Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika stifled a gasp as she was filled vaginally her eyes widening. Floma looked at her pretending to wounder why she was making that face she gave a sly grin and said, "You ok Ms.Mika?". Mika tried to play off the fact the she had just gotten a pussy full of goo said, "I-I-I uh.....i was just remembering the...uh....pirate attack....It was so scary..." the side of her cheeks purpleing up. "A-Anyway thank you for the drinks." she said with a short bow. as they waved and turned to leave Floma could see a trail of drips leading to mikas pussy and she gave a short giggle. 

As mika took a sip of her juice she said, "O-once we get Emily back we will need too start our search....".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny wraps her arm around Mika again, holding her close as they walk. "Yes, I know. I just don't think we should share that news with everyone. Not until we are positive we know what we are working with. But that is then, this is now. And right now, I want to spend time with my beautiful lover." She plants a kiss on her forhead while the slime blobs rubs and tease at her insides.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika could tell she was leaking now with all the rubs and teases going on inside her. It embarrassed her to no end, she always did have a very wet pussy and when she was turned on she always leaked quite liberally. something witch penny was no well aware of at this point. It was one of the reasons that Mika had a habit of wearing black shorts and pants, but she had no such protection now as the occasional little drip would fall from her pussy and onto the sandy beach. "...If mom and dad saw me now...what would they think?", she said as she looked at her naked body, watching slivers of purple run across her. but the this made her wounder about penny's own mother, and since they weren't busy right now now would be a good time to ask. "so....Penny, you uh, talked about your dad....but what's your mom like?", she asked hoping the change of subject could take her mind off of her nudity.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"My mother is...a home body. She never really was on for adventure or going out and doing something crazy. She liked having things planned out and well within her future sight. But, she is a very caring and loving woman. Not once did I feel alone when I was growing up. She was very physical about her affection too, lots of hugs, pats, shoulder I got all that from her." She gives Mika a smile and casually rubs her hand over Mika's dripping pussy, soaking up her juices. "There isn't a mean blob of goo in her body. Neighboors, friends, family, strangers...she saw the good in every single person she meets and is always ready to listen should you need to talk. Basically, the opposite of my dad in some ways. Dad liked to adventure, mom liked to stay home. Dad was cautions of strangers, mom hugged them." She chuckled at the sheer contrast of it all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika stifled another gasp as Penny gave her pussy another gentle tease. "Ah! u-u-um, she does sound pretty nice.... does she keep in touch with you still?", she asked as she finished her juice. "Do you think......she'd like me?", she asked with a hopeful expression.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh yea, I send her the occasional email from my terminal and she sends me little notes every now and again. I am sure, without a doubt, she would love you like a daughter. In fact, I am slightly scared to take you too her for fear of her not letting you leave again!" she laughs and plants a kiss on her head. "I can hear her already, 'there is no need for a girl like you to be out on adventures! Stay here with me, we can hold down the house together. Where are my grand kids?' Oh we would never hear the end of it."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika actually laughed a little picturing the scene in her head. At this point Mika was at a loss for things that she could think to do. As she looked down on herself once more she though about how absurd this would have seemed to the Mika of a two weeks ago, had she become a different person? was this really a good thing? she did have the answers......

"well......what should we do now?" Mika asked as her hand began to play with her nipple unconsciously, when noticed this she stopped immediately, her face gooing red.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles and keeps walking until she finds a nice shady spot to sit down. She takes a seat, conjures up her two gray gooey horse cocks, then pats her lap. "The day is still young, the air is still warm, you are stil beautiful and I am still horny from playing around with you so much. Teasing is a double edge sword. So why don't I remove those blobs in the most fun way possible?" She gives Mika a sultry smile and strokes one of her cock without breaking eye contact.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked on to Penny's display with a look of surprise, her face going bright red. "O-Out here?! O-on the beach?! A-Are you sure about this?". While her mind was telling her no, her body was telling her yes as her pussy oozed lewdly beneath her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods her head with a grin. "Yes, out here! Right here! We just did it up on stage...but that was so flashy, all for winning the award. I want to take my time with you love, not use tentacles galore to please a crowd of horny onlookers. If people want to watch, let them, but I just want to feel you this time...if that makes any sense." She chuckles and pats her lap again. "Come on love, let me scratch that itch for you."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked around nervously. As she did, she spied a few people with their waists locked together among other things. This only fueled her arousal. Her eyes then when back to Penny, darting around her sexual parts. Then with after a deep breath she walked up to penny and hovered over her two cocks, looking down at them she said, "U-Um, h-how d-do, you this". She seemed to accept the offer willingly this time! This was no doubt a step forward for her!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
If Penny smiled any wider her face would stretch out to the sides. Her hands come up and gently grip Mika's hips "Just go nice and easy love, I don't want to rush this time." With a soft tug she pulls Mika down, inch by teasing inch until her cocks make blissful contact with Mika's holes. Oh so carefully she guildes her down, taking inch after inch until Mika's lovely ass plops into Penny's lap, her twin horse cocks pushing straight up into her ass and pussy. With a sigh of pleasure she wraps her arms around Mika's front and cups her breasts, twiddling her nipples between her gooey fingers.

"Mmm, Mika, if I had a choice in the matter I would stay like this forever! You are so warm and soft." She peppers Mika's cheeks with light kisses while kneading her breasts and grinding her cocks around inside her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika put her hands on her mouth as a slow moan tried to escape as she was pulled oh so slowly down onto Penny's familiar gooey members. As she finally fell into Penny lap, she could fell Mika shudder and shake a little as more of her wetness leaked out. As Penny's hands reached around and began to play around with her lovely supple D-cups, Mika's hands rested on top of Penny's as they went about their work, looking for reassurance. this was definitely new for her, even though she had done it on the stage not too long ago, It was different then. This time they were out in the open in a much more casual setting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's gooey body quickly goes about absorbing Mika's juices as she leaks into her lap. Her left hands lets go of her breast and gently turns her head to the right where Penny quickly captures her lips in a deep kiss, her goo tongue pushing into Mika's mouth and playing with her tongue. That free hand slides down her slim belly and begins to play with her exposed clit, rubbing teasing it softly. Her right hand now moves from breast to breast, spending time on each one equally. Her gooey cocks quickly merge with the blobs already inside of her, making them much larger to the point they take up every inch of free space inside her holes. Penny slowly begins to piston them down and up inside of her, the flared heads scarping against her walls while lewd wet sounds ring out between them catching the atttention of many passers by. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika had found out by now that she actually really liked Penny's warm, gooey, kisses..... but she could never find the right words to covey her feelings. Being shy and reclusive as she was, expressing her feelings was always a struggle. So she simply tried her best give penny an equally good kiss, swirling her flexible tongue all around Penny's gooey mouth. She made a cute little "mmph!" into Penny's mouth when she stared playing with her button. This caused her pussy to contract around Penny's shaft while her anus did the same. As the goo cocks expanded inside of her, her arms tensed as they moved around her body unsure of where to rest themselves. Then, as penny began pistoning into her slowly she decided to rest her hands on Penny's thighs.

Some of the people had indeed taken notice, with a few of them (especially the squiliden) openly stroking themselves as sensual scene unfolded. "oh would you look at that! Aren't they just adorable?", a female squiliden said as she walked by with her husband. "reminds me of when we were younger.", said the husband. Hearing that people were actively watching her Mika's ass began to leak a bit of ink, as she began to turn the same color as the sand.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny breaks the kiss for just a moment. "No love, don't try to hide...let them watch you in all your adorable glory." She quickly dives back into the kiss and doubles her efforts, moving her cocks faster inside her, scraping against her walls and even making them vibrate softly! Her hands pick up the pace as well, rolling her breasts around and tweaking her nipples while her other hand has her button pressed between her thumb and pointer finger as they gently knead the sensitive nub. 

As an extra surprise she conjures up two more gooey cocks and gently slides them into Mika's flexible holes, stuffing her nice and tight. She sets them into an opposite piston so while one pulls out the other pushes in, ensuring she always has ample amounts of cock in her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika wanted to hide, to shove her face into the sand and or to jump into the sea, but she didn't move. She made a promise to penny to do spend the day naked with her on the beach.....and do........stuff...with her..... but also it seemed to make penny very happy, and she liked to see her that way. So Mika turned her colors back to normal as she was thrown into a whole new batch of stimuli. It all felt so good, even though she herself would be hesitant to say so. With penny kneading her clit and nipples and the extra cocks, she was surprised to find herself still able to think. while normally she would have started to sink into the waters of Penny's ocean of lust and pleasure......she was more like....floating on the surface of it. "wait....i wanna stay here....with her....I want be able to....think about her...." she thought as she struggled to stay "afloat".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny can tell that Mika is staying with her this time and it sends her emotions into a flutter of pure joy. Her body slowly reaches out and absorbs Mika slightly, wrapping around her stomach and pulling her back into Penny. She pushes even deeper into the kiss, her gooey tongue almost reaching Mika's throat. The goo moves up and grabs onto Mika's breasts, teasing them at the same time with a full coverage massage. With her other hand now free she slides it down to Mika's pussy and uses both hands to tease and play with her buttons. The absorbing continues, Mika sinking into Penny's lap completely as the cocks inside her move faster and faster, leaking thin gooey pre cum inside.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika felt herself starting to slip away so she fought to keep herself there in the present. "oh god penny.....I don't know if I can keep it up....its so much.....", she thought. after just about losing herself to penny multifaceted "attack", she then tried a different approach: instead of pushing her way through the waves of pleasure, she tried rolling with them. Mika was never sure what to do with all the feelings she would have during these kinds of things, her mind had a tendency to shut off when she was wracked with feelings of lust and pleasure, almost like some kind of mental block. So this time she tried to allow herself to think and feel. Then a strange feeling came over her.......Mika's eyes went wide as she began to feel everything. Every thrust, every rub, every little pinch. Time seemed to slow down for her as penny's fast double thrusts felt more a like slow ponderous pistons. As she kissed penny she held her in her gaze for what seemed like an eternity. The next second ticked buy and everything sped back up, but this them she was fully aware of it all. her mind took the full brunt of Penny's loving embrace. her eyes watered as she became filled with emotions she couldn't fully understand.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny had a rough idea what Mika was going through, a sort of sexual clarity that she had since been ignoring by slipping in and out of a lust addled state. Pride and affection welling in her chest, she pushed even more into the kiss, trying to comfort and embrace her lover more than physically possible....but she tried all the same. Her attack on Mika's love button sped up slightly and her thrusts gained a bit more power behind each one. Her body continued to fondle, grope, squeeze and massage her stomach, breasts, legs and feet. Any part of her submerged in Penny's body was given ample attention and care. Gooey pre cum was flowing steadily into Mika's ass and pussy, liberally lubing her up and making thrusts smooth and easy. Penny didn't want this moment to end, to be so close to her lover both mentally and physically...but she could feel her climax rushing forward already, so she settled on simply enjoying it to the fullest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
This shift in paradigm had really caught Mika off guard, wholly unprepared for all feelings her body was giving her. She could feel her body filling up with a lusty heat as Penny's picked up the pace of her attack. She felt her insides ablaze with white hot pleasure as her holes were very quickly, vet gently, "double fucked". A few tears feel down her face as she struggled with so much emotion as well as lust. At this point her pussy and ass were really starting to leak, dripping all over penny with each thrust. After maybe a good thirty seconds of blissful clarity, She could feel a great heat growing in her groin that radiated out to her whole body. her pussy began to clamp down as her ass clenched in unison. This was it she was going to cum any second now....and she was going to feel it this time.....Then her orgasm hit like a runaway star freighter. she could feel the her whole body shudder as she was absolutely swamped by a wave of pleasure. she came hard with jets of ink and girl cum spraying all over. she broke the kiss as she cried out loudly just about screaming as she felt the full effects of an orgasm for the first time.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mika! i love you!" Penny cried as she felt her lover hit her first clear orgasm. The sensation alone was enough to send her over the edge and she quickly locked her pistoning dicks inside of Mika as they throbbed several times before unloading their gooey load deep inside her. Wave after wave of hot, fresh and gooey cum poured into Mika, crashing against her cervix and filling her womb while the other two cocks pumped her ass so full it started backing into her stomach. Penny's entire body locked up, her hands gently squeezing Mika's clit while the rest of her body simply clung to her for dear life as pleasure wracked her form. Penny's absorbent body quickly began soaking in Mika's cum and ink as fast as she could put it out. By the time Penny finally settles down, Mika is full enough to pass as a midway pregnant woman.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was able to last all the way to her orgasm, but after that point she lost her mental hold and fell into pleasure oblivion once more, completely losing conciseness and going limp in Penny's arms. Her face was quite content looking as she laid there in penny's lap fast asleep. it looked like Mika was having the most restful sleep she had ever had by how deep her breathing was, the tension had seemed to leave most of her body as well. Around her Penny could she that many other couples on the beach had decided to join them in showing their "love" as many other orgasmic cries could be herd around them. looking back to Mika, penny could tell that it was going to be awhile before she would wake up. Perhaps it was time to gather their things and head back to the hotel.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Planting a few more fleeting kisses on her sleeping lover, she pulls out of her stuffed holes, picks her up with loving arms and makes her way back to the hotel where she gets her cleaned up and crawls into bed along side her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's sleep is blessed with strange, but very relaxing dreams as she is held in Penny's loving arms. The night goes by without by incident and soon Mika finally awakes finding herself back at the hotel. She looks back to see penny sleeping there with her. slowly she got up out of bed. When she got to her feet she felt like she was walking on airs, like she was light as a feather. she put on her glasses as she sat on the bed. She then looked at her hands as she wondered "W-What happened back there......." aloud.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I have a hunch on that one love" Penny says as she sits up in bread, her bountiful breasts on display once more. "normally when things get heated you slip into a haze, letting your lust and pleasure submerge your consciousness. While that is all well and good, it does take away from the clarity of the ordeal, adding a sort of fuzzy barrier to what should normally be a sharp and clear experiance. This hung on. you grabbed at the pleasure you were feeling and for the first time...felt every glorious second of climax."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika held penny in her gaze as her eyebrows scrunched in thought. "er..... maybe.........." she said as she looked back to herself. "was that really what i was doing? is that really what i did? I cant say for sure....", she thought as got back to her feet. she wanted to maybe talk more about it but then she remembered: Emily was waiting for them! "O-Oh! Penny! Today is the day! We need to hurry up and go get Emily!" she said as she reached for the clothes bag and began to dress.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh my gosh! That's right! Emily!" She is in such a hurry she falls out of bed with a wet splat. Quickly getting back up and dressed she waits for Mika before rushing out the door.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
After pulling her shoes on, Mika dashed out the door with penny. After that they headed straight for the hospital. When they got there they found the same busty thong wearing nurse at the front desk. When she saw them come in she gave a warm smile. "Oh good, you're here. your friend cant wait to see you!", she said as she motioned for time to follow, again she walked ahead with that lovely plump rear swinging from side to side in front of them. Mika was so excited/worried about Emily however she didn't even notice the curvy butt in front of her. When they got back to the room from before they saw Dr.Garant and Emily in there waiting for them. emilys face was covered with a white cloth, looks like Emily wanted to surprise them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Of course Penny stared at that enticing ass in front of her, watching it sway side to side while mentally forcing herself to now send a few tentacles over and get a feeling of it. Her excitment practically radiates off of her as she steps into the room with a big smile on her face. "So, how did it go? Can we see now? oh don't tease me like this!"