Journey to the North (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will hold the brew up to the light and scratch his chin. The goblin's explanation had been... Informative, but he still felt puzzled at the object. If the shopkeep was all natural then how did she know the effects of the tincture? Did she make it herself? If she was speaking the truth it meant she must've tested it and measured if she could give such a quantitative example. Did she herself purchase it from somewhere? His spiral of thoughts end however at the sound of Odrosa's transaction. Looking up and seeing even Sir Alec with a content expression he gathers that the knight had found something worthwhile. With a shrug Z'ar will dig out the coins and squat to pass them to the goblin, pocketing the tincture. If nothing else the item seemed humourous. Besides, it would be rude to not purchase anything after taking the lady's time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda smiles warmly at that, gladly taking Z'ar's money.

''Excellent choice my friend, I hope that you get a lot of use out of, in one way or another! Now, is there anything else? How about you, dear woman?''

She shoots that question at Orestina, eagerly awaiting a reply.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Hmm... I am interested in these arrows but..." Orestina replied slowly, looking like she was caught halfway between speaking to Meralda and getting lost in thought. "You said they belonged to Spirus Dosa but how did you find out about that yourself and, for that matter, where did you come across them?" she continued, notes of skepticism and curiosity equally present in her tone.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''I'm glad you asked! To cut a long and exciting story short, I spent months travelling in the lands to the far south, searching for the fabled tomb of Spirus Dosa. Alas, I didn't find it but I did manage to stumble upon one of his barrows, each rumoured to hold one of his fabled weapons! A group of hired adventurers and I excavated it and after quite a bit of peril (booby traps, curses, that sort of thing), we found the arrows! I had them confirmed by an independent antiquarian and the rest as they say is history!''

Meralda says all this as if she's just describing the weather. You can't tell if she sounds so casual because its just a statement of fact, because she rehearsed it or because she's great at improvising.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Despite still feeling hesitant about the arrows, Orestina sighed as her intrigue ultimately won out over any further doubts. "Alright, consider me sold on them, how much for the Hawkwind arrows?" she asked, already reaching for her coin pouch.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
If Meralda seemed happy before, now she seems positively ecstatic. You get the feeling large purchases tend to do that to her. You can practically see the coin symbols in her eyes as she beams at Orestina.

''As I said before my dear, it is three hundred gold and well worth the price!''

Despite the finality of her statement, you get the distinct impression that she isn't averse to haggling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Picking up on the undertone of Meralda's statement, Orestina couldn't help but inwardly grin. Let's see how far we can push our luck... she thought to herself. "Oh of course, two hundred gold like you said before, how could I have forgotten so easily?." she replied, feigning surprise at her 'mistake'.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Seeing exactly what you're doing, she smiles knowingly at you.

''Its actually 280 gold dear but I can see how you would make that mistake! After all, this is all so new to you''.

She's knocked 20 gold off the price but the whether she'll go further than that is up in the air and dependent on your negotiation skills.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"I guess I can't hide how green behind the ears I am to all this can I?" Orestina quietly laughed, tucking a few strands of auburn behind a pointed ear to punctuate the question. "Would you be willing to show me the ropes, say... for the price of 240 gold?" she continued, smiling sweetly all the while.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''No problem my dear, we all have to start somewhere! Call it 245 gold and we'll call it a deal!''

Judging by her tone and meeting you in the middle, you can tell that's as far down as she's willing to go. She smiles just as sweetly back at you, but her eyes are as shrewd as any good businesswoman.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"It's a deal then" Orestina agreed, fishing out the agreed amount and handing it to Meralda. "Oh right! Hey Z'ar, here's yours too" she exclaimed, fishing out another two gold and handing it to the towering man.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Meralda happily takes Orestina's gold, giving you a satisfied smile in return as she hands you the quiver full of arrows.

''Pleasure doing business with you my friends, you won't regret this purchase even for a second! Now, is there anything else I can do for you all before I head off? It is getting rather late and I aim to set up camp before it gets too dark. It has been a long and tiring journey and besides, the night is full of many things that would love to prey on me and Phineas here''.

The donkey snorts in reply, Meralda scratching him behind the ears.

''Luckily, I have a bed roll and a tarp in case of rain. Not the most comfortable way to sleep, but you get used to it. Some people like to rough it, personally the only roughing I like to do is in the bedroom and I prefer that to be a plush and well furnished one whenever possible!''

She chuckles at her own lewd joke and takes a moment to feed Phineas a carrot she fishes out of her wagon. The beast scarfs it down and leaves out a satisfied bray.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec inhaled sharply. Of course the woman had to add one more vulgar insinuation at the last minute. He could hardly wait to see the last of Meralda, though he was half-expecting (and half-dreading) that one of his comrades would invite her to encamp with them. The highwaymen were bad enough company as it was!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Seeing that she has a group of (mostly) satisfied customers, Meralda bids you farewell with a wave and a smile, bidding you to patronise her ''establishment'' again in the future should you cross paths again. As she heads towards wherever she will lay her head for the night, you search for a campsite of your own, finally coming upon another decent spot in which to pitch your tents. As twilight bathes the world in its eerie glow and your campfire ignites, there is nothing but the sounds of a light breeze and the chittering of insects. That is until, a series of groans followed by harsh screams echo from two of the bandits. It appears that they have finally regained consciousness and are finally feeling the pain of their injuries.

''By the gods, where the fuck are we!? What did you do to us, ya tossers!?

''Let us go or at least give us something for the pain, we're dying here!''

The one who was shocked by Odrosa's magic is awake too, although other than some continuous twitching and spasming he seems to be in better condition than his friends.

''John, Will, calm down! We're at these people's mercy so it'd be better for all our sakes if you didn't agitate them!''

''Agitate them!? Paul, they killed Rob and Kean for fuck sake!''

''And we'll mourn them later, right now we have to focus on our own survival!''

They aren't modulating their voices at all and while John and Will continue to struggle against their bonds despite the clear agony it is causing them, Paul remains still, well as still as he can after his electrifying experience.


Well-Known Member
Odrosa was just about drifting off to sleep, long lashes fluttering downward before the piercing cries of their impromptu guests roused her from her rest. Knife-point ears flickering at the sound that ached them, gripping her chest in shock. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Odrosa turned her attention to the restrained bandits. Her eyebrows furrowed downward hearing their pleading voices.

They may have brought it upon themselves but it didn't make her feel any better.

She knew. She knew that if life hadn't turned out the way it did for her, luckily scooped up off the streets, she would be in their position, if not worse. Hunger and desperation twisted the best people into the worst version of themselves, something she had witnessed firsthand from her own people. And they were clearly in dire straits, now two men short. Two people they mourned for, short.

Odrosa rose from her cot, slowly stalking towards the captive highwaymen. Her face was hard to read, near expressionless cept for a forlorn touch. Towering height looming over the trapped men as she knelt down to her knees in front of Paul. She didn't have permission to treat the others, but at the least had to do something about the one she injured herself. Seeing the painful twitch of his nerves twisted her stomach too much.

They would be scared, certainly. Terrified, even. Anyone would when a Dark Elf approaches from the shadows.

"I'm not going to hurt you again, okay? I promise."

Concentrating with a deep intake of breath, the Drow's palms began to light up in the dark with a gentle golden glow, laying her hands across Paul's body. From his arms to his face and chest.

"I was never a skilled healer. I'm sorry, but this is all I can do."

Tissue and sinew couldn't be mended by Odrosa's unskilled hands, but the worst of the aches and pains could be dulled. Caressed by a warm fuzz, painful spasms blanketed by heat. Akin to a soothing, hot bath. The branching Lichtenburg pattern fading, barely. Focused with closed eyes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Seeing Odrosa approach, the three bandits fell silent, their eyes filled with a mix of both fear and hatred. John and Will glare venomously at the Dark Elf, their agonised bodies tensing as they aim to put up whatever defence they can. Paul meanwhile aims to look as non threatening as possible, clearly hoping to spare himself from any attack. Odrosa's words however give all three pause, confusion, wariness and outright scorn each of their faces. This turns to absolute disbelief as she uses her magic to heal Paul, his twitches and spasms lessening in severity. He takes a deep breath, exhaling in relief. The look he gives her is simultaneously grateful and respectful, but you can tell he is still very perplexed.

''Thank you...... It still hurts, but the pain is more manageable now. I don't know why you did this, you didn't have to after all, but I appreciate it.''

He chances a small smile at her, his expression soft.

John and Will pipe up again too, although they are a lot quieter and more respectful than they were before.

''Hey, what about us!? Please heal us too!''

''Yeah, you can't just leave us suffer like this! We're in worse shape than Paul, after all!''

They sound almost emotional, swallowing their pride for even the smallest chance of relief from their suffering.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Wordlessly Z'ar will pull a water skin out from his pack and step over to join Odrosa, towering over the bandits. He couldn't help but think back to how just a few years ago he was in a similar situation to these bandits; fate having forced them to fight tooth and nail for survival. He had been lucky to be pulled out of his ditch. These folk deserved the same chance.

"Take deep breaths and be still. We're bringing you to Wulfbright; you'll get proper care there. For now you'll have to make do until we've gotten some rest."

Crouching down he'll loosen the bandit's bonds, allowing easier access to their wounds. Carefully Z'ar will tip the water skin over them; the cool clear water washing clean their injuries. After each has been washed he'll strip a clean cloth to bind and cover the wounds.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Seeing Z'ar approach causes the bandits to tense up again, due to his great size and the memory of what he did to John and Will. His words seem to calm them down, although you can tell that the pair still hold great resentment towards him given that he was the source of their injuries. Still, his ministrations seem to go a long way towards mollifying them, their sighs of relief palpable. Its clear that they're still in great pain, but both it and the ashen look on their faces have noticeably lessened. Paul speaks up once again.

''Thank you, its a lot easier to breathe now and the pain is more tolerable. We haven't had a proper wash in ages too, so that's also quite refreshing. We appreciate it. Isn't that right, you two?''

''Yeah thanks, that was pretty decent of you, I guess......

''Yes, we are most grateful.....

You can tell John and Will do mean what they're saying but they're only reluctantly admitting it, for obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“You shouldn’t get too familiar with them,” Sir Alec said plainly as he watched the scene from across camp.

He knew that once the party reached Wulfbright, ‘proper care’ for those three would likely take the form of a headsman’s axe. Banditry was a serious crime, with harsh sentences. These men were already as dead as the two bodies left behind by the roadside. Those were the demands of justice as Alec understood them, even if it seemed Odrosa and Z’ar didn’t.

He dared not tell them as much, though - there was no good way to say it without coming across as a heartless bastard.

He tossed a fresh log onto the fire, kicking a fountain of sparks into the air. Now that the hostages were awake, it meant that watch duty would be more complicated. Two on guard, perhaps? One looking out, one looking in? He stroked his beard and stared into the flames while he considered the best way to assign the rota. It was better than thinking of what the highwaymen might do if they managed to slip their bonds...


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Practically leaping out of her skin at the sudden shouting, Orestina quickly looked around for the source of the voices before realizing it was the captive bandits coming to. Sitting up in her bedroll, she watched both Odrosa and Z'ar approach the men and tend to their injuries. Listening to the bandits speak left her with a sullen expression as she pulled her knees to her chest.

"They had to have known the risks..." she thought to herself grimly. "But if they had no choice..." she stopped herself short, shaking her head dismissively as if it would toss the thoughts from her head. Lost in thought as she was, she heard Sir Alec's voice but not what was said, before startling slightly at the crackling sparks kicked up from the fire. "Now's not the time for that sort of thought" she mentally chastised, burying the seeds of doubt in the back of her mind as she turned to stare out into the dark around their camp.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
After a few more moments of contemplation, Alec reached his conclusion. He stood up and strode over to where Z’ar and Odrosa were tending to their captives.

“Are they well enough to walk?” He asked, looming behind his comrades while he examined the trio.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Seeing Sir Alec, John and Will glare harshly at him, immediately recognising him as the man who killed one of their comrades. Paul for his part affects a more neutral expression, although you can tell he's just as upset by the sight as his two friends are. Still, he does his best to answer the knight's question.

''I can I think, although probably not that well and not that far. How about you two?''

''Are you joking? It hurts to even breathe, let alone walk!''

''Yeah, we're a long ways off from that......''

You can tell from the pained tone of their voices, the sweat caking their brows and their pale faces that they're telling the truth. Odrosa and Z'ars treatment definitely helped, but they still need a lot more time to fully heal.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Z'ar will glance towards the bandits on the ground before looking back to Sir Alec.

"Camp is already set. Let us take the chance to rest while we can."

Standing up he'll clap Alec's back reassuringly, taking the chance to lean in and whisper to avoid the bandits from overhearing.

Asides. If we appear too much a hurry to everyone we meet people will start asking questions. Best to act if we are a simple band of travelers taking pace at our leisure."

Seeing Orestina startled he'll give an apologetic glance before looking around.

"Now, given everything we probably want two people on watch. One for anyone approaching, another for..."

He'll look towards the bandits with a sorry shrug.

"Who wants to take first watch with me?"
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Alec returned the bandits' glares with silent contempt before putting his back to them and turning his attention to Z'ar.

"I'm not suggesting that we break camp," he whispered back, "but I don't want those three slowing us down, appearances be damned. They can have tonight as long as someone stays awake to watch them, but I say we let them go first thing tomorrow morning."


Well-Known Member
Odrosa heard Sir Alec's approach, curious. She was already rubbing her palms together to begin her attempt to heal the other two captives, sweat beading at her temple. Close as they were and sensitive as her ears be, she couldn't entirely overhear Z'ar and Alec's conversation, too absorbed in her self-imposed work. However, she caught something about first watch, turning behind her to Z'ar, Alec and Orestina.

"I wouldn't mind helping keep watch. Dark Elves are nocturnal, we're sleepier in the day, in all honesty. Night suits us better." She smiled gently at that, rising with a stretch. Regardless of what her magic took out of her, she did seem more spry than usual.

"We are adapted to even see in the dark." She pointed to her eyes for reference, a dim sheen to them, not unlike a feline.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
John and Will leave out a sigh of relief at that, Odrosa's magic having an immediately beneficial effect on them, as it did with Paul earlier.

''Nocturnal or not, we thank you for your help, miss.''

''Yeah, we're still in agony but at least we don't feel like we'll collapse at any moment anymore.''

All three give Odrosa a small smile at that, clearly as grateful for her efforts as they claim.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sir Alec nodded in acknowledgement of Z'ar and Odrosa's initiative, pleased to see that the monk had come to such a similar idea as himself.

"Very well. You two will take the first watch, Lady Ores-" Mid-sentence, Alec realized that they hadn't said any of their names in front of the captives. It may not have been intentional, but it seemed like a good thing to keep going. He cleared his throat and continued, "ahem WE will take the second."

He waved a hand dismissively toward the bandits (Paul, George, and Ringo or whatever their names were) and added: "I suggest you gentlemen just sleep through the entire night if you can. Make it easier on all of us."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Paul, John and Will begrudgingly nod at Sir Alec, not appreciating his tone and dismissive attitude but clearly agreeing with his suggestion.

''Don't worry, we were planning on it.''

''Yeah, after all we're injured and exhausted, both physically and mentally''

''You can say that again!''

With that, the trio get as comfortable as they can and attempt to drift off, their expressions of pain as they do so both audible and vulgar.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2017
Alec returned the bandits' glares with silent contempt before putting his back to them and turning his attention to Z'ar.

"I'm not suggesting that we break camp," he whispered back, "but I don't want those three slowing us down, appearances be damned. They can have tonight as long as someone stays awake to watch them, but I say we let them go first thing tomorrow morning."
"Usually I couldn't care less about appearances but infamy travels faster than fame. We leave them to rot and if they make it they'll spend every free second they have bemoaning us. We bring them all the way to town and their focus is on dealing with the law, not us."

Z'ar will sneak a side glance towards the bandits, a grimace briefly flashing on his before he shakes it away.

"Asides. In their state it'd more or less be killing them ourselves."

Odrosa heard Sir Alec's approach, curious. She was already rubbing her palms together to begin her attempt to heal the other two captives, sweat beading at her temple. Close as they were and sensitive as her ears be, she couldn't entirely overhear Z'ar and Alec's conversation, too absorbed in her self-imposed work. However, she caught something about first watch, turning behind her to Z'ar, Alec and Orestina.

"I wouldn't mind helping keep watch. Dark Elves are nocturnal, we're sleepier in the day, in all honesty. Night suits us better." She smiled gently at that, rising with a stretch. Regardless of what her magic took out of her, she did seem more spry than usual.

"We are adapted to even see in the dark." She pointed to her eyes for reference, a dim sheen to them, not unlike a feline.
Straightening out Z'ar will clap his hands together and smile.

"Great! In that case you watch towards out of camp while I keep an eye on our guests Odrosa. We can look out for each other's backs at the same time as well."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The night passes uneventfully, the three bandits sleeping like logs until morning as the party conducts their watches. Despite their injuries, the trauma to their bodies and the excitement of the day catches up with them, so that the most disturbing thing that you encountered was their loud snores. Breakfast is the same thing everyday, tasty and filling in its own way but after a few days of the same thing its starting to lose a bit of its charm. Not so for the bandits, who devour theirs as if its food fit for the gods.

''This is delicious! Let me get some more of that oatmeal!''

''We haven't eaten stuff like this in ages! It makes a real change from our usual fare!''

''You can say that again, I've had enough nuts and berries to last a lifetime! And venison, don't even talk to me about venison! Not to mention wild boar and squirrel and.....''

Will goes on in that vein for a while, Paul and John nodding along while you finish your meal. After you're all full (and you finally get the trio to stop eating), Paul looks to the party and asks a question.

''So about the riding situation..... We were wondering if maybe we could each ride with a single person individually? It was all well and good when you were carrying us, well I assume so anyway given that we were unconscious at the time, but I doubt three of us will fit on a single horse. It would make things a lot easier on all of us, what do you say?''

His voice is mild and reasonable, his comrades nodding vigorously in approval. It appears that he has become the unintentional spokesmen for the group, the others (mostly) alright with referring to his judgement.