Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I have to wonder, what would the UGC Diplomatic Corps think if someone sneaked pictures of Juro getting intimate with the Gilden Ambassador onto the net? (Conflict of interest, much?)

I was hoping for something like this, yeah.


Aug 26, 2015
Wars almost never take place between two well-matched opponents though. That one side has a more established military tradition and keeps defeating the other, who in turn desperately flail around trying increasingly desparate measures to stop them, is an accurate portrait of war. It creates a much more believable set of tensions between the two sides - one side resent the fact the aliens have "sided" with the other despite the fact they used chemical weapons, denied them a final victory, the other for getting their land overrun and occupied by an aggressive, pseudo-fascist state. Things hang much more precariously in the balance than if everyone can shake hands and go home at any time.

 Why do you have such a problem with this state of play? The Golds have nukes, they have the genes Xenogen want and the UGC will glass the planet if the Reds refuse to come to terms, that isn't a ridiculously bad bargaining position. The Reds *have* to return at least some Gold territory, the alternative is mutual annihilation. I do agree that Gildenmere being literally the last city standing as being silly, though.

Because it's not believable that the UGC will actually glass the planet.

There's at least one other diplomacy-capable race on Myrellion and possibly more, not to mention all the gold myr still on the planet.  Xenogen used an enormous amount of pull to get the UGC fleet in orbit, but I'm not convinced they'd actually pull the trigger if the reds just said "no, we're not giving the land back" and refused to budge on that in negotiations for however long it took the UGC to consider it no longer economically viable and just give up.  If they were willing to do that, then the reds would have already been made to give the land back.  Unless McAllister's personal pull is even greater than displayed thus far, the threat of annihilation looks an awful lot like a bluff waiting to be called.  The only way they would actually glass the planet is if the reds stormed Gildenmere and slaughtered all the golds, but the reds don't have to do that to conquer the whole planet.  They just have to be stubborn for a while.

I find it annoying because the options as far as helping the reds are "do literally anything to push the situation further in their favor even a little and they'll win", and for helping the golds the most likely result is going to be that they'll end up giving up their planet to the reds and being settled somewhere else to be the fucktoys of the kui-tan.  If you don't like the reds it's a little aggravating.

 Nah, it's always been "grey" -- largely because Fenoxo LOVES the Gold Myr and hates the reds, and I'm the exact opposite. And we both wrote our respective codices and faction lorespouts, soooo

This was a less than ideal design method.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That was actually a thing we've discussed playing into a Red Victory path. Basically outrage the Federation into bypassing diplomatic options. 

I think he's kind of a weirdo with his "vision" for Myrellion. Wouldn't mind seeing him booted.

Would still prefer a solution where both sides somehow survive, if that's even gonna be an option.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Because it's not believable that the UGC will actually glass the planet.

You have a point, but they could still orbital bombard just the main red cities and whatever stands after Gildenmere for the golds, effectively taking only the Myr out and leaving the others untouched, relatively.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I find it annoying because the options as far as helping the reds are "do literally anything to push the situation further in their favor even a little and they'll win", and for helping the golds the most likely result is going to be that they'll end up giving up their planet to the reds and being settled somewhere else to be the fucktoys of the kui-tan.  If you don't like the reds it's a little aggravating.

That, or you don't wanna see a species become living cocksleeves for libidinous raccoons.


Aug 27, 2015
Because it's not believable that the UGC will actually glass the planet.
What is believable is that they'd rub out a few Red military bases with their giant magnifying glass to show they weren't fucking around. How many Hiroshimas would it take for the Reds to start playing ball? They aren't as fanatical as that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What is believable is that they'd rub out a few Red military bases with their giant magnifying glass to show they weren't fucking around. How many Hiroshimas would it take for the Reds to start playing ball? They aren't as fanatical as that.

I think about tree fiddy hiroshimas should do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What is believable is that they'd rub out a few Red military bases with their giant magnifying glass to show they weren't fucking around. How many Hiroshimas would it take for the Reds to start playing ball? They aren't as fanatical as that.

This. No need to go full nuclear upfront if they're not playing ball.

I find it annoying because the options as far as helping the reds are "do literally anything to push the situation further in their favor even a little and they'll win", and for helping the golds the most likely result is going to be that they'll end up giving up their planet to the reds and being settled somewhere else to be the fucktoys of the kui-tan.  

I am also fearful of this. I don't much like the Kui-tan, and I'd rather the golds kept their homeland.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Well honestly I don't mind the Kui-tan, dont like that there are no natural 100% females but thats neither here nor there. Point being if the Kui-tan can keep the Myr from slowly dieing out then great. Maybe theres also a way to move the golds to a similar world where there can be less finger pointing and more repopulating. But then again, given the way Irrella has been poping eggs out, are we even really sure they really need the Kui-tan?

I am also fearful of this. I don't much like the Kui-tan, and I'd rather the golds kept their homeland.

yeah ultimately that would be nice but then we need a plan to make the gold and red play nice... and thats the big pain in the ass problem...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am also fearful of this. I don't much like the Kui-tan, and I'd rather the golds kept their homeland.

Not trying to kinkshame, but it seems they're specifically designed to appeal to a certain demographic, and it just so happens that it alienates people outside of that narrow scope. (I only really start as one if I'm going herm, so I don't have to use Throbb for a +20 libido boost right at the beginning.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
That brings back the only part of my initial post that I think Savin hasn't addressed fully (thanks for answering btw). How did the Red's initial diplomatic ultimatum and their war plans look like, back when this whole mess began? What does the real top-brass of the Federation think now?

They know that they have more land then they'll ever need in the foreseeable future even if they return some of the former Gilden Republic's territories. They know that they've undermined the military might of the Republic, and thus eliminated any sort of threat it presented. They also should be well aware that they can eventually get a fix to their declining population problem. 

Additionally, I'd like to address some problems people seem to have with Red Myr venom.

1)I didn't find any indication or mentioning of Federation Army using it on civilians. The only reason they use it at all is as substitute for torture (which IRL is just as, if not more illegal to use on POW's then drugs) and as a stop-gap solution to the overwhelming POW problem as a whole. The latter shouldn't work, and currently is a plot-hole IMO, but it has nothing to do with Federation's 'shade of morality'.

2)Before and outside of the current war Red Myr only ever use their venom on somebody they are romantically involved with, and I assume their society has a whole bunch of regulations and norms regarding its use.

3)Their codex entry states: "The red myr do possess a readily available neutralizing agent to their species' own venom. There is a small demographic who take this anti-venom as a matter of course for personal or ideological reasons."

As for Kui-tans... My decision to make it my go-to race was due to just one reason, but what a reason it was.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Never. Didn't their ambassador actually get removed, too? 

I think it's more on the lines of nobody bothering to write the ambassador. The only Bothrioc met so far anyway is in Taivra's palace.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That brings back the only part of my initial post that I think Savin hasn't addressed fully (thanks for answering btw). How did the Red's initial diplomatic ultimatum and their war plans look like, back when this whole mess began? What does the real top-brass of the Federation think now?

They know that they have more land then they'll ever need in the foreseeable future even if they return some of the former Gilden Republic's territories. They know that they've undermined the military might of the Republic, and thus eliminated any sort of threat it presented. They also should be well aware that they can eventually get a fix to their declining population problem. 

Additionally, I'd like to address some problems people seem to have with Red Myr venom.

1)I didn't find any indication or mentioning of Federation Army using it on civilians. The only reason they use it at all is as substitute for torture (which IRL is just as, if not more illegal to use on POW's then drugs) and as a stop-gap solution to the overwhelming POW problem as a whole. The latter shouldn't work, and currently is a plot-hole IMO, but it has nothing to do with Federation's 'shade of morality'.

2)Before and outside of the current war Red Myr only ever use their venom on somebody they are romantically involved with, and I assume their society has a whole bunch of regulations and norms regarding its use.

3)Their codex entry states: "The red myr do possess a readily available neutralizing agent to their species' own venom. There is a small demographic who take this anti-venom as a matter of course for personal or ideological reasons."

As for Kui-tans... My decision to make it my go-to race was due to just one reason, but what a reason it was.

If, uh, you start getting into the whole ethical category of the Red Venom thing, you might bring up uncomfortable subjects; such as the fact some people would actually rather die then be forcibly hooked on Red Myr venom, or that it doesn't matter that they weren't using it because they are now, or that most POWS are just conscripted civilians. Also, the neutralizing venom is really rarely used, mostly for overdoses (or potentially, divorce!). I asked Savnoxo to put that codex section in, partially to support Anzhela

I think Nonesuch put it best, though, regarding using anything higher than your lizard brain. It confuses your boner, particularly on World War Ant Planet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think it's more on the lines of nobody bothering to write the ambassador. The only Bothrioc met so far anyway is in Taivra's palace.

I think you're mixing bothrioc with ganrael. Bothrioc are/were 4 armed sometimes-4-legged spiderish people, monogendered egg-layers. Ganrael are the goo


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Because it's not believable that the UGC will actually glass the planet.

Basically what Nonesuch said.

The UGC fleet really has no intention of bombing Myrellion, but they're DEFINITELY scary enough to make the Reds pause. More importantly, though, the UGC is also their first alien contact and their ticket to the stars. I think the Reds would find it MUCH more important to not alienate a galaxy-spanning empire that is willing and able to Uplift them if they play ball. Lieve has some talks about this, actually. The fear of the UGC enacting the Zanzibar Protocol on them, or just deciding not to open any kind of relationship with the planet when the Confederacy offers solutions to their crippling fertility problem, has probably been a much stronger deterrent for keeping the Reds from just mounting a land invasion of Gildenmere. They're trying to put on their best face, as it were.

That brings back the only part of my initial post that I think Savin hasn't addressed fully (thanks for answering btw). How did the Red's initial diplomatic ultimatum and their war plans look like, back when this whole mess began? What does the real top-brass of the Federation think now?

They know that they have more land then they'll ever need in the foreseeable future even if they return some of the former Gilden Republic's territories. They know that they've undermined the military might of the Republic, and thus eliminated any sort of threat it presented. They also should be well aware that they can eventually get a fix to their declining population problem. 

Additionally, I'd like to address some problems people seem to have with Red Myr venom.

1)I didn't find any indication or mentioning of Federation Army using it on civilians. The only reason they use it at all is as substitute for torture (which IRL is just as, if not more illegal to use on POW's then drugs) and as a stop-gap solution to the overwhelming POW problem as a whole. The latter shouldn't work, and currently is a plot-hole IMO, but it has nothing to do with Federation's 'shade of morality'.

2)Before and outside of the current war Red Myr only ever use their venom on somebody they are romantically involved with, and I assume their society has a whole bunch of regulations and norms regarding its use.

3)Their codex entry states: "The red myr do possess a readily available neutralizing agent to their species' own venom. There is a small demographic who take this anti-venom as a matter of course for personal or ideological reasons."

To your first questions: I don't know. It hasn't been addressed, and I doubt it will be. My guess would be that the Federation intended to push the Republic off their home continent, but either the first deployment of chemical weapons or some other perceived threat caused the Federation war machine to keep rolling. I intend for the Federation High Command to be meetable in the future as part of the resolution paths, so I'd rather keep them under wraps.

As to the second un-numbered point: the war's never been about territory for the Reds: it's about security. The Golds have been a *constant* aggressor against them in the past (and vice versa, doubtless), and now that war was declared openly and both sides have nukes and chemical weapons, the Republic is ABSOLUTELY a threat forever. Besides, the Federation has barely put a dent in the Golds reproductive ability: they'll be back to full population strength in a generation (assuming food supplies and space allows). The Reds believe that the problem must be dealt with PERMANENTLY if either side is to have peace. 

1) The Federation does not actively use venom on civilians. However, civilians (particularly in Gildenmere) have become addicted to bottled venom, and some refugees and returning POWs are also addicted to the source.

2) Correct. Reds have a lot of social taboos about random venom usage -- that's part of why they're so much more straight-laced than the Golds.

3) Righto. 

I think it's more on the lines of nobody bothering to write the ambassador. The only Bothrioc met so far anyway is in Taivra's palace.

There's a Bothrioc in there???
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Aug 27, 2015
The Bothrioc were Shax's pets, and she's moved on now (particularly going off the absolute state of her docs). She did a fairly substantial amount of content for them, and I even did most of a Deep Caves encounter for them, mostly to try and coax her to keep going with it.

Essentially: They were monogendered spider androgynes that could gradually bimbofy you if you kept getting egged by them. I've got completing them as a cut-price project on my commission info because the amount of decent thought and writing put in to them is sad to see abandoned, and they're maybe a third of the way towards a state where they could be added to the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I intend for the Federation High Command to be meetable in the future as part of the resolution paths, so I'd rather keep them under wraps.

So are we going to get to be privy to a diplomacy meeting between the two races? And our presence at the table can tip the negotiations into any direction we want (Reds win/Golds win/Everyone wins/No one wins/Nyreans win)?

Now all we need is a statement from Fenoxo about the Gold's situation. Because, as you said Savin, you love the Reds and hate the Golds, so even if it's unintentional, your words would likely be colored by that. I understand that having Fenoxo talk about the Golds would be exactly the same thing except for the Gold side, but it's better than having the perspective from only one side to color (heh) everyone's opinion.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Okay I think there might be some confusion going on about who has what weapons, if I remember correctly: the Golds have no nukes, but do have chemical weapons, as well as better airforce. The Reds have nukes, and their mouth juice, but no deadly chemical weapons and slightly weaker air units. The Nyrea have sticks, stones, and for some reason military grade shields (How'd that happen anyway? Ny Princess had better shields than anything Steele could find anywhere else).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay I think there might be some confusion going on about who has what weapons, if I remember correctly: the Golds have no nukes, but do have chemical weapons, as well as better airforce. The Reds have nukes, and their mouth juice, but no deadly chemical weapons and slightly weaker air units. The Nyrea have sticks, stones, and for some reason military grade shields (How'd that happen anyway? Ny Princess had better shields than anything Steele could find anywhere else).

It's possible the shield came down with the probe, and the Golds have had time to build nukes of their own in the time the ceasefire has been in effect.


Aug 27, 2015
Where/Why did Shax go?

I don't know. Last time I emailed her about it she had a lot of difficult personal issues going on. I mean, she might return out of the blue and being everything to fruition, but I sincerely doubt it. I wish she would, she was a good writer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know. Last time I emailed her about it she had a lot of difficult personal issues going on. I mean, she might return out of the blue and being everything to fruition, but I sincerely doubt it. I wish she would, she was a good writer.

The idea sounded interesting, though I'm sensing some forced TF lurking beneath it all. (If you count bimbo as TF)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Nyrea have sticks, stones, and for some reason military grade shields (How'd that happen anyway? Ny Princess had better shields than anything Steele could find anywhere else).

That Nyrea male in village outside palace giving some hints about this. As you know off-worlder wander now around planet and some even go down to deep caves. Been Princess she's like second in command there after her mother. So assuming that only two (if not more but we never know) unlucky off-worlder with such a shield belts come down there and been captured...well you can easy figure out how queen and princess have shield belts ;)

Also some said about Fenoxo pov on golds/reds situation. I also interested how he see whole stuff. I mean I know how looks Myrellion seen throu red shades it looks looked throu a gold shades?

EDIT: Yeah I too add to choir wishing Shax come back so we can have more fun at the caves.

EDIT v2.0: Ok so aside off-worlder makeshift base and red's city airplane landing all happening under surface. UGC treaten with glassing but if all most inportant things reds have is in the caves....does it mean it would be a strong enough attack to reach enough deep into planet surface to actualy hurt reds? Or maybe reds not know about it and think that well since UGC are aliens in they eyes with a technology way above they own they could do this regardless of the truth. And one more thing....Red and Golds aside some air units mostly are meet underground. Same with Nyrea and other natives. Sooooo who the hell living on surfce? Some unnamed for an eterninty lower life forms that will never been meantioned?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
EDIT v2.0: Ok so aside off-worlder makeshift base and red's city airplane landing all happening under surface. UGC treaten with glassing but if all most inportant things reds have is in the caves....does it mean it would be a strong enough attack to reach enough deep into planet surface to actualy hurt reds? Or maybe reds not know about it and think that well since UGC are aliens in they eyes with a technology way above they own they could do this regardless of the truth. And one more thing....Red and Golds aside some air units mostly are meet underground. Same with Nyrea and other natives. Sooooo who the hell living on surfce? Some unnamed for an eterninty lower life forms that will never been meantioned?

Uhhh, no, the Red and Gold air corps both operate on the surface. The DMZ and the Kressia Airfield are both on the surface, as are several other towns and military installations. Gildenmere and other myr cities are generally fairly close to the surface -- only a few hundred meters below ground at most. I would be highly surprised if the Confederacy didn't have bunker busters capable of penetrating that deep -- hell, their ships' main guns are probably powerful enough to.


Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
That could be a good way to troll Sera. Have her steal inches, grow them back, rinse repeat until she can't move, then you pounce for some fun.

Seconded. (love Sera btw)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
>when people mention So, Sera, or Koda
