Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The clear slime creature bubbled happily and seemed to sway from side to side in a happy little dance. It obviously couldn't talk... and it showed no signs of letting go of her lower body. It suddenly leaned forward and wrapped her up in a hug, squishing their breasts together int he process.

Greta nodded and got up, standing next to Unta as they prepare to go. "Hey... just make sure you come back ok? I have some supplies, but I won't last long without you Unta.... that much has been proven time and time again." Binx says, slightly sad to be left behind.

The harpy chuckles at her "My name is Eviaan. I completely missed your little wings there. Can they even lift your body weight? I see you have four of them so you might have a chance." She taps her chin "Well, technically there are no rules about giving tips on flying... only that I have to take one of you if you ask me to pull the lever. So... sure! But that cutoff time won't be for several hours. You ready to go?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"To the point. Alright, I like that, sounds good." At this time, though Melanie was forcing herself to stay somewhat demure in the wake of the dangers of the labyrinth, she was a little bit enthralled as well as terrified to be at the mercy of Eviaan. The "several hours" part hadn't gone over her head, but she didn't regret it just yet. At the sight of the harpy woman, as well as her body's pleasant jiggling curves, she felt her candy cane cock begin to harden on cue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Whoa, I don't know what you want but you should ask before" Elmyra said while pushing her away. "HEY, BIRDMAN I HAVE I PROBLEM OVER HERE!" Elmyra shouted toward the door


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eviaan smiles and suddenly starts flapping her wings, taking to the air and grabbing Melanie in her talons "I will bring her back later... much more spent than now!" She laughs and takes off with Melanie, flying up to one of the taller pillars where she has built a large nest. She promptly drops Melanie into it and lands next to her. "Mm, never seen a candy cock before... hope it doesn't melt!" She says while sitting down and grabbing it with her sof thands, stroking up and down.

Luckily, the bird man was near by and he opens the door. "Oh! You found the slime that lives in the pipes! No need to worry, she is completely harmless."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie shuddered at the touch, still shaken from the impromptu flight, but easing back down all thanks to the soothing strokes of the hands on her cock. Needing to do her part, she leaned forward to tweak and grope at Eviaan's perky breasts, groaning in new relaxation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She strokes her cock faster, quickly earning a drop of pre cum which she wipes up with a finger and tastes it "Mmm, minty! Enough playing though, I have done far more than my fair share of that." She quickly rose up to her feet and angled her pussy above Melanie's cock before suddenly dropping herself on it, sinking Melanie to the hilt in her vice tight pussy with a loud moan.

Meanwhile, the others just stood there in shock as their companion was taken away by the horny harpy. Busco eventually looks over to Umi "So... that just happened. What do you want to do now?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The sudden squeezing warmth of Eviaan's cunt took Melanie by surprise, and one hand flew to cup the harpy's luscious ass, more to get a hold of something than not, but ultimately filling the air with the sounds of the incidental spank. Her other hand kneaded incessantly at her partner's left breast, and she couldn't resist the urge to buck her hips up and further into Eviaan's tight confines. Again, Melanie moaned, long and drawn out, as she tried to bear the sudden pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She laughs and looks down at Melanie, grinding her hips and smiling "What, has simple penetration shaken you so much? that is adorable! But try to hold on, because for the next several hours, you and this big fat cock are all mine!" She starts to slowly bounce in Melanie's lap, tugging and squeezing at her cock with every smooth motion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Elmyra finds that she is rather stuck in the goo filled tub. "Well... Mostly likely she wants fluids. All slimes do! She probably came here to eat up your bath... though why she is still here, I don't know. Do you have any other fluids on you?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Ah, she probably want my milk, guess I need some relief right now, could you leave the room while I give this slime girl what she want" Elmyra just squeezed one of her nipple to let some milk escape


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"My name is James by the way..." He says before leaving. The moment the girl sees milk dribble from her nipple she dives in, latching her mouth gently around her nipple and sucking gently, coaxing out the milk one suck at a time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Don't go too fast it hurt a little bit" Elmyra just looked at the slime while she was emptying her breast full of milk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The slime stops and looks up at her, then down at her breast, then back up to her before drinking slower and sucking softer. Her eyes remain on Elmyra, as if questioning if she was doing better now, though too hungry to actually stop.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra just responded with a smile then she proceeded to rest her head against the bath and wait for the slime to be over


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The slime slowly suckles from one breast after the next, swapping between the two equally for a fair amount of time. Eventually, Elmyra can feel the slime in the tub push against her pussy, rubbing against her slit teasingly while she drinks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, before we go, let me lay my plan out for the two of you," said Unta. "We don't have anything of value to trade, so we're going to need to rely on salable skills. And, I think one of us has the most salable skill of all," she said, glancing to Greta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta looked around and then pointed at hersel "Me? You think people would pay and or trade for my magic? I... I never considered it a salable skill before. But if you think that will work then... I am willing to give it a shot."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was surprised to see Melanie taken like that she was also a bit worried. she tried to push her worry for mel out of her mind, it wouldn't do them any good. hearing Busco she said looking around and said, "I'm.... not really sure....." as she shifted nervously. "I'm a little worried about Mel.... i hope that harpy girl doesnt try anything.."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco nods "Yea, I can understand that. But something tells me we don't have to worry about any tricks from that girl. Though at the same time... her mention of several hours is probably also true." He walks over to the lowest pillar and looks up "Ugh... I guess we could try and totem up to it... but then what would the one person do once they got up there?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Oh, don't worry. You just caught me off guard!" Melanie grit her teeth, placing a hand on Eviaan's shoulder as she thrust furiously up into the harpy woman with half a dozen quick, successive bucks. If she wouldn't start moving, then Melanie would, and move she did, with her other hand pinching and tugging at Eviaan's nipples all the while. "Come on now, can't make me do all the work." She teased.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eviaan grins and leans forward, giving her better access to her breasts while resting her hands on her shoulder "Alright then... brace yourself!" Her grip suddenly tightens and her hips suddenly lurch to life, sliding up and down Melanie's cock over and over again at a pace faster than anything she has experienced before! She was nearly a blur as her hips pumped up and down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a coy smile on her face, the slime pushes a slimy tentacle into her pussy, getting it nice and deep inside of her cunt before leaving it there. She continues to drink and soon Elmyra can feel a warm liquid beeing pumped inside of her... milk! The slime is pumping her pussy full of her own milk!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie could barely hold onto the blurred form of Eviaan. Her hands sank reflexively into the soft flesh of her breasts, squeezing tight purely for the sake of having something in her grip. With her own hips jerking wildly, she gave her jaw a break and opened her mouth, loosing a sharp, inevitable stream of moans as she just kept riding her, faster than anything she felt or even imagined in her life.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"What the hell are you doing?" Elmyra tried to wiggle herself out of the slime reach but the liquid was too dense to move "looks like I'm stuck here, we'll it doesn't feel too bad" Elmyra just gave up and rested her head on the bath.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked to the pillar with concentrating look. "Well...if it were you we got up there um... Mr.Busco... yo look pretty strong...", she said with a blush, as she looked over his large figure. "You could maybe pull the rest of us up..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The horny harpy road her as fast as she could, moaning constantly at the feeling of her hard candy cock scraping against her walls after such a long draught of sex. "Come on! cum for me! I need to feel your hot seed washing up my insides!" She cries out, her hands moving to Melanie's nectar filled breasts, giving them a firm squeeze.

Busco nodded his head "Yea, you might be able to get me up there... I guess if we kept going at it like that we would eventually reach the top."

Korlish: he moves over next tot hem "It just might work... but we have a long way to go and this isn't going to be easy on the muscles."

Wendy: "Ah who cares? I have been swimming till I could hardly move my arms! Let's do it!"

With a nod, Korlish moved over and took the bottom spot, Walsh on his shoulers, then Samara, then Wendy. "Go on Umi, I gotta go last." Said busco with a nod.

The slime eventually stopped drinking and gave Elmyra a pout. Having had her fill she got off of Elmyra, stuck her tongue at her, then slid herself down the drain.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gulped as she reached out and grabbed onto Korlish and began to climb out the mosly naked crew. she blush as she accidentally got her hands into so rather lewd places as she climbed. eventually she got to Wendy and had to slide her naked body across Wendy's back until she got on top. Wendy now had a pretty good view of Umi ass and Pussy with her above her like that.... and it make Umi feel a bit uncomfortable. "I'm up... just go when your ready M-Mr.Busco", Umi said while tried to keep her balance.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A string of grunting rings out as Buso climbs up the totem of people. Eventually the big pig man gets up to Umi and he mutter an apology as he climbs up her body, onto her shoulders and hauls himself up onto the first pillar. Umi sudden feels his firm hands on her shoulders. "Everyone... hang on to your partners!" He grabs under her arms, digs in his hooves and pulls with all his might. His teeth grit, veins show on his arms and neck as she strains to lift them all up. With a burst of strength, he hauls up the entire totem, everyone sprawling out onto the large pillar as he falls onto his back.