Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak picked up his pace even more, really ramming into her as his release was growing ever closer. The lewd slapping of his balls could be heard from outside the hut now as he went at her pussy as hard as he could. With one final squeeze to her nipple and thrust into her pussy, he held himself still and sprayed several modest ropes lof hot thick cum into her waiting pussy, giving her a lovely feeling of warmth inside.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was getting hotter and hotter as Chak picked up pace of his thrusting until he finally came inside of her. She was more or less right there with him as her lust boiled over in her body as she shuddered in orgasm as well, spaying a bit of sweet zil cum on his waist. she was unable to stop her moaning and she shook a little in the grips of her climax as her back arched. She felt the warm feeling of the cum in her tired body and that... made... her... sleepy.... she was soon drifting away to sleep as she began breathing deeply.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The night passes quickly and comfortably for Umi and Luna, Chak's hut proving to keep the cold out and the heat in. Both of them are troubled by lewd dreams, mostly involving getting fucked and guzzling cum. Thankfully the morning sounds of the forest waking up around them is enough to shake them from their slumber. Both girls have rested well and the fatigue of yesterday is gone. Chak is not in the hut right now, leaving the two of them alone for the moment.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi woke up uneasily from a rather lewd dream. She shook her head trying to dispel the last inklings of the dream from her head. She looked down and frowned, she was still in this weird place. She had hoped it was all a dream.... but that simply wasn't the case... With a heavy sight that at this point was almost like her trademark gesture, she got up and checked her leaf skirt and bra. the leaves still looked nice and green they should last for at least a little longer before they get brittle.  she moved over to Luna and poked at her. "Hey...Luna? You awake yet?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"No I won't suck your cock... What? Sorry I was still dreaming" Luna got up and took her leaf skirt and bra and donned them. "So we move now or you want to say goodbye to your lover before leaving, if I was you I would leave now, you don't want to see him cry"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked down. She hadn't thought of that... She then turned bronze in the face as she blushed. "I-its not like that! he was just... i was just... ", she said in a flustered voice as she looked away. "lets just go...", she said as she began to step out of the hut.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Outside of the hut the hunter village was in full swing. The little lizard folk moved this way and that, all working to either repair structures or getting ready to head out for a hunt. none of them gave a second glance and both Umi and Luna knew the way out of the village. the only question that remained was, which way is north from here?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Melanie awoke in a perfectly square room lit only by two torches that flickered on the north and south wall. The floors, wall and ceiling were all made of sand stone and despite the ancient temple like look to things, it was all completely spotless, not a speck of dust anywhere. A hallway lead out of the room to the west and to the east, both quickly lead into darkness and it was impossible to tell where they would take her. A primitive dagger made of stone with a wooden hilt sits on the floor a few feet away. She is completely alone in this room. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie's eyes fluttered open, the lower pair first, with the smaller pair on her forehead quick to follow. This wasn't any place she knew, and definitely not her ragtag camp. Still, in a galaxy of sex-crazed aliens around every corner, Melanie had woken up in unfamiliar settings a time or two before this, so she wasn't panicking yet. She almost laughed, realizing that she had a routine for the amount of times that it'd happened. First of all, check the surroundings. The room was spotless, well-managed, and if not for the strange sandstone, she would have thought she was in some sort of medical facility. Next, she stood up, checking herself over. The vertigo wasn't bad, but to her surprise, her normal clothes were missing. She'd cry no tears over rags that she normally wore, but the stiff set of tan pantyhose they'd been replaced with were definitely... interesting. Fastened around her boyish hips by a locked leather belt, she wouldn't have been able to take them off if she tried, not that she could really complain all that much. As for a top, she had a tight-fitting bra of sorts, padded on the inside with some stuffy cotton, and strapped in place by brown faux leather. She could only guess, but Melanie assessed that her holes were as empty as they would've normally been. That much was a pleasant surprise, if a bit unnerving. Cautiously, she picked up the dagger. Melanie didn't like the idea of having to use it, and her stomach churned with the realization that whoever put her in here must have given it to her for a reason. In an attempt to take her mind off of the situation, she did the only thing she could, and pressed on, heading west through the hallway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Heading down the hall and into the darkness, Melanie could only stumble about and hope she was going in the right direction. The floor grew uneven around her  feet and on more than one occasion she tripped over a raised stone and nearly fell on her face. All of that was shoved aside though, when she heard a soft click from under foot and the floor suddenly gave away! The air rushed around her ears as she wa suddenly falling fast and with nothing to slow her down! Below her was a rapidly approaching exit from the darkness, bright light pouring through the hole and blinding her temporarily as she passed through it. When her vision returned she saw that she was now falling above a great expanse of snow and ice, trees doting the land in large and small clumps. She briefly catches sigh of a mountain range that looked like it had a cave on the bottom before she hit the floor with a soft thump noise. She was lucky enough to have fallen in a large pile of soft powder snow that broke her fall... though she was now basically naked in a winter wonder land.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
What could've been a near-death experience finally shook Melanie into fear. She had fallen into the great snow drift with a vocal "umph" as the wind was knocked out of her, and as she rose to her feet, the chill of the tundra shot a shiver up her spine. Whereas normally she would have enjoyed the snow, Melanie knew that her fur wasn't exactly designed to combat the cold. She shook herself off, letting the snowflakes that'd stuck to her fur fall back to the ground. Yeah, running around naked in the snow like this was definitely not a good idea. Miraculously, her dagger was still sheathed in her belt, so with a few tentative steps into the powdery snow, Melanie followed the gaps between the trees in search of the cave she'd seen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Despite her freezing cold conditions, the snowy area was rather peaceful and the quite was serene compared to the usual rush and noise of where she came from. The tree provided some cover from the slow snow fall all around her and only the occasional hoot broke the silence. She seemed to be alone, no tracks in the snow or smoke from fires to follow. She had been walking for a while when she got the acute sense that she was being followed and watched. She couldn't hear foot steps.... but the tingling down her spine was more than enough to convince her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
As she walked, Melanie's hand naturally gravitated towards her dagger. The thump of her heart did manage to keep her mind off of the cold, but if something was out there, she needed to know. She stopped in place, quad-eyes scanning the landscape, before finally calling out. "Hello? If anyone's out there, there's no need to hide."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Something drops from the tree directly right of her and an arrow points at her chest. Her assailant Is a large wolf man. He stands seven feet tall and is covered head to toe in thick white fur. He has a sturdy body build with defined muscle that is hidden under his fur. Large wolf ears sit on the top of his head while his face is long and muzzled like a wolf. A bushy wolf tail sits above his rump and his jointed legs end in big paws. His only form of clothing is a long loin cloth that hides is crotch from her view.

"You... who are you? This is MY hunting ground!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie backs a few steps away, leaving the dagger in her belt and raising her hands to show no harm. "Woah now bud. No need for weapons. I'm... not really sure how I got here, so if you could set arrow away and tell me how to get out of here, that'd really be a solid." Choosing her words the best she could, she tacked on something more at the end. "My name's Melanie. Like I said, I'm a little lost. This is your hunting ground. That's good. I'm just trying to get out of- wait, what exactly are you hunting?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
His eyes trail after her slowly as she moves and speaks. He suddenly turns the bow left and fires the arrow. It sails right past her arm and stabs into the ground behind her, the snow turning red. "Snow Skalvs." He says in his gravely voice, walking past her and grabbing his prey. It looks like a giant rat mixed with a badger. It's fur is solid white to blend in and hits feet and adorned with large claws. "Small hunters, real pests, good for eating though." he pulls a stack from the side of his loin cloth and drops the skalv inside before looking at her. "Either your fur is thicker than it looks... or you are freezing your tits off. Follow me if you don't want to freeze." he turns and walks past her, not caring if she follows or not. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Not knowing how to feel about the wolf man, Melanie was hesitant. He didn't kill her, which was good, and he was right. Her fur was anything but thick. Even though she really only had the one option, it still took her a moment to make the decision. She scrambled after him, not about to get left alone again in the winter wonderland of large, possibly hostile rodents. His gravely tone made it all-too clear that he wasn't the most talkative, nor did he seem particularly thrilled to have her around. Regardless, as she walked just behind him, hellbent on keeping up, she felt compelled to say something. "So, what's your name?" she tried.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He looks at her again and grunts "Korlish." he says bluntly and continues walking. He leads her through the snow, the trees and over a few hills before coming to the cave she saw on her way down. He takes her inside the cave and around a small bend that hides a large circular room. In the center of the room a warm fire burns brightly, heating up the cave, while three other wolf people sit around it, two women and another male. They al stare at her as she walks in with Korlish who tosses the dead skalv to the other male who quickly sets about preparing it. There is not much here, a few piles of random furr that serves as a bed and some various hunting equipment on the wall.

"That is Samara, Diana and Walsh. They are basically my family, though we are not related."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Immediately, she wormed her way in to sit by the fire, shivering as she rubbed her paws together over the flame. She regretted her haste just a tad, feeling as if she were intruding, but she did need the heat, and could maybe make up for it with her words. "Nice place you all have here, and even nicer to meet you all, my name's Melanie. I'm sorry to be dropping in out of nowhere, but I'm afraid I don't know where I am. Korlish here probably saved my life, but if you all could go the extra mile to tell me anything you know about sandstone corridors, or why I'm waking up half-naked in one, that'd be fantastic."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish slowly walks over to the fire and sits down, warming his paws by the flames. "you speak of the great labyrinth. In case you think you escaped, I will tell you now that you did not. The labyrinth is all consuming and we have been trapped here for a long time."

Samara: "We didn't always look like this. I used to be a human, Diana was a naleen and Walsh was an ausar. We had to change to survive in this snow."

Diana: "There are these berries that grow every here and there out in the snow. Eating them turns you into a wolf like creature like us."

Walsh: he grunts "Eat too many and you go into rut or heat..."

Korlish: That aside, I am afraid to say we don't know much about the labyrinth proper. this was the first room all of us found several years ago... and we have not moved since."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Golly, that's..." Melanie didn't want to believe it. She'd done nothing too terribly, terribly wrong in her life. Would someone really send her to live out her days in snowy purgatory? Maybe she was in denial, but she sure didn't think so. "Is there any exit, anyway out of the tundra at least?" She couldn't survive in the snow like this, but then again, maybe she didn't have to stay "like this." Those berries that they mentioned, how they would turn her into a wolf like them. There were certainly worse things to turn into, she thought, but it would depend on their answer.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The four all look nervous but Korlish nods all the same. "Yes, far to the north is a door that will lead out of here. Two other people have showed up and left through it... we have never seen them again."

Diana: "we were going to leave at one point but... we are all scared. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't right?"

Walsh: "Besides... once you are covered in this fur and get used to the tail, it really isn't so bad. the snow is pretty and so far we have proven to be top of the food chain... save for a few things."

Samara: "To the north east is another cave. A huge polar bear woman lives there. We tried to make friends and that ended with her raping Walsh and Diana before we managed to escape."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"But, I can't exactly stay here forever." Melanie didn't want to deject the wolf people or their hospitality, but it was true. Maybe she could grab a couple of the berries before she left just for the hell of it, but she was a wanderer, and the tundra was only so big. "I'm sorry, you're all very kind, but I can't just up and settle down. It's not like me. This polar bear woman, would she know anything?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish: "It is possible... but she only ever want's one thing. Sex. Lots and lots of sex. The only time we were able to speak with her was after he came and that only pacified her for a few minutes."

Diana: "As we have said... she will take her jollies by force. Then again, when you are her size, that is rather easy to do"

Walsh: "you don't need to get close to her if you are just going to leave the tundra. She is set up to the east of the door so you could just walk out of here."

Samara: "The issue lies in your choice of clothing. you won't make it to the door without some form of warmth." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"That would mean leaving you all here though, wouldn't it?" Melanie didn't like the thought of that. They were good people, confined into such a small world, and in her eyes, that wasn't living. "Maybe I could... no, this polar bear woman..." She thought hard, wondering just how adamant they all were on staying. "You all strike me as a hardworking bunch. I could help you in some way, earn my keep, in exchange for some furs for clothing. Whether or not I leave doesn't matter if I'm freezing to death the moment I step outside."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish: We have made peace with staying here long ago. Our bodies are well adapted and we don't even feel the cold with all this fur. The Skalv breed quickly and there are a number of other plants we can eat. It certainly isn't an exciting life... but it is the one we lead."

Samara: "Well, I suppose if you are really looking for a way to earn some clothing... we could always use another pair of hands around the cave. There is much to be done that we simply have not gotten around to for one reason or another."

Diana: "Do you know how to sew? We have fashioned needles but none of us are good enough to make anything really sturdy. I have had to mend Korlish's loin cloth three times this week."

Walsh: "Fine, i will be the one to say it. We could all use a good fresh fuck. We have all had a roll in the hay with each other and by this point it has become masturbation rather than exciting sex."

Diana: She blushes under her fur and looks off to the side "Well, there is that as well... but I wasn't going to just say it right off the bat."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie liked the fact that she had options here. In truth, she was looking for a reason to stay attached to the wolf people, and to get them attached to her. Ultimately, if things worked out, they would be leaving the tundra with her sooner rather than later, but that was probably just optimism talking. "I took a class on sewing once. I'll be a bit rusty, but I can learn again if you'd be willing to teach me." That wasn't the only area that Melanie was rusty in. Sexually, it had been a while. but if there was anything that could dim down the stress of the whole situation, she admitted that it'd have to be a good fuck. Bearing a toothy smile, she let them catch on to her consent. "And by all means, I'd be willing to get busy in more ways than one. Give me some of what you're packing."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"This time you do the talking, go see the chief he is the only one that could say where is the north. I will watch, I hope you get better result then me" Luna said to Umi 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh: "Dibs!" He skewers the skinned skalv and puts it over the fire to cook and walks over to Melanie with a smile on his face. He casually tosses off his loin cloth to reveal heavy plum sized balls and a red dog cock slowly sliding out from it's furry sheath. "I prefer anal personally, but since it's your first time here, I will let you choose where this goes." His cock grows to 10 inches long and 2 inches thick before stopping.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Why call dibs bigshot? Don'tcha know there's plenty of me to go around?" Melanie purred, letting her tail coil up around his hardening shaft as she turned over on her hands and knees. With how unbelievable surreal this labyrinth situation was, she definitely wasn't about to be shy. This was the sort of act she could confide in. Back home, this extent of consent probably meant she would have to do things a certain way. Right now, it was whatever happened, happened, and Melanie could move on without guilt. She ran a dainty hand up from her leg, over her thigh, and up by her ass, until she suddenly remembered the pantyhose stockings. "Just rip em' where you need to. You want the ass? Come get the ass." Truth be told, neither of her lower holes had been used in months. It'd be rough, but as of right now, that was how she needed it.

[ah man, gotta head off just as things are getting juicy]