Sighing in relief that Z'ar took the first bold step among them, the Dark Elf stood quietly, biding her time while he bathed. Humming a short tune.
She might have been tempted to take a peek or two if not surrounded, with a darkening tint to her cheeks. Surely he wouldn't blame a shut-in mage for being curious! She was shy regarding her own body, but who said she was regarding someone else's-
Seeing her draconic companion return, Odrosa began the process of keeping the water warm again. Her brow rising at the bandit's query. Sir Alec has a good point, though she suspected they wouldn't act up knowing damn well what happened before. But another thought found itself wedged in her head, much more pervasive.
That more than likely she'd be the one peeping if she could get away with it.
Improper and invasive as the thought was, Odrosa had never seen another person bare before. Innocent curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge wasn't the same as being some lecher ... right?
Shaking her head of her imaginings, Odrosa didn't see why not. Considering one of them would be tied to her for the duration of their journey.
"Oh, I knew these would come in use!"
The Drow pulled various goods from her knapsack until a few, in particular, caught her gleaming gaze. Holding up her requested bars of soap with a victorious little grin. She knew it was practical!