Journey to the North (In Game)


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The elven woman watched the bandits hungrily scarf down their meals with wide, surprised eyes. It was adorable, in a way, to see how much they coveted a meal that the group saw as average at best. For people who once seemed so bloodthirsty, they weren't nearly as intimidating with crumbs covering their faces. Listening to Paul speak up, Odrosa considered his query.

Sensible! She thought to herself with a slight nod.

I don't see why not personally. Our horses are more than capable of another passenger. Come now." Odrosa spoke softly with a little grin.

The statuesque elf then proceeded on with an action that seemed most sensical to her.

Extending her arms and picking up the smaller bandit with ease, in a bridal-style carry. Much stronger than she looked. Completely oblivious to the intimacy of it or the fact her bust was squishing against Paul's face and chest. He was hurt, and Odrosa didn't want the man to injure himself further withheld in his bonds.

"I hope this doesn't hurt," Odrosa said, carefully carrying the tied-up bandit and walking over to her steed before looking back toward Sir Alec, Z'ar, and Orestina. Realizing she was moving a little too quickly doting on the captive man before seeing if her party would even agree.

"As long as there aren't any objections. These men are far too wounded to do us any harm I imagine. They would have to be the most foolish men in the land to test fate twice. Though if we aren't all in agreement, I understand, and I'm sure we can find another solution."


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Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
To say Paul is surprised by Odrosa's actions is an understatement, his smile at her agreeing with his proposal quickly changing to a look of pure shock as she lifts him. The perplexed noise he leaves out sounds like it belongs more to a confused animal than a terrifying bandit, although its fast suppressed by the feeling of her tits enveloping his blushing face. Though smothered and clearly unused to being carried this way, or carried at all for that matter, he still does his best to speak.

''No it's fine, thank you!''

At least that's what you think he says, its hard to tell when his voice is muffled by all that boob flesh. John and Will are staring at the tableau with barely concealed jealousy and bitterness, making no effort to hide just how envious they are of their friend. Their words give voice to their feelings, muttered though clearly still audible.

''Paul, you lucky son of a bitch....''

''If I wasn't so injured, I'd kick your arse from here to Flavia....''

They shake their heads and fold their arms, communicating their distaste to their friend, who is too distracted to take heed of them at the moment.
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Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec’s expression was one of bewilderment more than disapproval. He had never seen a dark elf behave that way before. Come to that, he hadn’t seen many humans behave that way either – not to an enemy, at least.

But then, every time you let your guard down like that, it went very poorly, he thought, somewhat bitterly, as he turned away to load up his own saddle.

During his watch last night, Alec had privately entertained the idea of cutting the hostages' bonds and letting them sneak off into the darkness regardless of Z’ar’s wishes, but he knew that would only make things worse between him and the rest of the group. Even so, he had no intention of carrying the bandits unless someone explicitly ordered him to. The mutual antipathy was still there, and it was not going away just because the three were acting docile now.

Once his own belongings were secure, Alec strode over to help Z'ar with his.

"Have you considered my suggestion, at least?" he asked in a low whisper. "A couple days worth of food for each of them and we could send them on their way. It'd be more merciful than dragging them before the marshals."
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Oct 19, 2016
Watching the bandits eat and banter amongst themselves had put a small smile on Orestina's face, which had only grown into what was quickly becoming a signature mischievous grin as she watched the scene unfold with Odrosa and Paul with a snicker. After making sure her own things were squared away, she walked over to the remaining pair of John and Will. "Y'know if you wanted to be picked up that badly there's still the big guy" she said with a smirk, pointing a finger over to Z'ar.

"If not though, one of you could ride with me" she suggested, turning her attention back to the pair. "Since I doubt mister shining armor would let you ride with him" she added with a mock conspiritorial tone.
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Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
John and Will glare at Orestina clearly still remembering that she killed one of their friends. However, her question does make them snort in some amusement and they look over at Z'ar with a shake of the head.

''It wouldn't be the same, for obvious reasons.....''

''Yeah no offence to your friend, he's nice and all, but if we're gonna be manhandled by somebody we'd prefer it to be a beautiful woman''

Her offer surprises them and they actually grin at her comments about Sir Alec, their animosity towards her forgotten for the moment.

''No I don't think he would, can't imagine why......''

''I can and that's the problem. Thank you miss, I'd love to ride with you. Been a while since any of us have spent time in the company of a lady, let alone one as attractive as yourself.''

''You? Who said she wants to ride with you Will?''

''Why wouldn't she? You think she wants your sorry arse weighing her down?''

''That's where you keep your brains isn't it? Fine we'll take turns, is that acceptable to you, oh great one?''

''It will do, peasant''

After their finished bantering, Will mounts Orestina's horse with some help, John doing the same with Z'ars. The latter gives his friend a mock severe glare which Will returns with a stuck out tongue.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will crack a smile as Odrosa lifts the bandit, amused by the other bandits jealousy. Mocking offense at the bandits displeasure at riding with him he'll shift closer to Sir Alec and lean in to hear his whispers.

We'll let them go within site of town. Any sooner and they might question the change of heart. The fewer reasons we give them to think of us as anymore than some good natured travelers the better ."

Helping John onto the steed he'll clap his back good-naturedly, swinging up onto it himself. As he straightened himself out Z'ar will unclasp and offer the middle flask to John chuckling; a sweeter more fruiter mead better suited to horse back as opposed to the sharper more punchier whiskey in the bottom one.

"A consolation for not getting to ride with one of the pretty maidens."
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Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
John gives Z'ar a massive grin at that, accepting the flask with an exaggerated bow of the head.

''You've been holding out on me, big guy. Thanks a bunch, I haven't had a proper swig in ages. The boys and I used to make moonshine when we could but that swill isn't fit for pigs, let alone men.''

Taking a gulp of the flask, he smacks his lips in appreciation.

''Now that is some damn fine booze! Almost as sweet as riding with a lovely lass..... almost!''

He laughs at that to let you know that he's just joking, giving you a grateful look as he hands it back.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Alec could see that there would be no swaying them on this matter. With a quiet grumble, the knight donned his helmet and returned to his horse.

Good-natured travelers, he says, like we didn't pitilessly cut down two of them in a second...

It was in this moment, seeing how his comrades and their capt- their patients laughed and joked while seated with each other that Alec realized just how poorly he fit in among them; cold-hearted, dour old man that he was. Did they not understand the gravity of their mission? This wasn't some liesurely jaunt through the countryside. If their real quarry slipped through their fingers for any reason...

But then, it was simply Alec's nature to expect the worst. A lifetime of experience had drilled that lesson all too deeply. If he closed his eyes now, he could just see how things might play out:

The one sitting with Orestina quietly swipes a dagger, cuts his bonds in secret while making pleasant conversation so she doesn't suspect.

He waits for the girl to look away, then sticks the blade between her ribs and throws her from the saddle. He puts spurs to her steed and gallops off the side of the road before the rest of us can react to the sound.

Odrosa and Z'ar quickly dismount, run to her side to help. The other two bandits seize their opportunity, grab the reins. They take off in the other direction.

And then, even if we pursue them, we cannot possibly catch them all. However you cut it, we're down at least one horse and a quarter of our supplies.

Never underestimate the resourcefulness of desperate men...

He shook his head, displacing the thought. Was it likely? No. And even if he could find a way to properly voice his full concerns, the others would only ever dismiss them as unwarranted paranoia.

For their sakes, he hoped they were right.

"If everyone is settled, then we should get moving," he said, riding up to the others. "We have a long way to go, and a short time to get there, and I had better not hear any more complaining. Understood?"
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Paul and the others give Sir Alec a neutral look, the most civil they have been to him so far, although that isn't saying much. The former nods while the latter give salutes, clearly poking a bit of fun at the knight. Paul rolls his eyes at their antics and speaks up.

''No complaining, we understand. Don't we boys?''

''Complaining? Who us? Wouldn't dream of it.''

''Yeah, after all what do we have to complain about?''

Bitter sarcasm and Paul's withering look aside, they seem willing to comply with Sir Alec's orders.


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It was hard for much of anything to escape Odrosa's eyes and ears. Observant from years spent in the court of social cannibals. If you weren't aware of your surroundings you weren't aware of a vial of poison being slipped into the king's chalice during a bouquet. Or the outline of a dagger, sharp as jagged glass hidden under a maiden's bodice as she goes to shake your father's hand. The warring times were brutal, and while Odrosa only caught the tail end of it growing up, it taught the elf how to read people. To a degree, naive as she often was. A person's micro-expressions, how a liar may fidget despite their face remaining placid, the subtle twitch of an eye in disapproval when one voices acceptance...

It's how she came to tell when humans didn't favor her in the Capital.

how she came to be trusted, on a brighter note. Able to notice what ailed Zolon in his mind before he so much as spoke a word.

So she thought, anyhow.

Loosening the bandit's rope a bit, Odrosa mounted her steed, laying Paul behind her, undoing his binds mostly before pulling him close and wrapping his arms behind her waist, tying the man's hands around her.

Now he wasn't going anywhere for certain. Heh.

And now she could focus on what truly caught her attention—Sir Alec's expression.

It wasn't easy to read a marked face, nor anyone with a stately temperament. Perhaps it was nothing but-

She had assumed it was nothing with Zolon, too.

Something may have been bothering him, and that didn't sit well with Odrosa. The idea of the man being rendered silent in his troubled thoughts for one reason or another. Especially when everyone else seemed right as rain.

They were comrades, weren't they?

Her trembling hand reached out to touch Alec's shoulder when he rode next to the group. Unsure if he would recoil or shoot her daggers from the touch of a Dark Elf. Nervous, putting aside the bandit's sarcastic chatter. Her grip was light, tilting her head ever so slightly, eyes cast down in worry.

"Are you feeling alright Sir Alec...?"


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Mar 5, 2021
In some ways, Odrosa’s touch was a little too light. Alec hardly felt it through his armor, but he did hear her voice. He turned in the saddle to face her, but the girl had come up on his blind side, so he had to turn a bit more to actually see.

He glanced up at her for a long moment, surprised by her concern. Then his gaze shifted down to Paul, sitting right behind her. His eyes narrowed in scrutiny at the man before he raised them back to Odrosa’s. Whatever might have been bothering the knight, he wasn’t about to show it in front of the captives.

“…I’m fine,” he insisted, turning away. “Carry on.”
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Taking back the flask Z'ar glances up and sees the exchange between Odrosa and Sir Alec; the shaking arm of the dark elf and Alec's tenseness. Sensing it was time to get a move on he'll bring his horse around before calling out to the others.

"Let's move then."

Glancing to each of the bandits he'll clear his throat before calling out to them.

"I don't think I need to say this but just in case; any of you try to pull a fast one and you'll get to eat dirt as a last meal."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The trio look at Z'ar as if he just grew three heads.

''You think we're dumb enough to try anything when we're unarmed, tied up and outnumbered?.''

''Yeah, we're many things but we ain't suicidal.''

''Besides, you've been pretty decent to us, all things considered. It wouldn't be right to repay your mercy with a knife in the back..... if we had a knife that is.''

It seems that they do have a sense of honour after all, or at least fair play. Granted, its probably atrophied through lack of use but it is still there.


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Odrosa could tell by the way Sir Alec's stare lingered something was on his mind. Yet he chose not to speak of it, turning away, which was fair if he didn't desire to divulge. You couldn't make someone tell you something they don't want to. Perhaps she would inquire later if he felt any better. Nodding, a tad unsure in her gaze, she turned her steed back to the road ahead.

The Drow gave a sigh of relief at the bandit's passive responses. Glad they didn't think the worst of the group. It didn't really matter, but it felt nice not being seen an absolute monsters for doing what they had to. And a semi-assurance no back biting would occur. Maybe.

"I'm ready to head out, as is Paul."

She ruffled the highwayman's hair a bit with a small chuckle to emphasize her point, making sure he was bound securely but not uncomfortably.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Paul leaves out a surprised laugh at Odrosa's hair ruffling, blushing slightly despite his best efforts to hide it. John and Will notice this and shoot him a jealous glare, which he returns with a feigned innocent stare that just makes them glare harder. The weather remains as mild as it ever has for a couple more hours until suddenly it takes a turn. A darkening sky and a strong gust are hints that a storm is on the way and sure enough it soon starts raining cats and dogs.

Quickly soaked to the bone and buffeted by high winds, you are unfortunately far from any suitable to set up camp until the weather improves. Just when you think you'll be forced to pitch tents at the side of the road (and listen to the bandits loud and vulgar comments on the weather) you come upon a farm just across a bend in the road. Made up of a farmhouse, barn, shed, and well, it is backed by a fence separating it from several acres of fallow fields.

There is a candle in the window of the farmhouse, so its clear that at least somebody is home. Whether they'll appreciate visitors is another matter.


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Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec pulled his cloak tighter around himself, shivering. When even he could feel the cold, it had to be a bad storm. Loath though he was to ask for it, everyone would be better served by having a solid roof over their heads – especially the horses, which were his primary concern after his comrades.

“I’ll go ask the residents if we might shelter in their barn tonight.” he shouted to be heard over the storm. “Just wait here, it should not take long."

In Alec's mind, it made sense for him to be the one to go up: mostly because he wasn't sharing a mount with any of the passengers, but also... well, he was the only human in their company. It was shallow, but so were a lot of Trinians he'd met. The unexpected appearance of a dark elf or a half-dragon, even ones as soft-spoken and polite as Odrosa and Z'ar, might provoke the wrong sort of reaction.

Gritting his teeth, Alec climbed down from the saddle and offered the reins to Orestina, who had happened to be closest.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina took the offered rains with a slightly shaky hand, showing the chill from the storm already working it's way through her limbs. "Holding you to that, make it quick!" she shouted back, shooting a glance back at the others to see how they were faring in the sudden downpour.


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Mar 5, 2021
Alec nodded to her and turned to make his way toward the farmhouse. Between the downpour and the surging winds, it was a bit difficult to stay upright, but fortunately it also wasn't a great distance to the cottage. The estate didn't seem terribly affluent from what he could see; the state of the fields suggested that the owners were on some hard times of late. He paused just outside the doorway while he considered how best to proceed, casting a brief look back toward the rest of the party.

No need for complicated introductions. It's cold and wet and pissing down out here - let's keep things simple...

Sir Alec pounded on the door, announcing his presence with the hammering of a metal-clad fist against old wood, before stepping back and straining to hear any response from within.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Sir Alec hears the shuffling of footsteps in the house before the door swings open, revealing a mature yet beautiful human woman of average height standing in the doorway. A straw-hat covers her curly red hair and a set of overalls and undershirt envelop a curvy and well endowed body. Her green eyes and freckled face take the party in, her warm smile serving as a contrast to the darkness of the raging storm. Her voice comes out with a noticeable twang, her dulcet tones just barely louder than the howling wind.

''Howdy! The name's Jodie Lee and this here's my farm! How can I help ya'll?''

If she's perturbed by the presence of so many people on her doorstep, all of them armed and with prisoners in tow, then she hides it very well.


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Mar 5, 2021
Alec was momentarily taken aback. He'd expected a cautious "Who's there?" or a more irritated "What do you want?" He had even braced himself for a furious "Go away!" before Jodie's forthright and apparently friendly introduction had thrown him off-balance. He cleared his throat and offered a polite bow while he recomposed himself.

"How do you do, good lady? I am Sir Alec Durant, of the Knights of Saint Owyn, and I have a humble request to ask of you. My companions and I were bound for Wulfbright when the storm hit, and our horses will not fare well in the cold. With your permission, might we take shelter in your barn - at least until the weather passes?"

He gestured down to where the rest were waiting. Looking on them now, with their hoods up and the dark closing in, he wondered if they didn't come across as more sinister than they actually were...


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Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
She blinks slightly at that, clearly not used to being addressed in so ostentatious a manner. Leaving out a snort of laughter, she answers his request in an amused yet sympathetic tone of voice.

''Good lady? Ain't never been called one of those before but I appreciate your good manners! Come to think of it, I ain't never met a knight before neither! Of course ya'll can rest a spell in my barn, I wouldn't send a dog out in weather like this, let alone people and horses! I only wish I could offer ya'll shelter inside my home, but I'm afraid we haven't got the space for it. Still, the barn is warm and dry and spacious enough to fit all you fellers! Feel free to stay until things clear up and a little more besides! Been a long time since we had guests! Once you've gotten settled in, I'll bring ya'll out some refreshments if ya like!''

Her wave encompasses the barn, bidding you towards it with a dazzling smile. Its hard to believe that she's this trusting and welcoming given the circumstances but you get no hint of deception from her. It seems she is being totally genuine.


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Mar 5, 2021
Alec wasn't used to things going this well. It was making him nervous. Still, he was grateful that Jodie was at least outwardly welcoming towards them.

"I thank you for accommodating us, my lady. And you needn't go to any trouble - we have provisions enough for ourselves, and I would not want to impose on you any more than is necessary."

He gave another polite bow and turned to go give the others the good news. "Oh, is the barn unlocked? I would like to get us situated as soon as possible."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
She waves his thanks away good naturedly.

''No need to thank me, its the least I could do! I wouldn't be a very good host if I turned ya'll away in your hour of need! And it wouldn't be any trouble at all, it'd be my pleasure! Still, I'll respect your wishes, but if you change your mind just let me know!''

She nods happily at that.

''Yup, its unlocked all right! Don't see much point in keeping it boarded up, given how isolated we are out here. Besides, there ain't nothing in there that's worth stealing!''

She chuckles at that, giving Sir Alec a self deprecating grin.


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Mar 5, 2021
"Of course, my lady. Good evening to you."

With pleasantries exchanged, Alec made his way back down the muddy path to where the group had been so patiently waiting.

"The owner's agreed to let us use her barn," he informed them, once again having to shout to be heard. "The door's already unlocked. Shall we?" He took back the reins of his steed from Orestina and began to lead it towards the shelter.


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Odrosa stood toward the back behind the others, allowing Sir Alec to talk with the owner of the home. Having difficulty picking up their conversation with the rain hammering down on the poor elf as it was. She kept her eyes on the ground, hoping in the dark of night with her cowl that she could pass as a High Elf of some kind if anything; they tended to be tall, too.

Maybe the woman would be unbothered. Perhaps Odrosa was overthinking. Not everyone took harshly to seeing faces like hers.

...But she couldn't take chances, could she? Best to hang behind for the moment.

The Drow sorceress sighed in relief at Sir Alec's relay of the pretty homeowner's approval. Nodding as she made her way with the others to the barn. Glad she could push the worries of them being stuck out in the storm from her mind.


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Oct 19, 2016
Nodding in acknowledgement of Sir Alec's shouted message, Orestina nudged her horse to begin trotting towards the barn. As she passed the woman standing at the doorway to the house, she pulled her hood away from her face,hoping the wind didn't take it off entirely, before giving a wave and thankful smile, though unsure if the latter could be seen in the pelting rain.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Bowing his head against the wind and rain Z'ar will follow the others into the barn, eager to get out of the storm. He had had enough of sleeping out in the wet for his lifetime and was extremely grateful for the lady's kindness. Joining the others he moved to help shift open the barn door, making sure to shut it behind them before the weather could make too much of a mess of the inside.

bleh "I suppose things had been going a bit too pleasantly. All of you alright?"

Sputtering out some of the rain water than had made its way into his maw he'll begin to glance around for a lantern or light of some sort to illuminate the gloomy interior of the barn, checking on his companions as he bumped into them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Jodie waves and smiles back at Orestina, just barely managing to make her out in the terrible rain. After a bit (and carefully navigating the darkness) Z'ar finds a lantern set against the wall. Lighting it, the party finds themselves in a room filled with hay bales and farming equipment, the floor covered with straw. There is a ladder leading to a small secondary floor, with various items stored in sacks and crates. The temperature is surprisingly high, the warmth from the lantern combining with you and the horses body heat to create a cosy atmosphere. Its a bit of a tight squeeze with all of you but it shouldn't be a problem after some finagling.

As you all begin to dry off and set up your camping supplies, a bolt of lightning hits somewhere off in the distance. Its definitely not a good night to be camped under or near any trees, that's for damn sure.


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Mar 5, 2021
"Truth be told: things are still going far better than I'm used to."

Sir Alec peeled off his soaked-through cloak and unceremoniously threw it over a crate to dry before he took a better look around the barn. It seemed spacious enough; they could even shift a few boxes around to keep the horses penned in, if needed. The prisoners would be a bit more complicated, but Alec had decided to let the others figure out their sleeping arrangements.

"Oh, Madame Jodie said to let her know if you required anything, and I rather doubt that she'll give anyone grief for it if they do. She's proven to be... rather more welcoming than I'd expected, under the circumstances."

Which was becoming a bit of a pattern, he had noticed. Were people in the Trinian heartland just nicer in general?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Doing fine big guy, apart from the whole 'soaked to the bone' part, what about you?" Orestina nonchalantly responded to Z'ar's question as she dismounted, before turning back to Will with arms outstretched as if to catch him when he dismounted despite the clear difference in size between them. "Might have to take her up on that, see if she has a spare towel or rag to dry off the worst of thi-" she started replying to Sir Alec's comment before noticeably flinching as the lightning flashed.
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