Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Well sure this place look more comfortable than the rest of the labyrinth, but do you know where the exit is?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Yep, sure am." Melanie said with definite certainty. "I said it to Umi and I'll say it again: these ants are nice and all, but I'm sick of seeing nothing but caves and busywork. All the more power to them, but I'm ready to bounce."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The bird man sips his tea and nods softly. "Oh yes, the exit is up in the attic... but it won't open. I am not sure why, but every time I tried to open the door it simply won't budge. Maybe something is missing, maybe there is something you need to find first. I have yet to find an answer as I have been busy with other things."

With a bunch of nods from the group around them, they all head over to Chief's hut for one final visit.

Chief: "Oh, I can tell just form looking at you... it is time to leave right? Well then, let me show you to the door"

Busco: "Yea, sure is... though, I don't suppose you have any food knowledge for us? Our group just keeps getting bigger and we gotta eat."

Chief: "Of course... each the mushrooms, they are perfectly safe, no transformations at all."

Busco blushes and follows after the chief with the rest of the group, hoping Melanie will spare him her wrath.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi just stayed quiet and hid her body behind Wendy. feeling shy about meet a chief in the bluff like she was. she tried not to let it bother her as she thought about were they might end up "hopefully its somewhere i can get some clothes on! its so distracting being in the nude all the time...", she thought.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie smiled, but let Busco live and let be as they followed along with the chief. As they walked, she made a mental note of picking up any mushrooms she saw, but something else had piqued in her mind. "Heya Chief, those gold ants don't seem stupid. You don't think they set up an ambush by the door or anything? I dunno if we're important enough to them that they'd want revenge, but then again, I think those guys could be set off by anything."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chief: "Oh, i would not be surprised if they were waiting for us by the door. You all have bruised my brothers pride by escaping and beating up his men. Don't worry, if I am with you then you will be perfectly safe."

Busco: "How do you figure that? Gold chief is huge! A real monsters of an ant!"

Chief: "Yes, he is huge... but I am still the stronger of the two of us."

That cast silence over the group as they stared at Chief Chief, some in disbelieve and others in awe. The trip to the door took another two hours or so while they weaved through tunnels and took so many turns the group felt lost rather quickly. Eventually, they reached the out of place wooden door at the end of a tunnel, no gold ants in sight.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
By the end of the expedition, Melanie was tired, but still invigorated and alert at the thought of the new room. Chief's words were reassuring enough in the moments prior, and though she trusted him plenty, genuine relief flooded her features at the antless door. "This is really and truly it, huh Chief? Thanks a million, really, we couldn't have made it without you. Take care of yourself, and your people, and Tom, and Ravindran too."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chief: "Of course, I will do as I always do, guide them on the path of working together rather than putting some above others."

As they reach the door and grab the handle, a familiar booming voice breaks the moment. Gold chief and a unit of 10 large soldier ants come around the corner from an adjacent tunnel, looking none too pleased right now.

Gold Chief: "Hold it right there." He says while stepping up to Chief "You are currently guiding my pet away from me brother. I ask that you return her."

Chief: "Pet? Is that seriously how you address people these days Chuck? As pet? Besides, there are many 'hers' currently here, which one do you mean?"

Chuck: His face turns red in anger "Don't call me by that name! I am Gold Chief!" He jabs his finger at Melanie "Her! We made a deal and she broke it!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gasped at the appearance of the gold ants and continued to hide behind Wendy. but hearing him talk about Melanie being his, this made her mad. "No way! we wont let you take Mel! right guys?!" Umi called to the others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie tugs carefully but firmly at the arms of Samara and Wendy, trying to usher them and the rest on and out the door before anything can escalate. "C'mon gang, time to go," She whispers frantically and insistent. "Chief said he's stronger. Cowardly or not, we've got the door, and we're going through it."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chief: "Did you make a deal? Or did you strong arm her into being your sex toy like so many others before her?"

Chuck: "It matters not, she agreed! there for she is mine!"

Chuck throws a punch at Chief, his fist bigger than Chief's head and would surely crush his skull. However, at the last second, he leans to the side to dodge the hit, steps forward into Chuck, sticks his leg out and pushes him forward, sending him into a face plant.

Chief: "Run along now Melanie... we have done this dance time and time again. Best of luck in the labyrinth!"

Korlish grabs Melanie by the arm and drags her through the door with him, Wendy bringing Umi along with her and everyone else coming in after them. With a loud slam the door closes and locks behind them with a audible click. The large group of survivors is now in the familiar territory of the sand stone hallway. Just ahead of them is another square room with three hallways to go down yet again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
getting pulled through the door Umi was able to escape with Wendy. But once they got inside the force of being pulled in made her trip and fall onto Wendy making them both fall to the floor with an "oof!". Umi shook her head to clear her vision but then noticed that Wendy's face was now in between Umi's sweet smelling breasts. Umi then blushed hard and covered her mouth as her face burned with embarrassment.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy simply smiles and gives each brest a kiss on the nipple "No need to blush here girl, I could stay between these breasts for ages!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie, slightly shaken, offered them both a hand with a weak smile on her face. As precarious as the situation was, Melanie had the audacity to feel good after the others so readily fought for and defended her. She took a breather, staring down the hallway and assessing the three options, before breaking any uncomfortable tension that may have still remained. "What do you all think of this? I think door number two is a solid choice. Okay though, I'll say it, Chief was kickass back there! All in all, it feels great to finally see Chuck get his just desserts!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco: "They all look the same to me Melanie. Door number two sounds just fine." The rest of them all nod in agreement, not really having much else to offer since the doors have been random up till now. With confidence in their step, they all make their way down hall number two, which of course ends in a wooden door.

Walsh: "So... who want's to open it?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi walked up to the door. "I'll do it... its the least i can do..." She then put her hands on the door and gave a push, as she tried to stop her nerves for getting the best of her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Rather than swing open, the door fell off the hinges and revealed... more stand stone? No, this was different. The group was now stepping out of a sarcophagus and into what must be the inside of a giant pyramid. Their current room was a large rectangle with large pillars holding the ceiling up and adding a very grand charm to the room. The walls were lined with writing none of them could understand and old vases and jars sat about the room, with the only exit being a door on the other side.

However, that all paled in comparison to the massive figure at the end of the room. Sporting the body of a lion, until it reaches where the head should be where you get the top half of a human woman with large breasts and, straight black hair and green eyes... a 12 foot sphinx sits in their path, looking rather excited to have company, but not moving from her spot. Once the group was all through, the door slides back up and shuts behind them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Well hi!" Melanie started pleasantly. Her words sounded louder in the sandstone room than she would've liked, and she dimmed her expression down to assess the situation. This Sphinx lady, was she happy excited, or horny excited? Melanie was definitely excited. She'd always liked lions, especially their manes and powerful bodies, but she set it aside in new caution. Gripping Umi's arm, she set her sights on the one exit, planning to make a break for it if the kitty chose to pounce.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The sphinx spoke up with a smooth yet commanding voice. "Hello! It has been so long sicne I had company... let alone a group as large as yours! My name is H'vendrin, guardian of this door! Who might you all be?" She says, looking around the group.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"O-Oh well, I'm umi... and um... this Melanie...", Umi said meekly as she gripped Melanie's hand tightly. She tried to hide her nudity behind her, even if it was quite pointless.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish: "I am Korlish, this is Walsh, Samara, Busco and Wendy"

H'vendrin: "My oh my, so many visitors all at once. So, what can I do for you today?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie tried to speak nonchalantly for the group, not too eager, but definitely not disinterested either. "We're a humble little family trying to make our way through, and, if possible, out of the labyrinth in one piece. There's a certain tundra room that's in our sights too, although it might be a lot to try and get back to it. Nice to meet you H'vendrin, but what exactly is the job of a door guardian, beyond just guarding the door I mean?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, that much should be obvious. I protect this door, no one gets in and certainly no one comes out of it! So if you were hoping to get through the door.... I'm afraid I can't just let you walk past." Seeing their disappointment, she continues quickly. "But... if you pass my test... I will let you all through! However... if you fail..." She looks around the group "I will keep one of you with me, forever, each time you fail my test."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Ah come on..." Melanie muttered inaudibly to herself, trying to work with their very limited options, before making her statement. "What kind of job is that? You're lonely, aren't you? You want to keep one of us so that you'll never be lonely again, right? How about, instead of breaking up a family, you join one instead! You can come with us H'vendrin. We can all pass through the door, together, and work from there. How about it?"

[CHA 8+3=11]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She doesn't even hesitate "Nope. I have sworn on my life to never move from this spot. No matter how painful it might get... I refuse to leave my post. A valiant try, your voice is convincing, but my mind and will have long since been set."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi did not like this... not at all "so if we fail some one will be lost forever?! No! I cant let that happen! we have to win this test no matter what!" she thought as she gripped Melanie's hand tightly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie's hands shook, even from within Umi's grip. "Sworn your life to what and who? What in this world could possibly be worth sitting and staying in one spot for your whole life? I can't imagine your situation, so forgive me if I'm wrong, but you're the only one holding yourself back right here. C'mon, how many travelers try and get you to join their family? This is your chance."

[CHA 8+3=11]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I swore to the labyrinth it'self. That is all I can say. I don't expect you to understand my position Melanie, I am asking you to respect it. Besides, who knows? You might pass right off the bat and none of this matters"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I-well-if that's our only option." Melanie absentmindedly ground her heel into the floor, staring sorrowfully at her crew. The pit in her stomach already made her fear the worst. "I guess... we really do have to take this test? I'm so sorry, gang, we've gotta try and pass, no matter what it takes."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Despite the situation... none of them look worried.

Korlish: "She hardly seems aggresive, so this won't be combat."

Busco: "Yea, so it should be a test of the brain! Easy peasy! We got all kinds of smarts around here!"

Wendy: "Yea, so stop banging yourself up for this girl! It's not like you could know."

H'vendrin: "Well then, I assume you are going to answer my riddles Melanie?"