Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The guard gave a hearty chuckle as Mika cried, "N-NO! PENNY!" as she swiftly pulled her shirt and bra back down with an extremely embarrassed look on her face. Emily gave penny a high five for her little tease. After looking at Mika then the statue he said, "Hmmm, you know now that you mention it....i do see a little bit of a resemblance heh heh." After straightening her shirt and adjusting her glasses Mika gave a sigh and said, "A-Anyway can we examine those ruins? i have credentials that prove i am full fledged archeologist." He gave her a grin, "Just show me all of that stuff and i can let you go on in....miss goddess", he said with another chuckle. After showing all her associated "paperwork" they were soon allowed inside. The temple was large and imposing despite is ancient and overgrown state. Many more carvings and reliefs covered the temple all over probably part of the ancient squiliden pantheon. the temple itself was constructed out of some kind of marble or similar substance with its style of architecture reminiscent of old earths Japanese and Roman temples. Inside it was grand and spacious with many stone pews lined up around an altar. ahead of them three doorways could be seen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You know...I am starting to connect the dots here Mika but I can't be sure of anything right you think another one of those silver trays is going to slide out from one of these doors?" Penny walked over to the door on the left and knocked on it lightly a few times. "Hello anyone home?" After getting some looks from the others she shrugged her shoulders. "What? That is how you get attention isn't it? By knocking on the door and calling out?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika remembered the silver plates and sighed "ugh I-I really hope we dont have to deal with that again.....I mean....why would there even be something like that!", Mika said with a slightly annoyed expression on her face. "Hmmm? silver plates? what are you talking about penny?" Emily asked with a curious expression. Before penny could answer Mika rushed over and covered Penny's mouth before she could answer. "Oh. Uh, don't worry a-about that! we just found some similar artifacts at two different sites that's all." mika said as she tried to down play the subject.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny gently moved Mika's hands from her mouth and smiled at her. "Not to worry love, I won't mention the silver plates that would open doors only if you got your girl cum all over them....oops! silly me, I just blurted that out loud now didn't I? I am such a blabber mouth!" She gives a big innocent grin at Mika.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's eye twitched slightly at Penny as she herd Emily bust out laughing behind them. "hahahaha! oh I'm almost inclined to believe you!", Emily said as she tried to get a handle on her giggling. After a big sigh Mika finally said, "anyway...... these are ancient squiliden ruins, so its safe to say that they aren't going to have any actual functioning technology. At least not anything like we found back on Ma-Joon.", Mika then took a long scrutinizing look about the room. "judging buy the quality of the stone work here I'd have have to say that these ruins are atleast around 2500 or so years old. Hmmmm so There must be some kind of mechanism to open at least one of these doors." they then noticed two other states of the fertility goddess in little alcoves on ether sides of the room. They both held a basket in one arm with the other holding a oddly phallic shaped object. ancient squiliden could be seen carved on the walls near them. just like the one outside they looked allot like Mika, and both were standing there nude with the same sash like before. Seeing more of them made her feel quiet a bit unsettled, they really did look eerily like her. Her Lust for knowledge overcame her hesitation and she went over to examine the words written on both sides. "Thankfully I know how to read this....lets see the one on the right says: Those who wish for entry into the inner sanctum must first show us knowledge of the intimate. On this statue you must fill the hole of creation.", Mika scratched her head, "hole of creation? hmmm..... the one on the left says: On this statue you must fill the hole of waste. hmmmm not sure what they mean by that.......", Mika said as she pondered the meaning behind the words. If Penny looked closely at the statue to the right she could see that this one was also quite well crafted with its stone pussy seeming slightly opened up reviling a dark inside.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ok....this is going to sound weird but...the hole of creation could be referring to the vagina and womb...they create life. If I am seeing this correctly, the pussy on this statue is open a something could be inside. The other one is..the hole of waste. If we are going by the theme, that means the ass hole...for while it is fun to use, it is a waste of seed. Maybe I am just a pervert but humor me for a second." Two of her gooey dread locks slide down into gray tentacles and shift into her normal horse cock shapes. She pushes on into the vagina of the right statue, and the other into the ass of the left statue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny Pushed her way into the statues she felt something click inside of them. Then after a second ticked by the doors to the left and right opened slowly with a small scraping sound, the door in the middle stayed closed however. "Holy cow! good thinking Penny!", Emily said as she patted her on the back. Mika had her hands over her mouth as penny jammed her gooey cocks into the statues holes and then jumped as the two door opened up behind her. "Well, that was.......interesting....but now the question is witch way...", Mika said as she looked down the doorways. The one on the right lead upwards while the one on the left downwards, faint noises could be herd coming from the left passage but they were so quiet it was hard to tell just what they were.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm, how about we take both paths? I could split in two and each of you could take a little Penny with you. That way we can cover both ends at the same time, then meet up here again later! Either that or go one at a time and leave one path wide open while we explore the other." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I'm not sure i like the idea of splitting up....", Mika said as she looked both ways. "Agreed, I'd rather have one whole Penny them two little ones....cute as they may be." Emily said as she gave Penny a wink. "In my experience, its usually the deep underground parts of a ruin that have all the important stuff.", Mika said as she moved to start down the path on the left. As they went downward they continued to hear a very faint muffled sound. the sound got louder as the moved onward almost sounding like someones voice. "wait....what is that?", Emily said a slightly concerned look on her face. Just then they could hear a muffled help! coming from somewhere further down the path. Hearing that, they quickly sped down the dark pathway. Mika quickly turned on her glasses flash light function as they run lest the trip or something. As they rounded a corner they beheld a frightful sight. what looked like a small la'cotum girl was tided up and hung by some strange black gooey substance in the shape of a web. Next to the girl a large black and blue slug like creature stared back at them its four blue eye stalks rotating their way. the creature that was apparently going to do something to the girl was a large slug like creature with many tentacles along its back. on its bulbous face a circular jawless mouth could be seen lined with hundreds of small pointy teeth.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh that is not ok! Only room for one gooey, slimy person around here and I am rather attached to that spot!" She puts on her gauntlets and steps in front of Mika and Emily. "Mika got any information on this thing? Where can I hit it and make it hurt?" She carefully eyed the creature, trying to spot any weak points.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped as she took in the sigh with Emily doing the same. "AH! T-Thats a yai-yoba!", Mika shouted. "I-It has paralyzing spit! do not let that hit you! Uh... um...uh...... If i had to guess the face is no doubt its weak point!", Mika said as she tried to think as fast as she could. Just then the yai-yoba made a grugleing sound and a nasty looking glob of green goo shot towards Penny!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She jumps out of the way thanks to Mika's warning. "Paralyzing spit!? Oh that is so not fair! That is going to make this really awkward to fight...especially if I have to hit it in the face!" She tries to get closer to the creature, moving slowly to give herself plenty of time to dodge. One wrong step and her gooey body will absorb that spit and that would be game over.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
At this point the the giant slug had its attention fully on Penny as she was the one moving around. The small la'cotum girl was quite surprised to see people had actually come to save her. "Look out! This nasty thing has some kind of sticky black stuff too!", the small la'cotum shouted to them in warning. The "nasty thing" gurgled again and this time shot out a thin black gooey stand from one of its back mounted tentacles at penny hoping to snare her in the sticky substance. Emily in the mean time was trying to work her way slowly around the fight along with Mika, heading towards the bound up la'cotum girl.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny threw herself to the floor just in time to doge the black goo. "Oh come on! How much cheap stuff do you have in that nasty body?!" She rolled out of the way of another spit attack and worked on closing the gap. when she was close enough she took a lunge and jabbed right at it's face, her gauntlet going off seconds afer her fist hit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Pennys fist impacted with yai-yoba's face pushed it back a few feet when the pistons fired off. It seemed to gurgle in pain looks like mika was right! At the same time it looked like it was going to take allot more then that to bring it down. In the meantime the other two girls had snuck there way over to the cuaght up la'cotum girl. when Mika looked at her face she seemed kind of familiar....she couldn't place it however. The girls four green eyes stared back at her irritatedly, "Hey! don't just stand there get me out of here!" she said quietly with a worried look on her face. "Right then, lets pull her out together ok." Emily said as she took hold of the girls arm. "R-right I'll pull with you!", Mika said as she grabbed onto her waist ready to pull. the great slug then fired off another volley of spit and black goo Penny's way hope into to catch her in the assault.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny dodges left but her right hand gets covered in the black goo, mucking up the piston of her gauntlet and rendering it useless. "Oh come on now! That is going to take forever to clean up! you better not have ruined any of the parts!" She steps forward and goes for a left hook at its face once again. "Just go down already you stupid slug!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The yai-yoba was apparently smarter then it looked as it pulled its head into its body to dodge Penny's swipe. it then counter attacked by smacking her across the face with a tentacle sending her back a bit. Mika gasped as she saw the nasty slug whip penny. "Dont worry Mika! She's all right! she's a tough girl remember? now help me pull this girl out of here!" Emily said as she began to pull with all her might. "Owowowow! hey watch it! hurry up! I'm too cute to die like this!", the short lacotum girl cried. Mika then joined in, holding tightly on Emilys waist as them pulled hard on the trapped bug girl. with a big heave they finally manged to pull her free. a ripping sound could be herd as she was pulled from the sticky ooze. When they got back up they realized that not only had they pulled the girl free, but the goo was clinging so tightly to her that her shirt was ripped off along with her bra! leaving her C almost D-cups bouncing free as all three of them fell on top of each other.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny slid to a stop and shook her head. "Well, aren't you just a smart little slug." She moved forward again and went for another straight punch, but purposefully pulled it back knowing that the slug would dodge once again. She then grabbed the tentacle as it came down for a hit with her armored hand and gave that a mean squeeze before pulling on it. "Got you now!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The giant slug gurgled in surprise as its tentacle was snagged in penny's iron grip. It wiggled it around for a second before trying to fire another shot of poison her way. Mika had swiftly untangled her self for the two other girl do to her flexible nature and quickly helped them up. When the la'cotum girl noticed her boobs were out she shouted "AH! SOlOUS DRAXUM!" (the aforementioned oh my god or holy hell for la'cotum) as she swiftly covered her bare breasts with her armored hands. "No time to worry about that, lets get out of the way!", Emily said as she quickly pulled the girl to safety. Mika looked at the fight that was unfolding trying to think of a plan of action.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny ducked under the spit attack and pulled on the tentacle more. using her right hand she grabbed one of the eye stalks and pulled on that to keep it's head out while she brought her left hand in for another hit. "Try to dodge this one you slimy bastard!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
This time the nasty slug took the full force of penny armored fist. As it was smacked dead center of the face it reeled backwards as it wiggled around, dazed by the attack. As this happened Mika new that, while the attack were certainly hurting the thing it would take to long to put it out of commission that way. she looked around quickly scanning the area for something they could use. She then spotted a lose stone in the wall near the giant slug. It looked quite heavy, defiantly heavy enough to squish the smiley predator. "P-Penny! the wall! there's a s-stone there that could squish it!" Mika shouted back to her. "Q-Quickly while its still dazed! knock it down!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Trusting Mika completely, Penny threw herself over to the wall and brought both her fists down onto it as hard as she could several times, trying to knock the stone loose.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny pounded away the stone began to budge ever so slightly, each hit loosening its hold in the wall. At the same time the yai-yoba had regained its composure and was slithering its way towards penny at an alarming pace. just before it could fire off a shot of its poison spit the rock finally fell! It fell right on top of the giant slug squishing it flat, as it insides splattered everywhere. Everyone in the pathway got splashed with black and blue mucus as the creature gargled its last breath. allot of it had landed on the la'cutom girl her screamed as she was spattered with nasty mucus. "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! EWEWEWEWEW!", she cried as she tried to get it off. Mika and Emily only got some of the slugs guts on them but for the most part they were ok. Mika breathed a sigh of relief as she looked over to penny. "you ok P-Penny?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, I am fine. Annoyed about my gauntlet, but fine. See, this is why we make a good team love. You do the thinking, I do the punching! A perfect combo." She walks over to the others while flicking goo off her duster. "So, who are you girl? Why are you down here?" She stares at the girls exposed breasts "Thanks for taking your shirt off though, I always appreciate some eye candy!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
the la'cotum girl looks down remembering that her breasts were exposed. "Gah! HEY! Stop looking at me like that!", she said as small girl covered her breasts her face showing a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. Mika shyly averted her eyes Emily asked "Yeah tell us what fact, how did you even get in here?". The la'cutom girl looked them over warily before she spoke. "Well first off the name is Sala, and I'm a treasure hunter! the best there ever will be!", Sala said as she buffed out her chest making her tits bounce. but then she realized she still wasn't wearing a shirt and covered her breast back up. "stop looking at them like that..... its not funny ok!", she said angrily. "N-No its fine dont worry about it I know its not your fault." Mika said to try and placate her. " did save me i guess i can tell you how i got in here...." Sala then explained that she had put the strange phallic objects into what she called "the two pervert goddess statues" and the door opened. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh....that is what those are for? I just used my hair!" She moves a gooey dreadlock in front of her face and shapes it into a horse cock. "Like this, wanna taste?" She laughs as she pulls it back and shifts it back to normal. "so you are a treasure hunter huh? That is cool, except really dangerous. Do you have any way of defending yourself? A weapon at least? Also, stop freaking out about your boobs, all three of us have them." a smile spreads across her face. "If you like, I could make you a goo bra to at least cover them up!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily chuckled, knowing exactly what penny was doing. Sala looked at her with scrutinizing expression. "Well, you do ow me a shirt so yeah gemme" she said with an expectant look. Mika looked like she was going to say something but she just looked off to the side. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course of course." Penny pulled a blob of gold goo off her body and began shaping it up. Soon she was holding a gold tube top which he held out for her. "Here you go, this should look nice on you!" She is wearing an innocent smile full of lies.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gave penny a look that said penny...what are you doing?  Sala quickly snatched it away and hurriedly put it on while trying to block the view with her four spider like legs on her back. "Oh yes much Better.. the gold is a good color for you.", Emily said with a smirk. Once Sala had the goo bra on she looked down to see that her baggy green pants were covered in black mucus. She gave a sigh and then straightened her self out before saying, "Oh yeah i do have some concussion asked if i had any weapons....but there mine ok! don't think im gonna give em to you.....". "I'm j-just glad your ok. oh I'm Mika by the way", Mika said as she gave Sala a short bow. "Im Emily, a pleasure." she said as she patted her back, to witch Sala eyed her over, her four blue eyes watching them all carefully. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I am Penny, the muscle behind our group. These are my gauntlets...real weapons. not one offs like your grenades." She looks down at her pants and even more evil thoughts form in her mind. "Hey...your pants look rather ruined as well don't they? Won't they just stick to the next thing you might bump into? Why don't we completely the look? I can make some gold pants for fact, why not a full gold suit?"

Mika knows the look in her eyes, so mischievous and full of teasing. If this goes through...Sala is going to be in for one hell of an exploration.