Journey to the North (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec leaned back against the barn strut with his arms folded as a lengthy silence seemed to descend on the room. All this talk of washing, and yet he wasn't surprised at all that they were suddenly reticent at the lack of privacy. Maybe they needed more of a push to get it over with.

"...If none of you steps up to volunteer, I'm pouring the bucket over one of the horses - and it doesn't matter to me which one."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Hearing that statement Orestina fixed Sir Alec with a look that practically screamed 'don't you dare!'. "Why don't you volunteer yourself then, since you're so keen it be over and done with" she snarked with a hand on her hip.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The knight felt a small flicker of prideful satisfaction at Orestina’s outraged expression. There was just something amusing about seeing the girl set off like that.

(...Was "girl" the right word? Alec wasn't sure how old the half-elf was, exactly, but at his age he knew better than to ask.)

“If I felt like taking a wash, I’d just step back outside for a minute.” He sniped back, “I kind of assumed the whole point of putting a roof over our heads was to avoid getting soaked.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
"I'll take it I'll take it. Figured I'd offer considering I might end up using most of it."

Taking the bucket Z'ar will slip back behind the haybales, sighing as he took a seat on a stool. It had been nothing but hard traveling for the past few days and while he was far from tired it felt good to get the weight off his feet. Stripping down he dipped a wrung out towel into the hot water and hissed as he brought it to his well built thigh, the heat sending waves of pleasure up his leg. It felt good to wash the grime off; the muddy rivulets of water trailing down to his feet and floor below. His top half was luckily free of the muck and dirt; letting streams of water trickle down his statuesque arms and torso just to warm up from the rain. All that was left was the crotch. Gingerly cupping his jewels he mused at just how... awkward the situation was. On the streets he was used to not having much privacy though this was something else entirely. At least there wasn't anyone looking to stab him in the back while he cleaned he thought, hand rubbing from base to tip as the water trickled onto his knee. He wish he had some soap to get proper clean but given everything it was best not to dally. Just a few minutes later he wiped down and slipped back into his robes, still damp but significantly more comfortable and clean before stepping back around with bucket in hand.

"Tried to not to use too much. Who's next?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Paul clears his throat at that, looking between you all.

''Would you mind if we took a wash too? Naturally after you're all finished I mean. Its been ages since we've had a proper scrub and while we've all gotten pretty used to the stench, it'd be nice not to smell like a privy for a change.

''Yeah, even if the water is ice cold by then we wouldn't mind!''

''Ain't that the truth? Anything to get rid of this dirt and grime!''

All three nod at that and patiently await your answer to their request.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will raise his brow in surprise at the bandits request. He had assumed that given their... occupation the dirt, grime, and smell that came with the territory would be something they would be all too comfortable with. Still slipping back into his robes he'll shrug before glancing back at the others.

"I don't see any reason to object. If nothing else it would make the rest of the trip with them more pleasant."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Only if they behave themselves," said Sir Alec, talking past the captives again. "If I catch any of those three peeping, then they'll sleep outside tonight."

It wasn't a serious threat - even Alec wouldn't force someone into a thunderstorm needlessly - but they were starting to get a little too comfortable with the party. He had to draw the line again.

Besides, how were they expecting to wash with their hands tied?


Well-Known Member
Sighing in relief that Z'ar took the first bold step among them, the Dark Elf stood quietly, biding her time while he bathed. Humming a short tune.

She might have been tempted to take a peek or two if not surrounded, with a darkening tint to her cheeks. Surely he wouldn't blame a shut-in mage for being curious! She was shy regarding her own body, but who said she was regarding someone else's-

Seeing her draconic companion return, Odrosa began the process of keeping the water warm again. Her brow rising at the bandit's query. Sir Alec has a good point, though she suspected they wouldn't act up knowing damn well what happened before. But another thought found itself wedged in her head, much more pervasive.

That more than likely she'd be the one peeping if she could get away with it.

Improper and invasive as the thought was, Odrosa had never seen another person bare before. Innocent curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge wasn't the same as being some lecher ... right?

Shaking her head of her imaginings, Odrosa didn't see why not. Considering one of them would be tied to her for the duration of their journey.

"Oh, I knew these would come in use!"

The Drow pulled various goods from her knapsack until a few, in particular, caught her gleaming gaze. Holding up her requested bars of soap with a victorious little grin. She knew it was practical!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Finding a relatively comfortable spot to sit while Z'ar bathed, Orestina took the time to drape her cloak over a nearby crate before leaning back against it herself. Opening her mouth to reply to the bandit's request, she simply paused and quirked an eyebrow at Alec's indirect warning to the men.

Her attention turned to Odrosa at the sound of rummaging, watching with a small degree of amusement as the dark elf held the bars aloft like a personal trophy. "So is it safe to guess you're volunteering to go next or do you have other plans for that soap?" she called over casually to the party's mage.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Glancing over Z'ar will look at the soap, disappointed at the fact that he didn't know about it before he washed himself down. Noticing Odrosa's expression however he'll chuckle as he nudges her good naturedly.

"Orestina's right, you might've missed out but you can always make your own if your disappointed."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Ah, yes. The soap. Alec still couldn't believe she had bothered with it, but if it gave the dark elf some small sense of satisfaction, then he wasn't going to belittle her for it. Not this time, anyway.

He glanced between Odrosa and Orestina. Noting the former's triumphant smile and the latter's amused inquiry, he interjected:

"If you two are about to go back and forth with the old 'no, you go first' nonsense, then I'm going to suggest you wash simultaneously."

Nothing, absolutely nothing in Sir Alec's tone, stance, or expression suggested that he had anything other than expedience on his mind, as he sat back with his arms folded. He spoke it with the pragmatic indifference of an officer, either not realizing or not caring how the elves might feel about bathing together.


Well-Known Member
Suddenly, with all eyes on her, the 7-foot elf nearly shrank in her seat. Nervously playing with her hands. Why was she so nervous? There were mightier things out there to be anxious about, yet making firm decisions was what ailed the elf for the moment. Swallowing hard, she sucked in a breath, swallowing down her reservations.

Until she choked at Sir Alec's suggestion.

He was dead serious as King Maxim himself. Not a hint of humor on his marred face. Odrosa blinked incredulously before her face burned at the concept.

She was curious, but never considered the possibility actually presenting itself. Biting at her thumb mulling it over. Odrosa wasn't against the idea of seeing the half-elf undressed, not one bit, maybe even a little too excited at the prospect of seeing the cute ranger's entirety despite her face trying to remain neutral.

Giving a sharp cough, she took another inhale of air. Trying to remain placid and polite with a flush dark as obsidian.

I wouldn't mind...A-As long as Miss Orestina would be welcoming to the idea. We would wash up faster t-together. Though I don't mind going about it alone now."

It wouldn't hurt her feelings if the woman said no. But Odrosa was dying to hear the opposite answer, as much as her eagerness alluded the mannerly part of her psyche.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina blinked in surprise as her mind processed Sir Alec's suggestion before her face practically erupted into an incandescent blush. "W-wha- Y-you...!" she spluttered out in her flustered state, looking like she couldn't decide whether to launch herself at the knight in retaliation or curl into herself and pretend she was literally anywhere else but the barn.

Ultimately settling on bringing her knees to her chest and burying her face in the crevice between the two, though it did little to hide the redness that had crept up to the tips of her ears. Her eyes darted to Odrosa several times in embarrassment, worried she would somehow take offense at the idea before noticing the mage's equally flustered reactions.

Hearing her traveling companion's response to the suggestion, she took a handful of quick breaths before responding, both to calm herself and try to quell some of the rampant heat still lingering in her cheeks. "I..." she began to uncertainly murmur her reply, slowly uncurling as she spoke, before with a sharp inhalation giving her response proper.

"I suppose we might as well, no point sitting around dripping wet if we don't have to" she said as she got to her feet, the feigned indifference in her tone immediately undermined by the still radiant blush on her cheeks.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Somehow Alec managed to keep a straight face. That brief moment of mutual shock and embarrassment had been worth it - especially seeing Orestina rendered utterly speechless.

Ye gods, he thought. Was I like that the first time I was told to disrobe in front of other men? My mentors must have been laughing their arses off.

At least they were both amenable to the idea, despite the reddening of their faces. He'd make an efficient company of them yet.

"All right, all right, no need to rationalize it any more than we already have," Alec said, waving a hand dismissively. "While you two do that, the rest of us will unpack the bedrolls and dole out the provisions."

"Isn't that right, gentlemen?" he added, somewhat accusingly, while turning his head to fix a monocular glare towards Z'ar's entourage.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The three bandits seemed mesmerised by the conversation, their imaginations clearly running wild at the notion of Odrosa and Orestina bathing together. To their credit, they don't leer or act disrespectful, but by the looks on their faces you can easily tell what they were thinking. Sir Alecs sharp question breaks them out of their reverie, a sheepish look passing over each of them.

''Right, lets get to it!''

''Sounds good to me, I'm starving!''

''Why am I not surprised?''

The three immediately begin to assist Z'ar and Sir Alec, obviously doing their best to distract themselves from temptation, as well as avoid drawing the ire of the dour and serious knight.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
With a belly laugh Z'ar will move to join the others in prepping the food, clapping Odrosa and Orestina on the should as he stepping by.

"Another time for a show then."

He'll chortle good naturedly, joining the others. Z'ar begins to clean up an area to lay out the bedrolls, using his tail to sweep an area clean while making sure to impose between the bandits and the elves to make sure they didn't given into any temptation.


Well-Known Member
The Ranger's blush didn't evade Odrosa's vision, as she shared one of a different hue. Situating herself toward the back and out of sight, she placed the bucket down and made room for Orestina to sit beside her. Deciding not to waste more time overthinking as she always did, the Drow unceremoniously popped off the top of her corset, sick of the grime that found itself stuck to her skin. The flimsy bits of fabric falling so easily most would wonder how they managed to stick on in the first place.

Her pendulous breasts swayed hypnotically with a shiny glint, Odrosa's inverted nipples pierced with gold and bits of amber jewels. Something uncommon, except to her own people. Ritualistic markings, piercings, and carving all par for the course for Dark Elven kind and culturally significant. Closer to the visage of their gods, it was said. Even a city elf like herself couldn't deny the importance. From the markings on her forehead to the notches in her ears. Unique to every Drow you might have the fortune or, misfortune of seeing.

Dropping her skirt and kicking her legs out, the only thing that remained was the semi-sheer fabric of the mage's undergarments, too shy to disrobe entirely, closing her eyes as she undressed, ears flickering with a dark, flustered tint.

Sitting down dipping part of the towel into the warm water, Odrosa lathered it with the floral soap. Sitting back and sighing, relaxed by the sensation of something hot after being out in the freezing cold, letting it cascade down her body. Opening a single eye, she closed it once more, too nervous to meet Orestina's gaze. Seeing fit to just pat the area beside her and beckon the elf near, outstretching her palm with one of the bars to share.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Following Odrosa as she cleared the space for them, Orestina stepped out of her boots and set them aside, taking the moment to make sure the pair of them were truly out of sight. After a moment's scrutiny she turned back just in time to have her gaze drawn to the Mage's breasts as her corset came loose, instinctively following their swaying as the glint of something drew her eyes.

A renewed blush rapidly crept it's way across her features as she realized what she was doing, quickly averting her gaze as her Dark Elven companion continued to disrobe seemingly unbothered. Looking back at the sound of Odrosa's sighing, she realized her still fully clothed state as the other Elf beckoned her closer.

Backing out now would make this awkwardness even worse, just get it over with! she mentally chastised herself before grasping the hem of her tunic and roughly pulling it free, her pants and undergarments joining it in an unkempt pile to her side shortly after. The sensation of cool air on her bare skin sent a small shiver running through her frame as she sat, towel clasped to her modest chest and draping over her lap to preserve some semblance of decency.

Wordlessly taking the offered bar, she proceeded to run it over the length of her arms, legs as well as across her chest, before working the lot into a generous lather. Following the dark elf's example, she dipped a portion of her towel into the warm water before wiping away the scented bubbles, a quietly contented hum absentmindedly escaping her lips as the warmth spread through her form.

Holding her towel and the soap in one hand, she would steady herself with her free hand as she leaned over to abashedly murmur into one of her companion's ears. "Hey, do you need this back?" she asked somewhat lifting the hand holding the soap as explanation, unaware of the towel slipping just low enough as she did so for a pink nipple to barely peek out from beneath the fabric.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
While Z'ar and the rest laid out the bedrolls, Sir Alec went through the provisions for tonight's meal. It wasn't going to be anything fancy: he just picked some of the less-preservable foodstuffs that wouldn't keep for the entire months-long journey ahead. For a moment, he wondered if he should have taken up Jodie's offer to provide refreshments, after all.

"I must say, you three have surprised me," he said, striking up a conversation with the captives as he distributed their rations. "I had expected a couple of escape attempts by now, or perhaps an attempt at murder in the night, but you seem to be taking to the situation quite well."

A little too well, by my reckoning, he thought, but I seem to have been wrong about a lot of things so far.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The trio look up in surprise, clearly not expecting Sir Alec to engage them in conversation, let alone pay them a compliment, even one as backhanded as that. Reluctantly accepting both the food and the praise (such as it is on both scores), they each share a look before Paul speaks up on their behalf.

''Like we said before, your group has treated us pretty civilly, all things considered. It wouldn't be right to repay that with treachery. Plus even if we did escape, where would we go? Back to the woods? Forced to live like rats and prey on passers-by just to survive? Anything has to be better than that.''

John and Will say nothing but nod solemnly at their friends words. This is the first time you've heard true bitterness from them regarding their circumstances, as they sit down and sullenly begin to eat their dinner.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The knight seated himself on a crate across from them, arching an eyebrow at Paul's explanation.

"If that were truly the case, then how did you come to take up banditry in the first place - if any alternative were preferable?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Paul sighs at that, choosing to ignore Sir Alec's tone for the moment.

''I'm not going to feed you some sob story. Our group ran afoul of the law and rather than staying to face punishment, we decided to flee. Ended up in those woods to lay low until the heat died down. It was supposed to be temporary, but you can see how well that turned out. We were younger and more foolish then, not to mention more cowardly. We should have gone back and faced the music but we didn't have the courage. We turned to banditry out of pure necessity at first but soon it became a habit and a habit became a way of life. Its not like we ever had shining prospects, poor and uneducated as we were, but that's no excuse for what we did or have done. Honestly, I'm almost glad that you caught us. We've been living in limbo for years and its about time we moved on.''


''Well put....''

The three seem to deflate at Paul's words, as if just saying them has brought the weight of years down on their shoulders.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
A long, solemn pause descended on the group. Sir Alec's eye passed over each of the men in turn, but if there was any treachery in their hearts, he could not see it on their faces. He felt rather ashamed for how he'd been hounding them, now. They were either genuinely repentant or else the greatest actors he had ever seen.

He sat back, and nodded slowly in understanding.

"I'm impressed. You seem to have gained more wisdom in two days than most men achieve in their entire lifetimes. It is a difficult thing, to admit wrongdoing. More difficult still to atone for it; but I believe now that you are capable of it. You will find your redemption. Stay this course, and I believe that you three will become greater men than I could ever be. I'm sure my comrades believe it, too."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
All three of their heads shot up at Sir Alec's words, shock and bewilderment lending them an almost manic air. Taking a moment to process what he said, a grateful smile lights up their faces, their animosity towards the knight seemingly forgotten for the moment. When they speak, their voices are shaky and hoarse with deeply felt emotion.

''Its been a long time since somebody saw us as anything more than common thieves, to the point that we began to believe we couldn't be anything else. But your group has shown us kindness we don't deserve, humanity when we've done nothing but act like beasts. I'm not sure if we can live up to your kind words, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we're going to try. After all, if somebody like you can have faith in people like us, than anything is possible.''

''We're nothing if not stubborn, we're gonna do our best to clean up our act.''

''Yeah, in every sense of the word. Clean living from now on, both physically and morally.''

Paul smiles at his friends words, hesitating for a moment before saying one last thing.

''Thank you sir knight, maybe you aren't so bad after all...''

John and Will nod slowly in agreement at that, even giving Sir Alec a small smile.