Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco snorted and slid under the bed. "Huh... yea this stone is loose. Hang on while I just... pry it... loose!" A crumbling noise ensues as the rocks falls apart "Huh... that works too. Looks like we got a...uh... ball?" He slides out from under teh bed holding a golden ball with various shapes cut out of it.

Wendy goes over and gives Umi's hand a squeeze. "Don't worry, they are being careful."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie gathered around with the rest to get a good look at the golden ball, or more specifically, those little shapes that had been cut out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The shapes are rather random. Things from a simple circle, a star, a square, a bear, the sun and a bird by the looks of it. There is a long silence as tehg roup looks over the ball.

Walsh: "Ok... I will say it... what the fuck are we looking at here? Cause this makes no sense to me right now. Is it a cookie cutter?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The cock in her pussy felt good. The cock in her ass felt great. But, as soon as Binx managed to contort herself down and wrap her lips around Unta's clit, the big leithan couldn't take the sudden stimulation, as bolts of pleasure shot through her. Her entire lower body spasmed, her legs kicking up, and her tail thrashed under her two friends, tripping them and causing their cocks to pull free as they fell. Just as their asses hit the floor, Unta's orgasm hit her, and she let out a low guttural groan as her pussy quivered and let loose a quick spray of fem-cum, wetting Binx and Greta, and covering them in Unta's thick scent. Unta propped herself up on her elbows so she could see her friends before speaking. "Binx, honey, I love your enthusiasm, but give me a little warning the next time you do that," she panted, as her pussy continued to wink at her friends.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Both Greta and Binx gasped as they were suddenly tripped over and flopped onto the floor. They were both even more surprised to suddenly be soaked in Unta's girl cum before they could even think about getting away from her.

Binx: "Wow... that was... a much bigger reaction than I thought I would get... my bad."

Greta: "Hahaha! That was certainly a new experiance! I forgot how sensitive that clit of yours is!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie first tried to carefully disassemble the ball, taking note of where everything would go when she put it back, before walking lazily around the room in search of matching symbols and any other oddities. "So there's a bird... are there any eggs on the buffet table?" She asked, more to herself than anyone else, as she grasped at straws in search of leads.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, when your clit's as big as some dicks, it becomes quite the soft spot, sorry about that. So, yeah, either play with my holes, or play with my clit, but I can't take all three at the same time." Unta's still erect clitoris visibly throbbed along with her pulse.

[Okay, with all the stuff that happened back at the lizard town, I think it may have gotten glossed over. But, are Greta and Binx actually wearing any clothes?]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The groups looks round for any oddities at all, anything that the ball could be used for. Sadly, none of them seem to be gaining any leades until Samara talks up. She moves over and takes a torch from the wall and grabs the ball from Melanie, putting it on top of the torch which makes shapes appear on the walls. "Heh... night light."

[No neither of them are wearing any clothes right now... they were lost long ago XD ]

Binx walks up to Unta and hugs her tightly "Thanks for coming back for me.... I thought you might just leave me behind...."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hey, we're in this together, alright." Unta wrapped her arms around Binx pulling her close. "All of us," she said, looking at Greta and holding out one of her arms, beckoning her into the hug.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta happily walked into the hug, wrapping her arms around Unta and pushing up against her along with Binx. They held the tender embrace for a while, just relishing the safety that Unta brought them.

Binx: "so... where do we go from here? you guys heard of a door yea?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I like the way you think." Melanie shook her finger encouragingly at Samara, staring up at the shapes, and checking the walls for any place where they might line up. If there are other torches in the room, she's moving the ball over on top of them as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yeah, about that," Unta began. "We're probably going to have to go back to that town to ask for directions. Not to mention try to barter for some supplies."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
None of the torches seem to get any real response to them. Suddenly, Korlish goes about and tosses the torches into the water, putting them out except for one torch which he puts the ball on, casting much more noticeable shapes around the room. "Nightlights are for the dark right?" With the new lighting, they can see that the various shapes actually line up with certain spots on the wall.

Greta stopped and stared at Unta "You... want to go back... to the village that we just pheromone bombed for supplies and directions?" She asks incredulously.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, either that, or try to capture one of them and force them to tell us where the exit is. Besides, how many of them actually know that it was us that bombed them?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie stood on her toes, trying to reach and feel up the spots on the walls in an attempt to provoke any sort of reaction from them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
None of the spots had any sort of reaction to touching them, but they did seem to be a bit out of place in their current position. Samara taps her chin "Circle, star, square, bear, sun and a bird... do we have to try and get them in certain spots or...?"

Greta: "It is kind of obvious. you show up smelling like a box of roses, then we go to their brother for a few minutes and everything goes to hell. I think Gorgon is smart enough to put the pieces together."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie slowly turned the ball all around over the torch, more or less just trying every position to try and get a reaction from the walls. She checked around the room once more, searching for the certain spots, and anything that could've had a connection to "circle, star, square, bear, sun, and bird."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Eventually she had it with the circle on the floor, square on the wall, bear on the wall, sun and bird on the ceiling and teh star behind them. A click was heard as the wall to their right slowly slid up to reveal the exit door.

Busco: "Ha! It was one of them escape rooms! Good thinking there Melanie!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta and Binx become horrible silent and looks around for a moment

Binx: "Ok... I don't have anything better... so I guess we just hope for the best."

Greta: "Yea... I actually don't have a better idea so... let's just go with that."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie moved in for a high five with Busco, confidence restored, and paranoia slowly decreasing, "Good work team! Couldn't have done it all alone. We ready for this exit? I almost feel like the labyrinth would punish us if we stayed here any longer."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was impressed with the team work that Mealnie and her family could pull off. "Well that was very good..... nice work...." Umi said feeling a little left out but none the less happy that they had figured it all out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco gave Melanie a high five and smiled happily while the rest of the group nodded. This time, Korlish pushed the door open and they all stepped out into a huge room! the ceiling towered above them in the distance while big pillars jutted up from the ground in random locations. The entire room was in a hexigon shape and seemed to be lit by sunlight pouring in from windows above them. the group doesn't have to wait long before a feathered woman comes down from the pillars above, looking much like a harpy from the old stories and video games. She lands on talon clad feet and smiles at the group.

"Well hey there everyone! Been a long time since someone made it to my room. Most just give up in the luxury room before here! Good work!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Thanks." Melanie started awkwardly, determining whether or not she should go with a handshake before deciding against it. "But uh, nothing was in that food, right? We're all fine if some of us ate it?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, so long as you didn't eat tons of it. The more you eat, the less you want to leave. Seeing as how all of you are still here, you stopped before hitting any kind of barrier!" She chuckles, her perky C cup breasts jiggling. "So, here for the next door right?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Oh phew, fantastic." Melanie uttered in relief. "Sorry, probably wasn't very nice of me to just start asking questions. My name's Melanie, this is Samara, Busco, Korlish, Wendy, Umi, and Walsh, and yep, we're here looking for the door." This harpy lady seemed nice, and she hoped that she wouldn't pull some horrible challenge out of nowhere in an attempt to make them stay.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, no need for games right? The door is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there. On the tallest pillar! So at least one of you needs to make it to the top and pull the lever. Puling said lever will makes the pillars shift around and make some easy to climb stairs." She says in a chipper voice. "Or, if none of you can make it up, I can pull the lever for you. In return though... I want one of your males. It gets lonely and boring here, but I promised long ago to watch over this place. So it would be nice to have a big hard cock to ride whenever I watned!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie whistled, that lever was really a long way up. She surveyed the room in search of the lowest pillar, attempting to plan some sort of path in her mind before realizing how high that ceiling really was. Her stomach dipped down low, and she shook her head to fight off the dizziness. "What if we-uh," she looked to her team. "Is there any way we could let you have a ride or three with this lot, and then you could give us some sort of hint? That's not cheating, or is it?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She taps her chin in thought. "I guess that wouldn't be cheating... but the answer is fairly obvious... and I am fairly ravenous. I won't let go for some time!" She says in a sing song voice.

Korlish: He looks around at the pillars then over to Umi "Can't you fly?"