Due to this thread https://fenoxo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4567-idea-literal-pussy-lips-tf/, for some reason or another I started writing a TF.
The idea is simple enough. It's a lipstick which transforms your vagina into a mouth shaped one. Just look at this https://static1.e621.net/data/3a/b0/3ab06409791d3b46c82d7a5f0ca828f1.png. It will also be able to change the colour of your pussy the first time, or on repeatable uses.
But this is my first time writing for T.i.T.S. and I have most likely bitten more than I can chew, with the addition of probably having made several mistakes with the parser. That's why I'd love some feedback.
Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TImToBhtz7QSjAUvJbMaT5oUx0XHvnGrBab0ABqrdw/edit?usp=sharing
If you find one name for the TF you particularly like, or come up with a better one, feel free to share it with me
The same goes for the parser tags...
Update 09/20
I've done some major changes this time.
First of all I've rewritten the original transformation sequence to support the addition of having a tongue. Yes you read correctly a tongue. Whenever you use the lipstick you'll gain the tongue flag, just like the "pumped" and "nubby" flags.
Secondly I've added a secondary item, which will let you remove that flag at anytime. It will always be added to your inventory after the usage of the lipstick. Just like immuno boosters are added after using foxfire. The plan is that it will also be sold separately as it's an excellent lust source, should you not have a tongue in your nethers.
As usual feedback and corrections (should you find any, which you most likely will...) are very much appreciated.
IMPLEMENTED (04/11/17):
Muffstick is implemented
I hope you all have fun with it
Now, the way to unlock it became a bit round about to promote exploration in the game, which I personally find to be a good thing. But some people might struggle with it. So that´s why I think adding this short guide would be nice if people struggle.
1. Buy FizzyFix (Currently sold at one of the new J´ejune dispensers, might be changed to a different one later)
2. Read it´s Codex so that the Muffstick Codex gets unlocled
3. You can now buy it at Sera´s. Have fun
This may change on devs discretion.
The idea is simple enough. It's a lipstick which transforms your vagina into a mouth shaped one. Just look at this https://static1.e621.net/data/3a/b0/3ab06409791d3b46c82d7a5f0ca828f1.png. It will also be able to change the colour of your pussy the first time, or on repeatable uses.
But this is my first time writing for T.i.T.S. and I have most likely bitten more than I can chew, with the addition of probably having made several mistakes with the parser. That's why I'd love some feedback.
Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TImToBhtz7QSjAUvJbMaT5oUx0XHvnGrBab0ABqrdw/edit?usp=sharing
If you find one name for the TF you particularly like, or come up with a better one, feel free to share it with me
The same goes for the parser tags...
Update 09/20
I've done some major changes this time.
First of all I've rewritten the original transformation sequence to support the addition of having a tongue. Yes you read correctly a tongue. Whenever you use the lipstick you'll gain the tongue flag, just like the "pumped" and "nubby" flags.
Secondly I've added a secondary item, which will let you remove that flag at anytime. It will always be added to your inventory after the usage of the lipstick. Just like immuno boosters are added after using foxfire. The plan is that it will also be sold separately as it's an excellent lust source, should you not have a tongue in your nethers.
As usual feedback and corrections (should you find any, which you most likely will...) are very much appreciated.
IMPLEMENTED (04/11/17):
Muffstick is implemented
I hope you all have fun with it
Now, the way to unlock it became a bit round about to promote exploration in the game, which I personally find to be a good thing. But some people might struggle with it. So that´s why I think adding this short guide would be nice if people struggle.
1. Buy FizzyFix (Currently sold at one of the new J´ejune dispensers, might be changed to a different one later)
2. Read it´s Codex so that the Muffstick Codex gets unlocled
3. You can now buy it at Sera´s. Have fun
This may change on devs discretion.
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