Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes! I do have a game! Staring contests! I am really good at them... at least... I think I am! I can go a long time without having to blink!"

Binx and Greta slowly walk over to Unta. "Hey Unta... who is this little one with you?" Asks Greta while Binx just walks up to her side and leans against her happily


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh you poor thing" Greta walks over and hugs the little lizard who just looks a tad bit uncomfortable with it all.

"Huh... so we are taking her with us now or... what?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I'm not saying we should... just seems kind of random is all."

"Hey giant lady... you wanna do a staring contest?!" Meddy asks excitedly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes!" She squirms away from Unta and climbs up a statue, sitting on its head and smiling at her "REady to go? Good! 1 2 3 go!" She starts staring at Unta in the face.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta stared at the girl for all of two seconds before blinking her eyes. "Welp looks like you win. Now then, lets get to work filling those barrels."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The girl frowns and glares at her "You didn't even try!"

Binx laughs and ruffles her hair "Come on kiddo, I will play with you on the way to the village alright?"


Greta helps Unta with the barrels, her current lizard form being stronger than her default chicken body. In an hour they have they both filled up and stored, ready to travel. Both Binx and Greta have drunk themselves full to try and prolong the use of their stored water.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
With the water stocked, Unta finally knelt by the spring to drink. It had been a while, and she needed to refill her reserves. With her legs folded under her, she didn't even realize that her tail was laying to the side, putting her swollen womanhood on display for Greta, Binx, and the new girl to see.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta notices and puts a hand over Meddy's eyes who just giggles in return. Binx on the other hand walks up and gives her ass a slap "Hey lover, you are flashing our new friend and you just met her!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta's tail curled around, slapping Binx' ass in return. "Uh, you're naked too, you know. And Greta, stop that, it's nothing she hasn't seen before," she chastised her friends, while making no effort to cover her womanhood, and went back to drinking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx squeaks at the slap and gives her a grin before heading back to the wagon. "Fine fine... I just wanted to slap that butt again really."

Greta sighs and lets go, climbing into the wagon.

"Giant lady has giant lady parts. I suppose that only makes sense... bet you could shove someone in there!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Meddy just blinks confused and shrugs her shoulders, getting comfy in Greta's lap while Binx waits at the front to help Unta strap in.

"Ready to go when you are love!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
[So sorry for the gaps again. If you didn't see my story on the brothelmates OOC thread, I fucked up and got my laptop fried in a thunderstorm. I've been using a friend's phone for little popup posts like these, but I think it'll be a while before I find a consistent way to come back. I hate to say it, but maybe Melanie should end up separated somehow from the rest so Repti can continue in my stead? Some fresh panic to the labyrinth crew always/never hurts.]

"Here here." Melanie nods with a weak smile, before heading through the exit with a final wave to Inaros. After leaving the great big dogpile, and heading back into the uncertainty of the labyrinth, she can't help but feel a sense of panicked dread settling in her chest. The thrill of adventure is there all the same, but with such a big group? The stress of fear finally begins taking its toll, and she shivers a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
(In that case I will be taking mild control of Melanie so that Repti can scoot on forward. Rest assured you will be seperated and should you make it back before the end, you will resume your journey.)

The group steps out into yet another sandstone hallway, but this time things are a bit off. The normally smooth walls and floors are uneven and skewed. holes in the walls reveal cogs, gears, pistons and glowing crystals... the inner workings of the labyrinth laid bare before them.

Busco walks up to Melanie and gives her a wink and a firm pat on the shoulder "Ah don't worry girl... you still have us don't you?"

Wendy looks around in awe, still holding Umi's hand, as they move down the hallway "Amazing... is this how the labyrinth moves about?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
After almost twenty minutes, Unta had finally gotten her fill of water, and was ready to go. Heading over to the cart, she got hitched up and the group was off again. "Alright, hopefully this will get us to the next door. Meddy, do you want us to drop you off anywhere, or do you want to come sight seeing with us?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Meddy shrugs her shoulders "I don't care... you can just drop me off at the village if you want, or just get me near by then I can just make my way in."

"Probably for the best" Greta chimes in "Shouldn't bring a child along for the ride."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was quite unsure what to make of the strange sight, she stared at it intently as if trying to find meaning in all the chaos of the labyrinth. She shook her head snapping herself out of the haze. "I really hope that wherever we end up... it has clothing. Any clothing... I don't care what it looks like...", Umi said glumly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"aww relax, you look great!" Said Wendy, giving her butt a squeeze as the group moves further inside.

"Besides, I think we have a handle on this place already... for the most part." Walsh says cheerily

Sadly... Melanie's fears were confirmed as they entered the large open room in the center. A loud rumble through them all off guard and soon on their asses as the floor suddenly shot up between them, sealing Walsh, Korlish, Wendy and Melanie on one side while Busco, Umi and Samara are on the other. It rolls all the way up and seals at the top, splitting the group.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, if you insist," said Unta, as she began pulling. "We should get within walking distance by tomorrow, so I hope you don't mind camping out with us?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra tried to fight of the machine, but her efforts were unsuccessful and making the machine even more pleasant. Both her pussy and ass were getting more wet and oily from the devices. Elmyra started to moan loudly as the dildos rotated in her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Meddy just shrugs her shoulders and drapes herself over the front of the wagon to look at Unta "Eh, so long as you fight off any monsters then I don't mind camping out. So... are there more of you around here Unta?"

The dildos spun like logs, rolling over and over inside of her and only getting faster as time went by. When the two fake members were spinning fast enough to blur did they finally start moving in and out on their pistons, adding two different kinds of motions to Elmyra's holes. If this forced stimulation wasn't enough, two suction cups that looked like breast pumps suddenly rose up fromt he back of the machine and attached to her nipples, sucking themselves on tight before pumping the milk out of her like a diary cow!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi cried out in surprise as her spacious rear found itself on the floor. Then the next thing she knew she found a wall rising out of the ground! Somehow in the confusion she had lost hold of Wendy's hand and the two were separated. When the wall sealed Umi looked around when she saw neither Mel nor Wendy she panicked! Her eyes darted around wildly as she desperately tried to find them. When it sunk in that they had been separated by the wall she sprang back to her feet and started pounding on the wall. "No! Mel! Wendyyyyyy!", she cried her face awash with panic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Samara grabbed Umi and pulled her away from the wall seconds before Busco crashed his hammer into it, all to no avail as teh wall held fast

"You have to be kidding me! We didn't even say anything mean this time! Why are we being separated!?" Yelled Busco in rage.

Samara just clung to Umi, holding her tight as she fought back her own tears.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Honey, there are worlds full of people like me, and many others outside this labyrinth. Don't tell me you were born in here?" asked Unta turning to face the girl behind her as she continued to pull.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"No... come on, you're kidding!" Melanie says, hopeful that the labyrinth actually was kidding and would stop with the bad joke. "Umi! Samara! Busco! Can you hear me? It's all good on your side, right? We're gonna look around. Probably just another puzzle. Right guys?" She looks back at Wendy, Korlish, and Walsh, fighting back the tears in her eyes as she's hardly convinced by her own words.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Actually I was! This entire place is all I have known for my entire life. I knew that outsides would ocassionaly stumble along and generally came crashing into our town, but for the most part it was all lizards all the time."

"Yea!" Shouted Busco from the other side "We are all fine over here... just... a little shaken up. I don't mean to be mister downer but... I only see one way out of here, and that is through the door on this side. I can keep hitting the wall with my hammer though!" As if to prove his point, he smacks the wall with his hammer, a loud thud ringing out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra body stopped moving like if she accepted her fate. "I hope Lina is not too hungry because she won't have dinner today" Elmyra said in her head as the suction cup were emptying her milk jugs.