Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta got to her feet as best she could. Her legs wobbled like a newborns. After a few stumbles, she made her way out of the barn and around back, holding the wall for support.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna quickly joined. "Next time don't moan loudly at three feet of me, Ahhh! This feels good." She said when entering the water.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta takes Unta and Binx around the back of the bar where a tarp is covering the ground with a hose sitting near by. She grabs the hose and turns the water to hot before moving over to Unta and cleaning her. The hot water feels lovely on her abused nethers and Greta is oh so gentle as she washes the cum out of her oozing holes.

As Luna stepped into the hot water her leg stung like a son of bitch as the water got into her wound and helped clean it out. Steam began to rise in the air, adding a nice atmosphere to the bathroom as the two clean themselves up. Soap, sponges and shampoo were all provided on a little slot built into the wall. It was all very relaxing and was slowing easing the stress out of their bodies.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"On my home planet we didn't even had this luxury. Where do you came from Umi? I don't a lot about the rest of the galaxy but I thought that all zil were coming from Mhen'ga" Luna was really enjoying the water, even if she was appearing joyful all the time she was really stressed out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi's eye's were drawn to Luna's body as they enjoyed a bath together. She really did look quite good.... Umi shook her head. "Gah! Was I staring? i hope not..." umi thought as a blush ran across her face. "oh well uh..... Like i said i wasn't born there. in fact I've never even met another zil before, or been to Mhen'ga in my life." she explained. "far as i have found... i was born on some other world by some... zil slave... then my parents , they're humans by the way, adopted me and brought me to new colony world where I have lived for most of my life. its pretty peaceful there, lots of nice things to draw and paint..." Umi said as she looked to the side trying not look all over Luna's naked body. She felt good too, the water was really making her feel much better.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As the duo bathe and wash away both their stress and the grime on their bodies, they both had to admit that the other was fairly attractive. With the steam in the air and the hot water on their bodies, it was hard to notice the building arousal between their thighs before it was already reaching rather high levels. Their eyes keep flicking down to each others breasts, thighs and crotches, wondering what each other felt like... and tasted like.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Frantically, Melanie tried to move her arms, before realizing again that they were bound tight. The relief of having her forehead wiped down alone had convinced her that everything was fine, but as she watched Samara fumble with the flashbang, she had to figure something out. Poking her snout in the direction of the pin, she made a motion of biting down, and tearing it out. Hell, even she didn't know the ins and outs of working the thing. It seemed so simple on TV, and she'd just have to hope it was that simple in real life.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The giant bear woman turned around at that moment and her face turned into a scowl. "Hey! That is my fuck meat you are next to! That is it! No more mercy! I am turning you all into mindless bimbo slaves!" She charges forward and reaches for Samara. Samara gives a frightened yelp and bites the pin, pulling it out and quickly throwing the flash bang at the bear. It goes off with a deafening blast, making everyone's ears ring and their vision replaced by nothing but a white void. "AAAAHHHH! My eyes! It burns! you bitch! I will break you down into nothing but a cock sleeve!" the bear woman is stumbling about now, trying to blindly find her target. Samara pulls out a familiar stone knife and cuts the leather straps holding Melanie before tugging her off the mattress and out of the cave where the others are waiting.

Korlish: What was that noise?!

Samara: No time! Run!

the whole group takes off running only for the bear woman to come charging out a minute later! "Get back here you mangy mutts!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie was dazed from the flashbang, and her vision whiting out from the brightness of the outside, but still plenty nimble on her feet. Her ears were ringing from the blast, head throbbing with a headache, but with Samara to faintly guide her, she sprinted off with the rest, hoping against hope to finally make it home free this time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was enjoying the water until she noticed that her hand was drifting to one of  Luna's breasts. Before she could stop herself she found that her lust had driven her forward and she grouped one of luna's soft lovely breasts. She gasped as felt luna's nipple in her hand. "Ah?! oh g-god I'm so sorry... T-that came out of nowhere!" she said as she felt extremely embarrassed. but her hand stayed there... she couldn't move it... Luna's breast was so...soft....and she felt so... hot....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the five of them run as fast as they can through the snow, the cold air nipping at Melanie's naked body as they run. Behind them is the constant thud of the bear woman chasing after them. The door is just ahead and Korlish gets to it first, throwing it open and jumping inside. Next is Samara and Melanie who are quickly followed by Walsh. Diana jumps for the door but the bear woman grabs her legs when she is half way through! Korlish dives across the floor and grabs her hands, trying to pull her through while Walsh grabs onto Korlish to try and pull him back! "Hang on Diana! Don't let go!" It is this horrible sight that greets Melanie as her senses come back to her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie made a frantic lunge back towards Walsh, overshooting it more than just a tad as she skidded to a stop in the snow by Diana. She took a deep breath, staring down at the woman's hands as they held tight to Diana's legs, and then swung her own leg down with what shaky strength she could muster, attempting to stomp on the polar bear woman's vulnerable fingers and break the seal that was holding them back. "Samara! Grab onto Walsh!"

[STR 4+1=5 lmao rest in piece]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Melanie's kick doesn't get her anywhere and Samara grabs onto Walsh as all three of them tug and pull against the giant woman. 

Korlish: "Melanie! Get back in here and help us pull!"

Walsh: "Don't let go Diana! We got you!"

They all tug has hard as they can but the raw power behind the bear woman is a force to be reckoned with

Diana: " have to let go...."

Samara: "What?! Didn't you hear what she said!? If we let go there won't be anything to save in a matter of hours!"

Diana: "If you don't let go we will all be pulled in together! Now let.... GO!" Diana jerks her hand out of Korlish's grasp and is instantly tugged back through the door. Once she is through, the door slams shut behind them and a lock clicks into place.

Walsh: "No!" He pounds at the door, desperately trying to get it open again. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The moment her kick bounced off like it was nothing, Melanie knew that she had fucked up. She fell back, trying to backtrack and grab onto Samara, but it was too late. In a mere instant, Diana slipped back out the door and into the grasp of the polar bear woman, and as far as they could understand, she was gone. She stepped back even farther, tears brimming in her eyes as she realized that this was irrefutably her fault. The audible pounding on the door replicated Melanie's own heartbeat, frantic and fearful, as she felt scared to death of facing the wolf people once more. She thought that she was on top of the world, but the cruel reality check had dragged her right back down to earth with a paralyzing fall.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh: "Come on! Come on open up! You are a door! A stupid door! Doors open both ways! Please! Open up!" He sinks down to his knees and sobs.

Samara: She moves over to Walsh and tries to comfort him while her own tears streak down her cheeks.

Korlish: He rounds on Melanie with a snarl "Is this what you wanted?! huh?! We were fine before you showed up! Sure it was boring, sure it was a dead end, but at least we were safe! Now look! Diana has been dragged off to become that horrible woman's fuck toy! Even if we do ever get back there, there wont be anything left to save! Just a meat hole for cocks! This is all your fault!"

Samara: She growls and looks at Korlish "Shut up! It wasn't Melanie's fault! We all knew the risks when we decided to move out with her! We knew that changes could happen, that some of us might not even make it all the way to the end. It was Diana's choice to let go... she told us to move on... so it is all we can do now. So we either move on and work together, or stand around hating each other!"

silence falls onto the group as emotions run high.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie looked adamantly to the floor, eyes prickling, as the expression on her face tightened. The dam finally broke, and tears ran streaming down her cheeks as she shook from the guilt, choking back sobs as she bawled aloud. "I'm sorry, I'm s-so sorry! It s-should've been me, it should've been me!" She made her way to the door, pounding her little fists against the resistant thing til they bruised with the force she tried to exert. "Open up goddammit." She demanded through her choked cries, but to no avail. "Open up! I was the one you wanted! Leave her alone!" As her knuckles finally grew numb, gashed open on the door, she finally realized that Diana was truly gone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Samara stepped over and grabbed Melanie, pulling her into a hug for both comfort and to stop her from breaking her hands on the door. "That's enough Melanie... that's enough, please stop before you hurt yourself any more." She gives her a firm squeeze, trying to calm her down.

Korlish snarls and pulls an arrow back on his bow before firing it at the door where it gets firmly stuck. "There.... now if this crazy place ever leads us back to this door, we will know what is behind it. Hopefully we will be more prepared when we return."

Walsh: "If we return... no one every came back before..."

Korlish: "I have to hope.... even if she is mind broken and twisted into a new form... she would be better off in our care than left with that horrible bear woman."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie hugged Samara tight, and at that moment, she felt as if she didn't deserve them. In her eyes, the noble thing to do would be to pull back, leave them all be, and leave herself to traverse the labyrinth in solitude, but Melanie, never the most noble, only hugged tighter, still sniffling as her sobs weakened some. Over her shoulder, her eyes scanned over to what was before them, and what was by default where they would have to go. For a moment, the thought of new lands and new beasts terrified her, and she could only imagine how they had felt when she convinced them to leave home.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The four of them were in another sandstone hallway but this one had torches every twenty feet or so, keeping the entire place light nicely. She cold see it went down for some time before widening out and hitting a dead end that hopefully had more ways out that she simply couldn't see right now.

Walsh: "Well, this is the only way to go now.... we might as well move since this door won't open back up again it seems."

Korlish: "I guess so... the labryinth is all that awaits us now... and whatever horrors live here."

Samara: "Are you ready to move Melanie? We can wait a few more minutes if you need to." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie stood fast on her feet. Samara's sympathy was touching, but felt undeserved. Weakly, she nodded, and dragged her feet down the stretch of hallway, wolf tail drooping between her legs as she walked on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
They all make their way down the hall way, making sure not to trip over the uneven tiles before reaching the wide area at the end. It is just like the room that Melanie woke up in but with a few key differences. there is another hall way to the left, a ladder leading up to a trap door in the right most corner and another trap door leading down in the left corner.

Samara: Huh... so which direction do we go in?"

Walsh: We should go up... up means out right?"

Korlish: Up could mean anything in this mad place..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie liked the idea of up, and she hoped that the direction they took would reflect what would become of her emotions. Uplifted, but then again, as Korlish has said, up was down, and black was white. Her tail bristled against her bare leg, and she realized that she was overthinking it. "Up?" She said aloud, hoping to contribute to the decision, but immediately wishing she hadn't spoken.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish looks at her before simply nodding. "up it is then. Let's just hope this place isn't too horrible." with the choice made they all move over to the ladder, Walsh climbing up first and pushing the trap door open and peeking his head inside. "Hmm, it looks like some sort of.... cave? yea, this is certainly a cave." He crawls the rest of the way through, then Korlish follows and Samara is next leaving Melanie come come up last. They are indeed inside of a cave with brown stone all around them and light coming from around the corner.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie made her way up, too, while waiting for Samara to go first. Cautiously she slunk alongside the group, straining her neck to try and see around the corner. Naturally, she felt inclined to put herself in danger before the others, still weighed down upon by the events of the day.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The cave was... well a brown cave. It was mostly dark, slightly damp and had many stalactites and stalagmites on the floors and ceilings. The light from ahead was obviously sun light, but that is all they could tell about what was in front of them. With a hissing sound, the door fades away behind them.

Walsh: Well... only one way to go right?" With a nod from Korlish they all start walking forward toward the front of the cave, Samara grabbing Melanie's hand as she moved ahead. When they came around the corner their eyes laid upon a barren bad lands made mostly of brown and red rock. Large mountains sprang up all around them and it become clear they were down in the bottom of a crevice. It was fairly hot as the sun beat down on the ground and the cave was the only thing keeping them from roasting in it.

Greta calmly cleaned Unta and Binx of the mess they were subjected to before cleaning herself up. Once all three were clean she guided them back around the barn and into her small home which was just big enough for Unta to fit inside of, though she had to duck through the door. She brought them into her living room and sat them down with a smile.

"Now then girls, after doing me such a favor and tending to the herd, you have more than earned a meal on me. Feel free to rest here or look about the house. I will just be over in the kitchen." She gets up and walks out of the house.

Binx: she flops over onto the couch. "so.... much... mare pussy" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie squeezed Samara's hand as they stepped out into the sun, squinting and attempted to shield her four eyes. She took a look around the crevice, searching for anywhere they could climb up and survey the landscape. As some time had passed since the incident with Diana, her adventurer's spirit was moving her along. With a sense of slight dread, she realized that she herself, with her thin fur, was already scorching in the heat. She couldn't imagine how the poor gang felt, but sought to set it aside as she surveyed the land.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The three wolf people were already panting with their tongues hanging out.

Walsh: "Wow... this is... really hot out here huh? I guess up was not the best choice... sorry."

Korlish: "We all seem to be making poor choices recently... we will just have to make due with it." he says while looking around.

Samara: She quickly ripped off her fur clothing with a sigh. "that's a bit better... but we cant stay here like this... we need to find water."

Melanie's survivor instincts were kicking in as she looked around the land. It was mostly smooth rocks and sheer walls where they were, but she knew places like this were bound to have crumbled over time and that would be their key to getting up higher. The main issue was staying out of the sun and keeping hydrated right now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta collapsed on the floor next to the couch and rested her upper torso on it, next to Binx. "So much stallion dick. My pussy's going to be sore for a week," she moaned.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie continued to search the deeper nooks and crannies of the crevice, until lo and behold, there was a doable slope of rubble. The incline wasn't too steep, and with a little bit of effort, she was certain it would be their way out. Scurrying up the pile, and sinking her fingers into the crumbling footholds in the rock, she called to the others to follow. Her head poked out over the top, and though the sun did limit her vision, she could see the landscape semi-clearly, and shouted down to the crew. "Hey all, over here."