Journey to the North (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Alec slowed his advance as Odrosa’s spell struck her opponent, but he stopped entirely at the sight of its effect. Although the knight had seen men injured (even killed) by magic before, it was never comfortable to behold. The bandit writhed in agony while lightning seared through his flesh, and Alec could only stare in a sort of shock of his own.

This was more in line with what he expected from a dark elf.

It had brought an end to the fight, at least. Sir Alec shook off his stupefaction enough to direct his horse back to the others, carefully sidestepping the fallen highwaymen. He nodded approvingly at Orestina’s handiwork in particular – as quick, efficient, and decisive as his own had been. He made no movement to dismount, however; Alec found looting distasteful. And as for the surviving bandits: they were a problem for the local lawmen to deal with.

The four of them had other responsibilities...

“I would suggest we keep moving,” he said, pulling out a rag to wipe the blood off of himself. “We have a long way to go, and any delay could imperil our mission.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina hastily scanned their surroundings as the cries of the lat bandit petered out, instinctively primed for any remaining threats to leap out at a moments notice. "Yeah we should probably get a move on," she agreed before adding "We basically just rang a dinner bell with all that noise, even if these guys didn't have any buddies waiting."


Well-Known Member
Odrosa sighed, glad it was over and done with. Her stomach turned at the sight of the bandit she had dispatched sitting in a lightly smoking heap. Was combat always supposed to make you feel bad after...? She wondered. Glancing over the bodies until she started to feel ill. The dark elf mage nodded along with Sir Alec and Orestina's words in agreeance. The last thing Odrosa wanted was to take from people who had nothing, even if they were bandits. Delaying here wasn't wise when they had more pressing matters to attend to. Plus Orestina made a great point. The scent of blood and wailing cries could attract far worse, they needed to move.

Giving a final look behind her, Odrosa continued walking forward with the rest of the group. More knots in her stomach than before.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will glance back and watch as Odrosa let's loose her magic; the light of her lighting putting the bows, blades, and fists into shadow. His eyes will widen as reflexively he'll begin to let out a low whistle. He had only ever heard stories of mages and the spells they could cast before and it was every bit as impressive as he had imagined it would be. Noticing Odrosa trembling however he'll catch himself, instead reaching out and resting a hand on her shoulder.

"You're alright. Deep breaths."

Listening to Sir Alec and Orestina already making to move he'll glance down at the pile of groaning bandits. Looking down on them his expression will go stony for a moment, crimson eyes narrowing for just a moment before shaking his head and clearing his thoughts.

"If we leave them in this state they're bound to become a meal for a bear or worse. We'll be passing through a town soon enough either way."

Taking out a length of rope he'll quickly drag the bandits closer to one another before tying and bundling them together, taking care to avoid the coarse fibers from digging into the worst of their injuries. After making sure they're secured together Z'ar crouches down before getting them up, slinging the rope bound bandits over his shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Getting moving once more, the rest of your journey is uneventful, the weather remaining warm and sunny throughout the day. The fragrant smells of the nearby forest fill your nostrils, mingling with the chittering of woodland creatures and the buzzing of insects to create a truly peaceful symphony. This is lost on the bandits, the three of them are completely dead to the world save for the occasional groan which lets you know that their still alive. Judging from their injuries, that's probably a blessing in disguise.

After a few hours of riding, sundown is swiftly approaching and just as you begin to think it might be best to stop for the night, you hear the clacking of wheels and see a small mounted figure approaching over the horizon. Its clear that its a goblin and even more so that its a female one, her tits the size of watermelons and her thighs and ass rivalling them in sheer mass. If anyone exemplifies the term shortstack, it would be this woman. Her face too is beautiful, her purple eyes contrasting with her jade skin and a beauty mark on her right cheek. You see that she's riding a donkey attached to a medium sized cart, loaded down with bottles of various sizes and filled with liquids of various colors. She is whistling a merry tune and has a casual look in her eyes, which quickly changes to a bright and mischievous one as she sees you, slowing down as she approaches the party.

''Why good evening, you folks look like you know a bargain when you see one! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Meralda and welcome to Meralda's Magical Materials!''

Her wave encompasses her cart, as if it was some large and impressive shop and not just something pulled to and fro by a mule.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Bringing his horse to a stop Z'ar will blankly stare between the donkey, cart, and goblin. He had run into goblins before and while some were certainly shifty he generally knew them as very animated folk. None of the other goblins he had ever run into however were quite as... shapely. Perhaps close, but not quite.

"Meralda? Apologies, but for someone selling magic I would've thought I'd have heard your name on the road before."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
She reels back at that in exaggerated shock and dismay, her eyes widening theatrically at your words.

''What!? My dear fellow, the name of Meralda is known far and wide, as is my reputation! A reputation for honesty, integrity, quality goods and......

She trails off at that, finally noticing the groaning bandits tied to Z'ar's back. She then shifts her gaze to Sir Alec, taking in his proud demeanour and fancy armor. Her eyes narrow a fraction, the smooth lilt to her voice still there, but with a suspicious and wary edge to it.

''Say, you folks aren't constables are you? Not that there's anything wrong with that of course, I have nothing but respect for law enforcement. Why, where would we be without them?''

Judging by the slightly wistful look in her eyes, you get the feeling that she wouldn't mind finding out. It doesn't last long though, her expression returning to normal quick as a flash.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Blinking in surprise Z'ar will follow her gaze to the bandits as he remembers they're there. Shaking his head, he'll glance to the others for a moment, judging their reactions to the merchant Infront of them, especially to Odrosa hoping she would be able to clue them in if this merchant was a hoax or not.

"Uh, no. Sorry to disappoint but we're just travelers. These are just some bandits that had the misfortune of running into us. It felt cruel to just leave them so..."

He trails off, glancing awkwardly between the goblin and the bandits.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec scoffed, his own eyes narrowing in return to Meralda's inspection. He'd never heard of the woman either, but it only took a moment for his first impression to find the word:


He didn't say it aloud, of course. Z'ar seemed to be doing fine as spokesman, even while carrying three men over his shoulder. Say this for the man: at least he had strength to back up his compassion.

"If I might ask, my lady: how fare the roads behind you? Is it much further to the next town?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda leaves out an almost imperceptible sigh of relief, her body relaxing as she takes in Z'ars words.

''Ah I see, well they got what they deserve as far as I'm concerned! Damn criminals, preying on poor unsuspecting travellers, its enough to boil the blood!''

She takes a hard tone, her eyes glaring and nostrils flaring, although its pretty obvious she's laying it on a bit thick for your benefit.

To Sir Alec, she returns to her smooth and cajoling manner, giving him a wide and congenial smile and purposefully ignoring his own dubious expression towards her.

''Not much farther at all, sir knight! A few days ride and you'll find yourself in Wulfbright. Charming little place, very quaint and welcoming to travellers! Why, I spent a few days there myself selling my wares before heading off. On my way to the capital to set up shop there for a spell, its been years since I've seen the old girl!. I take it that's where you came from? No don't say a word, I can always tell these sort of things! Us crossing paths like this can't be mere coincidence, in fact it must be destiny or the will of the gods themselves at hand! You were predestined to become four more of my satisfied customers! So don't be shy, peruse my many wonderous wares!''

Meralda definitely has confidence in spades, her voice as self assured as if she were stating an axiomatic fact. Her grin and the twinkle in her eyes seem plastered onto her face as she beckons towards her cart with insistent enthusiasm.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
To Alec's ear, "not much farther" and "a few days' ride" seemed like contradictory statements, but he didn't feel like arguing the point; although it did make him wonder if Z'ar would insist on carrying his hostages the whole way. That might be a hassle...

His brow furrowed apprehensively as Meralda quickly steered the discussion back to her products. Despite his doubts, curiosity still got the better of him as he rode up beside the goblin's cart and glanced over the supply. The Knights of St. Owyn were forbidden from using magical or esoteric substances, so his frame of reference was somewhat limited, but to his untrained eye most of the flasks just looked like colored water.

He gently lifted one, holding it up to the setting sunlight and asked, "So what do these do, exactly?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda smiles broadly at Sir Alec's question, chuckling slightly.

''The better question my friend, is what don't they do? We have potions to heal injuries and cure diseases, potions to change your form, even potions to enhance the mind and spirit! Why, the one you're holding there is a hair growth tonic, not that you'd need such a thing sir knight but its saved many an individual from the horrors of hair loss!''

She laughs even harder at her own little pun, her donkey snorting in surprise at the sudden noise and then braying slightly in annoyance.


Well-Known Member
Odrosa hadn't come to know Z'ar for long at all but had already started to admire him. Willing to drag not one, but three whole bandits with his person no matter how inconvenient, simply for the sake of avoiding cruelty despite their previous wrongdoings. That, and he seemed kind. Understanding. Odrosa appreciated it more than her meager words could convey. Simply seeing fit to stare in deep thought before the sound of tiny clops shook her from her reverie. Looking over the small woman and her mule with a quizzical glance.

She had never seen a goblin in person. But tales of their assets were not exaggerated. Goodness!

Trying to keep her gaze fixated on the woman's face, Odrosa paused. Quickly coming to the same conclusion her companions surely did the moment Meralda started to speak.

Oh, she was definitely a charlatan. Or selling something illegal. Naive as Odrosa was she could still tell the little green lady may have been exaggerating. But the elf was curious nonetheless. Everyone needed a little something to draw business, maybe there was more to the cart than what met the eye...

Maybe. Looking to Sir Alec, Z'ar, and Orestina she wondered if they were just as interested.

"To be honest miss Meralda, um, I've never heard of you. I-I mean no offense, of course! It could be the mages I'm acquainted with aren't familiar with your wares. However, considering I'm a sorcerer it should be easy to sense the flow of mana in your brewing's! May I take a gander? I would love to see what you have to offer!"

Odrosa spoke earnestly, not meaning to come from a place of intimidation. Clueless to the fact the woman would have to be a fool to try and deceive someone who used magic into believing something was enchanted when it, in fact, was not. Moving over to get a better look at what she was selling, Odrosa gently dismounted for a moment, crouching to meet the goblin's line of sight somewhat with big, fascinated eyes.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda gives you a toothy grin, nodding enthusiastically.

''Oh don't you worry dear, after all only the most discerning mages have patronised this fine establishment. I hope that you shall join them, how could you not when you see what wonders await you? Feel free to browse as much as you like, I'm sure that you'll find something that tickles your fancy! We not only have potions but fine spirits and a few ''novelty items'' for those of a more adventurous nature. After all, alcohol and sex have a magic all their own or am I wrong?''

She gives a lascivious smirk at that, seemingly unworried about the fact that Odrosa is a mage. Whether that means she has nothing to hide or just has a very good pokerface is unclear.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Alec set down the flask he’d been examining. As described, it wouldn’t be helpful to them unless someone wanted to grow a beard for some reason. In fact, from what Meralda was saying, the rules of his Order would prohibit him from almost everything that she sold.

We don’t have time for this, he thought glumly as the sky continued to darken. Zolon has too great a lead on us. We ought to be riding ahead with all possible haste, not bandying words with passing merchants…

But it wasn’t his call to make, and one of the others might yet find something of value here. With a quiet sigh of resignation, Alec moved his steed a few steps away from the cart while he waited for the others to finish their shopping.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Settling down the bundle of bandits Z'ar will glance over to Sir Alec and shrug apologetically. The knight's frustration was understandable; Zolon retrieving all the piece to the book was certainly something that would lead to disaster. With that being said if the ex-court wizard was even half as capable as Odrosa or the king made them out to be then it was unlikely that a half hour detour would make much a difference. As he steps over to join Odrosa in perusing the green peddler's wares he'll call over.

"Maybe the goblin has something useful. It seems we'll be stopped a moment anyways. You and Orestina should take a look. Perhaps she sells magic arrows or an enchanted blade."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina had been intrigued at the sight of the traveling saleswoman, Meralda as she'd introduced herself, at first but that interest had quickly faded as she'd realized most if not all of what was being offered was a ruse. She couldn't help but smirk at the goblin woman's response to Odrosa and that smirk only grew wider at Z'ar's obvious bait. "Yeah alright, I'll bite." she called back dismounting and striding over before coming to a stop next to him. "Two gold says she has nothing of the sort" she challenged as she nudged him in the leg, her eyes glinting mischievously.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
As you look through Meralda's wares, you find all manner of strange and interesting items, ranging from the mundane (''Hangover Be Gone'') to the fantastical (''Bootiful Brew''). From what Odrosa can tell, it is indeed all magical, save for the alcohol and sex toys of course. That is a surprise to be sure, but what's even more shocking is that she does in fact sell magical weapons. Granted, she doesn't have a lot of them on offer but you do indeed find a set of iron tipped arrows in a velvet quiver and a fancy looking sword in a golden scabbard. Each have a slight glow to them, an obvious sign of enchantment. Judging by her knowing smirk, Meralda had listened in on your bet and felt it amusing not to spoil the outcome.

''Ah I see you have found the Hawkwind Arrows and Eversword! You have an eye for quality my friends, for each of these astounding items are of the highest rarity! The stories of how they came into my possession would make any bard richer than their wildest dreams, but suffice it to say the former belonged to the legendary Spirus Dosa one of the greatest hunters in history! These arrows never fail to hit their target! The latter is no less impressive, a sword forged by the fabled Dwarven master blacksmith, Andri Iron Thumb! The blade is totally indestructable! Now, other merchants would charge you and arm and a leg for such fantastic items, but since you are new customers and clearly good folk, I am only charging a mere three hundred gold for each one!''

Her sales pitch is exaggerated no doubt, but beneath all the bluster the items are truly magic and they do look very impressive. While Orestina has never heard of Spirus Dosa possessing a weapon like this, much of the knowledge of those days has been lost to time so it is technically possible. The same goes for the Eversword, Andri Iron Thumb is well known to have forged many different weapons in his time and some have ended up in the hands of both private collectors and salesmen. Whether that's the case here.... that's up to you to decide.

Meralda waits patiently for your reply, her body relaxed yet her eyes filled with enthusiasm and a wide grin spread over her face.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar had few possessions, almost all of which had come from his years in the monastery. His years as an orphan combined with the demphasis on excess or waste the monastery had drilled into him and he had always been one to shy away from knick knacks and baubles. At least, that is what he had assumed until he began to look through Meralda's wares. Simultaneously fascinated and confused he held up and examined every tincture and bobble he was allowed to, looking at the bright colors and glinting metals as the goblin pitched her best to Orestina and Sir Alec. Only half registering Orestina's wager with a nod, he'll pause with a puzzled look on his face at the one labeled "''Bootiful Brew", unsure of its mean nor able to parse the text.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda chuckles at Z'ar's confusion, pointing to the potion in his hands with a wry grin.

''Ah bootiful brew, one of our most popular products! Guaranteed to increase the size of any ass until its well..... as big as mine! Of course, you can moderate the size increase by controlling how much you drink, but you'd be surprised how many people just guzzle the whole thing! If you want it friend, its yours for just six gold!''

Pausing for a moment, she then speaks in a faux conspiratorial whisper, smirking all the while.

''And in case you fine folk were wondering, no I didn't sample my own wares, this right here is all natural!''

She spanks her ass at that, her fat cheeks wobbling loudly as she laughs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
From his position a few meters off, Sir Alec shook his head and sighed. Meralda’s crude humor was starting to grate on him. He'd already dismissed the idea of the Eversword. Honest steel had served him well enough for twenty-five years; there was no need to replace it. And the transformatives… Alec had heard about those, even seen their results once or twice, enough to understand why they were distrusted in most places. You heard platitudes about ‘reflecting your true self,’ but at the heart of it, Alec knew that transformation was really just another form of deception: a way of concealing the truth about yourself, your origins, your identity, or-


“Your most popular products? Just who have you been selling to, exactly?”

Would Zolon Adair ever lower himself to using such things? That didn't seem likely, given what little he'd heard about the man, but Alec had to remind himself that improbable was not the same thing as impossible.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda waves a hand, in an encompassing gesture. Her tone when she speaks is as enthusiastic as ever.

''Why, folks all across the land, brave sir knight! Plenty of people feel the need to change themselves in one way or another and just as many have become my valued and satisfied customers! Did you have somebody particular in mind?''

The look in her eyes is curious, yet with an almost feral gleam. You get the feeling that Meralda has a nose for opportunity, in all its potential forms.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Alec paused, drumming his fingers over the pommel of his sword while he considered how to answer. He couldn't just say who he was thinking about without jeopardizing the mission, but since Alec had never actually met Archmage Zolon in person, he could only give a vague description of the man.

"...I'm thinking of an older gentleman. Traveling out of the capital, like us. Couldn't have been more than a week or two ago."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda makes a show of thinking about it for a minute.

''Hmm, older gentlemen eh? I may have seen somebody like that, although my memory is a bit hazy. If only I had something to refresh it......''

She coughs slightly and holds out a palm, giving you an innocent yet expectant look.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Even the most principled of knights understood the routine. It happened everywhere, from the noblest palace to the humblest slums. Nothing was ever free, not even information.

Alec's hand went from his hilt to his purse and fished out a pair of coins, which he tossed into Meralda's waiting hand.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda gives you a satisfied smile and pockets the gold.

''It just came back to me! I did see a gentleman fitting that description while I was in Wulfbright. By the way he dressed and carried himself I could tell he was important and the most important people in this region all call the capital home. Not sure if he was some rich merchant or a nobleman, but he seemed to be in a hurry regardless. He left town almost as soon as he arrived. Showed no interest in my wares, in fact he turned his nose up at them when I tried to entice his interest! Can you believe that?''

She huffs at that, scrunching up her nose as if the very memory itself has a bad smell.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"I can," Alec said evenly, but his mood had been lifted. That piece of knowledge had been best thing he could have purchased.

A few days to Wulfbright, and she was only there a few days more... Less than a week, then. We might stop this quickly after all...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda glares at that but quickly shakes it off.

''Glad to be of service, now have the rest of your companions decided if they want to purchase something or not?''

She looks expectantly from one of you to the other.


Well-Known Member
Odrosa looked over the woman's wares with little coos of amazement, the assortment turning out to be just as magical as she had hoped. Well, mostly, her eyes conveniently inching away from the variety of devious devices and liqueur with an ebony flush. Looking behind her, Odrosa reckoned she had enough weight there without a Bootiful Brew, shaking her head. Nothing truly caught her eye. What caught her ears however was far more interesting.

Her father always had a distaste for bits and babbles, typically scorning anything he couldn't conjure with his own two hands as being lower grade. It very well could be him.

Inwardly the Drow was thankful Sir Alec had asked, giving her a little perspective on their time frame. However, she wasn't exactly thankful for the attitude that seemed to come with it, chewing her lip in worry. It felt like he could hardly stand the ditzy little shopkeep, as if he was barely tolerating her and showed it through all of those off glances and sighs that caught her heightened senses, making her ears twitch.

If he found a silly little vendor so grating she was afraid of how negotiations with the centaurs would go. What he might have thought of her and left unsaid.

Looking to Meralda she shook her head with a smile, reaching into her coin purse to deposit 50 gold coins into the curvy green-skinned woman's hand.

"I didn't see anything that caught my eye today, but I wanted to thank you for your time Miss Meralda, and your information. You have a wonderful selection, and I hope this gold furthers it."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda's eyes widen in delighted surprise at that, taking Odrosa's coin with a respectful bow.

''You are most welcome, my dear, it was my pleasure! And thank you for your praise and patronage, you are as generous as you are beautiful!''

She gives Odrosa a flirty smile and an even saucier wink as she pockets the money.