Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra keept her mouth shut, she didn't wanted to say that the shaman was right, her ego was still too big for her to admit this. The fucking she received really started to fell good. As her lust continued to rise her breast were producing more milk for the tribe.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"You're right, it is my problem, and since one of you caused it, you are going to help fix it. Now we can do this one of two ways, either you can go get your boss, and tell him that there is a very angry woman who wants to speak to him, or we can have a little dance, and see how long it takes him to come out and see just who is beating up all his men. Your choice." Unta crossed her arms and flexed her stinger-tipped tail, waiting for them to make the next move.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"O-oh ok.... do you think you could point me in her direction?" Umi asked as she looked around.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With Elmyra's increased output, the current milker finished his bowls quickly and moved out of the way for the next person to step up and get their fill. The man currently fucking her pussy groaned and flooded her womb and pussy with fresh, hot zebra cum. He pulls out and wipes his cock on her ass before leaving, but she doesn't get more than a minute before a new cock is sunk into her sloppy hole and they start pounding away.

When this milker is finished and moves away, the next milker comes up with two small deer foals! "Their mother was hunted by a lion and I have been raising them... you will help me" Is all the man says before each foal takes a nipple in their mouths and starts to suckle away!

Walsh just snort with laughter and points over his shoulder where Umi can plainly see Melanie practicing with her bow in the distance "Over there you goof!"

The guard on the right rolled his eyes. "Look lady, I don't even know who you are talking about! We have over fifty lizard folk living in here and we don't keep any tabs on them. this is just a haven for us to live without baking in the sun. How would we even know who took your friend... or what your friend looks like? You are growling at the wrong people here..."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh, yeah thanks..." Umi said as she sheepishly exited the house still nude as the day she was born. "Am I ever going to find some clothes here again?! I'm not a nudist!", she thought. as she saw Melanie practicing archery. She wished she could could use a weapon herself but she had literally nothing in terms of possessions right now. anyone that didn't know her would easily mistake her for a basic tribal Zil. thoughts like that bounced around in her head as she looked down at herself. "no.... im not like them! I have standards! In my mind... I'm just me....", Umi thought.  When she finally got up to Melanie she wasnt sure what to say... she seemed busy. "Um... hey Melanie.... you practicing archery? do... you think you could show me?", she asked timidly.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"If this is a haven for lizards, then a small rabbit woman should be more than easy to spot. The trail of the one that took her lead to this village, now are you going to go get the person in charge here, or am I going to go in and look for them?" demanded Unta, as she took a step forward, letting them know that she wasn't taking no for an answer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the two guards hold their spears tighter. "Hey lady... all sorts of people get pulled in here as toys and slaves. We wouldn't even know where to start!"

"Yea! So why don't you back off? We have weapons, all you have is a tail! Shove off while you still have a chance!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Buddy, where I'm from, the predators are fifty feet tall and have teeth the size of swords. Do you really thing I'm intimidated by a pair of pointy sticks?" Unta slammed her tail against her armored plates, resulting in a loud almost metallic clang. "Now I'm going to count to three, and if one of you doesn't go fetch your superior..." Unta's stinger tipped tail began thrashing behind her. "One... Two..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A soft thud is heard as the first guards spear hits the sand and he is gone without a word leaving the other guard alone who just stares where his friend once way. "Well... That happened... heh." She swallows thickly, not feeling that tough since he is on his own now. 

Much to his delight, the other guard comes back with a massive lizard man, looking more like a dragon man at 9 feet tall and built like an Olympic weight lifter. His scales are just as thick as Unta's and her has no visible weapons or armor on him, just some pants.

"My name is Gorgon... and I hear you are causing my men some problems...." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Upon seeing the giant approaching, Unta whispered back to Greta, "Hun, do me a favor and ratchet up my pheromones as high as you can, I need this guy to pay attention to me."

Once Gorgon was within talking distance, Unta straightened up to meet him. Despite his size and bulk, she still outweighed him by at least seven-hundred; best to be seen as an equal. "Finally, someone of authority. Are you the leader of this community, or just the soldiers?" Unta asked, still swishing her tail back and forth.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta nods and lightly pokes Unta in the butt. A warmth spreads through her and suddenly her pheromones on on a level Unta had never felt before... they are actually so strong that they are affecting her and everyone around her... save for Greta who has backed off already.

Gorgon takes a few whiffs but just shakes his head for a moment before looking back to her. "I am one of the two people in charge. I control military and my brother controls civilians. Together we keep this place from imploding on itself. Now apparently you have some sort of problem?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes," replied Unta. "I have reason to believe that one of your citizens stole one of my companions, and I expect to have them returned," she said, puffing out her chest to ty and match the big man's stature.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He folds his arms over his chest. "While I can understand why that would upset you... I would certainly need more information before letting you just storm into my city like that. I also regret to inform you that our rules only stop them from harming each other... so outsiders like yourself are fair game." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"She's about yay tall, with lop-ears very fuzzy, has a great big dick hanging between her legs, and the cutest little ass you've ever seen. As for the guy who took her, he looked a lot like the rest of you, but I do remember that his eyes were a deep green, and he had a very prominent set of scales on the top of his head. As for your citizens picking fights, they can try if they want to, but they best be prepared to face the consequences of their actions." Unta looked at gorgon, and ten back to his men, trying to see if her new scent was having any effect o them.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two guards were red in the face and Unta could plainly see the bulge in their pants as their dicks crave her holes. Grogon was holding a godly poker face and wasn't showing any signs of arousal right now... though he is taking deeper breathes at the moment. "Yes... I know who you are talking about and who he took. His name is Oliver... and he runs the city brothel. Likes to snatch up girls, dope them up on whatever he makes in his basement and turn them into living fuck toys for money. right greedy bastard he is."

Gorgon shifts his feet a bit. "You want your friend back... I get it... but as far as our rules are concerned, he has done nothing wrong. If you just go stomping in there and try to take her back... you will be in the wrong for theft of his property. Bit of an impass you have here." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, I'm sure I can persuade him to part with her," said Unta, lowering her tone a bit. "Now, if you'd be so kind as to take me to him?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Fine... you and your friend can come in... but if you cause any trouble you will be met with force." He turns and pushes open the gate. the city inside is built completely of sandstone  with the roads being fairly wide since there are not too many lizard folk living here. As Unta walks through the city, countless lizard folk look up and stare at her body, her pheromones driving their lust up with just a few whiffs thanks to Greta's magic. 

It only takes five minutes before they are standing in front of a larger building, three stories tall with many rooms on the second and third floor. "Here you are, this is Olivers brothel... don't cause any trouble." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie perked up quickly at the sight of her friend, and even more so in response to her request. "Sure thing! I doubt I'll be half as good of a teacher as Busco, but I can sure teach you about the stance and all that. C'mere, I'll show you." She wrapped her arms around Umi from behind, not fully realizing the implications of the gesture, but still going along with the lesson as she set the bow in Umi's hands. "Okay, so you go with your feet apart, like this, and put your fingers on this little guy right here..." trying to put into words everything she had just learned, Melanie shuffled about, setting Umi up so that everything looked right. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Thank you, you've been most helpful, Gorgon. Remind me to thank you before I leave," said Unta, wiggling her ass at him a little before pushing the doors open, and walking in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Unta can just barely hear him mutter "I am hoping you will" Before she heads into the brothel. In entrance is fairly nice all things considered. A simple waiting area with a desk sitting at the end of it. Stairs lead up to the rooms and to the right and left are large open door ways, laughing and talking can be heard from them. The lizard man at the desk looks up, rather surprised and then rather horny as her pheromones reach him "Uhhh, hi? Can I help you ma'am?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He rubs his hands together nervously "20 shils for a normal girl, 30 shils for a herm. Before you complain, Oliver knows that herms are really common around the labyrinth, but they aint common here!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"What do you have available as far as herms go?" Unta asked, leaning forward to look down at the man, letting her tits swing in front of him as she continued to swish her tail back and forth, filling the room with her scent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The man shuddered, her pheromones trying to peel away his restraint so he would jump her. "W-we have four herms right now. A cat like girl,  some crazy snake woman, An elf and the newest girl.... uh... bunny I guess? She has a horse dick and balls so.... hard to tell." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
His eyes were now locked onto her huge swaying breasts and he has to shake his head to answer. "All... all four of them? There are group deals... four herms would be 100 shils..." He licks his lips before a loud rip can be heard and he sits forward more. If Unta had to guess, his cock just destroyed his pants. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
When Elmyra saw the two foals she tried to give her best. They were soo cute and they didn't locked her up like a cow. She was more happy to help the little deer than the rest of the tribe. Elmyra moan were really loud, as if she was accepting her state of cow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, dear, it seems I'm all out of money at the moment," said Unta, putting on her best pouty face. Is there anything else I could use as payment?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two foals drank deeply from her breast, their tiny mouths sucking away at her bounty of milk  until one after the next they popped off and moved back to their handler where they promptly fell asleep. The next milker came by, but rather than bowls, he had large tanks that he put under her and started milking away, draining more and more from her tired breasts. Meanwhile, she was on her fourth parnter, another young man, who was pounding away at her cunt while squeezing her ass.

the man at the counter shudders and quickly stood up, revealing a large 28 inch long 5 inch thick cock that throbbed in the air. "Let me fuck your cunt and I will let you in. I can cover the cost of the girls for you, but gods above you smell really good right now!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Turning to Greta standing off in the corner, Unta cooed to her. "Mind holding my tail up for him?"