Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
They both jerked a little when penny pulled the goo out of them and looked at each other, with Sala actually giving Mika a little smile. Mika looked away her shy nature taking hold. Sala then was able pull her lengthy thing out of her. Sala almost wished she could just stay there, hugging onto Mika's soft and gentle embrace, but they all had things to do. "you can get off of me now..." Sala said irritably. But at this point, mika and penny must had figured out that her aloof and irritable demeanor was just a mask she hid behind because of how insecure she was. So slowly the two got back up. Mka hurriedly began redressing, while just stood there and sighed feeling quite envious that she didnt have any herself, not to mention her special Herm Hidertm panties were ruined. Emily was still out be she could probably be woken up if penny wanted to. The shrax woman was still out herself her face was pained and sad looking, she must have been under Vaine's control for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny made another goo ball and gave it to Sala before walking over to the bound shrax woman, lifting her up into a sitting position and sitting in front of her. "Hey, you alright there? Can you tell me your name?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Moving the shrax woman made her groan as her eye fluttered open. "....My name? My name.....what was my name....I cant remember...", she said her head was still in a haze. Sala held onto the goo ball her face scrunching. "I really wish she would give me some clothes instead." she thought as she reluctantly put the little thing away. Mika watched carefully and Penny questioned the Sharx.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Come on sweetie, I need you to try and focus. What is the last thing you can remember. Anything at all helps." She gently holds the shrax woman up so she doesn't fall and hurt herself. "Mika, do we have any water to spare?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika nods and hand Penny her travel cantine. The shrax woman looks to penny, her eyes coming into focus her real eye color showing to be brown. "my hurts  a lot..." she said in a strained voice. "I-I think so people used to call me.....Jezzy...maybe....".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny hands the girl the travel cantine. "Here, drink slowly, it should help a bit with your head. So your name is Jezzy? That is a good place to start. What else can you remember? What was the last thing you were doing?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
She moved her head over to the cantine and drank a bit. Bound by her own jumpsuit as she was, she couldn't grab it with her hands. "I.....I was....hunting?...hunting someone.....i was in a desert or...something......fuck!" she said as she squirmed, frustrated at her inability to think. Jezzy then looked down to see she was naked and gasped. She moved to cover her self but, she was both tired and tied up.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh crap! Sorry, had to tie you up at first." Penny reaches around and untied teh girl, passing her jumpsuit back to her. "There you are. So you were hunting someone? Who were you hunting? Why were you hunting them?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
She felt that she was still too woozy to stand up and pull on the jumpsuit so she just used it cover her front half. Sala was actually looking out from behind a pillar this whole time, hiding her nakedness behind it. Jezzy tried to think again. "i remember....people in black lots of them....I think i was hunting them.....but I can't remember! why!?" Jezzy said with frustrated grunt. not being able to really remember who she was and what she was doing was really upsetting her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Jezzy, you need to calm down and breath." She cups her chin and lifts it up to look her in the eyes. "you have been mind controlled by an evil galora for a long time. Your mind is trying to piece together the information it holds, but could not process due to a mental block. It will come back to you, ok?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"shit.......that could explain things......i need to get headquarters on the comm...wait...headquarters? what? do i work for someone?", Jezzy sighed deciding not to try and force it. Mika finally spoke up saying, "Um...hey, if I may.......if I had to guess, you were after a galora named Vaine...hes a very evil man....". Jezzy grit her pointed teeth, a feeling of hate could be felt emanating off of her. " hate it! but..i don't remember why!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"He did...horrible things to you Jezzy. I pulled a parasitic blob of him out of your...vagina. Which means he raped and implanted you some time ago." She strokes her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "Look, maybe this isn't the best time to mention it..but Vaine is hunting us. He wan'ts what we have so...if you stick around long enough, he should show up."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy's brown eyes shifted around as she thought, "that...that bastard! I'll snipe his fucking head off......wait...snipe? i think.....I'm a sniper...of some kind...I remember training or something sometime ago.....but the details are fuzzy....that fucker! he'll die i swear!", she said as rage burned in her eyes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Woa! Woa! Easy there girl!" She tightens her grip on Jezzy's shoulders "I get it, he wronged you. But uncontrolled rage does not help anyone. Deep breaths and lets start with trying to stand up ok?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
She tried to get a hold of herself taking a deep breath. she then started to stand up slowly she was shaky but, it seemed like she could manage. She could still feel the hate and rage churn about in her gut making her feel sick. she noticed Sala peeking at her and she gave her a curious look. then she looked to the side to see emily resting there nude. So Jezzy went about putting her jumpsuit back on. It of coarse, felt new to her and maybe a bit too form fitting, she didnt like how it seemed to rub against her privates when she moved. seeing the big statue of the fertility goddess she was taken back, "Holy hell.....where in the galaxy am I? also, who are all of you?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, right now you are in an ancient temple dedicated to an old squiliden fertility goddess who is most likely her great grandma." She points to Mika.

"My name is Penelope, but you can call me Penny. The adorable squiliden over there is Mika, my lover and pod mate. The cute little la'cotum is Sala, she is our good friend. Finally, the sleeping naked girl is Emily, who I just fucked into a sex coma after you shot her with a lust drug dart. Nice to meet you!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Good lord this woman is blunt!" Jezzy thought as she looked at penny. "Uh...I think you'd need to add more greats to that a whole lot......", Mika said shyly. Sala just gave a short wave from behind the pillar while trying to look indifferent. Jezzy froze, "wait i did what?! oh god im so sorry!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"It wasn't really your fault. It was more Vaine than you as the pussy parasite told you what to do and how to act. Besides, we had fun with it! I got her off several times and she came so much inside of me! cum is the seriously the best thing ever for galora. It contains so much mass in it and tastes amazing!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy's eyebrows rose up questioningly at penny. "shit...I do recall galora being a little on the lusty side...wait i remember basic galactic facts, but not about myself? Fuck, amnesia is weird..." she said as she rubbed her forehead. Mika looked down at Emily "Should we wake her up now?". Mika asked as she knelt down beside her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny walks over to Emily and lifts her chest up a bit before pushing her lips against hers, her tongue sliding into her mouth and swirling around before she breaks off. "Time to wake up sweetie. Rise and shine."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily eyes fluttered open as she came back to the world. She then licked her lips. "Mmmm tasty! Hmmm it seems as though the drug really hit me hard.....that would explain why I cant remember much after the first orgasm...that's a shame......", she said as she gave penny a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Emily then saw Jezzy and almost panicked, but looking around and seeing everyone else was ok she calmed down. Then Mika more or less explained the situation to Emily. "oh dont beat yourself up about it deary, its not like I'm hurt or anything.", Emily said as she slowly put her clothes on making a bit of a show of it for Sala's sake. she looked away flustered, still hiding behind the pillar. Jezzy looked at Sala and wondered why she was hiding like that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Aww, that is a real shame. I had you all the way inside my body at one point which is an experience to remember!" She smiles and pats her shoulder. "Well, we now have a necklace...what do we do now Mika? where do we even go from here?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika put her hand under her chin in thought. "well...right we have this necklace....if i give it a scan back at the ship i have no doubt it will somehow point us in the right direction." Jezzy wasn't sure what exactly was going on but she decided to she would fallow them out of the place snice she had no idea were to go or what do do. She then spied her rifle. she recognized it as her own. and swiftly picked it up. looking at the cartage she saw the lust drug darts. "hmmm...there no killers but they'll do for now....well i'll just follow you for now....", Mika nodded. Mika then looked back to Sala still hiding, she knew why. "Come on sala......I-Its ok.....i dont think Jezzy will.....mind."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea! She didn't actually insult you! That was Vaine and we have established that he is a terrible person!" She pats her lap and gestures to Sala. "Come on! Come to Penny!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala gives penny a very irritated look. "D-dammit Penny! I'm not some pet or something!", Sala said angrily with a dark blush in her face. she sighed and edged her way out form behind the pillar, her dick in her hands completely unable to hide its length. "Ah, there's our favorite little herm bug", Emily said with a grin. Jezzy's eye's were stuck on Sala's big thing. it was very lengthy for girl her size not mention she was a la'cotum herm witch were extremely rare. Jezzy gave an "ahem" then said, "oh..i see... don't worry about it. We really need to get you some clothes though you poor thing.", "I-I dont need your pity dammit! but....yeah i want to get back camp and get dressed....". mika nodded again. so they set off back down the stairs with jezzy and sala picking up the rear. it almost looked like she was trying to protect the little bug.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny has redressed and was following Mika back down the stairs. When they reached the flat floor she stepped in front of the group and turned around.

"Before we head out...I really need to ask." She looks to Emily first. "Emily...we have been through a lot together. The pirates, the reconstruction and all the wonderful gooey sex." She then looks down to Sala "We just met early today and I can already tell that I really like you. You hide your insecurity behind your aloof nature, but behind it all you are a very sweet girl who deserves more love in her life." She looks between the two of them. "So, with that being said....Would you two like to join Mika and I on my ship? It might be a little cramped with all of us but that is fine right?" Her cheeks blush to a nice bronze colour. "Maybe...if you don't mind it...joining us as pod mates? you don't have to answer that now...just having you travel with us would be nice."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily could normally handle everything Penny could throw at her, but this hit her straight in the heart. with her robotic hand placed on her mouth she gasped then said, "Oh Penny!", a few tears fall down her face. "it been a long time since I've felt so comfortable with someone.... someone who really gets me. and you saved me from a life of...well lets not go there...what I'm trying to say is....Yes! I'll love you forever! oh penny you make me feel so alive!", she ran up and hugged her. "And you Mika! you're just the sweetest thing I've ever seen in all my life. you're just so smart and caring and...just...perfect! i think I love you too!" she said as she ran over to her and gave her a big squeeze. Mika was turning very red but also a bright pink, Penny could probably recognize it as Mika's I love you color.

Sala's mouth was open, she couldn't talk, she couldn't speak. after a couple of seconds she said, "You-you really mean that? me? you like me...that much? you all said you don't mind...this thing?", she points to her long peen. it looked like she was desperately trying not to cry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny simply turned to Sala, too a knee and held her arms wide open. "Yes, you. We want you. Now are you going to keep us waiting or are you going to give this goo a hug?" Despite her calm demeanor Penny was exploding on the inside. She hasn't felt this happy since Mika agreed to be her first pod mate and it was taking everything she had not to pounce all three of them and not let go until she could list off every detail of their bodies.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala's face scrunched as she ran to penny and hugged her tightly, crying openly into her duster. her extra limbs soon followed suit wrapping themselves around penny tightly. Sala cried the cry that people did when they really needed to let it out, so she cried quite loudly. so much emotion flew through her body that she shook in penny's arms. Seeing Sala like that made Mika tear up a little herself as she hugged onto Emily.

Jezzy meanwhile had been moving about the room checking the corners with her sniper. she could feel the combat training that must have been taught to her. her instincts were still sharp. she was never one much for mushy stuff so lets the girls do their thing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny stood up with the little la'cotum girl in her arms, whispering sweet words into her ear while she keeps her arms nice and tight around her. She didn't try any funny business, no, this time she wanted to give nothing but comfort for her new pod mate. To show her that she was a person she could rely on for anything and everything. Turing to the others she walks over and motions for them to join in on the hug, wanting to give more to the abused and neglected Sala in her arms.