Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Yeah, yeah that'd be my first guess too." Melanie nodded, holding her chin in contemplation. "Well that answers that. She's all good and well, and you are too hopefully right?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh yea! I mean... nothing has really changed other than making a fun new friend! But I am just about as set as one could hope to be! How about you... you feeling alright? You sure have a large group of people now... hmm." That seems to make him a tad nervous. "Umm, so, you should really keep a close eye on them..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The night rolled over and Elmyra awoke once again to the morning sun pouring in through her hut door. She got better rest thanks to the blankets and pilow she was given the previous night. Within minutes Hyoju shows up with several plates of fruit and puts them in front of her.

"Eat up cow! you will need your energy for today!" He says, looking obviously excited. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hmm, speedy little bastard," mumbled Unta. Slowing her pace to a trot, she continued to follow the freshly upturned sand.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The line of sand leads her on and on into the desert. She has to stop several times to eat and drink with Greta least the heat work them over. There doesn't seem to be anything out here... just sand and more sand. the sun is on it's way down by the time they finally see something. Far in the distance is two mountains with a village built between them and on them as even from this distance Unta can see building built into the mountain sides.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta: "I guess so... but the sand trail leads to that town so... I get the feeling they won't be too friendly." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As she stalks closer to the town she gets a good look at it. It is fairly large, much like the dragon people, and made completely out of sand stone. It is populated by nothing but lizard people of both genders, standing on average 7 feet tall, covered in light colored scales and being fairly toned from living in this harsh land. There is only one way in, thanks to the walls, and it has two guards watching over it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie fiddled nervously with an arrow as Tom spoke. "Why... would I do that? Samara, Walsh, and Korlish are family. By now, so is Busco, and Umi and Wendy couldn't hurt an ant-I mean fly!" She tried to cover up the slip of the tongue, but even she knew that the moment wasn't salvageable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Surprisingly, Tom doesn't run in fear, he just shakes his head "I don't mean that... it's just... large groups are generally given harder challenges... the kinds of challenges that have bad consequences to failing. I have talked to others that had groups of four or five... and every time they failed a room... it cost them one of their members in one way or another...." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two guards were instantly facing her, sand stone staves at the ready as she approached 

"Halt! You are not welcome here! None but our own may enter the village!"

"Yes! No move along else we MAKE you one of ours!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie's eyes showed her relief, still stifled somewhat with concern, but at the very least reassured that there wasn't some horrible, twisted backstory of Umi's or Wendy's that Tom somehow knew about and that they should take caution around the duo. "I get where you're coming from, and it's good that you're worried. Sometimes, I forget to look ahead. I get everybody into some kind of trouble, and never stop to think about what's what. No matter how many times the group nearly gets split up for good, I just can't get a grip and realize that things are serious down here. But this labyrinth is fun Tom, it really is. More fun than I've ever had, or so I've been thinking. This place is..." she struggled for a moment for the words, not wanting to piss the great labyrinth god off any more than she already had. "This place is rough too. It's dangerous and scary, but no matter where we end up, we manage to make new friends and families to make up for the ones we've never had. I'm not just beating myself up here, I'm learning. The labyrinth is no playground, and a group of five or four is a worrying thing. I guess what I'm getting at is... we'll have to stick together. Thank you, genuinely for giving me the insight to help us all stay intact. We'll have to work and train and trust one another. Realize eachother's shortcomings too, and help them for their faults. That's no walk in the park either, but if there's a chance it'll keep the family so that we stay a family, I'm willing to try."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi snuggled Wendy and said, "I... dont know... But still gonna get you....". after laying there quietly for a second she asked, "What do you think of our new... Um... friends?", with a light blush.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I don't like your look, what's coming today for me?" She started to eat the fruit even if she didn't wanted, but she was no longer in control of her action. Her body was just acting without the accord of her mind.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom smiled and nodded his head. "I am glad you already seem to understand what I mean. Keep your family going Melanie... because this labyrinth wants to pull it apart. Watch over them... don't take stupid risks unless needed and for the love of all things good, STICK TOGETHER. If you get separated... you probably won't get them back again... at least, not in the way you might like."

Wendy nodded at her "I like them! They seem like some great people! We should travel with them! Safety in numbers right? Plus, they have a taste for your honey now and they won't let you leave I bet!"

"Another milking AND you will be open for public use! Anyone with a cock gets to dip their dick in your holes!" As Elmyra eats her breasts suddenly heat up again. They don't get any bigger, but they feel much more full and almost deeper, like they could hold almost twice the milk from yesterday!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I'll try my damnedest Tom, and that's a promise. Speaking of which, you're... probably gonna be staying here at the village, huh?" Melanie's hope turned somber at the realization of what was surely to come.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"No please, I don't want to be used like a fuck toy, I don't deserve that, nobody deserve that" Elmyra said in a desperate voice, she knew nothing would make him change, but she couldn't accept her fate.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
his face suddenly looses all emotion and he leans forward until they are almost kissing. "That... is what you have been doing to people. It's horrible isn't it? To be set up, used and tossed aside like a toy... or in your case... like cattle in the barn. Only good for milking and fucking, the put away until you can be used again. That is what your lies and deceit are like... this is how it feels to be on the other end of your trickery." He backs off and stands up "Hurry up and finish... people are waiting."

Tom stammers over his words "I... I really should. What good would I be to your group after all? I can't fight, I don't have any special skills... all I can do is gather food and get scared at my own shadow." He sighs and looks at the floor "I would only slow you down and at least down here I know what to expect for the most part." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I really wish I could convince you otherwise, but honestly Tom, I do think it'd be best, for your safety of course, for you to stay here." Melanie squeezed his hand apologetically. "I don't think you'd slow us down, but if what you're telling me about harder rooms for larger groups is really not just a coincidence, I'm worried that an extra handsome ant might be the tipping point." She stopped to take a deep breath. "I don't know if this is what being wise is. I really don't, but if it is, it hurts. I feel like I'm being mean, or beating you down, and I really am sorry."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Do you really think repeating my horrible mistake against me is a good way to change who I am. You won't change me, your action just confirm what I am thinking, everybody is merciless nobody is innocent and no one should be spared" Elmyra said trying to hold on what was left of her honor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi wasn't sure how to take that last part... but she thought the Melanie and crew certainly seemed like decent folk. With her face still a little blushed she kissed Wendy again and got up. And after an unintentionally sexy stretch Umi looked out the door of the little house seeing if she could spot any of three wolves. "hey you three still around? I-I'm looking for Melaine..." she asked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom shakes his head and smiles at her, holding Melanie's hands affectionately. "No, you are not beating me down or anything like that Melanie! It is just the truth. It often isn't fair, doesn't feel good and seems like you are being mean... but that is just how the truth roles. I am happy to stay here just... maybe come back some day alright? I would love to see you again." He gives her a slightly sad smile.

The three wolves were sitting outside to give them some privacy while they munched on some cactus they had saved. Walsh speaks up since he isn't currently chewing "Yea, she is just over there in the distance, talking to Tom I think.

Hyoju nods his head with an amused smile. "Hmm, now I see what the shaman must see in you. Everyone is just another target for you huh? You have never had friends or loving family have you? you are so mired in your ways that you refuse to see the bright side. Sure... this won't change you, not alone, but it will give you perspective on what it feels like to be the loser for once." He grabs her arm and hauls her up. "Come on, you wasted your eating time with useless banter and petty pride." Hyoju drags her off and into the village again. This time, wooden stocks have been set up to lock her in place. Without asking he pushes her over, bends her down and locks them on so she can not move.

A large group of people move over, one starts to milk her breasts, quickly filling up his bowls, while the other pulls up behind her and quickly sinks another big zebra cock into her cunt, fucking her as casually as one would hold a conversation. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Some day, count on it. Believe me, we've still got business coming back to old doors. I don't know if it's possible, but like I said, I'll do my damnedest to keep the family intact. After all, you're a part of it now, and if coming back to see you again is part of what that entails, I'll do what I can, the best I can, til I'm sitting right here, cross-legged with you like this again." Melanie leaned in, kissing Tom on the forehead, but feeling the growing state of nervousness in herself as she carefully chose her words. Less so for the sake of Tom this time, but more so for herself. The figure, or figures, who ran the labyrinth knew what she said and when she said it. It had dawned on her earlier in the hour that there was no privacy in anything she did anymore. Secrecy didn't exist so long as she knew, and that frightened her more than she thought any monster ever could.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
As Elmyra was enduring her fucking she pondered about Hyoju word." Perhaps he was right... No he isn't, he doesn't know anything about the real world, he is just a savage... But he is somewhat right, my family never been kind to me, my parents saw me as some sort of trophy, my siblings were jealous or were viewing me as political opponent... Maybe he was right..." With the idea of Hyoju being right, Elmyra pussy felt wetter than before, and for the first time the fucking she was receiving felt somewhat good.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, one of yours took one of mine. Now are you going to bring her back out, or am I going to go in and look for her?" demanded Unta, rising up to her full nine feet in height.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom blushed at the kiss and stood up "Ok... good! If anyone can figure this place out, I think it is you! I will be thinking of you Melanie!" He suddenly hugs her again before running off to gather more food.

Elmyra's thoughts are suddenly broken by the shaman speaking to her "Are you finally begging to understand? I feel the conflict in your mind slowly ebbing away as our words finally reach you. We may not live in fancy homes with great luxury at our command... but we understand the world and how to treat others. your view is twisted and corrupt... through your service here, it is my hope you will see it from the bottom up and gain respect for others." He steps back as the next milker takes their place at her breasts and her current partner fucks her even faster.

One of the guards just shrugs "Hey, that sounds like it is your problem lady. We can't keep count of everything that everyone does. This is just the lizard village, only lizard folk are allowed inside. If your friend got cock then she is likely a cock sleeve by now... you should just leave." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
That was really and truly the end of Tom for Melanie, sitting comfortably and twiddling her thumbs on the ground as he walked off once more. She'd stop in for another quick goodbye when her and the team prepared to leave, but besides that, it was over. Rising to her feet, with Korlish's bow still in tow, she occupied her mind and body with half a dozen more practice shots on Busco's armor. Just where had the boar man run off to, anyways? Shooting up his chest piece felt a little bit strange with how sparse solid resources seemed to be, but she figured he must have a plan for fixing it later.