Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was surprised and embarrassed to see a naked otter woman appear from the surf. "oh ok ", Umi said trying not to stare at the girls exposed breasts, with a blush on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I have no idea where the door is to be honest. I have searched for it but... there is no saying it is on land... it could be in an under water cave or something! That's what I was searching for. Also, yes, we are not alone here. There are feral animals here and some feral beast men. Kind of look like strange badger people." She puts her hands on her hips and smiles at Umi "Blushing at the sigh of little old me? That is sweet of you." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was fidgeting nervously as the otter girl stood there in all her naked glory. Umi wanted to change the subject least it start getting into sketchy territory. " So um... Wendy.... you got a place to rest around here?", she asked as she looked of to the side sheepishly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Uhhh, yea, but it is far from anything fancy. Just some sticks from the trees inland and leaves from the palm trees." She waves them to follow and heads further down the beach where her little hut sits. "Tada... told you it wasn't' fancy." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"It's a little bit clashing from the last labyrinth room we were, but it's right in the standard for my home planet. The feral men were they able to communicate, or they are totally savage?" Luna said while inspecting the hut.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I hope not.....", Umi said trying to keep a handle on her arousal. She really didn't want any lust fumes to leak out of her so she did her best to try and look directly at Wendy. "they won't come after us will they?", Umi asked asked as her eyes shifted about.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"They are completely savage. No words, just grunts and rape attempts. They have no males though, just females and herms. They have never followed me out onto the sands though, I think they are scared of the water."

The hut was ram shackle at most. Sturdy sticks acting as supports with large palm leaves making the walls and ceiling. a pile of leaves acts at her bed and blankets. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"That defiantly doesn't sound good... but if they are scared of the water I guess we'll be safe here." She exhaled and tried to get herself to calm down. "say Wendy... not to be rude or anything.... but um, are you going to get dressed? you can go ahead and do that.... we don't mind.", Umi said as she kept her hands on the sundress to stop any stray breezes form showing off her slit, she hoped that Wendy hadn't noticed that she wasn't wearing any panties.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie sat back and enjoyed the ride, resting her head up next to Walsh, and letting Korlish drive himself to the hilt over and over. The day's worth of arousal had slicked her cunt up nicely, and each smooth thrust, infuriated though Korlish was, felt incredibly pleasant. Clenching down was an absolute dream, while her own cock was forced deeper and harder into the bottom wolf below. As she watched Samara and Busco go to town a slight ways in front of them, Melanie mentally cheered them on. Thoroughly relaxed after the hard day, it was hard to suppress her cackling as she put on a straight face and shot Korlish those sad little looks. He needed to get his aggression out, and she was happy to oblige. When his knot finally swelled up, she was pushed hard into Walsh, grinding her thick cock into his ass as his cum washed her out. The swell of her womb was fantastic, and she moaned quick and needy, rocking herself back and forth the best she could as her balls tightened. With that, she shot her load, thicker and warmer and more abundant in quantity than she had before, and her voice piqued with the new feeling. Busco and Samara were finishing up, with the latter filled to the brim. The sight was incredibly pleasing, as Melanie came with both her pussy and dick.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy shook her head "Sorry, but I have no clothes to wear at this point. The savages made real sure of that when they 'introduced' themselves to me the third day I was here and scavenging for food. I'm sorry if my nudity bothers you... but you two aren't exactly decent yourselves. I can see through your sun dress and that is an amazing amount of side boob in your tank top."

In a collection of sighs and moans, everyone pulls out of their respective holes and falls onto the floor to rest, panting to regain their breath.

Brusco: "hoooo, that was good! Been a while since I had a nice clean rut!"

Samara: "Clean for you maybe... I am still oozing your cum!"

Walsh: "Mmm, I need to have you plug me more often Melanie! That felt amazing!"

Korlish: "Hmph... there, I should have washed you clean now." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie sighed in contentment and slumped to the side, silently applauding them all on a whim, while stretching herself out on the warm rock of the cave. "That's a wrap. That was yet another great round everybody, and now let's have a quick toast to our new friend, Busco!" She stared at the boarman in question with a smile, laying on her back, as she wormed her way over to the cactus chunks, before taking a small sip and holding it out to pass around.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The cactus is passed around to everyone and ends with Busco who simply pops the rest of it into his mouth and crunches on it before belching loud enough to shake the cave floor. "Well, you all seem like a good bunch to travel with! I am looking forward to whatever trouble we can get into!" His cock has gone flaccid and hangs limp between his legs. He quickly pulls his pants back on as the chill night air wafts in from the cave entrance. "Might want to huddle up for night time Melanie... it is brutally cold at night and you are decidedly naked...." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta sat on the floor next to the table as breakfast was served. "So, Greta, I've been meaning to ask, is that sensitivity spell you put on me ever going to wear off?" she asked, making sure to keep her nethers from directly touching the floor as she sat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Breakfast was pancakes, milk, cheese, toast, butter and biscuits. Greta looked up from her breakfast and shook her head. "Not unless I undo it. The spells I used on your are called 'Biomancy' which is basically magic that works only on organic things. So, it's not like I just weaved a magic seal on you, I altered your actual body. So that is no longer a spell, that is just what you are." She takes a few more bites. "Do you want me to change it back?"   


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta fiddled with her food as a sudden blush crept onto the usually stoic leithan's face. "Actually, I was kinda' wondering if you'd be willing to experiment with ratcheting it up even more?" she asked, sheepishly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta nodded her head as she continued to eat. "I could do that... but as will all things, you have to show caution. If you become too sensitive, it could render you unconscious from sensation overload the moment you are penetrated, or maybe even just a few touches or teases depending on how much you want." She puts her fork down and took a drink. "how much more were you thinking? I think I tripled it last time right? Actually, before we go any further, I should turn you back and use an imprint spell. Basically, that will give me perfect knowledge of your default state. It is invasive... but also means we could play around with Biomancy as much as you like, and a simple reset spell will fix any problems that might come up. Sound good?"  


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yeah, sure, but I didn't mean permanently," Unta clarified. "It's just that, well, there are some... things that I've always wondered how they would feel if they were a little more touchy."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta: "Well, alright then." She got up and moved over to Unta's side. With a quick pat of her hand, the added sensitivity dissapears. She moved behind Unta and rolls up her sleeve. "Sorry, this is the invasive part." She suddenly slides her arm straight up Unta's pussy and casts her imprint spell, sending a tingle through Unta's body for a minute before she pulls her arm out. "There you are dear! I now have your default state saved, so any unwanted changes can be reverted back with a reset spell." She looks at Binx and smiles.

Binx: With a heavy sigh she stands up and turns around "Just get it over with"

Greta moves over to Binx and gives her the same treatment, sliding her hand into her pussy and getting her imprint. Once finished she moves over and washes off her arm before sitting back down. "So, what changes were you looking to try out Unta?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, really, there's only one that I just want to try once, just to see what it feels like." She fidgeted again as she spoke. "Do you think, maybe, you could turn up my clit to ten times normal sensitivity? Just for a few minutes."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"And what better way to end the night?" Melanie cooed, taking the exhausted Korlish and Walsh by the hand as she snuggled up next to Samara and Busco. The warmth of their fur was nice, but the sensation of Busco's hide was an interesting change that she was welcome to feeling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta nodded her head and grabbed Unta's hand. A warm tingling sensation spread down her body and her giant clit grew warmer and warmer before even the slightest shift in the air sent tingles down her spine! The smallest movement of her legs sent ripples of pleasure through her body and stars above forgive her if she actually touched it right now.

Busco's hide was thick and his fur was course... but he was warm none the less. Everyone dog piled around Melanie and quickly fell asleep. The night was peaceful and no nightmares haunted her dreams, the bodies of her pack members serving as the worlds strongest dream catcher. However, she awoke to the sounds of combat just outside the cave! Her eyes flew open and saw Busco fighting what looked like some kind of over sized raptor man with a large club. Busco swung his hammer about like it was made of cardboard, flinging it this way and that while the raptor man jumped and dodged. With a strike like lighting is slammed its club into his side, earning a grunt from the boar, but he grabbed the things weapon and sent it flying with a swing of his massive war hammer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The night was lovely, but deep down, Melanie knew that things couldn't last in the badlands. She looks to Korlish, Samara, and Walsh, shaking them awake as she felt around for her knife. "Hey all. Hurry! There's a fight outside with Busco!" She whispered urgently, cautiously peeking around the corner to see if there were more of the raptor people.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"It's alright for me a naked woman is not bothering for me. Maybe the locals knows where the door is, we could try capturing one?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the others startle awake and start getting themselves together. The hot morning sun was already on it's way up, making the ground around them bake with heat. As Busco dispatched the first raptor man, three more showed up, all wielding the same large clubs. Busco gripped his hammer and charged at them with a smile, plowing into the center most one and flattening him agaist a large boulder shortly after.

Wendy scratched her chin and thought about it. "I suppose you could, but as far as I know they can't talk. At least, they cant speak the same language we can. they also seem far more interested in fucking than anything else." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I think it's worth a try, but I don't know how we could capture one. The beast in the forest are they very dangerous?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
It looked like Busco had things under control for the most part, but it seemed like common courtesy to lend a hand. Melanie motioned to Korlish, and then to his bow. "Take out the left one," she whispered, turning the knife over in her hands. Melee fights most certainly weren't her forte, so she figured that it was a fine time to try something else. Taking a deep breath, and centering her vision on the rightmost raptor, she lobbed the knife stiffly through the air and towards its chest.

[AGI 10+4=14]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish nodded and draw back an arrow, leveling it at the left most raptor and sending it flying at his neck. It turned around just in time to see it and tried to jump away, but simply took it to the leg instead. With a screech and a hiss it landed and pull the arrow out before running away. The right most raptor saw the knife flying at him swatted it aside with a deft swing of his tail, sending the stone dagger skidding off to the side. It hissed at Melanie before running away with the other one. Busco grabbed the last one and hurled it off to the side where it tumbled across the floor before getting up and limping away.

"Hmph! Nasty little buggers aren't they?"

"Dangerous and horny! Just like everything else in this horrible place. I prefer to stay away from the center of the island so I am only aware of the snakes... real big ones. The farthest I go are those trees right there and even that makes me nervous." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Watching the beast knock her weapon aside so easily made Melanie even more painfully aware of how defenseless she was on her own, but all the more glad to have a Busco on their side. "What are they? I mean, I can take a pretty good guess as to what they want, but damn, I bet those things are a pain." Melanie headed over to her dagger and picked the rugged thing off of the ground, disappointed. "Makes me real happy to have a badass like you on our team Busco, and not to mention you Korlish."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Do you have any ropes? We could use it to capture one of the beast woman. Beside that if you don't go near the forest what do you eat?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Those, my tiny furry friend, are the barbarians I spoke of before. They look like raptors or some kind of vicious lizard. They prefer to hunt in packs so that was just a scouting party. A real hunting pack would have six to eight of those nasty bastards. Not even I could handle that many of them at the same time." He rolls his shoulders and rubs his side where he got hit "Alone they are not much to worry about and getting in the thick of it is my specialty... but damn if they don't hurt. come on, we have to move now, this is the first place they will check after reporting in."

Korlish: he huffs and ruffles Melanie's hair "Bow and arrow is always a solid choice of weapon. But thank you."

"No, I don't have any rope... but you could use the vines from the forest for the same purpose. As for what I eat... fish and coconuts mostly. But some times I manage to snag some of the banana's from around the borders of the forest."