Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'll stand here and let them rut me, as long as you'll lick the spunk out of my pussy after each one finishes... Don't want to risk ending up with a foul, you see." Unta crossed her arms under her prominent breasts, giving them a little lift.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta just looks at her confused. "Uhh, I don't know what you are dear. Are you compatible with horses? If so... yea, i wouldn't mind licking you clean if that gets your jollies going!"

Binx: "And what do you want me to do... dare I ask?"

Greta: "Pretty much the same thing, but the other way around. I see that bulge in the front of your suit girl. you will take care of the mares!"

Binx: "Yea... not surprised."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
If nothing else, Unta had to admire the woman's dedication to her animals. "Alright, let's get to it then," she agreed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta smiled and waved her into the stall. There were two bars and several ankle straps set at the bottom. "Alright dear, just put your hind legs around the back bar and your for legs by the front bar. I will get everything else in order." Once Unta was into place she locked her in with thick leather straps. With a grin on her face she grabs the body stalking and promptly rips it off her body, leaving only the collars around her limbs and neck on her body. She casually takes the pumps and presses them against her tits where the activate and suck into place, slowly pumping her breasts. "Alright, you just get comfy for a few minues while I get your friend here set with the mares!" Great and Binx leave the stall which puts Unta alone. The pumps on her breast feel strange and her breasts are slowly getting warmer. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Haven't done anything this crazy since my collage days," she muttered as the pumps began sucking. She still wasn't sure how they were going to get milk from her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the more the pumps sucked, the warmer her breasts got. Warmer and warmer still before suddenly, small spurts of milk started to leak from her nipples! Whatever this machine was, it was far from normal! The small spurts slowly grew into big ones, then into slow streams and come to a stop when large streams of milk spray from her nipples at every suck! The sensations flooding her body are amazing... who knew lactating could feel this good?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta cooed as the sensation increased. Cupping her breasts to help the flow along, she found herself getting turned on, despite her best efforts. The thick folds of her pussy began to moisten considerably, and her massive clit swelled to the size of a tennis ball. With a few sweeps of her tail, the scent of her pussy began to fill the air.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was surprised to feel Chak rubbing her tits and nipples but before she could say anything about it, he had quickly crafted a bra for her. He even made a leaf set for luna. And then he promptly sat back down in her lap. She was pleasantly surprised by this. "oh. you really are a nice little guy. you know that.", Umi said as she kissed the little guys forehead. She sat there for a few more minutes enjoying the little Chak's company, then she got up and gently sat him down. she was tired now so she found fur to sleep on and layed down. Chak would surely understand she wanted to sleep now.

As she laid there she thought, "I wish this was all just a dream I could wake up from.... I miss everyone,,,," with a frown.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As Umi laid down she felt Chak poke her shoulder softly. Turning over reveals him standing there with another erection, most likely caused from grabbing her breasts. Again he gave her big hopeful eyes.

Greta came back about ten minutes later and her cheeks reddened at the smell. "Well, you certainly are ready! I will be right back with your first mate!" She left again and soon came back with a large black furred stallion, his cock already erect and ready from her scent. Without a word she lead the large horse to her back side and stepped away. "Don't worry, he knows what to do." As if to confirm her words, the house quickly mounted her, shoving his 18 inch long 3 inch thick cock straight in to the hilt!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta groaned under the added weight on her legs, as the horse went to work. "Uhg, he's pretty small by leithan standards," Unta said, turning to Greta. "I hope you didn't start with the biggest one. I can barely feel him."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No dear. he is the smallest of them all. how big can you take? I don't want to hurt you but I have five more behind him needing a rut!" 

The horse on her back was thrusting away while his hooves rested on small stands at her sides. she might not be able to feel him, but the horse is clearly in heaven has his thrusts rapidly build up pace.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked at his dick then back to his face. "oh, those damn pheromones might have gotten to him...wait was i wafting them again by accident?" she though as she looked at his erection. "Now what....I can't leave him like that...", she thought as she eye shifted from left to right. she was kind of tired but she just couldn't say no to those cute little eyes. She sat up again and motioned to herself in a broad sweep in a gesture of asking him what he would like to do.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I was blessed with a very accommodating passage," replied Unta, all but ignoring the horse as it thrust away. The last time I felt like I was getting close to being full, was with a dragon man on a remote outpost on the rim, and he was twice this guy's size," she said, thrusting a thumb over her shoulder. "Are you almost done?" she said to the animal, dismissively.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Wow! That is almost fourty inches! I don't have any horses like that hon. Biggest I have is thirty two and four. Sorry!"

The horse lets out a loud whiny and shoves in balls deeps, spraying a hefty load of thick horse cum deep inside her pussy. With a satisfied humph he gets off and walks out of the stall himself. "So, still want me to clean you up, or would you rather enjoy the warmth?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak smiled at Umi happily and appraised her body. He knew she was tired, he could see it in her eyes, but his arousal drove him forward. Deciding to try and let her relax a bit, he gently reaches out a hand and places it under her skirt and over her crotch, the warmth of his palm raditating onto her vulva.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi's leaf skirt really was the definition of easy access as she felt Chak's hand get onto her black lipped pussy. She bit her lip softly as she felt the warmth of his hand on her sensitive vulva. "oh... that's... ok... its pretty nice actually... " she said as she put ahand on his shoulder letting him know that he could continue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak chirps happily and gently pushes her until she is laying down. With a flick of his hand her skirt was up and out of the way. Rather than go town with his cock though, he surprised her by suddenly pushes his face into her moist slit and dragging his long tongue up and down the puffy black lips, occasionally pressing his lips against it for a lewd make out session. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi covered her mouth to stop a gasp from escaping and waking up Luna, she didn't want her to see this. She then gave a soft groan as she felt that lovely long tongue play across her black puffy pussy lips. her legs reflexively widened at the little hunters ministrations. Her clit soon peeked out as her black pussy lips engorged and opened up little. She gave a soft "mmmm" as she laid back further and let him do his thing it was actually both arousing and relaxing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak pulled his head way for a brief second before suddenly wrapping her engorged clit in his lip and giving it gentle sucks. His tongue slipped out the side of his mouth and pushed into her pussy, lapping up her taste and pushing up against her walls. His small hands rest on her thighs, keeping her legs spread wide while moving in slow relaxing circles. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Just go ahead and bring in the next one," Unta said. "But, I expect you to clean me out after they're done."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta just hummed happily and left the stall. When she came back, she had a a stallion twice the size of the previous one, this one covered in dark tan fur. below it hung a massive 26 inch long 4 inch thick cock. She gave it a gentle pat on the flank and it moves around behind Unta before quickly mounting her, stuffing its cock into her cunt and quickly setting into a rut. The machine kept on pumping her breasts, pulling a seemingly endless amount of milk from her massive orbs. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
While she could at least feel this stallion, he was still a far cry from the biggest dick she'd ever had. The breast pump, however, was doing an fine job of stimulating her. As a seemingly endless amount of milk was let down from her breasts, she had to stifle a moan as the machine sucked and slurped at her nipples.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta frowned as she watched her reactions. "Geeze, not even he is big enough for you huh? Well, i got one more for you then." 

the current stallion pounded away at her pussy, happy to have such a welcoming hole while also eager to find his release. It takes eight minutes or so before he finally reaches orgasm, spraying and even bigger load of musky horse cum deep into Unta's pussy. Much like the first stallion, he gets down and walks out on his own while Greta follows him out. The rhythmic pumping of the machine become music to Unta's ears and the wamrth in her breasts never ceased to send pleasure down her body. Her nipples just keep on pumping out milk and seem to have gotten bigger under the constant attention. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"One more? I thought she said there were five waiting in line, did she find someone else to let them fuck?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta comes back with a truly massive stallion. It stands just as tall as Unta does and under this one sits a 34 inch cock that is 5 inches thick. It is already rock hard and dripping pre cum as her scent fills it's sense. With out a word it moves behind her and quickly mounts her, shoving its huge cock straight in to the hilt in one move.

"He is the biggest one I got! Hope he at least scratches something for you!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gave another gasp as her clit got sucked on. As chaks tongue explored her depths he found that she had a slightly sweet taste to her it was quite pleasant to his tongue. She was wetting up nicely now that he was giving her all kinds of lavishing for her black puffy box. the hands rubbing helped to make it feel more soothing, she could feel her stress begin to melt away in her mind and body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Pulling away with one last suck, he stands backup and lines his cock up with her now wet pussy. With smooth thrust, he sinks in to the hilt, his six inch pecker finding it's home inside of her. A happy chirp comes from her tiny partner and he quickly sets about thrusting into her while his hands grip around her hips and her buries his face in her stomach. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was putting her hands on her mouth as another pleasureful moan tries to escape. his six inch peen may not be the biggest tool around, but it was how he used it that Umi liked. He seemed so considerate for her, she wondered if perhaps he was smitten by her. His cock may have been small but it still was rubbing her vaginal walls in a very pleasureful way. "mmm~ chak....." said said as she eyes went half closed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As she said his name he looked up at her and smiled, clicking and chirping a few times before speeding up a bit, just fast enough for his golf ball sized balls to slap against her rump with every thrust. his grip remained tight and his gaze was now locked on her face as he worked over her pussy as best he could. His tongue slowly slide back out and wrapped around her left nipple, squeezing and tugging it gently before sliding over to the other one.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
something could be said about how Umi could generally be very uptight about sex. You usually had to earn her trust over time before she would let you do something like this with her, but Chak was just so cute! she couldnt say no to him. Umi was taking long deep breaths in time with each of the little guys thrusts and groaned again as chak started going at her nipples with his long tongue. then eventually with each slap of his balls a little tiny moan would come out of her in turn. the feelings of lust and pleasure were beginning to pool in her mind now.
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