What about liara?
Liara's not bad, it just feels like Bioware is pushing her too hard as Shepard's love interest and I don't like that. Not as bad as Jacob, but still. Honestly, I tend to dislike most Bioware romances. And my favorites are usually incompatible. Liara is overrated and has those weird head tentacles, Tali is extremely overrated and the Quarians can go fuck themselves, Ashley is a whiney and hypocritical space racist, Jack is Jack, Jacob is stale white bread of a person and an asshole if romanced, Kaiden is boring and has his shit too together, Garrus is too much of a bro to bang ok, Thane has too much baggage, Kelly is an actual Cerberus cheerleader and probably brought that scale itch aboard, Morinth is more lethal than deepthroating a uranium dildo, and Diana Allers is the absolute worst. So my options are limited to Traynor aaaannnndddd that's about it. Miranda is my favorite squad mate period but she's straight without mods and I play on console atm so yeah.
Legion is best girl though.
I read somewhere that femshep is actually canon, but I'm not sure if that's true,
I don't think there's an actual canon Shepard. All the default choices when not importing have been the absolute worst, probably to encourage playing them all in order or buying their digital backstory dlc. The most we have in terms of canon is the ME4 trailer implying the destroy end is canon, but that would piss everyone off if they killed the geth and EDI so idk where they're going with it.