Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The double doors were easy to open and they revealed the single most amazing room either of them have ever seen before. Not only was it massive and lined with the worlds softest carpet, but all the furniture was grand and luxurious. A massive canopy bed sat against the east wall with dark red sheets over white ones. A dresser was in the north east corner and a desk with a mirror and various beauty supplies sat on top of it. The center of the room was clear with a large window letting in sun light. The west side of the room had a long couch, a love seat and two arm chairs set up for sitting and relaxing without being on the bed. A coffee table sat between all the seating with small snacks on it like crackers and chocolate drops. Despite all the work clearly put into the room, no one was inside. 

Greta looked at the two of them with a questioning look. "Are you... asking me to go with you?"

Walsh moaned happily, his tail wagging, while Melanie claimed his ass with her huge cock. He stayed nice and tight for her cock and even started pushing back against her thrusts. Korlish grunted and quickly sank his cock into Melanie's pussy straight in to the hilt. He growled at the pleasure and grabbed her hips, quickly setting into a steady motion of thrusts. "I am going to wash out any remains of that vile womans cum isnide of you!" He snarled as his cock throbbed inside of her.    


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"This place is creeping me out, everything seems to be made for us like if this place want us to stay forever here" Luna said while backing off from the door.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie tried to move her hips forwards and back, both to thrust into Walsh, and to push herself further onto Korlish's cock, but found it difficult with the position. It quickly became easier to let Korlish do the work, and she lay herself out on Walsh's back, moaning in relaxation as she wrapped her spare arm around him and nibbled his ear playfully. With a brief correction to the rhythm, it worked out perfectly. The sheer strength of Korlish's hips drove her into Walsh with crushing thrusts, while his tight grip on her hips as well as the bounce of her ass brought her back onto his dick. The intensity of his thrusts was quickly vamping up. He was genuinely serious to clean out any trace of the woman's cum within her, and she kept egging him on, shooting him pleading looks over her shoulder. Before long, their height distance actually forced her to stand on her toes as she cinched up tight. A fair amount of her weight was held up by only his hard, throbbing length, while each wiggle of her hips jostled her cock around inside of Walsh.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish had his lips pulled up in a snarl as he pounded away at Melanie's sloppy cunt. The thought of any part of that bear woman being around them seemed to enrage him like no tomorrow as he pounded into her, his pointed dog cock hitting all the right places. Every thrust into her lead to a thrust into Walsh which ended in a moan of bliss from the man on bottom. For nearly twelve minutes Korlish pounded into Melanie before his knot suddenly swelled up, locking him in place, and he answered her pleading looks with a massive wave of his hot cum. More than twice the amount he pumped into her before, he all but flooded her womb and pussy with now, all while panting and reaching around to squeeze her breasts.

Just off to the side, Brusco hits his own desired release with a loud snort that is almost a squeal. His balls visibly twitch and churn as he pumps a rather heafty load from his quad balls, stuffing Samara full to the brim with this thick seed. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, I can't live off of horse feed, so unless your fridge is a lot deeper than most, I'm going to have to move on in a couple of days at the most. Of course, you're more than welcome to come with. After all, who's to say that the next person who comes through that door is going to be as friendly as us?" said Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta slowly nods her head while finishing off her biscuit. "I suppose it was too much of a stretch to try and convince you to stay here. Should have known that a girl of your size would need more food than just this." She pauses and looks at the two of them. "Ok... I will go with you two!"

Binx: She claps happily and the news "Yay! We get the kinky mage on our side!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Now that umi thought about it this looked more like painting than real life....  no place can be like this... "Some one is defiantly fucking with us...", Umi said as she scrutinized the room ahead of them. "I'm going to try something...", she said as she took a step into the lavish room. "ooh gee wouldnt it be nice if i had some tea!" she said with an exaggerated tone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A light clank can be heard over at the snack table and suddenly there is a hot kettle of water with a large assortment of various tea flavors. 

Greta thought for just a few seconds. "Not too long, maybe twenty minutes, but wouldn't you rather stay the night here and get on the move later? I mean, you did just rut my entire farm of animals plus whatever else you went through before you got here. Not sure when you will get such a safe place to sleep right?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"The only thing this castle need to be perfect is a map of all the room, and some healing ointment" Luna said in a really bored tone.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Thank you. A decent place to sleep would be appreciated," replied Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A medical kit suddenly appeared on the wall while a map just suddenly happened to be on the bed with detailed layout of the entire castle which was more like a manor.

"Of course dear! I... don't have a bed big enough for someone of your size, but you can rearrange the living room so you can lay down comfortably and I have plenty of spare blankets sitting around!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi eyes had gone wide at this. first the tea set and now this?! "O-Ok... j-just stay calm... something really weird is going on here.... but dont freak out..", Umi said as she looked like the one who might freak out. she saw the med kit however and thought the first thing they should do is get that wound of hers dressed. Taking careful steps, she edged to the med kit still trying not to be took freaked out from stuff coming out thin air. she popped it open hoping it had all the necessary items. All the while she felt very creeped out like indivisible people were watching her or something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Nothing happens as she opens up the medical kit. It has everything they would need to make sure her wound is set on the right path to healing up correctly. Disinfectant, sterile wipes, bandages and gauze are all present inside of the box. It doesn't feel like they are being watched... but they are certainly not truely alone in this crazy place either.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna took the box and patched up her wounds. "Now let's look at this plan to find a way to get out of there" Luna started to read the map in search of anything that could help them or was unusual.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the map showed the entire lay out of the manor they were in. Right now they were in the mater bedroom, the other rooms on this floor were a grand guest room and the master bathroom. Down below was another guest room, a bathroom, a study and two supply closets. Back down on the ground floor was he dinning room, kitchen, lounge and sun room. It also showed a basement down below everything else, but that part was faded and showed no information as to what was down there. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Sure thing, the master of this doesn't want us in the basement, guess we're are we going next. I would love to have a shining sword of flame, it would make this place soon much more fun" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Nothing happens... but she gets the feeling that someone is giving her the most judgmental look she has ever received before. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"you sure we cant find so proper clothes first?" Umi asked still quite unhappy with her current outfit. She had to admit the place was weird... it was creeping her out. she wanted to know the truth of this place. Where they truly alone? She wanted to try something else. "Alright.... I know someone is here! show yourself!", Umi said as she looked around.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Nothing happened at first but they soon heard a knock on the mirror! Looking inside showed a human man, mid thirties with short hair, light stubble and most importantly, a ghost. "it's about time someone made a request to see me directly! Most of them just freak out from the stuff showing up and run off! Spoil sports. Anyway, here I am, showing myself to you." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Hello, I have a couple a question for you, first where are we, and second why are we here" Luna was spooked by the gostly aparition


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Rather forward of you but, but very well. You are currently in Wilicker Manor. As to WHY you are here, well that is just the will of the labryinth. It likes to play with people, myself included."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gasped when she saw a man in mirror of all places. umi was unable to think of anything to say, she was far too freaked to do so. Ghosts weren't real were they? she shook a little not extacally scared but certainly unnerved.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I have no idea how to get out, I am a manor... I don't do a lot of moving you see. As for what this labyrinth is, I don't have much of an answer for that either. What I do know though, is that it is very much so alive in some sense. The walls shift and move, path ways change and anything can happen here if you delve deep enough. Maybe there is some sort of center room that never shifts.... but that is just my idea." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi coughed to get his attention. "um... you said you are a manor? you mean to say you this buliding?! how in the hell does that work?!", Umi said finding this all way too weird for her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes, I am the manor! Or rather, the physical will of the manor you are currently residing inside of. This entire building is my body. I don't know how it works, I just woke up like this one day I guess. So far I have seen plenty of people and all of them leave eventually. I am a manor, I want people to live inside of me, it is what I was built for! So now I try to accommodate for all their desires so they don't want to leave."  


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Sorry we will have to refuse your proposal, you know the whole : being trapped in a giant labyrinth and I want to get out of here as soon as possible. So if you could tell us where is the exit I would love it" Luna was clearly not liking the manor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"But why leave?! you can have anything you want here! You have each other for love and or lust! I can supply any and all food, entertainment, luxury... More people will show up too! you could start up your own little settlement here!" His voice is desperate.