Journey to the North (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Will raises an eyebrow at that but accepts Orestina's gesture in the spirit it was intended, dismounting with a grunt. Seeing her flinch at the flash of lightning, he chuckles slightly.

''Don't worry, we're perfectly safe here. The odds of a bolt of lightning hitting this barn must be like one in a million!''

Hearing that, Paul and John glare at him.

''I think she was just a bit startled, mate.''

''Yeah, but thanks for putting that cheery thought out there, really puts us all at ease......''

Will smiles sheepishly at that and shrugs his shoulders in something approaching an apology.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Tucking and crouching behind a hay bale with a grunt of acknowledge Z'ar will attempt to wring dry his robes and belongings, twisting and squeezing the soaked clothes in a corner.

"I'm glad to hear she's kinder than the folk from my hometown. Do you think she would have some extra hot water to spare? It would be nice to see if we could squeeze in a bath while we're stuck here."

Before he has a chance to answer Orestina's question he'll hear here stumbling and cut herself off. Standing to look over the hay bale, curious at the abrupt cutoff he'll notice her flinch and the startled look on her face. With a bemused expression on his face he'll begin to slip back on his robes with a lighthearted chuckle.

"I'm surprised. I would have thought an accomplished ranger like yourself would be accustomed to such storms."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina's sharp inhalation and glowing cheeks signaled exactly how embarrassed the remarks from Will and Z'ar both had left her even before she spoke. "Y-Yeah and!? What of it?!" she blurted out, locking eyes with Z'ar for a brief moment before dropping her gaze with a huff. "Forget it" she dismissed, pulling her still wet hood back over her head and striding towards the barn's door.

"Going to ask Jodie about that hot water," she said, nodding back in Z'ar's direction "and something to dry ourselves with, anyone else want to add anything to the list?" she asked with feigned disinterest, though her posture and a tentative hand on the door made both her embarrassment and nervousness clear to see.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"I don't need anything," Alec called back, "but then, I already told her as much."

He finished unfastening the belts of his saddle and hoisted it off to give his horse a well-deserved break. With a slight grunt of exertion, the knight set it down next to the same crate where he had left his cloak.

"As for hot water, well... I wish you luck, but I suspect you'll have to make do with just a kettle."


Well-Known Member
Leaving her cloak to dry, Odrosa raised her head curiously at the sound of roaring thunder. Rarely seen by the elf in nature, sheltered as she had been, used to seeing it cast by wizards rather than the gods above. Smiling at Orestina, and finding her embarrassment rather adorable, she shook her head. The Dark Elf didn't notice it before, but the ranger was too cute with a blush!

"I could not relate more to that sentiment, Z'ar. Those outside my home, the Capital, have than expected. Even the bandits aren't hurling easy insults our way. Maybe the centaurs won't be too different if we're lucky. Oh, and speaking of hot water and kettles-"

Odrosa snapped her fingers a couple of times, pressing her lips to her digits. With a hot breath, the faintest flicker of a fiery ember emanated, careful not to let it catch on the hay.

"If clean water can be provided, I would be happy to heat it for all of us! However, I would need to do so on the upper floor of the barn, away from the dry grass. Don't need a fire and a thunderstorm. Also, would you like me to accompany you Miss Orestina?"

Odrosa didn't say it, but she didn't want to leave the half-elf out alone in a storm when she was clearly a little perturbed by the angry loud streaks across the sky, not even if the house was not far.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina's nerves quietened a little at Odrosa's offer as she took a quick breath before responding. "Only if it isn't too much trouble..." she embarrassedly murmured her reply, scuffing a boot againt the ground as she did so.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Heading out back into the storm, you are buffeted by the wind and rain once more but a quick dash sees you right back at Jodie's front door. When you knock, she opens with her usual smile, her voice as bright and cheery as ever.

''Howdy! Hope ya'll are settling in ok at the barn! It ain't much I know, but I hope its of help! I met your friend Sir Alec, so polite, but I don't think I've had the pleasure of making your acquaintance! As you know, my name's Jodie Lee! What's yours?''

She has no reaction whatsoever to the fact that Odrosa is a Dark Elf, a rare response indeed for a human.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Uh... yeah, I'd say we're settling in alright. I'm Orestina and this is Odrosa" Orestina replied, gesturing up at her Dark Elf companion as she introduced the two of them. "We were just wondering if you could spare us some water, enough to bathe with, and either a towel or rag to dry off with?" she asked, one of her ears flicking slightly under her hood as another bolt flashed in the distance.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Jodie nods solemnly at Orestina's words, as if she just said something very profound and wasn't just asking for bathing supplies.

''Oh yes, that's very sensible of you two gals, nothing like a hot bath to chase the cold away, not to mention cap off a long days travel! You just wait right here and I'll be back quicker than a hog eats slop! Clara, I'm gonna need some help here if ya don't mind!''

After a moment, you notice a statuesque minotaur woman start walking down the stairs. Black haired, brown eyed and tanned, a pair of sharp horns protrude from her head and she walks on a pair of hooved, hairy legs. What immediately draws your eye however is her breasts, a truly gargantuan pair that struggle against the farm clothes that she's wearing. Her ass is just as massive, shaking as she reaches each step. As she reaches the bottom, she gives you a curt nod.

''Howdy, this here's the guests you mentioned miss Jodie?''

Jodie smiles warmly at her.

''Yup that's them! Orestina, Odrosa, I'd like ya'll to meet Clara Belle, one of my farmhands!''

''Nice to meet ya'll.''

She is clearly a woman of few words, but you can tell she doesn't mean anything rude by it.

''Clara, would you be a dear and help me fill up a jug for these ladies and their bath? Oh and help me rustle up a few towels?''

Nodding once more, she and Jodie head back into the house. After a few minutes they return, Jodie holding several towels in her hands while Clara carries a large jug of water. Handing both off to you, the latter is decently heavy but you can still manage it. You'll have to cover the towels somehow to avoid them getting wet but that's not a problem. Jodie gives you both a beaming smile.

''There ya are, that should do ya'll right! Enjoy your bath and have a mighty fine rest of your evening!''

''Pleasant day to ya.''

With that, they close the door, leaving you to return to your companions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Left in the barn with Z’ar and the bandits, Alec busied himself with making sure the horses were taken care of: laying out buckets of feed for each while penning them towards the back so they couldn’t wander around.

“Have you figured out where you’re going to put those three tonight?” he asked Z’ar, indicating the captives. As compliant as they had been so far, Sir Alec still refused to let his guard down. Things were going too nicely for him to relax. He was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Well-Known Member
What caught Odrosa's attention wasn't just the height of the woman or the heft of her assets, but the tall horns jutting from Clara's forehead. The Dark Elf's eyes went wide for a moment until a grin began to tug at her lips. It all started to make sense. That's why Jodie seemed unbothered, she was used to non-humans!

Thank you for your hospitality miss Jodie and miss Clara!"

With the door firmly shut, Odrosa turned to Orestina, sharing the bucket's weight and carrying the bunt of the towels on her shoulder under her cloak.

She didn't bother to mention Jodie and Clara's possible relationship, simply giving Orestina a knowing smile, aware of the obvious question that hung over both of their heads. The Drow never was one for gossip having been on too many stranger's tongues herself, thinking it would be rude to baselessly assume things about her hosts.

Making her way back to their temporary shared shelter, Odrosa spoke up.

"They're quite kind, aren't they?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Left in the barn with Z’ar and the bandits, Alec busied himself with making sure the horses were taken care of: laying out buckets of feed for each while penning them towards the back so they couldn’t wander around.

“Have you figured out where you’re going to put those three tonight?” he asked Z’ar, indicating the captives. As compliant as they had been so far, Sir Alec still refused to let his guard down. Things were going too nicely for him to relax. He was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Following Sir Alec's gesture Z'ar will glance at the bandits before shaking his head.

"I'll be honest I did not think we would need to think of a place. Between us, the horses, and the farmer even if they tried to pull something they would not make it far, especially in this weather."

Clearing his nose he'll pull a comparatively dry rag from his bindle a dry his face some before looking back to Alec.

"Not to say your fears aren't reasonable. If it would comfort you I can take rest by the door; they would not be able to leave without quite literally going through me. And between you and me I fancy my odds with them."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec folded his arms, leaning back against one of the barn struts. It wouldn't have mattered much to him if the three tried to escape. He might even have turned a blind eye (hah!) towards it so long as they didn't attempt to stab anyone or swipe anything important on the way out.

"I think you misunderstand: I meant where in here did you want them to stay? The loft? The floor? Behind those boxes stacked in that corner? May as well decide where to put them before we figure out our own sleeping arrangements."


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Sir Alec folded his arms, leaning back against one of the barn struts. It wouldn't have mattered much to him if the three tried to escape. He might even have turned a blind eye (hah!) towards it so long as they didn't attempt to stab anyone or swipe anything important on the way out.

"I think you misunderstand: I meant where in here did you want them to stay? The loft? The floor? Behind those boxes stacked in that corner? May as well decide where to put them before we figure out our own sleeping arrangements."
"Oh, my bad."

Tucking the ineffectual rag away Z'ar will glance around for a suitable location. Now that he had thought about it he imagined it would be a good idea to have them rest somewhere to where they wouldn't cause much trouble. Aside from that he was sure they would appreciate having some space after sharing a ride the past while.

"I suppose the loft then. Gives them their own space and privacy while making sure it's hard for them to get into any trouble"


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
What caught Odrosa's attention wasn't just the height of the woman or the heft of her assets, but the tall horns jutting from Clara's forehead. The Dark Elf's eyes went wide for a moment until a grin began to tug at her lips. It all started to make sense. That's why Jodie seemed unbothered, she was used to non-humans!

Thank you for your hospitality miss Jodie and miss Clara!"

With the door firmly shut, Odrosa turned to Orestina, sharing the bucket's weight and carrying the bunt of the towels on her shoulder under her cloak.

She didn't bother to mention Jodie and Clara's possible relationship, simply giving Orestina a knowing smile, aware of the obvious question that hung over both of their heads. The Drow never was one for gossip having been on too many stranger's tongues herself, thinking it would be rude to baselessly assume things about her hosts.

Making her way back to their temporary shared shelter, Odrosa spoke up.

"They're quite kind, aren't they?"
When Orestina first saw Clara she couldn't help but look back at her companion for a brief moment, mentally comparing the two. Seeing the smile Odrosa shot her way, she at first returned a quizzical expression before a look of realization washed over her with a quiet "oh". "Yeah they are, can only hope we meet more folks like them" she replied to the question with a grin.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec nodded. It seemed the best place for it; if nothing else, the three would have trouble climbing down with their hands tied. But Z'ar's earlier comments had struck something in the knight's conscience. Glancing over at Paul, John, and Will, he sighed.

"...You aren't wrong in wanting to help them, you know."

He checked to make sure the captives still weren't listening in before he continued.

"I want you to understand: under different circumstances, I would be right with you in trying to guide them toward a better path. But here and now, those three are a hindrance. We have to watch our words carefully around them. We can't speak openly of our mission, our quarry, our selves. It's stifling...

"You probably think I'm heartless for how I act toward them, and perhaps I am more callous than they deserve, but please understand that I am thinking only of our greater duty, and what could be at risk if we fail in it."


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Glancing back at Sir Alec Z'ar will raise in a brow in surprise. Quickly he'll wave away the Knight's apparently regret and self consciousness away as he begins to step over to let back in their returning companions.

"You're far more accomplished than I Sir Alec. I have no doubt that such accomplishment is from instincts like yours, ensuring whatever task on hand is priority to make sure of success."

Pausing by the door he reminisces about his past for a moment, the smells of the gutters and the feeling of the mud beneath him, before continuing with a small smile.

"If anything I was worried you had thought me too soft. I probably sympathize with them too much but I can relate with their situation. I don't think I could sleep if I hadn't given them the same opportunity I had been given."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"And there is nothing shameful in that," Alec replied. "At least we can understand each other-"

He was cut off by the barn door opening as Odrosa and Orestina returned from the farmhouse, laden with their hostesses' generosity.

"Welcome back," he said, switching instantly to a more stiff and professional tone. "I see you got rather more than just a kettle, like I'd predicted. I take it Madam Jodie gave you no trouble?"


Well-Known Member
"None at all!" Odrosa responded rather chipperly, rushing inside the barn with Orestina to stop the wind and rain from barreling down on the two of them. Shutting the doors with a relieved sigh. Shivering a bit.

"Turns out she has another companion that helped supply us, a female minotaur by the name of Clara. Quiet but kind."

Placing down the water, Odrosa stretched out her tired arms and shoulders. Moving to pass around the towels to her companions.

"One for you, Sir Knight,"

She presented the towel to Sir Alec, not sure if he would be interested in bathing considering his rugged nature and more than understandable distrust of their other guests, but maybe he could find another use for it. Spare cloth and the like.

"For you, though I suspect it might be a tad small considering your frame."

Odrosa giggled playfully, gesturing to his height as she handed one over to Z'ar.

"And for you Miss Orestina, I hope my company helped calm your nerves a little about the storm." The Drow whispered, knowing the half-elf's bashfulness toward the subject, handing her the second to the last of the fresh linen. Stowing her own into her pack for later use, maybe when more privacy could be garnered.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will throw his head back in a laugh as he slings the towel over his shoulder. It wasn't the first time he had run into the issue with just how large he was and he was certain it wouldn't be the last. His tail will sweep towards the dark elf as he gestures good naturedly towards her as well.

"I could say the same to you Odrosa, though for admittedly different reasons."

His gaze will linger towards the farm house for a moment, staring at it in a gap of the door through the rain.

"Humor aside, I'm surprised just how many... non-humans? We've bumped into so far. From my hometown and monastery I had always assumed they were far fewer in-between."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Alec accepted his towel with a modest expression of thanks. If nothing else, he might consider washing his face with it.

He was likewise surprised to hear about the minotaur. Sir Alec had only encountered a few males of their kind before, but they had each been impressive in stature and terrifying in force. Rather like Z'ar, in a way, if he'd been covered in fur and had cloven hooves in place of clawed feet. He wouldn't have expected the house to accomodate one, judging by its simple exterior. Jodie's farm was proving to be full of surprises.

"Well, not counting ourselves, we've seen... one goblin, one minotaur, and six humans across three days? That's nothing too out of the ordinary for the road, in my experience. Were you truly that unique in your own village?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Shrugging Z'ar begins to dry off his top half with the towel the best he can, finishing the job of his rag from earlier. Rubbing his face and maw into the fresh cloth he shrugs.

"I lived in a back water. The town wouldn't show on half the maps of the area with how squalid it was. The monastery was fields nicer but at least to my knowledge I was the only non-human there."

He pulls back and flicks the towel out to wring it dry. His top half was dry now thankfully, though given how damp it was now it seemed he would have to let the air do the rest.

"Asides, I was including Odrosa and Orestina in that count. With them I've seen more non-humans than I have in my entire life, though that might have more to do with where I tended to travel."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Orestina accepted the towel from Odrosa with a small nod of thanks before using part of it to briskly dry off her face. Listening to the conversation between Z'ar and Sir Alec had her feeling she'd gained some slivers of insight on the two. "It's like he said," she chimed in, gesturing to Sir Alec "Think it's just the nature of travelling, especially in parts like this. We're bound to come across all sorts after all." she added, loosely gesturing to the lot of them gathered in the barn.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Paul jumps in at that, the three bandits having kept to themselves for a change until now.

''Not to mention, we are still pretty close to the capital! Lots of folks pass through this area going to and from Flavia, plenty end up settling down here too!''

John and Will nod enthusiastically.

''Yeah, don't be surprised if you run into plenty more along your journey, the world is a big place after all.''

''Big and dangerous, but I guess it would be pretty boring otherwise eh?''

Will grins as if he just said something particularly clever, which just makes John and Paul roll their eyes theatrically.


Well-Known Member
Odrosa chuckled at Z'ar's words, catching his meaning immediately. Overhearing the others and the bandits speaking, she casually wrenched out the water from her hair. Her clothes were dryer thanks to the cowl she had packed. Chiming in once her hair was decently suitable.

"It's funny, I've hardly met any non-humans throughout my life either! Not even one of my own people, given I was found-" She clicked her tongue, realizing she may have divulged more about herself than she was comfortable with. Yet...

She was traveling with them. Chances are her companions wouldn't judge.

"On the streets of the Capital and adopted. I hardly remember a thing since I was a girl. The royal court had nary an elf in sight, besides the occasional High Elf advisor. I've never seen a half-elf or dragonkin until now.'s been nice. Seeing all kinds of different faces and getting to know them, even the prudent human ones."

With that being said, she smiled in Sir Alec's direction in particular.

"And the surprisingly kind and occasionally adorable highwaymen. That's a first, too."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The bandits blush at that, clearly a bit embarrassed at being called adorable but also flattered. They seem unsure what to say in response, but Paul as ever breaks their wall of silence.

''Adorable, we've been called a lot of things but that ain't one of them. Kind once in a blue moon sure, but never adorable. Still thank you for the compliments, miss. I think I speak for all three of us when I say we feel the same about you.''

''Oh for sure!''

''You can say that again!''

Though still a bit flustered, you can tell that their praise is completely genuine.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
...Yes, and I'm sure you three know all about folks going to and from Flavia. Alec thought, sourly, though he didn't say anything. This utterly saccharine exchange would not make him forget the nature of that first encounter, but he wasn't about to spoil the mood with cynical commentary.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Seeing Sir Alec's expression sour Z'ar will rest a hand on his shoulder supportively. The apprehension was understandable; fortunately it would not be for much longer. Glancing around he'll motion to the bucket before asking

"So... who's going first?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Why don't you go first? You were the first to suggest getting this water after all" Orestina replied looking at Z'ar. "Besides you're already half undressed as is" she stated, gesturing with her free hand to his recently dried top half.


Well-Known Member
"And flirtatious."

Odrosa responded to the rowdy highwaymen. While she may have giggled at the bandit's antics, Alec's expression wasn't lost on her, shyly coughing, deciding not to entertain them more for the time being. Pressing her hands to the bucket, she closed her eyes to focus. A dull bubbling rose throughout the water before she moved her palms away, so as not to let the it boil too hot.

"Can't bathe without hot water, now it should be a comfortable enough temperature. Sincerest apologies if it's too warm."

She was far too shy to go first, idly twiddling her thumbs and staring off into the ceiling. If push came to shove she wouldn't be mortified to go first, but it certainly wasn't the elf's preference.