems to have largely split down the middle, too! Which, honestly, I like. I'd rather everyone really like or hate one of the groups than just be "meh" about the whole scenario. The point is to invoke an emotional reaction, positive or negative.

See, I've ended up in a position of hate yes, love no, which is aggravating when there's nowhere else to go.  It's not fun.  There's nuking the planet, but that's the edgelord option.

It's kind of a year too late to fix anything now, obviously, but keep in mind for next time that someone might dislike both sides of a conflict like this, and if you don't give them an out and/or you make it the focus of development for a long stretch then they're gonna have a bad time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
There kinda is a third option. Ignore the reds and golds and hang with the nyrea I mean you can become their king and we know Nyrea colonies have fought with myr before.....just no one thought to write them into the conflict the nyrea got kinda left out and you're the only one offworlder besides your rival who seems to venture deep enough to have any dealings with them they're just kinda sitting there under the radar....a potential third party to the conflict that's currently doing nothing but....massing Taivra never gives a reason for her building her empire so rapidly but she's obviously concerned about what's going on on the surface. I always figured if steele married her and formed an alliance that would come back to bite him if she declared war on one of the myr factions.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I like that there´s an even divide between the gold and red fans. That way I can hope for good resolutions in favour of either race and hopefully one choice that strikes a middle ground.

I personally have both positive and negative opinions towards both races, I enjoy both sides though. So I´m not gonna choose a specific side.

It´ll be a tougher choice for my other Steeles however. Ranchia the sex addict and Meridiana the herm queen domme, for example.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There kinda is a third option. Ignore the reds and golds and hang with the nyrea I mean you can become their king and we know Nyrea colonies have fought with myr before.....just no one thought to write them into the conflict the nyrea got kinda left out and you're the only one offworlder besides your rival who seems to venture deep enough to have any dealings with them they're just kinda sitting there under the radar....a potential third party to the conflict that's currently doing nothing but....massing Taivra never gives a reason for her building her empire so rapidly but she's obviously concerned about what's going on on the surface. I always figured if steele married her and formed an alliance that would come back to bite him if she declared war on one of the myr factions.

I'd say Nyrea is no more likable.

I was kind of on the fence with the whole Red vs Gold thing, but KaraQuest2 changed my mind. The promise of offworld technologies is understandably extremely tempting when you'd basically be losing the war if not for the sword of damocles looming perilously in the upper atmosphere, but even in war there are some things you just don't do. Shipping off your POW's (and a number of your own scientists I should add) and chemical weapons to a shady fourth party you know nothing about is one of them. 

Now I'm firmly rooted in the red camp, not like the venom thing offends me anyway, I actually find it kinda hot. (But then, I also like Lane and Doctor Badger.)

Keep POWs as drugged sex slaves or sell them? Same things for me. My opinion? Leave them behind to let them screw each other in nuclear holocaust.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
 My opinion? Leave them behind to let them screw each other in nuclear holocaust.

Set it off yourself if they bother you that much, just push the big red button in the Black Void server room. xP


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Set it off yourself if they bother you that much, just push the big red button in the Black Void server room. xP

I don't hate them enough to do it myself. Just enough to not interfere with them doing that themselves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Both sides are pretty fucking grey. The Golds use physical torture, were the first to use chemical weapons (which they are now supplying to the Black Void), and are selling prisoners to offworld criminal cartels. The Reds keep drug-addled slaves themselves, are run by a ruthless military junta, and developed the first nuclear weapons. Neither of these are good factions!

The difference is, interestingly, that while the writers are divided on who writes for which side... the audience seems to have largely split down the middle, too! Which, honestly, I like. I'd rather everyone really like or hate one of the groups than just be "meh" about the whole scenario. The point is to invoke an emotional reaction, positive or negative.

Yeah, sure, but on an individual level, all of the golds you meet are nice people that aren't overtly oppressing, and most of the reds you meet want to kiss you whether you like it or not (which is what was the subject of the discussion).

If all you read is the lore and the NPCs complaining about the other side, yeah, they're pretty evenly matched in shades of grey - especially since the lore claims that the reds don't go willy-nilly with drug-kissing everyone. The individual NPCs contradict that pretty hard, though, with gold NPCs all landing on the "nice, good people" side of things and reds landing on the "willing to kiss people at the drop of a hat, with the unfortunate long term consequence of effective drug addiction/borderline slavery" side of things.

Don't get me wrong. I like the reds - they're the side I prefer, I find aphrodisiac kisses hot, and all of my characters end up being venom sluts. But that's clearly the objection that folks that don't like the reds have, and they clearly have a point if you go and look at all the scenes where reds kiss  you without asking or, as pointed out earlier, kiss you even when you have said you don't want to kiss.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Bleh. The whole trench wife thing makes me really mad. Worse, Steele just kind of goes along with it right now.

Then I run into Lieve...

Running into Lieve and learning about the whole trench wife thing was the one defining moment that shifted the pendulum completely and fully into the gold camp for me. It would take a very significant screw up from the golds to push it back in the other direction again.  

I have no idea why it irks me so much. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Running into Lieve and learning about the whole trench wife thing was the one defining moment that shifted the pendulum completely and fully into the gold camp for me. It would take a very significant screw up from the golds to push it back in the other direction again.  

I have no idea why it irks me so much. 

Drug-induced sexual slavery seems to be a hot button issue for a lot of folks for some reason. Who knew?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
The worst part about the reds to me still is that currently the highest ranking member of them we meet is a genocidal blood knight, that has a murder-ladyboner almost rivaling the ones of some forum users here. All the the other individual scarlet Federation members we meet seem to be somewhat decent, to genuinely nice people though. But as I'd still rather support the golds, if I'd had to choose. Still hoping for some sort of peaceful resolution though.
Apr 25, 2016
How much difference is there between trench wives with red venom addiction and the Treatment on New Texas?  It could be argued that the Treatment is even worse, since it's not reversible while red venom addiction is.  Both are chemically induced sexual slavery, and the UGC already tolerates it on New Texas because it's tradition there.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Venom addiction becomes irreversible with overuse. It can get to the point where Steele can't get off on masturbation unless they have a dose of venom in their system, otherwise they need a partner.


Aug 26, 2015
How much difference is there between trench wives with red venom addiction and the Treatment on New Texas?  It could be argued that the Treatment is even worse, since it's not reversible while red venom addiction is.  Both are chemically induced sexual slavery, and the UGC already tolerates it on New Texas because it's tradition there.

Red venom addiction is irreversible once hooked.

And yes, the Treatment is a nasty thing as well and in similar ways.  I don't know if you noticed, but a fair number of people don't like the Treatment or that New Texas gets away with forcing it on people because tradition.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Venom addiction becomes irreversible with overuse. It can get to the point where Steele can't get off on masturbation unless they have a dose of venom in their system, otherwise they need
Red venom addiction is irreversible once hooked.

And yes, the Treatment is a nasty thing as well and in similar ways.  I don't know if you noticed, but a fair number of people don't like the Treatment or that New Texas gets away with forcing it on people because tradition.

Game mechanically, yes it's irreversible. I think someone, probably the Red doctor, says with much care and time it's possible to wean a person off.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Didn't Dally overcome his red venom addiction after he found out about Jessa's slaving operation? Could be remembering it wrong though.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Didn't Dally overcome his red venom addiction after he found out about Jessa's slaving operation? Could be remembering it wrong though.

He didn't have time to get fully addicted before he caught her. When the process is complete, there is no turning back. At least gameplay wise for Captain Steele there isn't.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
I really hope that In-Universe it's reversible. Because if it's not then that is going to put me right into the gold camp with how terrible the implications are of the Trench Wives with that tid bit of knowledge.


Aug 26, 2015
I really hope that In-Universe it's reversible. Because if it's not then that is going to put me right into the gold camp with how terrible the implications are of the Trench Wives with that tid bit of knowledge.

So the implications aren't terrible if the red myr are fully capable of freeing their trench wives and simply choosing not to?  It seems like the issue of permanence ought to be secondary to the keeping drug-addled sex slaves issue.

Even if it's not permanent, recovering from the addiction is indicated to be a torturous feat.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
So the implications aren't terrible if the red myr are fully capable of freeing their trench wives and simply choosing not to?  It seems like the issue of permanence ought to be secondary to the keeping drug-addled sex slaves issue.

Even if it's not permanent, recovering from the addiction is indicated to be a torturous feat.

Oh no, The whole concept of Trench Wives is still pretty terrible from any perspective that your looking at it from. I'm just saying it would be even worse if you couldn't cure it in-universe. I would be even so bold to say that its worse than the slave trading that the Goldies do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Well, now. Drug-induced and forced sexual slavery is, yes, super wrong. I mean really, mega, super wrong.

But, and here's the thing: So is like, I dunno, say 70% of pretty much everything Steele does. Much of it being, after all, beating the snot out of and subsequently raping things.

Me, I sort of feel a bit guilty for enjoying the raping and the slaving, but I also know full well I'd never do anything like it in real life.

Which, I guess, is the point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But, and here's the thing: So is like, I dunno, say 70% of pretty much everything Steele does. Much of it being, after all, beating the snot out of and subsequently raping things.

Actually, 99% of that things are attacking you first intending to rape Steele.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Well, now. Drug-induced and forced sexual slavery is, yes, super wrong. I mean really, mega, super wrong.

But, and here's the thing: So is like, I dunno, say 70% of pretty much everything Steele does. Much of it being, after all, beating the snot out of and subsequently raping things.

Me, I sort of feel a bit guilty for enjoying the raping and the slaving, but I also know full well I'd never do anything like it in real life.

Which, I guess, is the point.

The rapey undertones of everything but the most niche content is signifficantly toned down in TiTS in comparison to CoC. Almost any enemy you defeat (especially if you do this with lust attacks) actually wants to have sex with you, and most scenes leave both parties satisfied.