Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Scooping Greta up and placing her on her back, Unta took of at a gallop, chasing the retreating sand trail.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"No I don't want to! You don't have enough with me looking like this!" Elmyra was controlling herself trying to make Hyoju help her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta squaked as she was hurled onto Unta's back and the two of them took off into the sands! The heater was stifling and the loose ground made it harder to keep up speed. Even with raw power on her side, Unta it just too bulky and too slow to keep up with the sand lizard tunneling along much faster than her. She manages to follow for almost half an hour before heat, fatigue and bad footing force her to stop in the middle of no where.

Hyoju taps his chin in thought while continuing to fuck her juicy cunt. (Make a charisma roll please)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie would've joined Wendy and the horny wolves in their attack of Umi, but she was just too worn out after the ride, and flopped back down onto the bed. Toying with her wings where they poked out over her back, and running her hands along her horns, she turned over onto her stomach to face Busco at the water bin. "How're you feeling Busco? Wild day, huh? What all did they make you do in that arena anyways?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco finished washing up and comes back to sit next to Melanie. "I am doing fairly well all things considered ya know? That arena... it wasn't the worst I have been in. They made me fight their warrior to test their skills. if you beat the pig, you get the spot. If not, you get ridiculed." He shrugs his shoulders "Many of them were just up starts that I swatted around for a while... some were much, much worse."

Hyoju just stares at her for a few minutes, his thrusting coming to a halt. He suddenly pushes her down and starts fucking her much faster and much harder! "If that was your attempt at convincing me then you are the worlds worst diplomat! 'You don't look like and asshole' geeze! You couldn't get a hand out from a charity drive! if anything... I want that plant to grow faster now!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Welp, I'm just glad to have you back bud." Melanie nodded along as he spoke, unsure of what else she could've wanted to say as she watched the clusterfuck of wolves, plus one otter and a bee, in front of them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco grunts to get her attention again "Speaking of which... you can't really fight can you? I was thinking, with all the danger around here, I could teach you some basic fighting... give you an edge in combat. Then we just need a proper weapon for ye." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie gasped, eyes alight with joy at Busco's proposal. "Um how about yes, and of course, and thank you so so so much! Korlish and I always knew we'd be the best sharpshooting duo in all of the labyrinth, isn't that right buddy?" She poked her gaze towards the clearly busy wolf, not really sure if she expected, or wanted an answer, before setting it aside and throwing her arms around the boar man in a hug, her wings flapping excitedly behind her on the bed. "Oh my gosh thank you so much Busco! This is gonna be great!" Her eager expression twinkled at all the possibilities, struggling to prevent herself from talking his ear off.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco laughed and returned the hug, patting the excited girl on the back as she squeals in his ear. "Alright! That is the spirit I like to see! So you want to use ranged weapons like a bow? That makes sense... you are a tad small to be a brawler like me..." He gets up and moves over to the wall where Korlish's bow and quiver sits. "Come on, we can use this for practice, I am sure he won't mind givin his current situation." He snorts in laughter and heads out of the building. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie was quick to scamper along behind him, taking the utmost of caution as she handled Korlish's bow, and staring down at it with her eyes wide as she slung the quiver over her shoulder. She bid the rest of the gang a brief, possibly unnoticed ado, before heading off to catch up with Busco. She wasn't really sure where he was headed, but she followed eagerly along in stride.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco lead her out and off to the side of the village where none of the ants would get in the way. He took off his chest piece and placed it on a stalactite as a make shift dummy. "Alright! Time for bows 101. Now I am not archer, but I know my way around how to use them. First up, show me how you think you hold the bow, a proper stance when ready to fire."  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie's tail lashed worriedly behind her. She was sure she'd seen seen a cheap documentary about the proper archery stance before, but as per usual, she wasn't actually all that sure. She set her feet together, resting the bow on her left foot so that the string was in front and the curve was behind. Cautiously, she raised it up from there, holding the bow by the center grip of the curve in her right hand, and setting her elbow perpendicular to her shoulder on the right side of her body. With her left hand, she reached over so that she'd be able to pull back the string.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco grunts and moves over behind her. "Turn your body a bit like this, lets you draw the string easier. Set your feet apart to give yourself a better stance and footing. Don't lock up your joints either... if someone gets close to you, you gotta move real fast. Alright... not too shabby! Now then, lets nock an arrow!" He guides her through the motion of smoothly pulling free an arrow, making sure it doesn't get snagged on the others, and then how to pull it back on the string. "Now remember, arrows will drop after a while, so aim slightly higher than where you want to hit. Take your time and aim, but if you feel your arms get tired, let it go and try again in a few seconds, shaky arms will throw it all off."  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie tensed and relaxed, taking full breaths to try and normalize the stance. Gripping the bow tight in her hands, she drew the string back, and took her sweet time as she pointed it just above the center of the chestpiece. Finally, after savoring one final deep breath before holding it, she prepared to fire, hesitating for only a moment as she did indeed feel her arms about to shake. Still, she had already let the nocked arrow fly, and she struggled first with following through before checking to see where it landed.

[AGI 10+6=16]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her arrow flew straight and true, soaring through the air and sticking into Busco's chest piece right in the center! Busco lets out a surprise oink and he moves over to check on it "Hot damn! Right in the center of the chest! That would be a take down for certain! you sure you never used a bow before?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra just kept her mouth shut except for her moaning waiting on Hyoju to finish. Her breath was becoming quicker with each hip move of Hyoju.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hyoju showed no mercy for the next twenty minutes, fucking her like the toy she was to him and paying no mind to weather or not she actually got off to this. Finally, with a loud grunt, he pushed in to the hilt and flooded her womb and pussy with his thick zebra spunk, to the point it flowed out of her stuffed sex. With a wet noise he pulls oud and wipes his cock off on her thighs before standing up.

"Thanks for that, cow. I will be back in the morning. I hope you have saved up a bunch of milk... because tomorrow will be another big day!" He chuckles and walks out of the hut, locking it behind him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie stared incredulously at the arrow in the chest piece, blinking as she struggled to believe that she really and truly had done it. Blinking through her initial disbelief, she joyously threw her hands into the air after slowly setting down the bow. "Haha! That's what we're talkin' about, sharpshooting duo here we come!" She cheered, brushing off how she stumbled when she failed to properly follow through. Pride surged through her features as she sauntered to the stalactite, plucked the arrow from the makeshift target, and dropped it back into the quiver unceremoniously as she gave Busco his response. "Yes, I'm sure. Maybe you're just that good of a teacher?" she smiled smartassedly up at him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He rolls his eyes at her and ruffles her hair "Got a real smart mouth on you! Cheeky girl! Either way, seems you already got the basics down, up to Korlish for teaching you any tricks of the trade. Why don't you practice here for a while, get a better feel for the weapon while those wolves work over that poor bee." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Aye, aye cap-i-tain!" Melanie saluted, hefting the bow back into her hands, before taking a few more solid potshots at the armor piece per Busco's request. While there certainly was some beginner's luck in her first shot, Melanie was competent enough with the weapon to stick most of her arrows into the target with varying degrees of accuracy. Though her arms quickly burned with exhaustion, she sat cross legged on the ground, regaining her strength, and stretching so that her blood flow would return.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As she sat down to recover her strength, she heard a new set of foot steps approaching from the left and soon the familiar ant known as Tom was sitting next to her. "Wow.. so the rumors are true... you look really different now. I guess Gold chief had his way with you huh?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Not the sort of question you'd go and ask a lady, no?" Melanie folded her arms in fake prudence, before breaking the facade with a snicker. She'd already realized that she looked kind of like a monster now, with all the transformations and all. A really cool monster, and a really cool monster with a nice rack and mouthwatering dick, and four sweet wings, and cow horns... Melanie quelled her laughter, looking to Tom as she flipped herself around to face him. "Yeah, it happens." She shrugged, hiding the occasion twinge of regret or shame in how she'd handled the Gold chief situation with the casual gesture.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He suddenly hugs her with all four arms "I still like you though... so don't worry about the changes. you still have your mind together... and that is what matters." She backs off with a smile "I have heard the stories of gold chief.... he takes woman as his concubines and breaks them... makes them think they are only alive to take his cock... it is scary enough as is but even scarier that it has happened before." He shivers just a bit "I... actually like those wings. They match your arms...." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie smiled at the ant's show of affection, wondering just how he managed to muster up the courage to do that. She set a hand on his shoulder to reciprocate, hoping to comfort Tom as he spoke and shivered. "I'm alright, I'm still around, and it takes more than a cock to break me down," Melanie assured him, "and thank you. I'm kinda digging the wings too. Now what was that you said about liking me? What a coincidence, I like you too."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"MMMPHF?!", went Umi as Wendy did exactly the opposite of helping. Umi was fast approaching another climax as she was lavished at all angles by Wendy and the three wolves. All she she could do now is let them all go about their sexy business as her orgasem once again began to build. the walsh and the others tongues were nice soft and long as they licked on and inside of her. Under an assault such as this, along with Wendy giving her one of her lovely kisses she couldnt hold herself back. streams of honey sprayed out of her nice bust and cunt and all over the three while Umi gave another orgasmic cry, this one into Wendys mouth. she shook and spasmmed a lot after that, as her third orgasm sapped her of her strength completely and she slumped onto Wendy and the three wolves, mostly asleep.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom nods his head and smiles at her. "Yea! You are really nice... I mean, you were kind of scary at first but so far you haven't really done anything mean so... I was hoping we could at least be friends. I know you will be leaving soon but... It would be nice to know I have a friend about this place!"

Wendy smiled and held the kiss for a long while, only letting go once the little bee almost passed out from bliss. Walsh and Korlish lapped up her honey cum and then clean her up with the tongues before backing off to let her rest. Last was Samara who spent a good long while sucking on her breasts and getting all the honey she could before backing off. The three of them were fairly satisfied and moved off to the side to put themselves back together. Wendy on the other hand, laid down with Umi, holding her close as she rested. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Friends it is! Ho and well met again Tom!" Melanie nudged him in the side with both of her left elbows playfully, trying to be both sly and gleeful at the same time, as she shook both of his right hands on a whim. "Say, you haven't by chance come across a siren-esque figure in your village? Walsh and I found her stuck in some water, so we helped her grow legs so that she could join your village." Despite the magnitude of what she was saying, Melanie spoke casually. "Her name's Ravindra, she's great, and I bet you'd love her."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was tired after a chain of events like that. This was probably the most she had even cum in her life! Never before had she fallen so deep in to the clutches of base pleasure before. she accepted Wendy's hug as she rested with her, enjoying the comfort of their naked bodies pressed together. "...I'm gonna get you for that..." she said softly after a kiss.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tom tilted his head before perking up "Oh! yes, I have seen her actually! A copper ant but she has fishy scales instead of skin... which is a little strange, but so are many things down here you know? I saw her walking off with a couple of the soliders before... they all looked rather excited." He stops and a blush slowly crosses his face "Oh... they were most likely going to have sex weren't they?"

Wendy laughed and returned the kiss, holding umi nice and close. "Oh really? Is that a threat or a promise hmm?" Her hands slowly move up and down Umi's form, feeling her smooth chitin.