Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie looked to the rest of her crew, trying to read their faces of what they thought of Busco, before gathering her thoughts to speak. "Five years? This place seems like a bit of a rough patch to be living here for so long. Any family or friends, or are you just like this lot over here?" She teasingly jabbed her thumb in the direction of the team. "Basically what I'm asking, are you bound to this place, or do you just not like the thought of leaving?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh seems generally happy to have found a friendly face, Samara is obviously trying to get a feel for the large boar man and Korlish is, as always, suspicious of the newcomer.

"Ah, it's not five years here in the bad lands, I have only been here for a month or two at most. I meant five years wandering the labyrinth! Got no family or friends on the out side, so no real pressing reason to escape." He belches loudly "Sorry, but as for that last part... well, as weird as this place is... so long as you don't go messing with things you can't handle, it can actually be a lot of fun! Stay in one area for a while and when you get board, just head out through another door and BOOM, new place to explore and live in for a while! I have met all sorts of people, both good and bad, and I have to say this has been the most exciting part of my life!"  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie, too, felt a bubble of excitement at the sight of this friendly face. His self-guided philosophy seemed very similar to her own. The lifestyle he described, though it'd be poor of her to admit it, sounded very close to what she deemed ideal. Immediately, she was resisting the urge to talk his ear off for fear of scaring him away, and though she wouldn't want to make any definite deals without the ay-okay of the group, she'd throw a simple offer out there regardless. "It just so happens that this bunch and I are looking to move on from here. Either now, or soon. If that schedule happens to rub up against yours, well, I think a little extra strength in numbers never hurt." As she turned again to face the group, she remembered the aphrodisiac, or rather, the stiff pole between her legs reminded her with a brush against the thigh. Melanie naturally found herself a tad embarrassed, but then again, in the scorching badlands, where the only water gives everyone a mental hard-on, nobody really should have any room to judge.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Eeeeeh, yea, I should probably head on out soon. These cactus chunks are good and all, but the rest of this place just sucks. Constantly hot, nothing of real interest and just chalk full of barbarians looking to beat you, rape you and keep you around as a toy until you break... then they just feed you to the wall monsters!" He grunts and looks between them all. "No offence meant, but you don't really look like fighters..."

Samara: We aren't... These weapons are for show mostly, or are basic enough to not need training to use."

Korlish: That hammer of yours is a completely different story though. I certainly wouldn't want to be on the bad end of it."

Walsh: Well, this place just sounds lovely. Is every room full of transformatives and rape?"

Busco: "Yea that is the jist of the labyrinth! Lots of things to change what you look like and how your body works. Even more things looking for a free fuck regardless of how you feel. I will say my first year here was... informative." He laughs heartily, his round belly jiggling. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Well, I'm just glad to run into someone who knows a bit more about this place than we do. And uh... what was that about wall monsters and feeding? Not sure I like the sound of that, gotta be honest." Melanie shook her head, skimming over the memory of the fight with the polar bear woman a time or two in her mind. Sick as those bone weapons were, intimidation hadn't worked quite as she hoped. "We're about to head out as is, d'you want a hand packing up, or can you just up and hit the road?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Brusco: Nah, I carry everything I need on me, that is to say, my armor and weapon! I just live off of what each room has to offer when I get there! Only food I carry normally are boar truffles!" he pats a pouch on his belt. "Keeps me nice and piggy! If you guys want me to tag along, I certainly can. As for the wall monsters... why do you think I am up here and now in the crevice? Giant ugly creatures that eat anything that moves. Live in giant holes dug into the walls down below. I wan't nothing to do with them!"

Samara: "Well, it seems another face joins our wacky group. Welcome aboard Brusco."

Walsh: Good, we have been lacking real muscle around here."

Korlish just grunts and shrugs his shoulders, not really seeming to care about the boar man. 

Brusco: Well alright then! Let's have a move on. We only have so much time before night fall comes and we have bunker down for the night." He walks out of the cave and heads east... at least, Melanie hopes it is east. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna left a small moan when Umi started to finger her pussy. Luna then started to finger Umi pussy. At the same time Luna lowered her head to bite Umi left nipple. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie shuffled along with the rest. Her own sense of direction was horrible, so she had enough reason to trust his over her own. Wall monsters would hopefully stay a no-go, while the thought of this cactus field definitely intrigued her. She liked the thought of carrying a little something with her from each biome, even if before long, she'd end up weighed down. Her mind wandered to the thought of her belt. That thing had been useful, and she hoped to salvage something, whether vines or leather, that she could strap small pouches to for her aforementioned souvenirs. A little something else piqued in her mind. Carrying a thousand different transformatives in her pockets was nonsense. Maybe just maybe, she could just just eat one from each biome, and let the body changes themselves serve as her souvenirs? The thought was more practical than the first, but still far from a safe idea. For the moment, she'd shelf it in the back of her mind and walk on with the group.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi made a small yelp when she felt Luna's mouth on her nipple and her fingers sticking in her pussy. This was escalating fast and Umi could do little to stop it as her lust built up further. Her lust pheromones were now out of her control as the wafted right into Luna's nose. "Oh god Luna!~", she said with a moan. Umi fingers then began to piston into Luna's pussy faster.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Brusco leads them off to the east for several hours making small talk and chatter as they move to try and keep the mood light even as the sun beat down on their heads and made them sweat. Thankfully they had their cactus chunks to keep them hydrated and after Brusco taught them how to get the spines out and that they could eat the rest for even more juice, a little bit went a long way. The landscape really did match the name, bad lands, as everything was rather bad and horrible and the most you could say about it was that it was certainly land. Rock after rock, cactus after cactus... that is all they found here. At several points Busco would point down and they could see massive circular holes dug into the walls below, the wall monsters he spoke of before. Eventually he leads them over to another cave, hot, tired and horny from the cactus.

"Sorry everyone, but we need to stop here. Up ahead is barbarian territory and I don't want anything to deal with them when the sun is going down in a few hours." He says while taking a seat in the shade. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Fine and dandy. We made some distance today." Melanie spoke in terse sentences. A day's worth of drinking down the cactus juice, combined with the injection of Throbb was really weighing her down in more ways than one. Her swollen balls were churning with the urge to rut. Every stiff breeze felt like a teasing trace down her cock, while the clit of her moist pussy throbbed lightly as a constant when she wasn't thinking about it. Badlands or not, she knew that she'd really have something to look forward to when she finally got her release. Still, the wait was gratifying enough, and she'd force herself to sit calmly in the shade.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco sat back with a sigh and, with a surprisingly casual motion about it, pulled out his cock and started masturbating. he sported a foot long three inch thick cock that looked slightly like a dogs. No, after getting a good look, it was a dragon cock! "Phew... all day with that cactus really does start to make you burn huh?" He chuckles happily and focuses on stroking himself.

Samara blushes and sits down, trying not to look at the display while Korlish rolls his eyes and takes a seat as well, trying to hide his own erection.

Walsh: he watches Brusco for a minute before shrugging and doing the same. "Screw it, I have an erection that could break glass at this point."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
After a moment of brief hesitation, Melanie followed their lead with a sigh of relief, wiggling her eyebrows at Korlish and Samara as they pretended like they didn't want in. About half a dozen quick strokes later, she had a better idea, and set herself in between Walsh and Brusco. "A little bit of altruism makes it all the better, right fellas?" she said with a smirk, batting their hands away as she replaced them with her own. The heat of the badlands was all-encompassing, but the warmth of their cocks was still omnipresent as she stroked them hard and fast, lubed up nicely by her own dripping pre. Her mouth hovered over Walsh's familiar girth, before swallowing down the tip in one quick motion as she noisily slurped up and down, off and on, before switching over to Brusco. His thicker, draconic length was more of a challenge, and she took it a bit slower. With a few shallow bobs, Melanie went a little further each time, until she had taken a solid four inches. Satisfied with herself, she leaned a little farther towards him to reach and fondle his balls.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
To Melanie's surprise, he had a quartet of balls inside of his heavy sack, all warm and pleasant to the touch. Both of the well endowed men were moaning softly at her oral ministrations and, as if in sync, both reached out to grab her cock, stroking it up and down while she worked them over  with her mouth. Korlish gave a frustrated grunt at the sigh of their threesome and just gave up, moving over and pushing his cock into Walsh's face who happily opened up and took it into his muzzle with a loving suck. Brusco waved Samara over and with a blush she did so, presenting her slit to the boar man who quickly dived forward and started eating her out. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie set to work with vigor, watching Walsh over her shoulder, and mentally competing with him as he took what Korlish had to offer. She pulled her mouth off of Brusco with an audible slurp, and returned to jerking him off as she relaxed herself and went back down on Walsh. The hands moving up and down on her cock were the absolute bliss she had been looking forward to all day, and she focused on reciprocating the same pleasure as his length jabbed at the back of her throat. Once the initial hurdle was surmounted, it was all fair game, and he stretched her jaw fantastically as Melanie deepthroated his dog cock.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna followed the rhythm of Umi finger. She then started to make out with Umi. As the pheromone were affecting Luna her breath was getting shorter. Luna climax was near. The rhythm of Luna finger was getting faster, trying to make both girls orgasm at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was close now she could feel it, as Luna started kissing her along with their hastening fingers. Umi was getting very hot now, her body burned with pent out lust. She was desperate for release as she fingered Luna with abandon, pistioning her fingers as fast as she could. It only took about a minute of this until Luna felt Umi gushing her sweet zil girl cum into the water. She cried out of orgasmicaly as she shuddered around lunas hand. No doubt Luna's orgasm was right on time with hers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh moaned around Korlish's cock as he felt Melanie take his down her throat. Feeling like a bit of a challenge, he slide down Korlish until her was deep throating him, much to to the bliss of the wolf in question. Brusco and Walsh moved their hands faster along her big throbbing avian cock, giving it firm squeezes every now and again. The boar man himself was gobbling away at Samara's pussy, his usual messy eating habits shining clear as day as he eats her pussy. He comes to a sudden stop though and pulls his cock free. "Sorry, but I am not going to cum from a hand when there is so much willing pussy around." He quickly scoots up to Samara and slides his dragon cock into her, making them both moan as he starts to thrust. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna feel back in the bath. Took a minute to get her breath back then said to Umi "Damn it's the first time I had sex with another woman, but it's probably the best fingering I received in my life" Then Luna left the bath and put back on her leaf clothes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie pulled herself off of him, wiping the edges of her mouth before she spoke. "I like the way you think." she assented, looking around at the options as she rubbed down the tip of her cock. "Well then, hows about it? Who's taking who?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi moaned a bit as she rode the coat tails of her lust. "...H-Holy shit....", umi said, still surprised by her bold lusty behavior. With out really looking at Luna Umi dried herself off with the rather plush towels, quite enjoying the softness. she soon put her leaf clothes on as well feeling quite a bit better then before. "Well i guess we should look around more...", Umi said as she moved back out of the bathroom.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh pulled off of Korlish's cock and bent himself over, presenting his as to her. "Come on then girl, show me how you work that new dick of yours! I need it!"

Korlish kept stroking himself as he moved behind Melanie and waited for her to claim Walsh. "I will be claiming your cunt this time around." He says matter of factly.

Meanwhile, Brusco is showing Samara a good time, railing her needy pussy with his huge cock and making her moan in bliss with every thrust.

As Umi and Luna both reach orgasm, they find themselves really liking this crazy castle they are currently in. So far it seems like the place is empty and if they had to settle down anywhere, why not such a well established and luxurious place? It was just a small thought in their minds, but leaving this place now seemed like it might be slightly harder to do now. none the less, they are not back out in the large second floor landing. Another door is just across from them, three doors are down the hall to their left and the stairs leading up are at the end. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi thought about it. what was that feeling earlier? she pushed it out of her head she need to see her family again and nothing was going to stop her!

Umi looked at there options and seeing the stairs she thought that would be best maybe whoever lived here might be up there. "sure.... its worth a shot..", Umi said in agreement.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Down the hall and up the grand spiraling stairs lead them up to the third floor of this castle. Again they stepped out to a large and decorated landing with potted plants, candle holders, plush rugs, a chandelier and two large stain glass windows that look out into the world around them. On this floor there were only three door ways. A door to the left, a door to the right and finally, a set of double doors right in the middle of the wall.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"If anyone is living here I am sure he is behind those double door, what about we pay him a visit?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was honestly kind of hesitant about meeting someone wearing such primitive looking clothing. But, maybe they would have some better outfits for them. She certainly hoped so she was not a fan of being so exposed. "Yeah that sounds about right to me, but if not maybe there some better clothes in there at the very least..." she said as she and Luna when to the doors.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I don't think it's a good idea to show up to someone with clothes stolen from them, beside that the leaf clothes are good looking on you" Luna said with a smile


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta thought for a moment as she finished her biscuits. "Well, what if you had people traveling with you?" she asked.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie just couldn't say no to that face, and sauntered up behind Walsh. She hooked her fingers into his thighs, nestling her cock between his cheeks, before smacking him once on the ass with the flat of her palm. He clenched up beautifully, and she dragged herself forwards and back, shuddering at the softness of his derriere while hotdogging him faster and faster. Finally, as she grabbed hold of his cheeks, holding them apart, she positioned herself at his hole and dove straight in. The first few inches of her slippery tip went in, and with a few shallow thrusts, she started thrusting deeper into those silken tight walls, giving him a reach-around as her thickening shaft and base gradually stretched him out more and more. Melanie looked at Korlish over her shoulder expectantly. "Cunt or ass baby, wherever you want it."