Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie trudged forwards, eyes clouding with lust as she slowly realized what all was going on around her. She couldn't fight like this, painfully hard, and naked from the waist down at that. The warmth and musk she'd caught onto when the bear scooped her up was just too good. Her crew was in shambles, getting thrown this way and that like ragdolls, while Samara had already gotten a few inches of the massive cock down her throat. "Wait!" Melanie called, stumbling towards the great bear, and tired of watching her team get whipped around. "What if... what if I let you do whatever you want to me, that's right, whatever you want, sticking your cock just about wherever, and you lay off on these guys? Sure, now you're probably thinking "what kinda deal is that?" I could just just beat these guys the old fashioned way and get all of them." Well, I dunno about you, but I sure wouldn't want my sexual prey struggling, especially when one of them knows magic." The magic part was a lie, it completely failed the first time she tried it, but the bear probably didn't know that. "Your hide's awfully thick, but I don't think you've like to catch an electrical zap right in those balls of yours, because I sure wouldn't. Go ahead, the choice is yours." She folded her arms, feeling bold, although she didn't truly think about the full extent of what her words meant.

[CHA 8+5=13]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The four of them stared at Melanie like she had gone made, while the bear woman smiled at the offer and walked up right in front of her, kneeling down so they were almost face to face. "Anything I want to you? you realize you are throwing yourself at my mercy. I could shove this cock in any hole I wanted, for however long I wanted. Mold your holes to the shape of my dick and make you squirm. Maybe I would even change you... that counts as anything doesn't it? I have found some fun stuff during my time in the labyrinth. Still feeling bold?" She reaches her hand back out and cups her balls again, that wonderful soft hand and delightful heat covering her exposed parts once more.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I-uh," Melanie stuttered, suddenly feeling not nearly so brave with the woman face to face with her like this. There was that wonderful heat again, and her foot thumped twice against the ground as she struggled to get it away from her. Did she even have a choice at this point? It was either she take the heat, or all five or them would. She caught the wide-eyed stares of her wolf friends. They were all so much better than this polar bear woman. What was she thinking, trying to make a deal with her? The woman was so far below her, and she wouldn't stoop to that level. In a moment of reckless arrogance, Melanie reared back, and spat straight into the polar bear woman's face.

[I don't know if rolling for spit accuracy is necessary but eh why not: AGI 10+6=16]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
There is a moment of silence as the bear woman reaches up and wipes the spit from her face and no one says a word. The bear takes a long deep breath before opening her eyes again. "I'm going to rape you senseless." She says casually and quickly hefts Melanie under her arm like a package. The four quickly spring into action, trying to stop the bear but with a mighty effort from her legs, the bear woman jumps away from the group is a swirl of snow. Melanie is treated to a lovely high up view of the snowy lands before the bear comes crashing back down to the ground with a grunt. "I don't get you little girl. First you launch a cheap surprise attack, then you and your friends beat on me, then you eat some wolf berries, follow that up with making a deal for sex... and end it all by spitting in my face. If you had simply shown me that you were true to your word, we would have gone a few rounds while your friends watched and off you would have gone. But now you went and pissed me off more than ever! you will be lucky if I ever let you go at this point." She berates Melanie as she stomps into a large cave. Inside is much like the cave Korlish had set up in... only hers had lots of stuff in it. Sitting in the corner was a space heater that fought off the cold, an actual mattress sits on the floor and much to Melanie's terror, a large assortment of various vials, potions, drinks and foods sit off to the side. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The blindsided decision came with immediate, immediate regret from Melanie, who struggled futilely in her assailants arms. Damn her arrogance, damn the polar bear lady. She should've just taken the deal! Okay, she could handle this. Her arousal wouldn't control her. She'd find a way to escape, and then settle her lusts with the gang, as one great big happy fuckbuddy family. They could still go on their adventures, this was just a single hitch in the get along. In her semi-panicked state, she tried to focus, and look around the cave for anything that could help her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As the bear woman carried her through the cave, she saw something that she recognized... a flash bang! That would make for an easy escape! However, she was soon tossed on top of the mattress which, to her dismay, has leather bindings at each corner that are attached on the other side of the mattress. Her ankles and wrists are soon bound to the mattress and she quickly finds herself stripped of her new gear and at the mercy of this giant woman. "Now... you stay right there while I find something fun for you!" She stomps over to the eerie pile of goods and starts digging through it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Feeling incredibly vulnerable stripped and bound like this, Melanie fought off her panicked state, trying with everything in her to undo her bindings, yet still be sneaky about it. Her new wolf tail lashed violently against the mattress, while the springs dug against her skin. The leather reminded her of that one belt she had, with her berries in it, and that she'd used to carry her dagger for a point in time. She wondered where it was, probably in the snow after her skirt had been ripped off, and—she arched her back, tugging with a grunt as she stopped distracting herself. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta's eyes widened as her new hyper-sensitive pussy was penetrated for the first time. The stallion's member spread her wide and sent shockwaves of pleasure through her as it slid in. Her entire pussy was as sensitive as her clit, and it clamped tight around the intruding penis building the pleasure higher, and higher, until it hit its peak just as the initial thrust was finished. Unta came with the first thrust of the stallion entering her, a thick spray of feminine juices blasting out around his cock as her cry of pleasure filled the barn.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The bear woman suddenly stood up and walked back over to Melanie with a sadistic grin on her face. "Stop squirming. no way a tiny person like you could possibly break free. Now then, I have some fun stuff for you!" She takes out a small plastic circle and unscrews the top before dipping her hand inside and taking out a huge glob of some sort of cream. While whistling to herself she uses both hands to slather the warm cream over Melanie's balls, taking extra time to really rub it it. After a minute or two she pulls her hands away and wipes them off on a towel before sitting there and waiting. A warm sensation quickly sank into Melanie's balls and she felt her balls rapidly fill up until it was nearly painful. Next came an odd sensation and she knew without a doubt that she wold be making much more cum per orgasm now. Just as she was about to groan in pain, the pain suddenly vanished... but her balls swelled up with cum! "Congratulations! you balls will now get physically bigger the more cum you save up! Go too long and they will be big enough to immobilize you!" Next she picked up a medipen that Melanie knew very well... a shot of throb. Her horrible grin grew wider as she poked it into Melanie's cock and pushed the plunger in. Burning heat surged through her cock as it rapidly swelled out to 11 inches long and 2 inches thick! Next are her balls, which swell out to the size of large oranges... and that isn't because of her cum stock pile either. Finally she can feel her balls begin to churn like a factory... it seems she will make more cum, that is more virile and recover faster from orgasms. "Mmm! That is so much better!"

Greta rubbed her pussy much faster and plunged her fingers in deep as she watched Unta hit orgasm. "That's right you big slut! Cum from that horses cock! Let a wild animal drive you to the heights of pleasure!" She moaned and lifted her hips off the floor to plunge her fingers in deeper. Meanwhile, the horse on top of Unta just kept on thrusting, not even a throb from feeling her orgasm around him. His cock dripped pre cum constantly inside of her causing even more of the thick cum ooze to be made with the previous cum in her pussy and womb. The sheer size of his balls added a light sting every time he hilted his cock inside of her and they slapped against her rear. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna didn't her wound hinder her and quickly rushed toward the spider to slash it with her clawed feet. (5+3=8)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The spider is completely defenseless like this and it's soft under belly is easily ripped to shreds. It's legs kick and flail and the last of it's life drains out of it's body and it falls still, leaving the two of them there with just a corpse. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked at the dead spider for a few seconds making sure it was dead. after giving a deep sigh of relief she hurriedly walked up to Luna looking at the bite mark on her leg. "Luna are you ok?", she said with concerned expression. thought right after that her face took on a much more angry look. "Luna! What the hell is wrong with you! why would you just charge in like that?", She said angrily at Luna.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna took two seconds to get her breath back and look at her injuries. "I don't want this thing to prepare it's attack. Looks like an effective tactic to mensure.  The damn thing is dead and we are both fine. Now let's leave this place" Luna was already making her way toward the other end of the cave.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The wound on Luna's thigh did not look poisoned or really that bad, though to leave it untreated would probably be a bad idea all the same. Regardless, the two make their way to the door and it opens easily enough revealing... another sand stone hallway what leads into darkness.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna took a second for her eyes to adapt and grabbed Umi hand. Then she continued to push foward.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked into the dark hallway and sighs. "I guess it was too much to hope for that it could be the exit...". Luna then grasped her hand and pulled her into the darkness. Umi couldnt see as well in the dark so she just hoped Luna would guide her. She wasn't to happy with how impulsive Luna seemed, but she didnt want to walk this place alone so she sucked it up and let her guide her by the hand.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta braced her hands against the wall of the stall as another orgasm began building almost immediately. With her pussy hyper sensitized the way it was, every square inch of her tunnel was like a g-spot, and the massive dick inside her was rubbing it all at the same time. She did her best to hold back the next climax, but in only a matter of minutes her walls were being battered down by the horse's constant frantic thrusts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The duo walk down the dark hall way, tripping and stumbling every now and again over the uneven floor before they come out into a familiar square room lit by two torches on the north and south walls. However, several things were different this time around. A coffee table and two plush arm chairs sat under the north torch while a red throw rug covered the majority of the center of the room. It gave the room a very regal feel to have such finery and made it feel almost like the inside of a castle!

Greta might have gone a bit too far once again as the horse still didn't seem all that close to orgasm as it continued to rail Unta's hyper sensitive pussy. However, Unta was already on her second orgasm and she wasn't being given a break any time soon by the looks of it. Greta herself was lost in the throes of her own pleasure as half lidded eyes remained glued to Unta's pussy as it was stuffed full of horse cock. The lusty stallion above was only spurred on by the fresh soaking of her girl cum and some how managed to find the strength to pick up the pace even faster, his cock pumping into Unta like a jack hammer set on full blast. The smell in the stall was an over powering mix of horse musk, Unta's pheromones and greta's own pussy juice. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi raised her eyebrows at the rather regal looking surroundings. Umi didn't trust this at all.... But none the less they had to go forward. she held Luna back this time to stop her from doing anything hasty. Perhaps they had wound up in someones castle, she felt horribly under dressed and exposed only wearing a grass skirt and bra. she hope the place was abandoned as she lead Luna inside the room quietly as she could. After standing there for a second she found no one esle in the room but them. those chairs were rather comfy looking though and all of that walking was tiring. So, despite her general untrust of the room she sat down on one of the chairs.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chair was indeed very comfortable and certainly the softest thing she has sat in since arriving in this crazy place. As she sat in the chair and took a load off of her feet, she felt her stress, fatigue and mental fatigue all wash away much faster than they normally would. Umi feels all rested up and ready to move in minutes!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Even if Luna was really tempted by the chair she didn't want to go near them. "This seems to good to be true, this place is screwing with us since we are there. Let's just move foward"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi did in fact feel better after sitting in that chair, it was very weird! But, she was grateful to feel more relaxed now. "that was weird... i feel mych better already... well whatever. yeah i guess we should continue.". Umi said as she got up from the comfy chair and headed forward with Luna.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Again the two of them make their way down the corridor before reaching another large wooden door at the end of the hall. This one was framed in square stone bricks that made are arc around the top and ended on either side of it down by the floor. Pushing the door open places them in a grand hallway that is clearly the entrance of a massive castle! Long purple and gold tapestries hang from the walls while a fancy crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling and lights up the room. A long red carpet sprawls out over the cobblestone floor that ends at the foot of a grand stair case. Potted plants and golden candle holders line the walls on the floor. A door to the left and a door to the right at the only ways out other than going up the stairs. Behind them is a massive door that would leave the castle, but there is no way they cold open it on their own.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Wow! This place is beatiful, but something is not normal here. I think we should go up these stair"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi had to agree with Luna on this the place did look nice... a little too nice. she wondered if anyone actually lived here. she hoped they could find some proper clothes before meeting anyone she still felt so exposed in their leaf clothes. "well... i guess you're right we cant get through those doors so i guess we don't have much choice in the matter.", she said as she followed Luna up the stairs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie strained against her binds, rapidly-swelling balls and cock throbbing painfully all the while. The feeling of being so helpless and immobile, was driving her insane, while a sizable glob of precum burned atop her sensitive tip like a fire. She was looking away from the polar bear woman, trying to keep her gaze fixated on the ceiling to avoid seeing anything she didn't want to. She knew two things for sure: she would not cry out, and she would not yearn, no matter how uncomfortable her heavy balls felt, churning with the new need for release.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The stairs went up a bit, then split to the left and right but both directions ended on the floor above so they simply went right and stepped out onto the second floor. There we now in a large square landing room with a door on the left and a door on the right. The room eventually turned into a hall way that ended on a spiral staircase leading further up into the castle. In the hall was another three doors, one on the left and two on the right. More potted plants and candle holders lined the walls while red rugs covered the cold stone floor. Bright sun light leaked in through large ornate glass windows which showed a beautiful green grass land scape outside... but the windows had no way to be opened.

The bear woman grinned at her and reached out to gently cup her balls and stroke her new big cock, both of which sent rushes of pleasure up her spine. "Oh? Trying to play the tough girl huh? you aren't the first one babe and you wont be the last that is for certain." Melanie feels something thick, heavy and warm land on her thigh which was no doubt the bear woman's cock at full mast. "Let's see how tough you act with this inside of you. I will have you moaning like a slut in no time." She wiped her hand over Melanie's cock to get her pre cum and used it as lube before pushing her large cock against Melanie's pussy. After a few teasing rubs she sinks the first four inches inside, stretching Melanie out wide around her cock. "Oooh, you are a tight one!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"ok so now witch way....", Umi said as she looked at the doors. The place was really picturesque, she wished she had time to draw some of it.... " Maybe... this one?" Umi said as she opened the door on left slowly and carefully. she took a peek inside hoping anything in there would not notice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Oh fuck..." Melanie whispered involuntarily. She silently thanked the cosmos themselves that Korlish had stretched her out some the night before, and shuddered around the beast making its way inside her. The bear woman's words flashed through her mind, "extra rough," and she very immediately regretted everything that had brought her to this point. Still, in the lust-warped back of her mind, intensified plenty from the Throbb injection, her body was enjoying this, particularly the searing heat of the cock as it grazed her loins.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The door slowly slid open to reveal... a bathroom! And what a bathroom it is! The floor is made from flawless marble tiles while the walls are a dark wood material. A massive tub set into the floor takes up the north left corner, plush towels sit on a rack to the south left corner while the entire right wall was a long counter with three sinks. super soft and thick bath robes hung from hooks on the wall and a grand toilet was against the far wall. It all looked very inviting and after their scuff in the jungle, a proper bath would be a nice change.