Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


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Jun 30, 2016
Mika's eyes shifted around slightly as she was unable to but the feeling to words. "I-I don't know.....i get this weird feeling when i take a deep breath or when I touch the water....almost like I've....been here before...", she said as she looked on with a ponderous expression.


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Oct 1, 2015
"It is your home planet love. Weather you were born or raised on a space station or different planet, this place will always feel is where your people first started to become what they are now." She gives Mika soft smile. "Maybe you were here once before, when you were really little? We could always ask your mother back at the ship."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"hmmm....W-Well I guess its nothing to worry about" she said as she kicked her feet a little. then she noticed that a stand out on the sand selling Mutsuo (a kind of traditional cotton candy like treat of the squiliden.) "Oh! Mutsuo! over there we should get some!", Mika's face seemed to light up at the site of the tasty treats. "I l-love that stuff, its also a very ancient food, it originated all the way back to the beginning our iron age!". and so as Mika lead them over there she gave penny various historical facts associated with the treat and other foods for that time period. Again mika seemed so relaxed and happy when ever she got a chance to share her knowledge. when they got to the stand to get some however penny could see a few humans in a group, all of them males who were also nude. All of them seemed to be eyeing Mika, especially a dark skinned tall, bald man. he seemed to slide his way over to Mika as she grabbed the two mutsuo cones. "Hey, weren't you the one of the ones who won that competition from earlier?", he asked from behind her. Mika was sightly started by the sudden question form behind. As Mika turned around she could see him standing there in the nude before her, his decently sized cock slightly erect. He had a rather lewd smile on his face as he stood there looking at her. "I-I um....yes?", she said nervously trying to keep her eyes away from his package.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny reaches over and takes one of the cones from Mika's hands. She is wearing a slightly strained smile on her face and promptly wraps her free arm around Mika's shoulder, holding her nice and closer to her body. "Yes...WE, were the winners of the COUPLES competition. You know, the one where you and your SIGNIFICANT OTHER get to show off how much they love each other." She keeps putting heavy emphasis on any word that would drill in the fact that Mika was spoken for. "Thank you for the acknowledgement but Mika, my POD MATE, and I are going to enjoy a lovely time on the beach with our historical Mutsuo snack." She turns them around but before she starts walking she whispers to the human "Try and touch her and I will see just how far i can get my tentacles up your ass..." then flips around and starts walking with Mika in front of her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked back and forth nervously as Penny more or less chewed the imposing man. His eyebrows raised up at penny's threat  and continued to watch them as they moved away, a scowl on his face. After Penny and Mika had moved away he returned to the other nude males as they began to huddle together somewhat suspiciously. Penny had a felling that they might try something later....

As Penny tried her snack she found it to not only be quite sweet, but also sour at the same time, they both blended together to make an interesting fluffy treat. "In ancient times, my people believed the snack to give good luck to those who ate it. but only if it was shared between two people....", she said as she ate some.


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Oct 1, 2015
With a smile on her face she leaned over and took a bite out of mika's cone. She then holds her out for Mika to have a bite. "Then let's share! Here, have a bite of mine and lets claim that good luck!" Her normal bubbly attitude is back but at the same time she keeps and eye open for any further trouble. "This stuff is really good! It makes the perfect treat for enjoyed a vacation." As they walk she can't help but oogle at Mika's exposed butt and she slowly slides her hand to give it a squeeze.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika nibbled some of Penny's snack with a little smile. Mika was then reminded of how exposed her butt cheeks were when Penny give her a squeeze. she jerk just a bit but relaxed when she saw it was only penny. Afterwards the two of them actually took a dip, with Mika showing how fast she could swim. Being able to swim circles around any other races in the water. After about an hour or so of splashing around and generally having a good time, (with penny occasionally giving Mika teasing squeezes here and there no doubt) they swam back on the beach. But as they rose from the water the back of Mika's sling bikini was suddenly grabbed and she was yanked back wards into the water, giving a short yelp. she then resurfaced with one of the male humans from before a slim fair skinned guy with brown hair. He had grabbed her from around the waist and was moving her away from penny swiftly as more of the dark skinned mans posse showed up around penny standing between her and her beloved squiliden. "Ah! L-Let go of me!" she cried as she struggled in the slim mans grasp. "hey don't struggle so much babe." said the dark man as he appeared before her again, this time his "shaft" at full mast. "I thought you squiliden loved to be handled", he said, again showing the same lewd grin from before.


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Oct 1, 2015
Her eyes widened as she heard Mika's distressed call and quickly spun around. Seeing her being dragged away sparked that primal anger in her, but she quickly bit that back down. She doesn't wait however, when the others tried to get in her way she simply started walking toward them, a dark look on her face. "I am giving you punks this one chance to run away right now. If you are still in my way when I reach you...this will not end well for you." She is only ten steps away from them at this point.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
There were four of them in all. All of them nude but rather muscley looking. they folded there arms at Pennys threat. "i don't see what your so upset about, our boss just wants to have a little 'chat' with the girl" one of them said to her with a cheeky grin on his face. It seemed that not only did they have no intention of moving, but they seemed to have no clue just who they were messing with. As Mika struggled in the thin mans grasp as the dark boss man walked up to her. "Don't look so scared babe, I'm not gonna hurt you. I saw you up there on that stage you know.", he said as he looked her over, undressing her with his eyes. Mika stopped for a second her face turning red. "I saw you taking it like submissive little bitch, eager to let everyone get into all your holes. So, i had to find you. I've been looking for a new girl for my harem of squid bithces, and you fit the bill." He said with another lewd grin. Mika looked back at him her hole body turning yellow. "N-NO! IM NOT LIKE THAT!", Mika shouted at him her eyes shut tightly. "Really? Then how come you get so wet when people watch? I know why because you want it! you want everyone to use and abuse you just like all the other slut squids around here.", he said as he motioned behind him. "No, no, no, no!", Mika said as she resumed her struggles.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
" have made your choices. No complaining." Penny casually steps up in front of the two blocking her path. She looked at the left then at the right before letting a wicked right hook fly, slamming into the right guys face, sending him staggering backwards. Her eyes pan to the left and her knee comes up in a flash, quickly slamming into the other guys junk with a thick slap noise, dropping him in an instant. Her cold eyes lock onto the boss as she starts walking again. "You are currently holding my beloved pod mate. You obviously don't know what that means to a galora. Combine that with her obviously saying no and telling you to release her....well, lets just say you have made a very large mistake." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
With the first guy staggered backwards and the second guy out for the count, the other two looked at each other then back to the boss. "What are you idiots doing? Get her! Can't you see I'm trying to conduct business over here!?" he shouted irritatedly at his cronies. Then the other two of the "nude posse" went for penny trying to tackle her to the ground.

Mika looked on seeing the other come at her from behind, "P-penny! behind you!", she shouted before the leader. grabbed her face to make her look at him. "Don't you worry about her! we're talking here! now, I'm a rich an powerful man, when i want something I take it." He said as he looked Mika in the eyes. Mika was shaking as he held her in his gaze. she was about to say something but just then the dark man said, "Get her out out of that flimsy thing lets get a good look at her." he said as a evil grin slithered across his face. Mika struggled again her colors turning yellow and orange, and in an instant her blue sling was pulled off in one fluid motion leaveing her exposed and to him. Even though she was embarrassed and scared her nipples and clit popped up fully erect aroused by the sudden feeling of the open air on them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
she side stepped the attack from behind and grabbed him by the back of the head. Stepping forward with his momentum she used him as a human batteringram, slamming him face first into his friends face, a two for one action combo. Her eye are riveted to the boss of the group as she started walking toward him. "A rich an powerful man huh? Rich...maybe, powerful? No. You are a coward who hides behind others while forcing himself on someone who can't fight back. It is scum like you that really piss me off as you expect the world to be handed to you on a silver plate!" She keeps walking forward, her hands balled into fists. "Well, time for all that to come back and bite you straight on the ass!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Hearing his goons fall to the ground knocked out mad him stop looking all over Mika's nude struggling body. "What the hell?!", he cried as he looked over his men. "hey you listen here! I'm not someone you fuck with you hear me bitch?!", he said as he pointed a shaky finger at penny. while he looked like he wasn't afraid of her at all the shakiness of his fingers spoke volumes of what he was really feeling. "im the part of the R.R. syndicate! you mess with me, you mess with them!". Mika was still in the grip of the thin fair skinned guy. while penny was confronting the boss. while she was so embarrassed to be stripped like that and her lust had been lighted ever so slightly, Mika was already analyzing the situation. if the boss and the thin man ran with her now she might end up who knows where, and she didn't want to think about what would happen next......she needed to do something before the escaped with her! then it hit her! while the thin mans grip on her was quite impressive to keep even a squishy squiliden like her in check he was very exposed like she was.....she could feel the bush of his cock against her leg......she really didn't like that...but it gave her an she really wasn't to keen on...her legs weren't restrained. So she lifted one leg up high while the thin man was watching penny and his boss. then with very pained expression Mika swung her leg back down hitting the thin guy right in the nuts! His eye bugged out and he immediately dropped her to the ground, clutching at his sensitive little orbs. she quickly got to her feet and ran towards penny as fast as she could. "What?! you bitch!" the boss man said as his last guy went down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny quickly grabbed Mika into a loving, but short hug. "One second love." She walked over till she was face to face with the boss of the group. "You messed with the wrong galora mr. RR syndicate. I don't care who you are with, how much money you have or how many morons you have blindly serving you. mate! Daddies money won't help you here!" She brings back her fist and slams it straight into the guys nose, sending him sprawling onto his back. "Let that be a lesson to you. The world isn't all for you, there is always a bigger fish and a stronger bond. Why don't you take a long look in the mirror and reevaluate your life choice...spoiled little brat!"

She turns and runs back to Mika, wrapping her naked lover up in her arms. "Mika! That was amazing! Such a good kick!" She peppers her face with light kisses while squeezing her agaisnt her own body. "Come on lover, lets leave these guys to stew in their own failure." She lifs Mika up into her arms and carries her away, still walking along the water. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As the dark skinned man fell on his back on the sand sirens could be heard, apparently the scuffle hadn't gone unnoticed and the squiliden police would deal with them now. As Mika calmed down in penny's arms she realized she was still naked! "Ah! Penny! w-wait! M-M-My swimsuit!" she said as she held onto penny trying to hide herself.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
For once she hadn't actually noticed and quickly turned around. "I don't see it! The water must have swept it away." She looks down at her adorable lover, her eyes drinking in her perfect form. "How about...just this indulge in my selfish desires? Can we please walk around the beach naked together? Maybe....get a little frisky on the sand after that? Please?" She gives Mika her best googly eyes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked to herself, then to penny, then all around her. a good percentage of the people around them were as naked as she was. her eyes then shifted about nervously as she considered Penny's request. after taking a long look in penny's eyes she said meekly, "......Can I k-keep my glasses......"
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Oct 1, 2015
A huge happy smiles spread across her face as she nodded her head vigorously. "Yes of course! Oh thank you Mika! Thank you!" She gently puts Mika down on the sand and deftly strips out of her one piece swim suit, leaving her gold and gray body on full display. "Well then, lets really enjoy the beach now!" She puts her arm around Mika's shoulder, resting her hand on her breast and starts walking down the beach side by side with her lover. 

"doesn't this feel so..liberating? Much better than clingy swim suits!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked around nervously and clung to penny's side wholly unsure about all of this. sure she had spent four whole days naked on penny ship and had done at least two shows by now, but public nudity was a whole other ball game for her. Penny could feel her shake just a bit here and there as they walked by other people, only a few of them payed any real attention to them however, with the squiliden giving her knowing winks and little giggles. Obviously, they all enjoyed watching the cute little star born walk around so nervously. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mika, love, try to relax at least a little bit. I know you are nervous and this is most likely very embarrassing...but you are with me now! You saw back there that I will keep you safe! Besides, those guys were just a bunch of creeps, no one else here is going to do more than look!" She gives her shoulders an affectionate squeeze and gently rolls her nipple between her fingers. "Deep breaths love, and just revel in this freedom of movement we have right now." 

Of course, Penny would not pass up such a perfect opportunity to tease her lover. She slowly slides her hand down, along the curve of Mika's stomach and gives her rump a firm squeeze. her hand then moves between those plush cheeks and begins teasing her ass hole with two fingers as they walk. Her hand slowly shifts into a tentacle and pushes inside, settling into a smooth and slow piston motion before pushing in and cutting off! Penny reforms her hand outside of Mika, leaving a large blob wiggling around inside her. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika tried her best to relax but Penny's little gropes and squeezes made it hard on the little squiliden. being nude increased everything she felt it was all getting her a little hot and bothered. "I-I.......i feel everything........its so......distracting....", she said meekly. Then Penny went for her butt slowly sticking a tentacle in her. she gasped sharply and looked at penny with a look of surprise.
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Oct 1, 2015
She gives Mika a sly wink and keeps walking down the beach like nothing odd is going on. "I know, it feels wonderful! To be so open, so free and unrestricted about what you have to wear and if it fits the situation." Again she rests her arm around Mika's shoulder and holds her close, the large blob of goo inside her ass starts to warm up considerably and rub against her anal walls.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
this time Mika knew what was going on, it was the same trick from back on Ma-Joon. She didn't know what Penny's angle was this time, was she trying to get her real riled up and lusty, or just trying to make her feel good so she could relax? Looking around she could see that there were many people giving there own lovers little teases here and there. " guess I'm not the only one..." she thought as she looked around her face reddening. with her ass getting toyed like that it was no surpise to see her nipples and clit shoot back up, fully erect. Perhaps penny was giving her something to anchor her mind to; the feeling in her ass. So, she took a deep breath, it was a little shaky but she did seem to relax a bit, her hold on penny softening. Again she could feel that same familiar feeling this time from her skin. Her exposed body feeling the warm air blow by softly.
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny gives Mika a loving smile. "There you go love. Just relax. Enjoy the breeze on your body where it normally can't reach." She continues walking along the coast, the goo in Mika's ass gently rubbing and teasing her inner walls as they go. Finding a neat looking shell, Penny squats down to poke at it, her own ass going on full display at the new pose. "If you want love, I can take it out. Though I admit that it feels lovely having a piece of me in you." 


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Jun 30, 2016
Mika thought about it, this might start getting her all lusty and purple, but she didn't want to say no to penny disappoint her. "W-Well um, i-if you'd......keep it um...gentle...I'd appreciate it.....", she said as her eyes shifted about. She felt she owed penny a little fun after all she had done for her. "could we...get something to drink?" she asked trying not to eye penny's ass.
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Oct 1, 2015
She stands back up and looks around. "Yea, I am starting to feel a little dry myself!" She spots a stand down the way and takes Mika's hand in hers, heading toward it. "Thank you love! I have not had this much fun in a long time! To just walk around and relax without something looming over my head is a lovely change! Of course, having you by my side makes everything a hundred times better!" She quickly plants a kiss on her lips and the goo in her ass gently pushes around again.


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Jun 30, 2016
Her pussy moistened a bit at penny's kiss and little bit of anal play. Thankfully for Mika her ass wasn't her weak spot, that would have to go to her pussy, so she felt like she could handle it. going up to the stand they found that the vendor was Floma, the pink hostess girl from before. as she saw the two of them approach she gave a warm smile. Mika was somewhat hiding behind as they got up to the stand. "Well if it isn't the lucky couple! well you two must be thirsty then."


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Oct 1, 2015
"Hello again Floma! So good to see you again." She pulls Mika up to the front to stand next to her. "We are just enjoying some beach time and were looking to get a drink, something to fight off the heat. What do you have?" Penny gently pushes her knee against Mika's wet crotch, grinding against it gently.


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Jun 30, 2016
Mika tried not to react but she still bit her lip softly at penny's little rub at her crotch. "Well here on cephodia we have some great tasting fruit juices, I've got some here that humans say taste quite a bit like lemonade." she filled two cups for them and mika was able to pay for them through her glasses (they have link to her terminal.). as they took them Floma asked "You know I'm curious just what made you come here to your home world Ms.Mika? I know part of it was for that friend of yours penny mentioned, but I get a feeling it was more then that." Mika looked to penny with look that said, should we tell her?
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled and answered instead. "Curiosity brought us here. Mika was telling me about how she was star born and didn't remember ever coming down to the planet. So, we started to make our way here since we didn't have much else to do...and then we got caught by space pirates. That is a story all on it's own though."

Mika can feel a tentacle slide into her pussy from Penny's knee. It pushes in until her entire vagina is full of gold goo before promptly separating from Penny's body and getting nice and snug inside her.