Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I think I should start to know the pattern in this labyrinth..." Luna said as she saw the twin cock "I would have prefered to be eaten... Nyaaaah! Maybe not in the end..." She said as both cock penetrates he.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The snaked tightened enough to hold her perfectly still as it drives both of it's cocks into her holes over and over again. It seems to examin her behavior for a moment before opening its mouth to reveal thin needle like fangs. It quickly strikes forward, sinking both fangs into her shoulder before pulling away. Luna's body begins to get hotter and hotter as lust is forced into her body!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Alrighty, sounds like a plan." Melanie said, suppressing any signs of fatigue with the promise of a grand ordeal. Her heart thumped rhythmically in her chest as she stood herself up, and felt she felt as if she was ready to run a race. Remembering the rest of the team, her tail lashed at her sides, nervous, but ready to embrace the adventure to come.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Oh fuck... What is this... I feel so hot right now! It's awful... No it feels good!" Luna was clearly enjoying the warm feeling rushing, and the love sticks of the snake.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Once everyone is up and ready they all move out of the cave. It is dark out now but the moon illuminates the grounds well enough for them to see. Busco takes the lead and brings everyone to the east. They all have to move at a fairly fast pace, only stopping when someone is too tired to keep on moving or when they need to have a cactus break. By some serious stroke of luck, they make it undisturbed all the way through the night and soon the sun is rising again, bathing the land in the brutal heat of day.

Busco: Like everyone else, he is tired and panting at this point. "Ok... just... just a little... little bit more and we should, phew, should see the door!" 

The snake seems much happier at her new reaction and starts pounding its cocks into her much faster. It coils around her body more and more until only her legs hang out of teh bottom, wrapping her entire upper body, except for her head, in tight coils. Its tongue slips into her mouth, wrapping around hers nd giving it a tug. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie, doing her dues to keep morale high, just uttered half-hearted cheers through her own pants while dragging her feet through the dust. "Alright team... great hustle, great formation... our beloved boar friend Busco is gonna have us out of here in a jiff... just keep it up crew."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco just chuckles weakly as he continues to lead them forward. Eventually they reach the door as it is built into the cave wall before them. He doesn't stop to celebrate, instead he just grabs the handle and pulls it open to reveal the sandstone hall way that is becoming very familiar. 

Busco: "HA! told you I could find it!"

Samara: "Good... work... Busco... " she steps through the door first, then Walsh and Korlish.

Busco: "Alright, go along then, ladies first after all." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
His lack of celebration might've seemed fishy to Melanie if she weren't exhausted. Cheering internally, she thought nothing of it, sauntered through the door with some hearty sway to her hips, throwing her hands up into the air as she turned to gesture Busco inside.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco walks in behind her just as a spear slams into the door and two feather raptor men can be seen in the distance. "Too late you bastards!" he screams before slamming the door shut behind him. The group walks into the open room in the distance before Busco collapses onto her front. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck too tired" He groaned as everyone else followed his lead.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Mmmmmmmmh" Luna wanted to shout as loudly as possible, but the snake tongue was preventing her to make any other sound than muffled moan. Luna had stopped to fight the snake embrace. She didn't knew what was arousing her the most, the poison running in her vein or the tight embrace of the snake on her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
After swallowing down a couple dozen deep breaths of the cooler air, Melanie cleared her throat and found the clarity in her mind to speak. "Whoo boy, you had me worried for a second with that spear Busco. I'd love to see the look on those little fuckers faces!" she giggled, spreading herself out comfortably on the sandstone floor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Wendy felt Umi moan into their kiss and she slipped a finger into her puffy lips. Umi soon found her hand playing across Wendys wet lower lips. "Oh god its happening again and i cant stop it!" she thought as her body began to fill with lovely lusty felling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco: "I actually knew they were following us for a while." he said as he rolled onto his back. "I didn't point it out because they were keeping their distance and I wanted them to think they had the element of surprise still. Two feathered hunters though... boy we pissed them off." 

Walsh: "I can't feel my paws.... my everything else hurts though."

Korlish: "I can't remember the last time I had to move for that long at that kind of pace. 

Samara: "never thought that I would be happy to see these halls again... but here we are!"

The snake fucked Luna for nearly an hour, pounding it's twin cocks into her holes while it used it's tongue to silence her voice. Its body contracts and relaxes around her torso, giving her some strange form of massage, making her muscles relax and removing her ability to effectively fight back regardless of her will to try. The snakes pace suddenly picks up in speed as it grows closer to orgasm and with no warning what so ever, starts pumping both her holes full of hot cum.

Wendy suddenly broke the kiss and gently pushed Umi down onto her back. She then swung her legs over Umi and plants her pussy right up against Umi's nose. "Come along then girl, show me some love." is all she says before diving down on Umi's pussy, licking at the wet lips and breathing in her fumes. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Righto, and here we are yet again." Melanie squinted to try and see through the darkness of the hallway, knowing it was futile, but giving it a go anyways. "I think a rest is in order. Haha! You think that whoever or whatever built this place expected people to just crash in the space between rooms of all places? I bet it sucks to suck oh-great-labyrinth-god." She cackled, willing to laugh at anything after the wild trip.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco: "Uhh, I'm not sure that's a good-" 

his words are cut off by a loud groan all around them before... the entire floor falls away below them! In a chorus of frightened screams the entire group falls a short distance before sliding on perfectly smooth sand stone slide! They quickly build up speed and the slide takes them farther and farther down before it suddenly ramps up and sends them all flying across the air a distance before landing with a thud on more smooth slide. In all the chaos Melanie can see that the others are slowly being separated from her! First is Walsh who is directed down a different slide, then busco, Korlish and finally Samara who only has time to give her a frightened look before Melanie is all alone on her own slide. It comes to an abrupt stop as she hits a big pool of water, splashign into it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie shot to the surface, thrashing in the water as she looked around. Both terrified and angry, she muttered aloud, head whipping every which way in search of her group. "For real?!" She pushed her now-wet hair out of her face, taking in her surroundings.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She was now floating a clear pool of water that goes down for a ways but she can still see the bottom. She seems to be in some bio luminescent cave covered in glowing moss, mushrooms and berries. The walls and ceiling are all brown rock with stalactites and stalagmites scattered about while the floor is just dirt and rocks. the room she is in is circular with the pool of water taking up about a third of the rooms total size. She is also horribly... horribly alone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
As Melanie swims towards the surface, she can't help but wonder about the berries. By that logic, the mushrooms should've caught her interest as potential body mods as well, but berries always seems so much more compact and perfect for the transformations. Almost like little pills, and though her rampant trains of thought did their damnedest to distract her from the newfound loneliness, it was all in vain as solitude had been thrust upon her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Thankfully as she got out of the water she found the air to be rather warm... so being wet would just be annoying rather than a health hazard. She can see foot prints in the dirst that move out of the only way onward which is a long dark tunnel only lit by the glowing mushrooms and berries. There were 3 berries and 2 mushrooms actually in her reach right now should we want them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
With a few moments of hesitation, Melanie reached out and held the berries and mushrooms in her paws. As she traveled down the tunnel at a brisk pace, she stared down at the things in her hands. The fatigue of the travels had warped her mind away from logic, and the thing just looked so edible. Though her greater integrity was screaming at her not to somewhere in the back of her mind, curiosity killed the cat, and she popped one of the little berries into her mouth, chewing it up and swallowing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The berry was very juicy and practically exploded when she bit into it. It tasted a bit like blueberries but sweeter with the faint tang of grass to it. The moment she swallowed it she felt a tugging at her eyes like a really bad head ache. It builds up for a few minutes before it fades away and... she can see see in the dark! No, it isn't just that, her eyes are now glowing a soft blue color! 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie stared out into the darkness, blinking twice, and almost squealing with surprised delight at the change. The situation was serious, she knew that, but the unpredictability of transformations brought out the kid in her. She thought of Korlish and Busco and Samara and Walsh and... she felt a pang of guilt for finding joy within their dilemma. But, that didn't stop her from chewing up the last two berries, as well as one of the mushrooms with fair haste.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
All of Luna muscle contracted at the same time. Her climax was powerful enough to finally get some breathing room. Then all her muscle got back to being soft. Luna was just enjoying what had just happened. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her stomach gurgled as it took in the berries and mushroom combo. She suddenly felt a massive pressure under her arms that built until it became painful! With the sound of cracking bones she felt another pair of arms slowly push out under her normal set! They were slightly smaller and not as strong, but fully functional and she could move them as if she had them for life. As she stared at her new arms, she got to watch new dark green chitin slowly roll down all four arms, giving them natural armor and a very sleek look. The chitin starts at her shoulders and covers her entire arms. Finally was the mushroom that seemed to ease her mind and clear her thoughts while helping replenish her stamina. 

The snake slowly lowered her cum stuffed body down the floor and dropped her there. It uncoiled her from its body and slithered away into the bush, happy to have caught fresh pray. Luna can still see the beach in the distance and this time no badgers were chasing her. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Initially, she might've been weirded out by the thought of four arms and chitin, but as she started flexing them, crossing them, and trying them out, she had to suppress a happy giggle. Whether it was the mushroom, or her sense of childlike wonder, she was already digging the change, while using them felt so natural and easy for her. She felt calm, invigorated, but a tingle of dread crept its way back into her mind. She'd hold onto the mushroom for when she'd want it later, and made her way down the tunnel with her newly-blue eyes aglow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Down into the cave Melanie walked for some time passing nothing but more rocks and glowing mushrooms too thigh for her to grab. the foot prints on the floor kept on going until she reached another circular room with three other tunnels to move through. There were lots of foot prints here and each tunnel had an even amount of foot prints going down them. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
She studied each tunnel, but discovered that all she really could do was put faith in the luck of the draw. Left seemed like a solid choose, so with as much confidence in the decision as she could muster, she headed down the leftmost tunnel, four arms swaying at her sides.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna took her time to get back to the beach, the poison was still making her both horny and sleepy,


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi couldn't help but stick her long zil tongue into Wendy's pussy at the smell of her arousal. Her long tongue was easily able to find her cervix and rubbed up against it. With her own pussy getting some tongue get action she spread her legs wider, giving Wendy ample room to go at it. "Why cant i stop myself?! Am I really no different from those other Zil....", a small part of her thought as she moaned and moaned into Wendy's pussy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As Luna made her way out of the trees she stumbled onto a real pleasure to see. Umi and Wendy currently in a 69 on the sand. Umi was doing a damn fine job of eating out Wendy while Wendy was right behind her, shoving her tongue into the zils pussy and gulping down her juices like they were a rare treat. Wendy started to push her hips down a bit more on Umi, eager for more attention from her strange tongue.

Down the left tunnel she went until she saw a curious sight. An ant man was a small ways ahead of her carrying a basket of the glow berries, stopping every now and again to pick more. He had four arms, two legs, an ant abdomen where a tail could be and antenna sticking out of his forehead. He had chitin over his arms, legs, back and the same glowing eyes as her!